Loan Application To Sign

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 9,866
  • Pages: 23
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E*€+rmati** @ *redit/ErT:Flsyment Thecredit information below isfor E Cosigner ! Undergraduate onowncreditworhiness (Refer b Sbp4 for instructions.) g !,500 l\4ortthlyHousingPrymgll E0w1 trRent fllirewrthparent Emplopr/Company NqrlqeRACLECORpORATf ON CityREDWeODSHOfES State ZIP94065 CA Yeafs wthemployer 9 yfs-o.months Current PositionDIRECTOR Telgphone[ 650 I 506 - 7000 position lf lessthantwoyears, listprevious employer lelepnonet l Gro99MOI!TI|!YttrpgqeFr-oqEmptqy4enr. $ ZO00 l.l Y-e9 Selfemployed? Retired?EYes ENo , E Nq ()tIelUOnTHly ltqgng (Spo!rs?|,. qrc.)l' $ rcJr!a_|, 4l 9!Er ttcclte $qurce(9ee_S!ep

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Slvenln g0o0raltn. lt my promissorfnotqrs a Ma,styplupa(Loan Promrssory Note,I understand that multipleLoansmay be disbursedunderthe termsof the Note. Pti*



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HtrR! $ H!RD Weherebycertifothatthe studentnamedin thisapplication is/wasattending this institution duringthe Loanperiodthis Loanis beingrequested. Wefurthercertih/that,basedupon records available at this institution, the applicant is not in provided defuulton anystudentloanandthattheinformation aboveis trueandaccurate to the bestof ourknowledee and Wecertify belief. thatthesumof all loansandtinanci-al aid, jncluding thisLoan,doesnolexceed thecostof education at this institution.

*Gross individual monthly income must be at least 91,500. Income verificaiion may be required. "Alimony, child support, or separale maintenance income need not be revealed il tou do not wish ro have it considercd as a basis for repaying ihis loan.


! LessthanHalfTime

Anticipated Completion Date




Student's Enrollment Status


Se-instructions on reEm side 3) to dctemine it you shilH appv with a Gigner. 0nly om co+igner may be indicaed. llotice:cHigner mustb€ a U.S.citizenor p€manef cide' at least18 yean of agL,mustfroide a [rmrnt U.S.addrss, andmusthavea verifablcin6m of at leastSl8,frO per year SocialSecurity# 0L4 --,. -- -80 . , , 3351 Cosignerrelationshiptostudent ll%rent lRelative EOrer

stlqel-3,5403MoNTEBBA CTRCLE HowManyYearsThqlql ,4yrs0months.

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SchoolCertification To be complaed by the FinancialAid Offce.

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@Laan Infonnation Loan amount requested $ 20,000


TheStudent LoanCorporation


Borrower Alien#

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Warning: Any person who knowingly makes a false statement or misrepresentation on this form is subject to penalties which may include fines or imprisonrent.


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MasterStudentLoan PromissoryNote/ Borrower'sCopy and co-signer The words"1","me", "my", "us" and "mine" meanthe Borrower(thestudent-applicant) (theguarantor), The words"you", "your", and "yours" mean exceptwhereotherwiseindicated. and assignsincluding any insurance companyacquiring this Master Citibank,N.A.,its successors, StudentLoan PromissoryNote("Note")by paymentof an insuranceclaim. Forthe purposeof determining myeligibilityforcredit, lauthorizeCitibank,N.A.(theBank),its agents, and assignsto gathercreditinformationaboutme and to give informationaboutmy applicationto others in accordancewith applicablelaws.I understandthat you normallyobtaincreditreporlsfor all loan applicants and cosigners. Uponmy request,you willinformme if a reporthas beenobtainedand willgive me the name and addressof the agencyfurnishingthe repofi.I understandthat futurerepoftsmay be orderedon me in connectionwith any review,renewalor extensionof creditunderthis Notewithout fufthernoticeto me. I authorizemy schooltoreceive,provide,and confirminformation regarding my attendance,financialaid, and enrollmentstatusduringthe term of this Note.I understandthat the proceedsof the initialor any subsequentLoan,if approved,must be usedfor educationalpurposesand that disbursements will be sentto my Schoolon my behalfby checkor electronicfundstransler. ITIONS "AcademicYear" is the periodof time,notto exceed12 consecutive months,whichyourschooldefines as its "AcademicYear". The "DisbursementDate" is the date or dates,as notedon the checkor ElectronicFundsTransfer (EFT)record,on whichyou lend moneyin consideration for my promiseto repayyou accordingto the termsof this will be the date a Loan,or any partof it, is advancedto me or to my schoolon my behalf. "Note" means,collectively, this MasterStudentLoan PromissoryNote,each and everyapplicationor requestfor creditunderthe MasterStudentLoan PromissoryNote,ConditionalApprovalLetter,and disclosures relatingto the creditreceivedby me underthe MasterStudentLoanPromissory Note,unless specificallyexcluded. The "lnterimPeriod"is a time periodwhichbeginson the firstDisbursement Dateand endssix months after I graduateor ceaseto be enrolledat leastparttime at an approvedschool.The InterimPeriodwill neverexceedten (10)yearsplussix (6) monthsfor undergraduate studyand four (4) yearsplussix (6) monthsfor graduatestudy. "Loan" or "Loan(s)"meansthe principal sum(s)disbursed duringa standardacademicyearplus accruedinterestand feesand othercharges,if any,due on suchdisbursedsums. "Loan Fee(s)"meansa guarantyfee that you may chargeme to compensateyou againstthe riskof default.The terms of my Loan,as set forlh in a ConditionalApprovalLetter,will specifywhetherthe Loan Fee is to be chargedto me or my Loan balanceupon:approvalof a Loan,upon disbursement of an advancemadeunderany Loan,at the commencement phase,or at someothertime. of the repayment Thisfee may be addedto the principal amountof any Loan(s). The "RepaymentPeriod"is a time periodwhichbeginson the datethe InterimPeriodends.The "StandardRepaymentPeriod"is a periodof 240 months. The "Total Loan Amount" is the aggregateamountof all disbursements and advancesmade by you on all Loanssubjectto the termsof this Note.

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APPrD'. Ltgd z?qq-l n b4R,Rr gl-r _QA xtS* c_ Referencesto "School" meanthe educationalor academicinstitution whichyou attend,or planto attend and in connectionwhichyou havesoughta Loanor Loansf rom us to defrayyour educationalcosts. PROMISETO PAY I promiseto payto Citibank,N.A.,its successors, assigns,and any otherholderof this Noteall sums disbursedunderthe termsof this MasterStudentLoan PromissoryNote,togetherwith interestat the rates(s)providedin the Note,late paymentcharges,Loan Feesand any otherfees or chargesowed underthe termsof this Note,includingany allowablereasonableattorneysfees and othercostsyou incur in collecting amountsowedon this Note,all according to the termsof thisNote.I willnot signthe applicationbeforereadingthis Noteeven if otherwiseadvised.The termsand conditionsset forth in the Noteconstitutethe entireagreementbetweenyou and me. I am entitledto an exactcopy of this Note.My signaturecertifiesthat I read,understand,and agreeto the terms of this Note. I understand and agreethat you may makemultipleLoansunderthis Noteduringthe courseof my attendanceat one or more Schools,and I agreethat each such Loan (whichmay consistof one or more or disbursements to my School)willbe subjectto the termsof this Note.I furtherunderstand individualLoan(s)may havedifferentLoan Feesand VariableRatesas disclosedin the "lnterest" sectionbelowand/orthe ConditionalApprovalLetterto be sent with respectto each such Loan.I understandthat the termsof any ConditionalApprovalLettersent to me with respectto a Loan are incorporated by referenceintothis Note. I agreethat no subsequent Loanswillbe madeunderthis Noteafterthe earliestof the followingdates:(i) the date you receivemy writtennoticethat no furtherLoansmay be disbursedunderthis Note;(ii)one yearafterthe dateof my signatureon this Noteif no disbursement is madeduringsuchtwelvemonth period;or (iii)five yearsafterthe date of my signatureon this Note. LOAN AMOUNTDISCLOSURE STATEMENT You havethe rightnot to make a Loanor to lend me an amountlessthan the amountthat I requested.I agreethatthe numberof disbursements withrespectto an individual Loanwillbe limitedto one per term and fourper AcademicYear.You willsendme a disclosure statement tellingme the amountof any disbursement(s) and otherinformation including any separatenoticesto co-signerrequiredby applicable law. I will reviewthe disclosurestatementand otherdocumentsupon receivingthem and will contactyou if I haveany questions. My obligationto repayamountsadvancedfor my benefitoccursupon my receipt,or my School'sreceipt on my behalf,of fundsdisbursedby you,or a disbursement of the amountof any LoanFeethat I may owe you underany Loan. BORROWER'SRIGHTTO CANCEL lf I am not satisfiedwith the termsof my Loanas approved,I may cancelany Loan and any disbursements. To cancelany disbursement underthis Note,I mustcontactyou in writingwithin15 days of receivingthe disclosurestatementor co-signernolice,notifymy School,not endorseany Loancheck, and ensurethat any Loandisbursements are returnedto you.Cancellation of a disbursement doesnot altermy obligationto repayamountsadvancedto me or to my Schoolon my behalfor to terminatethis Notewith respectto priorLoans.I understandthat I may also cancelor reducethe size of any disbursement you in writingwithin15 daysof receiving by informing the approvalletter,disclosure statementor any subsequent disbursement. I may alsocancelany Loanby informing you in writingwithin 15 daysof receiving the Conditional ApprovalLetter,disclosure statement or any subsequent disbursement and by arranging for all disbursements to be returnedto you.

