Little Book Of Weight Loss

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  • Words: 3,555
  • Pages: 55
Table of Contents Page 5 - The Golden Rules Page 6 - You Have Absolutely Nothing To Lose Page 7 - Banish Failure From Your Life For Successful

Weight Loss

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8 - Use Your Imagination - Creative Visualisation 9 - Children Know How to Change 10 - Don't Underestimate Your Potential for Change 11 - Focus on What You Want - Not What You Don't

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Want I want to be thin! I want to lose weight! Am I Overweight? Why Do I Put On Weight Nutritional Guide Book an Appointment with a Fitness Instructor Losing Weight Easily Recap on Golden Rules Recap 2 Recap on Golden Rules 3 Changing Habits Build New Eating Habits How Do I Lose Weight?


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Weight Loss Question 1 Weight Loss Question 2 Create an Incredible Future Fill the Void If You Want Something Eat It Eat What You Want When You Want Brush Your Teeth To Lose Weight Meditate or Learn Self-Hypnosis Learn Relaxation Techniques Have You Ever Noticed That? More Golden Rules Be a Person Who Welcomes Change Be Your own Best Friend Weight Maintenance - How To Maintain A Healthy Weight - Positive Affirmations For Losing Weight - How To Make Them - Healthy Eating Tips - Slow Down With Your Eating - Exercise Bike - Healthy Recipes - Healthy Eating Tips - Join Weight Watchers or Weight Loss Resources -


Page 42 - Nutrition Facts - Become Your Own Weight


Page 43 - Weight Loss Tips - Don't Weigh Yourself Too

Often Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fastest Way to Lose Weight The Best Way to Lose Weight Healthy Habits - Eat Less, Exercise More Healthy Eating Guidelines Health and fitness - Healthy Weight and LifeStyle Quotes About Best Friends Losing Weight Tips - Think About Stopping Smoking Page 52 - Keep a Weight Loss Journal Page 53 - Difficulties for Losing Weight - Beware Technology Page 54 - Make Commitments Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51



The Golden Rules

The most important rule is that there are no real rules. You are not obliged to do anything. You are not being made to do anything. You are certainly not depriving yourself of anything. These rules are just pointers which you may or may not choose to observe. Which brings us to golden rule 1 - You have absolutely nothing to lose!


(1) You Have Absolutely Nothing To Lose

There's a famous saying which states "If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got." If you adopt some of the ideas in this book, you may well notice great changes in the way you choose to live your life. What's the worst that can happen? Failure?


(2) Banish Failure From Your Life For Successful Weight Loss

There is no failure. You can now measure everything by degrees of success. Failure creates fear and it also creates permission to keep failing. Jim ate a biscuit and decided he'd failed in his goals so he ate the rest of the packet and felt sorry for himself. Alice ate a biscuit, thoroughly enjoyed it and imagined herself going for a run. Five minutes later, she went for a run.


Use Your Imagination - Creative Visualisation

Imagine Yourself at Your Perfect Weight. You don't have to use pictures to imagine this - You can also imagine what it would feel like. Before you skip this bit, remember Golden Rule 1, What have you got to lose? Think about when you were a child...


Children Know How to Change

Children have fantastic imaginations. Children change a lot - even on a dayto-day basis. Some adults stop using their imaginations. Guess what? They stop changing and become creatures of habit. They even stop believing they can change.


Don't Underestimate Your Potential for Change

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us." Nelson Mandela 1994


Focus on What You Want Not What You Don't Want

Focus on what you want - Not what you don't want I want to not be overweight. What happens when you say this to yourself? That's right your brain starts to think about being overweight. Just the same as if you try to not think about a close friend dancing around in a clown costume. What do you want?


I want to be thin! I want to lose weight!

Close your eyes and give yourself permission to imagine what it IS going to be like. If you can imagine it, and believe it, you can have it. If you don't believe me, ask a five year old.


Am I Overweight ?

