Living A Most Attractive Life

  • November 2019
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September memories

3 rd Oct 2008

Lydia has left Jurek and I this morning from the beautiful Polish city Krakow, to return to Zurich to be with our daughter Tehila and son Stefan. Tehila started work in Zurich on the 1st. Our trip in Europe is a tapestry of daily rich fellowship and witnessing the unfolding of His beautiful thoughts in the hearts of the people of Switzerland, Germany and now Poland. (Next week Stockholm, then back in SA 16th Oct) His knowledge of us is such an inspiration to an appeal that attracts the attention and spontaneous yielding of people of every culture and context to their Maker and the truth of their original identity revealed and redeemed in Jesus Christ. “Then we will know even as we have always been known.” 1 Cor.13:12. “With the open statement of the truth we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience.” Isn’t it wonderful to live a highly commendable life! One that you can boldly recommend to every person you meet! Life was never meant for selfish personal indulgence, but to discover its measureless proportions in a language of love’s persuasion that includes every man. Paul says we are not preaching ourselves, we are preaching Christ, but not in a historic context, in flesh and blood, incarnated in us, we are the living Epistle, we commend ourselves to be read and known by all men! 2 Cor.4:2,5. When we hear the word of truth we see ourselves...James 1:24,25. Israel remained trapped in the wilderness because they saw themselves to be insignificant little insects; what an insult to the design of His likeness in human form. Egypt was not their problem, their unbelief was, they deceived themselves! They were all equally delivered from Egypt with no further obligation to work for Egypt on Wednesdays! Yet they continued to live a neutralised life in the ‘comfort’ of the wilderness. The supernatural, the presence and protection and provision of God is not proof that you are living in your true identity; it proves His mercy but not His destiny for your life! The only possible way we are going to awaken the nations to their true innocence and identity is to know and believe His image and likeness in us. It is so encouraging to meet wonderful leaders everywhere we go with a genuine desire to see the impact of their lives and ministry upon their congregations, community and this generation multiplied. The simple secret of the New Testament church remains the key, “the Word increased and the number of disciples multiplied greatly” Acts 6:7. There were no printing presses, no New Testament Bible or Christian books yet, just living testimonies of a risen Christ, the Christ-life revealed in ordinary lives.

Inevitable increase is the result of His Word realised in us, especially in our desire and opportunity to reach out to others. His word has found such appropriate and accurate expression in Jesus as the mirror image of our lives, how compatible we naturally are (by design) to love even as He has loved us; we are His body and have His mind. He is God’s language in us talking simple things that everyone can understand, appreciate and repeat. Faith is not our invention, so we don’t need to fake it; it is God’s persuasion about His love for us. God is absolutely convinced that we are His workmanship, His image and His likeness are redeemed in us through the death and resurrection of Christ. No other principle can replace this foundation; nothing can give your life more identity and worth. Agree with God about you. You are His delight, He is overwhelmed with you! Now love Him back in one another and in the next person you meet!

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