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lf all or any portionof any Loanfundsdisbursedare returnedto you by the Schoolor me within30 days of the Disbursement Date,you will chargeno interestor chargeson the funds returned.I understandthat if a Loan is canceled,I will haveto reapplyto obtaina new Loan. I alsofullyunderstand thatthe failureto completethe educationprogramundertaken by me, as the Borrower,does not relieveme of any obligationon this Note. INTEREST Intereston each Loan underthe Notewill be calculatedat the VariableRate (as definedbelow)beginning on the first Disbursement Dateon the principalbalanceadvancedand on any unpaidinterestaddedto principal according to the Termsof Repayment belowuntiltheNoteis paidin full.Interestwillbe calculatedbasedon the actualcalendardays in any year and uponthe actualnumberof calendardays fromthe Disbursement DateuntiltheNoteis oaidin full. The "Variable Rate"for eachLoanmadeunderthe Noteis the sum of the PrimeRatepublishedin lhe Wall StreetJournalunderthe "MoneyRates"sectionfor the day which is 30 days priorto the f irstday of as identified on , April,Julyand Octoberof eachyear(the"lndex")plusor minusthe percentage, applicableConditionalApprovalLetterthat I receivedin connectionwith the Loan,whichis hereby intothis Note,per annum(the"Margin"), roundedto the nearesthundredth(.01%),but in no t greaterthan the maximumallowedby law.The VariableRatewill changequarterlyon the firstday of January,April,July,and Octoberof each year (eacha "ChangeDate").For example,the VariableRate for any JanuaryChangeDatewill be determinedby usingthe Indexpublishedin The WallStreetJournal for the precedingDecember2nd, lf The WallStreetJournalisnot publishedor the Indexis not given, preceding publishedIndex.In the eventthat thenthe Indexwillbe determined by usingthe immediately morethanone PrimeRateis published, the Indexwillbe the highestratepublished. lf the Indexceases to be available,you will choosea comparableIndex. I understandthat the totalinterestdue on the Notewill be the aggregateamountof the interestdue on eachLoanmadeunderthe Note. TERMSOF REPAYMENT I may, but am not requiredto make paymentsduringthe InterimPeriod.lf I chooseto makevoluntary paymentsduringthis period,I understandthat all interestmust be paid beforethe principalcan be reduced. You willadd all unpaidinterestto the principalbalanceof eachLoanat the end of the InterimPeriod. Duringthe InterimPeriod,you will send accountstatementson my Loan(s)at leastquarterlyto me. Duringmy RepaymentPeriod,I willmakeconsecutive monthlypaymentsbasedon the amountsand on the due datesshownon my monthlystatements.I understandlhat as the VariableRateon my Loan(s) adjusts,the monthlypaymentamountmay increaseor decreaseor the numberof scheduledpayments may increaseor decreaseto be sufficientto fully repayall of the principal,interest,and othercharges whichare owedon this Notewithinthe remaining repayment term.I understand that I willreceiveone billingstatement whichwillseparately identifyand includeall Loansmadeto me underthe Note. Beforethe beginningof the RepaymentPeriodI may receivea noticeallowingme to choosefrom alternativerepaymentoptions.My choicewill dictatethe amountof the monthlypaymentsand the tlming of periodicchangesin the monthlypaymentamount.lf I do not returnthis noticeto you, I willbe billed throughoutthe RepaymentPeriodusingthe StandardRepaymentPeriod.Regardlessof the Total Loan Amountthe monthlypaymentwillneverbe lessthan$50,(unlessthe amountowed underthis Noteis lessthan $50). In addition,if I haveotherloanspayableto you underothernotes,my total monthly paymentfor all of my loansto you, including any Loanmadeunderthis Note,will neverbe lessthan$50 (unlessthe amountowedunderall of my loansis lessthan$50.) ( Su,nLsrr ffRttrvne,Hnu-n4) C o 5 ' 1 6 1 t 64

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lf any portionof a monthlypaymentremainsunpaidfor a periodof morethan 1Odaysafterthe due date, you may chargeand I will pay a late paymentchargeof up to $15 per delinquentpayment,but never morethanthe maximumamountallowedby law.I willpay onlyone latepaymentchargeper monthly paymentregardlessof the numberof days it is late. Loan paymentswill be appliedfirstto charges,next-tounpaidinterest,and then to principal.I havethe rightto repayall or any part of any Loansubjectto this Noteat any time withoutpenalty.lf I have more than one Loanand do not provideinstructions as to whichLoan a prepaymentis to be applied,you may determinehowto applyit at yourdiscretion. lf I am unableto repaymy Loan(s)accordingto the termsof the Note,I may requestthat you modifythe termsof repayment.I understandthat such modification will be at your discretionand that if such modification resultsin a postponement or forbearanceof paymentsfor any period,interestwill continueto accumulateduringthat period.Any unpaidinterestat the end of the forbearanceperiodwill be addedto the principal balanceof my Loan(s).My obligation to repayall Loansmadeunderthis Notewill remainin force even if I becometotallyand permanentlydisabledor die. I may prepaymy Loan(s)at any time withoutpenalty. ACY You willgiveme noticeof yourpoliciesregarding the disclosure of nonpublic information regarding me to your affiliatesand unrelatedthirdpartiesand I will be giventhe rightto restrictsuch disclosuresas providedby law. I authorizeyou and any schoolI attendto transfersuch informationas may be necessaryto completeand reconcilethe disbursement of proceeds,maintainaccurateaccountrecords, and ceftifymy continuingenrollmentstatus. I must updatethe informationon my applicationwheneveryou ask me to do so. I authorizeyou to furnish information aboutany Loan made underthis Noteto consumerreporlingagenciesand to otherslegally allowedto receivesuch information. I authorizeyou to obtaincreditinformationaboutme, now and in the future,for any legitimatepurposeassociatedwiththe applicationor any Loan.lf my applicationis you willsendan adverseactionnotice,whichmay includespecificreasons,to me, as required declined, by applicablelaw. I understandthat if I defaulton my Loan(s),disclosureof information about my loanto consumerreportingagenciesmay adverselyaffectmy creditrating. For the purposeof learningmy currentaddressand telephonenumber,I authorizeyou to release information and makeinquiries to the individuals I havelistedon my application. DEFAULT To the extentpermittedby law, I will be in defaultand you will havethe rightto give me noticethat the wholeoutstandingprincipalbalance,accruedinterestand all otheramountsdue to you underthe terms of the Noteare due and payableat once,subjectto any law whichmay give me the rightto cure my default, if (1) | failto makemy monthlypaymentto you whendue,(2) | failto notifyyou of a changein my name, address,or schoolenrollmentstatuswithin30 days aftera changeoccurs,(3) | breakany of my other promisesin this Note,(4) any bankruptcy proceeding is begunby or againstme, (5) if I assignany of my assetsfor the benefitof my creditors,(6) | make any falsewrittenstatementin applyingfor this loan or in any communication concerning thisloan,(7) | failto remitto you any refundof loanproceeds, or (8) | defaultunderthe termsof any otherloan made by you to me. ln the eventof my death,you may cancelany remaining(future)disbursements, end the InterimPeriod immediatelyin the case of the Borrower'sdeath,and makea claimagainstthe estateof the decedentfor paymentof the amountdue on the Note,whetherin repaymentor not, withoutreleasingthe surviving Borroweror co-signerf rom obligationson this Noteor any Loansubjectto this Note.

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A?ptD Z4Zoqc{cr> A\v{ B^rsr-l p41usn_1_ lf I defaultunderany Loan subjectto this Note,I will be requiredto pay interestat lhe contractrate(s) providedfor said Loan(s)whichaccumulatesafterdefaultaccordingto the termsof this Note.The interest rateafterdefaultor afternoticeof demandfor paymentin full will be subjectto adjustmentin the same manneras priorto the default.lf I default,I will also be responsible to pay reasonablecollectioncosts, includingreasonableattorney'scharges,courtcostsand collectionchargesto the extentallowedby law. Notice: The following"Notice"is providedto you underfederallaw to warn you of the negativeimpact that your defaultingon your obligationsunderthis Note may have on your creditrating. We may repodinformationaboutyour Loan(s)and this Noteto creditbureaus.Late payments,missedpayments,or otherdefaultson your Loan(s)may be reflectedin your creditreport. I N S U R A N C EA:S S I G N M E NO TF NOTE I understand thatyou may obtaininsurance to insurepaymentof any Loanmadeunderthis Noteupon default.lf any insurance company,its subsidiaries, or assignees are requiredunderany insurance agreement to repayany and all Loanssubjectto this Note,suchcompanywillbecomethe holderof this Noteand willhaveall the rightsof the originallenderto enforcethis Note. ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES



"Claim"meansany case,controversy, dispute,tort,disagreement, lawsuitor claimnowor hereafterexistingbetweenyou and me arisingout of or in connectionwith my loan. "Account" meansmy agreementwithyou as evidenced by the loanapplication and Notealong with any and all recordsor transactionsrelatedthereto.

ADDITIONALCOVENANTS. In additionto the covenantsand agreements madein the loanapplication and Note,you and I furtheragreeas follows: Agreementto arbitrate: You and I agreethat eitheryou or I may,withoutthe other'sconsent,requirethat any Claimsbetween you and me be submittedto mandatory,bindingarbitrationexceptfor certainmattersexcludedbelow. This arbitrationprovisionis made pursuantto a transactioninvolvinginterstatecommerce,and shallbe governedby, and enforceable under,the FederalArbitration Act (the"FAA"),I U.S.C.$1 et seq.,and (to the extentStatelaw is applicable), the Statelaw governingthis transaction. Claims subject to Arbitration include, but are not limited to: .