Get yourself weighed and find out. Charts are widely available to help you find out what you should weigh. You have nothing to lose by finding out and remember there is no such thing as failure - Just opportunities! If the scales say you are overweight, then you have an opportunity to do something about it.


Why Do I Put On Weight

We put on weight if we consume more calories than we use up. We put on weight because we eat a diet containing more fat than is recommended. We put on weight for other, mostly emotional reasons. Everyone is different so everyone has different reasons.


Nutritional Guide

Why not become an expert on nutrition? What have you got to lose? It is highly unlikely that you can't lose weight for medical or genetic reasons. Look for the more likely answers first. Buy a book, consult an expert. Do whatever you feel is right for you - but do something!


Book an Appointment with a Fitness Instructor

You don't have to commit to eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly and losing weight but by asking an experts advice you will know where you are and where you might choose to go next. If you are given an opportunity to glimpse your destination, you are much more likely to begin the journey. Speak to a fitness instructor.


Losing weight Easily Recap on Golden Rules

1. Getting weighed, speaking to a fitness advisor, learning about nutrition and imagining success in your life are all within your grasp this very moment. None of them commit you to anything. You have nothing to lose. (Except weight, fear and limiting beliefs)


Recap on Golden Rules

2. There is no such thing as failure. Sit in front of the television all day. Skip the gym. Eat 20 chocolates and various other fast foods. This is not failure it is just an opportunity to do something different. Now what could that be?


Recap on Golden Rules

3. Do you want to be overweight and unfit? Simply not wanting something is not enough. You must be very aware of what you want and start to foster belief in that possibility. If you know what you want, then you will probably be more comfortable exercising and eating healthily. It will feel more 'right'


Changing Eating Habits

Habits are simply things that you do for a certain amount of time until they become second nature. Habits are cemented into our behaviour with a certain amount of resistance to change. Resistance is something to be aware of but not to over emphasise. In itself it means nothing. It's just cement.


Build New Eating Habits

When your new positive habits become as strong as the old ones, you will notice the old ones disappear. Or perhaps you won't. Perhaps you'll be too busy enjoying the new ones. The new habits will have their own cement. What will your new habits be? Just by thinking about them you're building them already. On strong foundations!


How Do I Lose Weight?

Everyone puts on weight for different reasons. Everyone, therefore, will lose weight for their own reasons and in their own way. Nutrition and exercise are the two most crucial elements in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight - but then you knew that didn't you! Ask yourself the following two questions.


Weight Loss Question 1

What is one thing that I could certainly do today and which would put me in a better position to achieve and maintain my ideal weight?


Weight Loss Question 2

What would stop me from sitting down, right at this moment and compiling a list of things that I could do over the coming days, weeks and months? What's really stopping me from achieving my dreams?


Create an Incredible Future

Take a pen and a piece of paper and start to make some important notes about your future. Pretend it's a year from now and notice what has changed and what you have achieved. One thing is for sure - You look great! But how are feeling and what sort of things are you saying. Spend some time on this. And do it often. You don't have to, of course, but then what have you got to lose?


Fill the Void

Trying to pretend you don't want something or that you aren't depriving yourself won't work. As you know, we don't like being deprived. So focus on filling that void. Hobbies, interests, Going for a run or a walk. Anything that could constitute a new habit is bound to help. Quick Test for you - What is Golden Rule No 3?


If You Want Something Eat It

Our minds are part of us they don't like to be told what to do or told they arent allowed something. Weight Management is not about going without or depriving ourselves. If you want something, have it. This means you'll have no unconscious reason to binge at a later date. Feeling deprived will always lead to bingeing (and you were wondering why strict diets don't work!) You'll find over time, as the big picture gets bigger, you'll make the right choices. Just keep focusing on what you want. 27

Eat What You Want When You Want

But the deal is - Eat it slowly and enjoy it. That doesn't sound like such a big deal! Your mind will tell you when you've had enough but you'll need to listen for the message. There tends to be a time delay so eating too quickly can override this natural ability to understand your own body. If you think you may have had enough then wait half an hour. If you're still hungry, have some more.