Claimsrelatingto: 1) any and all aspectsof my Accountincluding withoutlimilation the origination, establishment, terms,treatment, operation, handling, billing,servicing, limitations on ,a

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of my Account;2)anydisclosuresor statementsrelatingto my or terminationor acceleration of my Account,includingthis arbitration or interpretation enforceability Account;3) the application, provision.Any questionsaboutwhat Clarmsare subjectto arbitrationshall be resolvedby this arbitrationprovisionin the broadestway the law will allowit to be enforced. interpreting Claimsmadedirectlyby me as well as Claimsmade by anyoneconnectedwith me or claiming or or co-signeron my Account,my agent,representative throughme, such as a co-applicant heirs,or a trusteein bankruptcy.Similarly,Claimssubjectto arbitrationincludenot only Claims and that relatedirectlyto you, a parentcompany,affiliatedcompanyand any predecessors successorsand assigns(andthe employees,officersand directorsof all of these entities),but also Claimsfor whichyou may be directlyor indirectlyliable,even if you are not properlynamed at the timethe Claimis made. Claimsbasedon any theoryof law,any contract,statute,regulation,ordinance,totl (including provision, respondeat superior,agency fraudor any intentional torl),commonlaw,constitutional for otherpersons,customor courseof dealingor any other liability or otherdoctrineconcerning relief). ground(including or declaratory any claimfor injunctive legalor equitable present or f uture.Claimsare subjectto arbitration Claimsthat arosein the past,or arisein the you,me or involving or withotherclaimsin proceedings whethertheyare madeindependently others. or cross-claims, third-partyclaims,interpleaders Claimsthat are madeas counterclaims, otherwise,and a partywho initiatesa proceedingin courl may electarbitrationwith respectto any Claim(s)advancedin the lawsuitby any otherpafty or parties. action,and the arbitrationof such Claimsmadeas partof a classactionor otherrepresentative (non-class, non-representative) basis.lf you or I require Claimsmustproceedon an individual arbitration of a particular Claim,neitheryou,me, nor any otherpersonmay pursuethe Claimin any litigation,whetheras a classaction,privateattorneygeneralaction,otherrepresentative actionor otherwise. Claims Excluded from Arbitration: .

Any Claimsif theyare filedby you or me in a smallclaimscourt,so longas the matterremainsin (non-class, non-representative) basis. suchcourland advancesonlyan individual

lnitiation of Arbitration: ("Arbitration The partyf ilingan arbitrationmust chooseone of the followingthreeadministrators or JAMS.These Administrators"): NationalArbitrationForum;AmericanArbitrationAssociation; from you, and you and I mustfollowtheir rulesand procedures ArbitrationAdministrators are independent for initiatingand pursuingan arbitration.lf I initiatethe arbitration,I must also notifyyou in writingat the addresslistedon my most recentbillingstatement.lf you initiatethe arbitration,you must notifyme in writingat my then currentbillingaddressor (if my Accountis closed)the lastaddressat whichyou contactedme. Any arbitrationhearingthat I attendwill be held at a placechosenby the arbitratoror ArbitrationAdministrator in the same countywhereinthe U.S. DistrictCoufi for my Districtis locatedor at some otherplaceto whichyou and I agreein writing.You and I may obtaincopiesof the currentruleso{ each of the threeArbitrationAdministrators namedabove,and otherrelatedmaterials,includingforms I may contactyou and instructions for initiatingan arbitration,by contactingthe ArbitrationAdministrators. Administrators. for the currentteleohonenumbersand addresses of the Arbitration Proceduresand law applicable in arbitration: A single,neutralarbitratorwill resolveClaims.The arbitratorwill eitherbe a lawyerwith at leastten years experienceor a retiredor formerjudge.The arbitratorwill be selectedin accordancewith the rulesof the The arbitrationwill be conductedunderthe applicableproceduresand rulesof arbitrationadministrator. the arbitrationadministrator that are in elfecton the datethe arbitrationis f iled unlessthis arbitration provisionis inconsistent withthoseprocedures and rules,in whichcasethisAgreementwillprevail.


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Theseproceduresand rulesmay limitthe amountof discoveryavailableto you or me. The arbitratorwill and will applyapplicablesubstantivelaw consistentwith the FAA and applicablestatutesof limitations, honorclaimsof privilegerecognizedat law. I may chooseto havea hearingand be representedby counsel.The arbitratorwill take reasonablestepsto protectcustomerAccountinformationand other outsidethe confidential information, including the use of protective ordersto prohibitdisclosure if requestedto do so by you or me. The arbitratorwill havethe powerto awardto a partyany arbitration, damagesor otherreliefprovidedfor underapplicablelaw,and will not havethe powerto awardreliefto, against,or for the benefit of, any personwho is not a pafiy to the proceeding.The arbitratorwill makeany awardin writingbut need not providea statementof reasonsunlessrequestedby a party.Upona request by you or me, the arbitratorwill providea briefstatementof the reasonsfor the award. Costs: you willpaythe initialfilingfee. lf I filethe arbitration, lf you filethe arbitration, I willpay the initialfilingfee unlessI seekand qualifyfor a fee waiverunderthe applicable rulesof the Arbitration Administrator. You willreimburse me for the initialfilingfee if I paidit and I prevail.lf thereis a hearing,you willpay any fees of the arbitratorand ArbitrationAdministrator for the f irstdav of that hearino.All otherfees will be ed in keepingwiththe rulesof the Arbitration Administrator and applicable law.However,you will advanceor reimbursefilinqfees and otherfees if the ArbitrationAdministrator or arbitratordetermines thereis good reasonfor requiringyou to do so, or I ask you and you determinethere is good causefor doingso. Each partywill bearthe expenseof that party'sattorneys,experts,and witnesses,and other expenses,regardlessof whichpafty prevails,exceptthat the arbitratorshallapplyany applicablelaw in determiningwhethera partyshouldrecoverany or all expensesfrom anotherparty. No consolidation or joinder of parties: All partiesto the arbitration mustbe individually named.Claimsby personsotherthan individually named partiesshall not be raisedor determined.Notwithstanding anythingelse that may be in this arbitration provision,no classaction,privateattorneygeneralactionor otherrepresentative actionmay be pursued in arbitration,nor may such actionbe pursuedin court if any partyhas electedarbitration.Unless consentedto by all partiesto the arbitration, Claimsof two or more personsmay not be joined, consolidated or otherwisebroughttogetherin the same arbitration(unlessthosepersonsare applicants, co-applicants on a singleAccountand/orrelatedAccountsor partiesto a singletransactionor related transactions); thisis so whetheror notthe Claims(orany interestin the Claims)may havebeen assigned. Enforcement,f inality, appeals: You or I may bringan action,including a summaryor expeditedmotion,to compelarbitration of Claims subjectto arbitration, or to stay the litigationof any Claimspendingarbitration,in any courthaving jurisdiction. Suchactionmay be broughtat any time,evenif any suchClaimsare partof a lawsuit,unless a trialhas begunor a f inaljudgmenthas beenentered.Failureor forbearance to enforcethisarbitration provision at any particular time,or in connection withany parlicular Claims,willnot constitute a waiverof any rightsto requirearbitration at a latertimeor in connection withany otherClaims.Any additional or differentagreementbetweenyou and me regardingarbitrationmust be in writing. Withinf ifteendays afteran awardby the singlearbitrator,any partymay appealthe awardby requesting in writinga new arbitrationbeforea panelof threeneutralarbitratorsdesignatedby the same Arbitration Administrator. The panelwillconsiderallfactualand legalissuesanew,followthe samerulesthatapply to a proceedingusinga singlearbitrator,and make decisionsbasedon the vote of the majority.Costswill be allocatedin the same way they are allocatedfor arbitrationbeforea singlearbitralor.An awardby a panel,or an awardby a singlearbitratorafterfifteendays has passed,shallbe linal and bindingon the parties,subjectto judicialreviewthat may be permittedunderthe FAA.An awardin arbitrationwill be enforceableas providedby the FAA or otherapplicablelaw by any courthavingjurisdiction. Judgment

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An award in arbitrationshall upon any arbitrationaward may be enteredin any court havingjurisdiction. parties in respectof the Claimsin only, and only named betweenthe determine the rightsand obligations of any otherperson,nor on the arbitration, and shallnot haveany bearingon the rightsand obligations resolutionof any otherdisputeor controversy. Severability,su rvival: between of the Noteand the relationship terminationor modification This shallsurvive:(i) acceleration, of you and me concerning of any party;and (iii)any transferor assignment the Note;(ii)the bankruptcy my loanor the Note,or any amountsowed on my Account,to any otherperson.lf any porlionof this provisionis deemedinvalidor unenforceable, portionsshallnevertheless remain the remaining arbitration in force.In the eventmy loan or the Note,or any amountsowed on my Accountare assignedby you to this Noteby paymentor an insurance any otherperson,including any insurance companyacquiring provisions shallbe bindinguponand inureto the benefitof the claim,the termsof thesearbitration assigneeand me in the samemannerand to the sameextentas thoughsuchassigneewereyou. ADDITIONALAGREEMENTS My responsibility for repayingthis Note is unaffectedby the liabilityof any otherpersonto me or by your tpilureto not notifyme that a requiredpaymenthas not been made.Withoutlosingany of your rights underthis Noteyou may acceptlate paymentsand/orpartialpayments,even if marked"paidin f ull". Unlessyou and I enterinto an expresswrittenagreement,no restrictiveendorsementon any paymentwill be an accordand satisfaction of the balancedue underthe Note.You may delay,fail to exercise,or waiveany of your rightson any occasionwithoutlosingyour entitlementto exercisesuch rightsat any futuretime or on any f utureoccasion. You willnot be obligated to makeany demanduponme, sendme any notice,presentthis Noteto me for paymentor makeprotestof nonpaymentto me beforesuingto collectthisNoteif I am in default,and to the extentpermitted law,I herebywaiveany rightI by applicable mightotherwisehaveto requiresuch actions. This Notewill be deemedto have been made in the Stateof Nevadaand your decisionon whetherto lendme moneywillbe madein Nevada.Consequently, the provisions of this Notewillbe governedby federallawsand the lawsof the Stateof Nevada,withoutregardto conflictof laws rules. I may not assignthis Noteor any of its benefitsor obligations. You may assignthis Note,any amounts owedon my Accountand any securityinteresthereunder at any timewithoutnoticeto me. lf any provision of this Noteis heldinvalidor unenforceable, that provision willbe considered omittedfrom the Notewithoutaffectingthe validityor enforceability of the remainderof the Note. Exceptfor the forbearanceor defermentof payments,whichwill be deemedacceptedby me unlessI objectin writing,you and I mustjointlyagree in writingto modifyany provisionof the Note.No modification will affectthe validitvor enforceabilitv of the remainderof the Note. SECURITYINTEREST I understandthat the proceedsof this loan are to be usedfor specific educationalexpenses.I grantyou a securityinterestin any refundsof the proceedsof the loan givento me by my educationalinstitutionor any otherpafiy.Collateral securityfor otherloans,otherthanthoseloanssecuredby my principal whichI may havewithyou willalsosecurethis loan. dwelling, NOTICES

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I willsendwrittennoticeto you within30 daysafterany changein my name,address,telephonenumber or schoolenrollment. Any noticeyou are requiredto give me will be consideredeffectivewhen mailedby f irstclass mailto the if I have requestedelectronicdelivery. most recentaddressyou havefor me or deliveredelectronically ENTIREAGREEMENT this Noteand the ConditionalApprovalLetter(s)constitute The termsand conditionsof my Application, the entireagreementbetweenyou and me. The termsof the ConditionalApprovalLetterregardingyour intothis Note. interestrate(s)for each loan subjectto the termsof this Noteare herebyincorporated STATE LAW NOTICES ARIZONA:I agreeto pay an effectiverateof interestequalto the rateof interestapplicableto this Note, as set forth in "interest"above,plus any additionalrateof interestresultingf rom any otherfees or charges paidor payableby me in connection withthis Notethat may be deemedto be interestunderapplicable taw.

as providedin GEORGIA:I waiveany rightto requirethe Lenderto take actionagainstthe principals

o . c . G . A$. 1 0 - 7 - 2 4 IOWA,KANSAS,AND MAINE:NOTICETO CONSUMER:1. Do not sign this agreementbeforeyou read it. 2. You are entitled to a copy of this agreement.3. You may prepay the unpaid balance at any time without penalty and may be entitled to receive a refund of unearnedcharges in accordancewith law. MAINE,NEW YORK,AND VERMONT:Citibank,N.A.may obtaina consumerreport(creditreport)about me froma consumerrepofting agency(creditbureau).Uponmy request,I willbe informedwhetheror not Citibank,N.A.obtaineda consumerreportaboutme and if so the nameand addressof the consumer repoftingagencythat furnishedthe repoft.lf my applicationis approvedsubsequentconsumerrepofts may be requestedor usedwithoutfurthernoticeto me in connectionwith (a) renewalor extensionof the actionon my loan,or (d) other creditfor whichI haveapplied,(b) reviewing my loan,(c) takingcollection legitimatepurposesassociatedwith my loan. INDIANAAND MAINE:The provisions of thisNoteregarding the paymentof collection agencycostsand courtcostsand wherelawsuitsmustbe fileddo not applyto Maineor Indianaresidents. MISSOURI: ORAL LOAN AGREEMENTS OR COMMITMENTS TO LOAN MONEY,EXTENDCREDIT OR TO FORBEARFROMENFORCING REPAYMENTOF SUCHDEBT INCLUDINGPROMISESTO EXTENDOR RENEWSUCHDEBTARE NOT ENFORCEABLE. TO PROTECTYOU (BORROWER(S)) ANY AGREEMENTS AND US (CREDITOR) FROMMISUNDERSTANDING OR DISAPPOINTMENT, WE REACHCOVERINGSUCHMATTERSARE CONTAINEDIN THISWRITING,WHICHIS THE COMPLETEAND EXCLUSIVESTATEMENTOF THE AGREEMENTBETWEENUS, EXCEPTAS WE MAY LATERAGREEIN WRITINGTO MODIFYIT. OHIO:The Ohiolawsagainstdiscrimination requirethatall creditorsmakecreditequallyavailableto all creditwodhycustomersand that creditreportingagenciesmaintainseparatecredithistorieson each individual uponrequest.The OhioCivilRightsCommission withthis law. administers compliance

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OKLAHOMA:lf I am in defaultand the totalamountdisbursedunderthis Noteis greaterthan$3,400(or by lawfor the paymentof suchfees),I agreeto pay the Lender's any higherdollaramountestablished courtcosts. '1 TEXAS RESIDENTS:To contactthe Lenderaboutthis accountcall -BO0-538-8492. This contractis subjectin wholeor in pafi to Texas law which is enforcedby the ConsumerCreditCommissioner, 2601 NorthLamarBoulevard Austin,IX78705-4207,phone1-512-479-1285 or 1-800-538-1579. Contactthe Commissioner relativeto any inquiries or complaints. UTAHBORROWERS AND COSIGNERS: As requiredby law,I am herebynotifiedthata negativecredit reportreflectingon my creditrecordmay be submittedto a creditreponingagencyif I fail to fulfillthe termsof my creditobligations. WESTVIRGINIARESIDENTS: The provisions of this Notereleasing the Lenderfrom liability for any claimarisingfrom the use of informationprovidedto the Lenderby othersor arisingfrom the Lender providinginformation to othersand the provisionsof this Noteregardingthe paymentof collectionagency costsdo not apply. ISCONSINRESIDENTS: For marriedWisconsinresidents, mv siqnatureconfirmsthatthis loan obligationis beingincurredin the interestof my marriageor family,No provisionof a maritalproperty agreement(pre-marital agreement), a unilateral statementunderSection766.59of the Wisconsin Statutes,or a courtdecreeunderSection766.70adverselyaffectsthe interestof the creditorunless,prior to the time the creditis granted,the creditoris furnisheda copy of the maritalpropertyagreement, statement,or decreeor has actualknowledgeof the adverseprovisionwhen the obligationto the creditor is incurred.lf the loanfor whichI am applyingis granted,my spousewillalso receivenotificationthat credithas been extendedto me. VERMONT:NOTICETO CO-SIGNER: YOURSIGNATUREON THIS NOTEMEANSTHAT YOU ARE EQUALLYLIABLEFOR REPAYMENTOF THIS LOAN.IF THE BORROWERDOESNOT PAY THE LENDERHAS A LEGAL RIGHTTO COLLECTFROMYOU. NEW YORK:By signingas a CosignerI am actingas a "guarantor" and if thereis a defaulton any of the Borrower'sobligationsunderthe terms of the Note,I agreeto pay all sums due as set forth in the Note. Thissum couldincludethe principal plusreasonable amountowed,plusinterestand otherfees/charges, attorneyfees and collectionscostsas providedunderthe termsof the Notewhich I acknowledge receiving a copypriorto signingas a guarantor or co-signer. I alsoagreethatyou can collectthisdebt from me withoutfirsttryingto collectfrom the Borrower. NORTHCAROLINA:By signingas a CosignerI waiveany rightI haveto requirethe Lenderto proceedin accordance withthe provisions of N.C.G.S.5526-7through26-9and acknowledge thatthe Lendermay proceeddirectlyagainstme withoutfirstproceedingagainstthe Borroweror any collateralfor the Loan. WISCONSINBORROWERS AND COSIGNERS: The provisions of this Noteregarding defaultdo not apply.Instead,I will be in default(a) if the intervalbetweenscheduledpaymentsis two monthsor less, and I permitto be outstanding an amountexceeding one full paymentwhichhas remainedunpaidfor morethan 10 days afterits scheduleddue date or deferreddue date,or I fail to pay the first paymentor the lastpaymentwithin40 days of its scheduleddue date or deferreddue date,or (b) if the interval betweenscheduledpaymentsis morethan two months,I permitto be outstandingall or any partof one paymentwhichhas remainedunpaidfor morethan60 daysafterits scheduled scheduled due dateor deferreddue date. I will also be in defaultif I fail to observeany otherprovisionof this Note,the breachof whichmaterially impairsmy abilityto pay the amountsdue underthis Note. CALIFORNIA Noticeto Co-signer(Spanishtranslation)