Brush Your Teeth To Lose Weight

If you find the idea of waiting half an hour to see if you're still hungry then go and brush your teeth. If you still want food then, well have some. I bet you won't. And, guess what, you're still not depriving yourself of anything. You can have what you want.


Meditate or Learn Self-Hypnosis

In a quiet reflective state, you can learn a lot about yourself and come to a real sense of self-acceptance. When you know yourself, you're more likely to be honest with yourself and make the right choices. And if meditation sounds a bit weird to you, then just spend a few minutes of each day in a comfortable place with your eyes closed breathing gently and easily and allowing your mind to clear. Be patient - It will.


Learn Relaxation Techniques

Why relaxation? Surely when I'm lying in front of the TV with a pizza and a glass of wine, I'm relaxing. True relaxation takes a bit of time and effort to learn but all the information is out there, it's free and its achievable - and the rewards are immeasurable. Why does relaxation work?.


Have You Ever Noticed That?

We tend to eat more when we're tense. And if we’re feeling stressed or worn down we're more likely to go for the fast option. Healthy eating can often be the victim of time pressures and deadlines. Keep this thought and think about how it relates to your life.


Time for a Couple More Golden Rules


4. Be a Person Who Welcomes Change

Be on the lookout for opportunities to do something differently. Surprise people, surprise yourself. It will feel strange at first, but if you change the way you look at things, you may well change the results. Do you see yourself as a. the kind of person who reacts to things like deadlines and disappointments or b. the sort of person who is responsible for your own destiny. If the answer is a, then Golden Rule 4 could be just the thing for you.


5. Be Your own Best Friend

You are the person you can best rely on in life. If this has not been true up to now, then make use of Golden Rule 4. If you curse yourself then stop doing it now. When you call yourself 'stupid' or 'a failure' or 'fat' etc, ask yourself what this is achieving for you. What has it achieved for you? This rule takes practice. But then, we understand all about habits now!


Weight Maintenance How To Maintain A Healthy Weight

If your car breaks down, you get it fixed don't you! You don't kick it and mistreat it. If it's given the right kind of fuel and driven properly, well maintained etc, then It's going to run successfully.


Positive Affirmations For Losing Weight How To Make Them

What would you like other people to say to you. If someone wants to inspire you to achieve your goals, what would they need to say to you? What would it be like if you said that to yourself? Create your own positive affirmations. Tell yourself what you need to hear. Affirmations, in themselves will not get you to your destination but they will certainly help.


Healthy Eating Tips - Slow Down With Your Eating

Don't start a meal until you've set everything out, laid yourself a place and taken a few moments to slow yourself down. Enjoy your food. Spend time experiencing the actual physical sensations of eating, chewing, tasting etc. How would it be if you timed yourself eating a meal and then next time took twice as long to eat. What do you think would happen.


Exercise Bike

Use your imagination. Don't suffer in the gym. Focus on your outcomes and everything will seem that much easier. Think about being in the most beautiful place in the world. Pretend you're cycling there. It might seem a lot easier all of a sudden.


Healthy Recipes - Healthy Eating Tips

Once you have become an expert on nutrition, become an expert in healthy recipes. There are plenty of good books and resources available or you may want to create your own. Spend a few moments now considering how some of your favourite meal recipes could be made more healthy.


Join Weight Watchers or Weight Loss Resources

Organisations like Weightwatchers and Weight Loss Resources can help you to develop weight goals and work out food points. Sometimes some encouragement and friendly advice can be helpful however remember that; We don't respond well to bullying or feeling deprived. These are well established psychological facts.


Nutrition Facts - Become Your Own Weight Watcher

Set up your own system. Decide on your target weight and go for it. There's nothing to stop you keeping your own weight watchers point list and points book. You can incorporate your own recipes and develop your own points calculator. There are healthy, supplements and weight loss vitamins which are worth learning about. Beware though of wonderdrugs and magical remedies. Trust your instincts but do your research.