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RequiredBy Law) AVISOPARAEL FIADOR(SpanishTranslation Se le esta pidiendoque garanticeesta deuda.Pienselocon cuidadoantesde ponersede acuerdo.Si la personaque ha pedidoeste prestamono paga la deuda,ustedtendraque pagarla.Estesegurode que Si la ustedpodrapagarsi sea obligadoa pagarlay de que usteddeseaaceptarla responsabilidad. personaque ha pedidoel prestamono pagala deuda,es posibleque ustedtengaque pagarla suma totalde la deuda,mas los cargospor tardarseen el pago o el costode cobranza,lo cual aumentael total puedecobrarlea ustedsin, primeramente, tratarde cobrarleal de esta suma. El acreedor(financiero) deudor.Los mismosmetodosde cobranzaque puedenusarsecontrael deudor,podranusarsecontra usted,talescomopresentaruna demandaen cone,quitarparlede su sueldo,etc.Si algunavez no se en la historiade credito cumplacon la obligacion de pagarestadeuda,se puedeincluiresa informacion de la deuda. de usted.Esteavisono es el contratomismoen que se le echa a ustedla responsabilidad FEDERALNOTICETO CO-SIGNER The co-signer is being asked to guaranteethis debt. Think carefully before agreeingto do this. lf the Borrower doesn't pay this debt, the co-signer will have to. Be sure the co-signer can afford to pay if necessary,and that the co-signer wants to accept this responsibility.The co-signer may \ Thaveto pay up to the full amount of the debt if the Borrower does not pay. The co-signer may also ,/{ have to pay late charges or collection costs, which increasethis amount. The lender or holder of \ this loan can collect this debt from the co-signer without first trying to collect from the Borrower. n I / The lender or holder of this loan can use the same collection methods against the co-signer that / \N can be used against the Borrower,such as suing the co-signer,garnishing wages, etc. lf this debt \y is ever in default,that fact may become part of the co-signer'scredit record. This notice is not the contract that makes the co-signer liable for the debt. Version332 - Borrower'sCopy 10/01/2006

MasterStudentLoanPromissoryNote/ Co-Signer's Copy The words"1","me", "my", "us" and "mine" meanthe Borrower(thestudent-applicant) and co-signer (theguarantor), exceptwhereotherwiseindicated. The words"you", "your", and "yours" mean Citibank,N.A.,its successors, and assignsincluding any insurance companyacquiring thisMaster StudentLoan PromissoryNote ("Note")by paymentof an insuranceclaim. Forthe purposeof determining my eligibility for credit,I authorizeCitibank,N.A.(theBank),its agents, and assignsto gathercreditinformation aboutme and to give informationaboutmy applicationto others in accordancewith applicablelaws.I understandthat you normallyobtaincreditreportsfor all loan applicantsand cosigners.Uponmy request,you will informme if a repod has been obtainedand will give me the name and addressof the agencyfurnishingthe report.I understandthat f uturereportsmay be orderedon me in connectionwith any review,renewalor extensionof creditunderthis Notewithout furthernoticeto me. I authorizemy schooltoreceive,provide,and confirminformation regarding my attendance, financialaid,and enrollment statusduringthe term of this Note.I understand thatthe proceedsof the initialor any subsequentLoan,if approved,must be usedfor educationalpurposesand that disbursements will be sentto my Schoolon my behalfby checkor electronicf undstransfer. DEFINITIONS "Academic Year" is the periodof time, not to exceed'12consecutivemonths,whichyour schooldefines as its "AcademicYear".



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The "DisbursementDate" is the date or dales,as notedon the checkor ElectronicFundsTransfer (EFT)record,on whichyou lend moneyin consideration for my promiseto repayyou accordingto the termsof this will be the date a Loan,or any partof it, is advancedto me or to my schoolon my behalf. "Note" means,collectively, this MasterStudentLoan PromissoryNole,each and everyapplicationor requestfor creditunderthe MasterStudentLoan PromissoryNote,ConditionalApprovalLetter,and disclosuresrelatingto the creditreceivedby me underthe MasterStudentLoan PromissoryNote,unless specificallyexcluded. Dateand ends six months The "lnterim Period" is a time periodwhich beginson the first Disbursement after I graduateor ceaseto be enrolledat leastparttime at an approvedschool.The InterimPeriodwill studyand four (4) yearsplus six (6) neverexceedten (10)yearsplussix (6) monthsfor undergraduate monthsfor graduatestudy. "Loan" or "Loan(s)"meansthe principal duringa standardacademicyearplus sum(s)disbursed g /accrued interestand fees and othercharges,if any, due on such disbursedsums. \/

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\ "Loan Fee(s)"meansa guarantyfee that you may chargeme to compensateyou againstthe riskof default.The termsof my Loan,as set forth in a ConditionalApprovalLetter,will specifywhetherthe Loan of an Fee is to be chargedto me or my Loan balanceupon:approvalof a Loan,upon disbursement advancemade underany Loan,at the commencement of the repaymentphase,or at some othertime. Thisfee may be addedto the principal amountof any Loan(s). The "RepaymentPeriod"is a time periodwhichbeginson the datethe InterimPeriodends.The "StandardRepaymentPeriod"is a periodof 240 months. The "Total Loan Amount" is the aggregateamountof all disbursements and advancesmade by you on all Loanssubjectto the terms of this Note. whichyou attend,or planto attend Referencesto "School" meanthe educationalor academicinstitution and in connectionwhichyou havesoughta Loanor Loansfrom us to defrayyour educationalcosts. PROMISETO PAY I promiseto pay to Citibank,N.A.,its successors,assigns,and any otherholderof this Noteall sums disbursedunderthe termsof this MasterStudentLoan PromissoryNote,togetherwith interestat the rates(s)providedin the Note,late paymentcharges,Loan Fees and any otherfees or chargesowed underthe termsof thisNote,including attorneys feesand othercostsyou incur any allowablereasonable in collecting amountsowedon this Note,all according to the termsof this Note,I willnot signthe applicationbeforereadingthis Noteeven if otherwiseadvised.The termsand conditionsset forth in the Noteconstitutethe entireagreementbetweenyou and me. I am entitledto an exactcopy of this Note.My signaturecertifiesthat I read,understand, and agreeto the termsof this Note. I understandand agreethat you may make multipleLoansunderthis Noteduringthe courseof my attendanceat one or more Schools,and I agreethat each such Loan (whichmay consistof one or more advancesor disbursements to my School)will be subjectto the termsof this Note.I furtherunderstand that individualLoan(s)may havedifferentLoan Feesand VariableRatesas disclosedin the "lnterest" sectionbelowand/orthe ConditionalApprovalLetterto be sent with respectto each such Loan.I understandthat the termsof any ConditionalApprovalLettersent to me with respectto a Loan are incorporated by referenceintothis Note.

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Loanswillbe madeunderthis Noteafterthe earliestof the followingdates:(i) I agreethat no subsequent the date you receivemy writtennoticethat no furlherLoansmay be disbursedunderthis Note;(ii)one is made duringsuchtwelvemonth year afterthe date of my signatureon this Note if no disbursement period;or (iii)f ive yearsafterthe date of my signatureon this Note. STATEMENT LOAN AMOUNTDISCLOSURE You havethe rightnot to make a Loanor to lend me an amountlessthan the amountthat I requested.I with respectto an individualLoan will be limitedto one per term agreethat the numberof disbursements tellingme the amountof any statement and four per AcademicYear.You willsendme a disclosure any separatenoticesto co-signerrequiredby applicable including and otherinformation disbursement(s) law. I will reviewthe disclosurestatementand otherdocumentsupon receivingthem and will contactyou if I haveany questions. My obligationto repayamountsadvancedfor my benefitoccursupon my receipt,or my School'sreceipt of the amountof any LoanFeethat I may on my behalf,of fundsdisbursedby you,or a disbursement owe you underany Loan. OWER'SRIGHTTO CANCEL lf I am not satisfiedwith the terms of my Loan as approved,I may cancelany Loan and any '15 underthis Note,I mustcontactyou in writingwithin days disbursements, To cancelany disbursement of receivingthe disclosurestatementor co-signernotice,notifymy School,not endorseany Loancheck, of a disbursement does not are returnedto you. Cancellation and ensurethat any Loan disbursements altermy obligationto repayamountsadvancedto me or to my Schoolon my behalfor to terminatethis Notewith respectto priorLoans.I understandthat I may also cancelor reducethe size of any you in writingwithin'15daysof receiving the approvalletter,disclosure disbursement by informing you in writingwithin I may alsocancelany Loanby informing statement or any subsequent disbursement. 15 days of receivingthe ConditionalApprovalLetter,disclosurestatementor any subsequent for all disbursements to be returnedto you. disbursement and by arranging lf all or any portionof any Loanf undsdisbursedare returnedto you by the Schoolor me within30 days of the Disbursement Date,you willchargeno interestor chargeson the funds returned.I understandthat if a Loan is canceled,I will haveto reapplyto obtaina new Loan. I alsofully understandthat the failureto completethe educationprogramundeftakenby me, as the Borrower,does not relieveme of any obligationon this Note. INTEREST Intereston eachLoanundertheNotewillbe calculated at the VariableRate(as definedbelow)beginning on the first Disbursement Dateon the principalbalanceadvancedand on any unpaidinterestaddedto principal according to the Termsof Repayment belowuntiltheNoteis paidin full.lnterestwillbe calculatedbasedon the actualcalendardays in any year and uponthe actualnumberof calendardays fromthe Disbursement DateuntiltheNoteis oaidin full. The "VariableRate"for each Loan made underthe Note is the sum of the PrimeRateoublishedin Ihe WallStreetJournalunderthe "MoneyRates"sectionfor the day which is 30 days priorto the firstday of January,April,Julyand Octoberof eachyear(the"lndex")plusor minusthe percentage, as identified on the applicableConditionalApprovalLetterthat I receivedin connectionwith the Loan,whichis hereby incorporated intothis Note,per annum(the"Margin"), roundedto the nearesthundredth(.01"/"), but in no eventgreaterthan the maximumallowedby law.The VariableRatewill changequarterlyon the f irstday of January,April,July,and Octoberof each year (eacha "ChangeDate").For example,the VariableRate for any JanuaryChangeDatewill be determinedby usingthe Indexpublishedin The WallStreetJournal

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for the precedingDecember2nd. lf The WallStreetJournalisnot publishedor the Indexis not given, preceding publishedIndex.In the eventthat thenthe Indexwillbe determined by usingthe immediately lf the lndexceases morethanone PrimeRateis published, the Indexwillbe the highestratepublished. you willchoosea comparable Index. to be available, I understandthat the total interestdue on the Notewill be the aggregateamountof the interestdue on each Loan made underthe Note. TERMSOF REPAYMENT I may, but am not requiredto make paymentsduringthe InterimPeriod.lf I chooseto makevoluntary paymentsduringthis period,I understandthat all interestmust be paid beforethe principalcan be reduced. You will add all unpaidinterestto the principalbalanceof each Loanat the end of the InterimPeriod. Duringthe InterimPeriod,you will send accountstatementson my Loan(s)at leastquarterlyto me. ing my RepaymentPeriod,I will make consecutivemonthlypaymentsbasedon the amountsand on due datesshownon my monthlystatements.I understandthat as the VariableRateon my Loan(s) payments adjusts,the monthlypaymentamountmay increaseor decreaseor the numberof scheduled may increaseor decreaseto be sufficientto fully repayall of the principal,interest,and othercharges whichare owedon this Notewithinthe remaining repayment term.I understand that I will receiveone billingstatement whichwillseparately identifyand includeall Loansmadeto me underthe Note. Beforethe beginning of the Repayment PeriodI may receivea noticeallowingme to choosefrom alternative repayment options.My choicewilldictatethe amountof the monthlypaymentsand the timing of periodicchangesin the monthlypaymentamount.lf I do not returnthis noticeto you, I willbe billed throughoutthe RepaymentPeriodusingthe StandardRepaymentPeriod.Regardlessof the Total Loan Amountthe monthlypaymentwillneverbe lessthan$50,(unlessthe amountowedunderthis Noteis lessthan$50).In addition,if I haveotherloanspayableto you underothernotes,mytotalmonthly paymentfor all of my loansto you,including any Loanmadeunderthis Note,will neverbe lessthan$50 (unlessthe amountowed underall of my loansis lessthan$50.) lf any portionof a monthlypaymentremainsunpaidfor a periodof morethan 10 daysafterthe due date, you may chargeand I willpay a latepaymentchargeof up to $15 per delinquent payment,but never morethanthe maximumamountallowedby law.I willpay onlyone latepaymentchargeper monthly paymentregardlessof the numberof days it is late. Loan paymentswill be appliedfirstto charges,nextto unpaidinterest,and then to principal.I havethe rightto repayall or any partof any Loansubjectto this Noteat any time withoutpenalty.lf I have more than one Loan and do not provideinstructions as to whichLoan a prepaymentis to be applied,you may determinehow to applyit at yourdiscretion. lf I am unableto repaymy Loan(s)accordingto the termsof the Note,I may requestthat you modifythe termsof repayment.I understandthat such modification will be at your discretionand that if such modificationresultsin a postponement or forbearanceof paymentsfor any period,interestwill continueto accumulate duringthat period.Any unpaidinterestat the end of the forbearance periodwillbe addedto the principal balanceof my Loan(s).My obligation to repayall Loansmadeunderthis Notewill remainin forceeven if I becometotallyand permanentlydisabledor die. I may prepaymy Loan(s)at any time withoutpenalty. PRIVACY

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Ar< &Arcn BAN'^L_ regarding me to of nonpublicinformation the disclosure You willgiveme noticeof yourpoliciesregarding your affiliatesand unrelatedthirdpartiesand I will be giventhe rightto restrictsuch disclosuresas providedby law. I authorizeyou and any schoolI attendto transfersuch inJormation as may be of proceeds,maintainaccurateaccountrecords, necessaryto completeand reconcilethe disbursement and certifymy continuingenrollmentstatus. I must updatethe informationon my applicationwheneveryou ask me to do so. I authorizeyou to furnish information aboutany Loan made underthis Noteto consumerreportingagenciesand to otherslegally I authorizeyou to obtaincreditinformationaboutme, now and in the allowedto receivesuch information. future,for any legitimatepurposeassociatedwith the applicationor any Loan.lf my applicationis declined,you willsendan adverseactionnotice,whichmay includespecificreasons,to me, as required about my loanto by applicablelaw. I understandthat if I defaulton my Loan(s),disclosureof information consumerreportingagenciesmay adverselyaffectmy creditrating. Forthe purposeof learningmy currentaddressand telephonenumber,I authorizeyou to release information to the individuals I havelistedon my application. and makeinquiries DEFAULT To the extentpermittedby law, I will be in defaultand you will havethe rightto give me noticethat the principalbalance,accruedinterestand all otheramountsdue to you underthe termsof outstanding the Noteare due and payableat once,subjectto any law whichmay giveme the rightto curemy default, if (1) | failto makemy monthlypaymentto you whendue,(2) | failto notifyyou of a changein my name, address,or schoolenrollmentstatuswithin30 days aftera changeoccurs,(3) | breakany of my other promisesin this Note,(4) any bankruptcy proceeding is begunby or againstme, (5) if I assignany of my assetsfor the benefitof my creditors,(6) | make any falsewrittenstatementin applyingfor this loan or in any communication concerning thisloan,(7) I failto remitto you any refundof loanproceeds, or (8) | defaultunderthe termsof any otherloan made by you to me. (future)disbursements, In the eventof my death,you may cancelany remaining end the lnterimPeriod immediatelyin the case of the Borrower'sdeath,and makea claimagainstthe estateof the decedentfor paymentof the amountdue on the Note,whetherin repayment or not,withoutreleasing the surviving Borroweror co-signer f rom obligations on this Noteor any Loansubjectto this Note. lf I defaultunderany Loan subjectto this Note,I will be requiredto pay interestat the contractrate(s) providedfor said Loan(s)whichaccumulatesafterdefaultaccordingto the terms of this Note.The interest rateafterdefaultor afternoticeof demandfor paymentin full will be subjectto adjustmentin the same manneras priorto the default.lf I default,I will also be responsible to pay reasonablecollectioncosts, includingreasonableattorney'scharges,courtcostsand collectionchargesto the extentallowedby law. Notice: The following"Notice"is providedto you underfederallaw to warn you of the negativeimpact thatyourdefaulting on yourobligations underthis Notemay haveon yourcreditrating. We may reportinformationaboutyour Loan(s)and this Noteto creditbureaus.Late payments,missedpayments,or otherdefaultson your Loan(s)may be reflectedin your creditrepoft. I N S U R A N C EA:S S I G N M E NO TF NOTE I understandthat you may obtaininsuranceto insurepaymentof any Loan made underthis Note upon default.lf any insurance company,its subsidiaries, or assignees are requiredunderany insurance agreementto repayany and all Loanssubjectto this Note,such companywill becomethe holderof this Noteand will haveall the rightsof the originallenderto enforcethis Note.


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IT PROVIDESTHAT EITHERYOU OR PROVISION CAREFULLY. PLEASEREADTHISARBITRATION OR DISPUTEBE RESOLVEDBY BINDING I CAN REQUIRETHATANY CONTROVERSY (EXCEPTFOR MATTERSTHATARE EXCLUDEDFROMARBITRATION AS ARBITRATION THE RN EPLACET S H E R T G H T O G O T O C O U R T I, N C L U D I N G s p E c t F t E DB E L O W )A. R B T T R A T T O N A C L A S SA C T I O NO R S I M I L A R R I G H TT O A J U R YA N DT H E R I G H TT O P A R T I C I P A TIE PROCEEDING. IN ARBITRATION, A DISPUTEIS RESOLVEDBY A NEUTRALARBITRATOR INSTEAD NR O C E D U R EASR E S I M P L E RA N D M O R EL I M I T E D O F A J U D G EO R J U R Y .A R B I T R A T I OP T H A NR U L E SA P P L I C A B L IEN C O U R T . provision, Definitions.As usedin thisarbitration the followingdefinitions willapply: "Claim"meansany case,controversy, lawsuitor claim now or dispute,tort,disagreement, hereafterexistingbetweenyou and me arisingout of or in connectionwith my loan. "Account"meansmy agreementwith you as evidencedby the loan applicationand Notealong with any and all recordsor transactionsrelatedthereto. ADDITIONALCOVENANTS. In additionto the covenants and agreements madein the loanapplication you Note, and lfurther agree as follows: tlv / /and

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Agreementto arbitrate: You and I agreethat eitheryou or I may,withoutthe other'sconsent,requirethat any Claimsbetween you and me be submittedto mandatory,bindingarbitrationexceptfor cefiainmattersexcludedbelow. This arbitrationprovisionis made pursuantto a transactioninvolvinginterstatecommerce,and shallbe governedby, and enforceable under,the FederalArbitration Act (the"FAA"),9 U.S.C.$1 et seq.,and (to the extentStatelaw is applicable), the Statelaw governingthis transaction. Claims subject to Arbitration include, but are not limited to: Claimsrelatingto: 1) any and all aspectsof my Accountincluding withoutlimitation the origination, establishment, terms,treatment, operation, handling, limitations billing,servicing, on or terminationor acceleration of my Account;2)anydisclosuresor statementsrelatingto my Account;3) the application,enforceability or interpretation of my Account,includingthis arbitration provision. Any questions aboutwhatClaimsare subjectto arbitration shallbe resolvedby interpreting this arbitrationprovisionin the broadestway the law will allowit to be enforced. Claimsmadedirectlyby me as wellas Claimsmadeby anyoneconnectedwithme or claiming throughme, suchas a co-applicant or co-signer on my Account,my agent,representative or heirs,or a trusteein bankruptcy. Similarly, Claimssubjectto arbitration includenot onlyClaims that relatedirectlyto you, a parentcompany,affiliatedcompanyand any predecessors and successorsand assigns(andthe employees,officersand directorsof all of these entities),but also Claimsfor whichyou may be directlyor indirectlyliable,even if you are not properlynamed at the timethe Claimis made. Claimsbasedon any theoryof law,any contract,statute,regulation, ordinance, torl (including fraudor any intentional provision, tort),commonlaw,constitutional respondeat superior,agency or otherdoctrineconcerning liability for otherpersons,customor courseof dealingor any other ground(including legalor equitable any claimfor injunctive or declaratory relief). Claimsthat arosein the past,or arisein the presentor f uture.Claimsare subjectto arbitration whethertheyare madeindependently you,me or or withotherclaimsin proceedings involving others. Claimsthatare madeas counterclaims, cross-claims, third-party claims,interpleaders or otherwise,and a partywho initiatesa proceedingin courtmay electarbitrationwith respectto any Claim(s)advancedin the lawsuitby any otherpartyor parties.