Weight Loss Tips - Don't Weigh Yourself Too Often

There are very good reasons for this. Weight fluctuates all the time. One weigh a month is recommended. If you weigh yourself too often you may fall back into the failure trap. And remember, there's no such thing! Don't weigh yourself too often - One of the great weight loss tips.


Easy Ways to Lose Weight

There are many 'easy' ways to lose weight. You just need to look through the internet, the bookshops, the magazines and even the local papers. When you've tried the easy ways, please come back to this book and read through it carefully. It doesn't have to be difficult, however, you do need commitment and you do need to follow the Golden Rules.


Fastest Way to Lose Weight

The fastest ways to lose weight will always, by definition, be unhealthy. What's the rush? Research shows that the quicker you lose weight, the quicker you put it back on. A recommended rate of weight loss is no more than a kilo a week. If you knew for a fact that in a few months you would be at your perfect weight and that you could maintain that permanently? Wouldn't that belief be enough?


Don't look for the fastest way - Look for the best way to lose weight. The Best Way to Lose Weight

It is clearly not traditional dieting. It has been reported many times that over 95% of all diets fail. Eat Less, exercise more Develop a personal plan including nutrition, exercise and relaxation. Spend time focusing on what you want specifically. Banish fear. Support Yourself. You already know the best way to lose weight. It's to trust yourself and to get going! 46

Healthy Habits - Eat Less, Exercise More

Reassess your plan continuously. Support yourself as you would a close friend. Exercise Lose Weight What is your favourite exercise? Do you like running, walking, swimming or the gym? Do your prefer team sports or competitive individual pursuits? Do things you enjoy. That way you will stick to them. Remember habits! What will be your healthy habits?


Healthy Eating Guidelines

Healthy eating does not have to be boring eating. This is something we tell ourselves to give ourselves permission to opt out - or to fail. There is no such thing as failure but there is certainly such a thing as healthy, enjoyable and tasty food. Isn't it amazing how, once you start to eat healthy foods, you start to get used to healthy eating and it becomes a natural part of your life. Think healthy eating - Live healthy eating! 48

Health and fitness - Healthy Weight and LifeStyle

Health and fitness are selfperpetuating. The healthier you feel, the more likely the habits will become strong in your mind. Once you have lost the weight and made the changes, beware of old habits reappearing. Don't worry, so long as you're honest with yourself as a best friend should be, you'll know what to do.. Live a healthy lifestyle - life a happy life!


Quotes About Best Friends

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it's only by this meeting that a new world is born." --- Anais Nin How do you view a best friend. Could you treat yourself that way? What would happen if you did?


Losing Weight Tips - Think About Stopping Smoking

If you smoke, consider stopping. You have nothing to lose and the control you gain from that achievement will offer you the potential for control in other areas. The idea that smoking helps you lose weight and stopping causes you to put on weight is a myth. See the stopping smoking book for more information about this.


Keep a Weight Loss Journal

Not a food journal as such. Just a personal diary of your thoughts, progress and goals for the future. You will continue to make progress as long as you are honest with yourself but not judging and criticising yourself. All the time you are keeping a journal, you are 'emotionally aware' of your situation. As soon as you stop focusing you become 'emotionally unaware' and unconsciously give yourself permission to un-banish failure and to take a step backwards. 52

Difficulties for Losing Weight - Beware Technology

Technology seems to be designed to stop us doing the things we do naturally. This includes walking, lifting, exercising and eating natural, healthy produce. Just be aware of this danger and always look for your own opportunities for a natural and healthy life.


Make Commitments

Everyone is different and this book is not designed to preach or patronise but ultimately just to offer some ideas - to get you thinking about your own way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. It is up to you to follow what advice you choose and to make your own list of commitments and aims. We wish you all the very best in achieving your outcomes in the future. We have every faith in you.



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