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action,and the arbitrationof such Claimsmadeas partof a classactionor otherrepresentative basis.lf you or I require Claimsmust proceedon an individual(non-class,non-representative) arbitration of a particular Claim,neitheryou,me, nor any otherpersonmay pursuethe Claimin any litigation,whetheras a classaction,privateattorneygeneralaction,otherrepresentative actionor otherwise.

Claims Excluded from Arbitration: .

Any Claimsif theyare filedby you or me in a smallclaimscourt,so longas the matterremainsin (non-class, non-representative) basis. suchcourtand advancesonlyan individual

Initiationof Arbitration: ("Arbitration The partyfilingan arbitrationmust chooseone of the followingthreeadministrators Administrators"): NationalArbitrationForum;AmericanArbitrationAssociation; or JAMS.These ArbitrationAdministrators are independent from you, and you and I mustfollowtheir rulesand procedures for initiatingand pursuingan arbitration.lf I initiatethe arbitration,I mustalso notifyyou in writingat the you must notifyme in addresslistedon my most recentbillingstatement.ll you initiatethe arbitration, writingat my then currentbillingaddressor (if my Accountis closed)the lastaddressat whichyou contactedme. Any arbitrationhearingthat I attendwill be held at a placechosenby the arbitratoror ArbitrationAdministrator in the same countywhereinthe U.S. DistrictCourtfor my Districtis locatedor at y'ome place you and I agreein writing.You and I may obtaincopiesof the currentrulesof other to which 5 each of the three Arbitration Administrators namedabove,and otherrelatedmaterials,includingforms /,/ t and instructions for initiating an arbitration, by contactingthe ArbitrationAdministrators. I may contactyou S{/ for the currenttelephonenumbersand addressesof the ArbitrationAdministrators. I lv,l '/ tdJ'


Proceduresand law applicable in arbitration: A single,neutralarbitratorwill resolveClaims.The arbitratorwill eitherbe a lawyerwith at leastten years experienceor a retiredor formerjudge.The arbitratorwill be selectedin accordancewiththe rulesof the arbitrationadministrator. The arbitrationwill be conductedunderthe applicableproceduresand rulesof the arbitrationadministrator that are in effecton the date the arbitrationis filed unlessthis arbitration provisionis inconsistent prevail. withthoseproceduresand rules,in whichcase this Agreementr,rrill Theseproceduresand rulesmay limitthe amountof discoveryavailableto you or me. The arbitratorwill applyapplicablesubstantivelaw consistentwith the FAA and applicablestatutesof limitations, and will honorclaimsof privilegerecognizedat law. I may chooseto havea hearingand be representedby counsel.The arbitratorwill take reasonablestepsto protectcustomerAccountinformationand other confidential information, includingthe use of protectiveordersto prohibitdisclosureoutsidethe arbitration, if requestedto do so by you or me. The arbitratorwill havethe powerto awardto a partyany damagesor otherreliefprovidedfor underapplicablelaw,and will not havethe powerto award reliefto, against,or for the benefitof, any personwho is not a partyto the proceeding.The arbitratorwill make any awardin writingbut need not providea statementof reasonsunlessrequestedby a party.Upona request by you or me, the arbitratorwill providea briefstatementof the reasonsfor the award. Costs: you willpaythe initialfilingfee. lf I f ilethe arbitration, lf you filethe arbitration, I willpaythe initialf ilingfee unlessI seek and qualifyfor a fee waiverunderthe applicablerulesof the ArbitrationAdministrator. You willreimburse me for the initialfilingfee if I paidit and I prevail,lf thereis a hearing,you willpay any fees of the arbitratorand ArbitrationAdministrator for the firstday of that hearing.All otherfees will be allocatedin keepingwiththe rulesof the ArbitrationAdministrator and applicablelaw. However,you will advanceor reimbursefilingfees and otherfees if the ArbitrationAdministrator or arbitratordetermines thereis good reasonfor requiringyou to do so, or I ask you and you determinethere is good causefor doingso. Eachpartywill bearthe expenseof that pafiy'sattorneys,experts,and witnesses,and other



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expenses,regardlessof whichpartyprevails,exceptthat the arbitratorshallapplyany applicablelaw in determiningwhethera partyshouldrecoverany or all expensesfrom anotherparty. No consolidation or joinder of parties: named All partiesto the arbitration mustbe individually named.Claimsby personsotherthan individually partiesshall not be raisedor determined.Notwithstanding anythingelsethat may be in this arbitration provision,no classaction,privateattorneygeneralactionor otherrepresentative actionmay be pursued in arbitration,nor may such actionbe pursuedin courl if any partyhas electedarbitration.Unless consentedto by all partiesto the arbitration,Claimsof two or more personsmay not be joined, consolidated or otherwisebroughttogetherin the same arbitration(unlessthosepersonsare applicants, co-applicants on a singleAccountand/orrelatedAccountsor partiesto a singletransactionor related transactions); this is so whetheror notthe Claims(or any interestin the Claims)may havebeen assigned. Enforcement,f inality, appeals: You or I may bringan action,including a summaryor expeditedmotion,to compelarbitration of Claims subjectto arbitration, or to staythe litigationof any Claimspendingarbitration,in any courthaving Suchactionmay be broughtat any time,even if any such Claimsare part of a lawsuit,unless has begunor a f inaljudgmenthas been entered.Failureor forbearanceto enforcethis arbitration ion at any particular time,or in connection withany particular Claims,willnot constitute a waiverof any rightsto requirearbitrationat a latertime or in connectionwith any otherClaims.Any additionalor differentagreementbetweenyou and me regardingarbitrationmust be in writing. Withinfifteendays afteran awardby the singlearbitrator,any partymay appealthe awardby requesting in writinga new arbitrationbeforea panelof threeneutralarbitratorsdesignatedby the same Arbitration Administrator. The panelwillconsiderallfactualand legalissuesanew,followthe samerulesthatapply to a proceedingusinga singlearbitrator,and makedecisionsbasedon the vote of the majority,Costswill be allocatedin the same way they are allocatedfor arbitrationbeforea singlearbitrator.An awardby a panel,or an awardby a singlearbitratorafterfifteendays has passed,shallbe f inaland bindingon the parties,subjectto judicialreviewthat may be permittedunderthe FAA.An awardin arbitrationwill be enforceableas providedby the FAA or otherapplicablelaw by any court havingjurisdiction. Judgment uponany arbitrationaward may be enteredin any court havingjurisdiction. An awardin arbitrationshall determine the rightsand obligations betweenthe namedpartiesonly,and only in respectof the Claimsin arbitration, and shallnot haveany bearingon the rightsand obligations of any otherperson,nor on the resolutionof any otherdisputeor controversy. Severability,survival: This shallsurvive:(i) acceleration, terminationor modification of the Noteand the relationship between you and me concerning the Note;(ii)the bankruptcy of any party;and (iii)any transferor assignment of my loanor the Note,or any amountsowed on my Account,to any otherperson.lf any portionof this provisionis deemedinvalidor unenforceable, arbitration portionsshallnevertheless the remaining remain in force.In the eventmy loan or the Note,or any amountsowed on my Accountare assignedby you to any otherperson,including any insurance companyacquiring this Noteby paymentor an insurance provisions claim,the termsof thesearbitration shallbe bindinguponand inureto the benefitof the assigneeand me in the samemannerand to the sameextentas thoughsuchassigneewereyou. ADDITIONALAGREEMENTS My responsibility for repayingthis Note is unaffectedby the liabilityof any otherpersonto me or by your failureto not notifyme that a requiredpaymenthas not been made.Withoutlosingany of your rights underthis Noteyou may acceptlate paymentsand/orpartialpayments,even if marked"paidin f ull".

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A M AAGq &nrh4L_ Unlessyou and I enterinto an expresswrittenagreement,no restrictiveendorsementon any paymentwill of the balancedue underthe Note.You may delay,fail to exercise,or be an accordand satisfaction waiveany of your rightson any occasionwithoutlosingyour entitlementto exercisesuch rightsat any You willnot be obligated to makeany demanduponme, sendme f uturetimeor on any f utureoccasion. any notice,presentthis Noteto me for paymentor make protestof nonpaymentto me beforesuingto collectthis Note if I am in default,and to the extentpermittedby applicablelaw, I herebywaiveany rightI mightotherwisehaveto requiresuch actions. This Notewill be deemedto have been made in the Stateof Nevadaand your decisionon whetherto lend me moneywill be made in Nevada.Consequently, the provisionsof this Notewill be governedby federallawsand the lawsof the Stateof Nevada,withoutregardto conflictof laws rules. I may not assignthis Noteor any of its benefitsor obligations. You may assignthis Note,any amounts owed on my Accountand any securityinteresthereunderat any time withoutnoticeto me. lf any provisionof this Note is held invalidor unenforceable, that provisionwill be consideredomittedfrom the Notewithoutaffectingthe validityor enforceability of the remainderof the Note. for the forbearanceor defermentof payments,whichwill be deemedacceptedby me unlessI objectin writing,you and I mustjointlyagreein writingto modilyany provisionof the Note.No modification will affectthe validityor enforceability of the remainderof the Note. SECURITYINTEREST I understandthat the proceedsof this loanare to be usedfor specific educationalexpenses.I grantyou a securityinterestin any refundsof the proceedsof the loan givento me by my educationalinstitutionor any otherparty.Collateralsecurityfor otherloans,otherthanthose loanssecuredby my principal dwelling, whichI may havewithyou willalsosecurethis loan. NOTICES I willsendwrittennoticeto you within30 daysalterany changein my name,address,telephonenumber or schoolenrollment. Any noticeyou are requiredto give me will be consideredeffectivewhen mailedby firstclassmailto the most recentaddressyou havefor me or deliveredelectronically if I have requestedelectronicdelivery. ENTIREAGREEMENT The termsand conditionsof my Application, this Noteand the ConditionalApprovalLetter(s)constitute the entireagreementbetweenyou and me. The termsof the ConditionalApprovalLetterregardingyour interestrate(s)foreach loansubjectto the termsof this Noteare herebyincorporated intothis Note. STATE LAW NOTICES ARIZONA:I agreeto pay an effectiverateof interestequalto the rateof interestapplicableto this Note, as set forth in "interest"above,plus any additionalrateof interestresultingf rom any otherfees or charges paidor payableby me in connectionwith this Notethat may be deemedto be interestunderapplicable law. CALIFORNIARESIDENTS:As requiredby law, I am herebynotifiedthat a negativecreditreportreflected on my creditrecordmay be submittedto a creditreportingagencyif I fail to fulfill the termsof my credit obligations. / A Ru,I./ACr"JrC, N1) Lst,
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as providedin GEORGIA:I waiveany rightto requirethe Lenderto take actionagainstthe principals o.c.G.A. s 1o-7-24 IOWA,KANSAS,AND MAINE:NOTICETO CONSUMER:1. Do not sign this agreementbeforeyou read it. 2. You are entitled to a copy of this agreement.3. You may prepay the unpaid balanceat any time without penalty and may be entitled to receivea refund of unearned charges in accordancewith law. MAINE,NEW YORK,AND VERMONT:Citibank,N.A.may obtaina consumerreport(creditrepofi)about agency(creditbureau).Uponmy request,I willbe informedwhetheror not me froma consumerreporting Citibank,N.A.obtaineda consumerrepoftaboutme and if so the nameand addressof the consumer reportingagencythat f urnishedthe report.lf my applicationis approvedsubsequentconsumerreports may be requestedor usedwithoutfurthernoticeto me in connectionwith (a) renewalor extensionof the my loan,(c) takingcollection actionon my loan,or (d) other creditfor whichI haveapplied,(b) reviewing legitimatepurposesassociatedwith my loan. INDIANAAND MAINE:The provisions of this Noteregarding the paymentof collection agencycostsand courtcostsand where lawsuitsmust be f ileddo not applyto Maineor Indianaresidents. ISSOURI:ORAL LOAN AGREEMENTS OR COMMITMENTS TO LOAN MONEY.EXTENDCREDIT OR TO FORBEARFROMENFORCING REPAYMENTOF SUCHDEBT INCLUDINGPROMISESTO D OR RENEWSUCHDEBTARE NOT ENFORCEABLE, TO PROTECTyOU (BORROWER(S)) AND US (CRED|TOR) FROMMTSUNDERSTANDTNG ANY AGREEMENTS OR DISAPPOTNTMENT, WE REACHCOVERINGSUCHMATTERSARE CONTAINEDIN THISWRITING,WHICHIS THE COMPLETEAND EXCLUSIVESTATEMENTOF THE AGREEMENTBETWEENUS. EXCEPTAS WE MAY LATERAGREEIN WRITINGTO MODIFYIT. OHIO:The Ohiolawsagainstdiscrimination requirethatall creditorsmakecreditequallyavailable to all creditworthy customersand that creditreportingagenciesmaintainseparatecredithistorieson each individual uponrequest.The OhioCivilRightsCommission administers compliance withthis law. OKLAHOMA:lf I am in defaultand the totalamountdisbursedunderthis Noteis greaterthan$3,400(or any higherdollaramountestablished by law for the paymentof suchfees),I agreeto paythe Lender's courtcosts. TEXASRESIDENTS: To contactthe Lenderaboutthisaccountcall '1-800-538-8492. Thiscontractis subjectin wholeor in pad to Texaslaw whichis enforcedby the ConsumerCreditCommissioner, 2601 NofihLamarBoulevard Austin,fX78705-4207,phone1-512-479-1285 or 1-800-538-1579. Contactthe relativeto any inquiries Commissioner or complaints. UTAHBORROWERS AND COSIGNERS: As requiredby law,I am herebynotifiedthata negativecredit reportreflectingon my creditrecordmay be submittedto a creditreportingagencyif I failto fulfillthe termsof my creditobligations. WESTVIRGINIARESIDENTS: The provisions of this Notereleasing the Lenderf rom liability for any providedto the Lenderby othersor arisingfromthe Lender claimarisingfromthe use of information providinginformation to othersand the provisionsof this Note regardingthe paymentof collectionagency costsdo not apply. WISCONSINRESIDENTS: For marriedWisconsinresidents, my signatureconfirmsthatthis loan obligationis beingincurredin the interestof my marriageor family.No provisionof a maritalproperty agreement(pre-marital agreement), a unilateral statementunderSection766.59of the Wisconsin Statutes,or a coutt decreeunderSection766.70adverselyaffectsthe interestof the creditorunless,prior to the time the creditis granted,the creditoris furnisheda copy of the maritalpropertyagreement, (*o ^e*,







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statement,or decreeor has actualknowledgeol the adverseprovisionwhenthe obligationto the creditor that is incurred.lf the loanfor which I am applyingis granted,my spousewill also receivenotification credithas been extendedto me. YOURSIGNATUREON THISNOTEMEANSTHAT YOU ARE VERMONT:NOTICETO CO-SIGNER: EQUALLYLIABLEFOR REPAYMENTOF THIS LOAN.IF THE BORROWERDOESNOT PAY THE LENDERHAS A LEGAL RIGHTTO COLLECTFROMYOU. and if thereis a defaulton any of the NEW YORK:By signingas a CosignerI am actingas a "guarantor" Borrower'sobligationsunderthe terms of the Note,I agreeto pay all sums due as set forth in the Note. plusreasonable Thissum couldincludethe principal amountowed,plusinterestand otherfees/charges, attorneyfees and collectionscostsas providedunderthe termsof the Notewhich I acknowledge receivinga copy priorto signingas a guarantoror co-signer.I also agreethat you can collectthis debt from me withoutfirsttryingto collectfrom the Borrower. NORTHCAROLINA:By signingas a CosignerI waiveany rightI haveto requirethe Lenderto proceedin accordance withthe provisions of N.C.G.S.5526-7through26-9and acknowledge thatthe Lendermay proceeddirectlyagainstme withoutfirst proceedingagainstthe Borroweror any collateralfor the Loan. provisions CONSINBORROWERS AND COSIGNERS:The of thisNoteregarding defaultdo not apply.Instead,I will be in default(a) if the intervalbetweenscheduledpaymentsis two monthsor less, and I permitto be outstanding an amountexceeding one full paymentwhichhas remainedunpaidfor than 10 days afterits scheduleddue date or deferreddue date,or I fail to pay the f irst paymentor the lastpaymentwithin40 days of its scheduleddue date or deferreddue date,or (b) if the interval betweenscheduledpaymentsis morethan two months,I permitto be outstandingall or any pafi of one scheduledpaymentwhichhas remainedunpaidfor morethan 60 days afterits scheduleddue date or deferreddue date. I will also be in defaultif I fail to observeany otherprovisionof this Note,the breachof whichmaterially impairsmy abilityto pay the amountsdue underthis Note. CALIFORNIA Noticeto Co-signer(Spanishtranslation) AVISOPARAEL FIADOR(SpanishTranslation RequiredBy Law) Se le estapidiendoque garantice estadeuda.Pienselocon cuidadoantesde ponersede acuerdo.Si la personaque ha pedidoesteprestamono pagala deuda,ustedtendraque pagarla.Estesegurode que ustedpodrapagarsi sea obligadoa pagarlay de que usteddeseaaceptarla responsabilidad. Si la personaque ha pedidoel prestamono pagala deuda,es posibleque ustedtengaque pagarla suma totalde la deuda,mas los cargospor tardarseen el pago o el costode cobranza,lo cual aumentael total puedecobrarlea ustedsin, primeramente, de esta suma. El acreedor(financiero) tratarde cobrarleal deudor.Los mismosmetodosde cobranzaque puedenusarsecontrael deudor,podranusarsecontra usted,talescomopresentar una demandaen cofte,quitarpartede su sueldo,etc.Si algunavez no se cumplacon la obligacion de pagarestadeuda,se puedeincluiresa informacion en la historiade credito de usted,Esteavisono es el contratomismoen que se le echa a ustedla responsabilidad de la deuda. FEDERALNOTICETO CO.SIGNER The co-signer is being asked to guaranteethis debt. Think carefully before agreeing to do this. lf the Borrower doesn't pay this debt, the co-signer will have to. Be sure the co-signer can afford to pay if necessary,and that the co-signer wants to accept this responsibility.The co-signer may have to pay up to the full amount of the debt if the Borrower does not pay. The co-signer may also have to pay late charges or collection costs, which increasethis amount. The lender or holder of this loan can collect this debt from the co-signer without first trying to collect from the Borrower. The lender or holder of this loan can use the same collection methods against the co-signer that


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