Literature, Myth And Movies

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  • Pages: 28
Literature, Myth and Movies


• Poseidon was the god of: • The sea • Horses • "Earth-Shaker • The name seems to rather transparently stem from Greek pósis "lord, husband" and Indo-European *don "flowing water".


• Son of Cronus and Rhea. • His brothers and sisters include: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Zeus. • Poseidon is one of six siblings who eventually "divided the power of the world.”

When the world was divided in three, Zeus received the sky, Hades the underworld and Poseidon the sea.

He was officially one of the supreme gods of Mount Olympus, he spent most of his time in his watery domain.

With Aethra Theseus

Lovers With Canace

With Alope Hippothoon With Amphitrite Rhode Triton Benthesikyme

With Canace Aloeus Epopeus Hopelus Nireus Triopas With Celaeno Lycus

With Amymone Nauplius

With Chione Eumolpus

With Astypalaea Ancaeus Eurypylos

With Chloris Poriclymenus

         

 

With Clieto Atlas Eymelus Ampheres Evaemon Mneseus Autochthon Elasippus Mestor Azaes Diaprepes With Demeter Arion Despina

With Europa Euphemus

With Euryale Orion

With Gaia Antaeus Charybdis

With Halia Rhode

With Hiona Hios

With Hippothoe Taphius 3

With Iphimedia Aloadae, giants Otus and Ephialtes

With Lybie Lamia

With Thoosa Polyphemus

With Melia Amycus

With Tyro Neleus Pelias

With Medusa Pegasus Chrysaor With Periboea Nausithous With Satyrion Taras

Unknown mother Aon Byzas Cercyon Cycnus Evadne Lotis Rhodus Sinis

► Poseidon's

chariot was pulled by a hippocampus or horses that could ride on the sea.

► Poseidon

often adopted the shape of a steed

The symbols Trident.

He lived on the ocean floor in a palace made of coral and gems. Poseidon was a very moody divinity, and his temperament could sometimes result in violence

Role in society Sailors prayed to Poseidon for a safe voyage, sometimes drowning horses as a sacrifice. In his benign aspect, Poseidon was seen as creating new islands and offering calm seas.

Poseidon’s Temple, Scultures and Paintings

HISTORY The mother of Dionysus was Semele, but tricked by Hera into asking her divine lover to reveal himself to her in all his splendor, she was killed. Zeus took his unborn child from her womb and sewed it inside his thigh. son of Zeus

Who Is Dionysus? The Greek god of wine, represents not only the intoxicating power of wine, but also its social and beneficial influences.

He is viewed as the promoter of civilization, a lawgiver and lover of peace — as well as the patron deity of agriculture and the theatre He was also known as the Liberator

Roman Equivalent: Bacchus was the Roman name for Dionysus. Attributes: Dionysus is portrayed as a bearded man. Other attributes of Dionysus are thyrsus, wine, vines, ivy, panthers, leopards, theater Powers: Ecstasy -- madness in his followers, sexuality, drunkenness

Signs of the characteristic Dionysian atmosphere The bull The wine

The serpent

Animals Goat



Athens Theater of Dionysus

Dionysus is strongly associated with the satyrs, centaurs and sileni. He is often shown riding a leopard, wearing a leopard skin

FESTIVALS The Dionyisia and Lenaia festivals in Athens were dedicated to Dionysus. The Liberator in relation to the City Dionysia festivals

Parallels with Christianity

There are many parallels between Dionysus and Jesus

Children Aphrodite   

Charites Hymenaios Priapus

Nyx 


Unknown mother Ariadne 



Athenea 


Modern views The first Walt Disney portrayal of Dionysus or Bacchus as he is called was in the “Pastoral” segment of Walt Disney's 3rd classic Fantasia.

Dionysus and the zodiacal sign of Virgo

Jim Morrison, consciously evoked the archetype of Dionysus before his tragic death at the age of 27.

Elvis Presley lives on in the culture as a Dionysian like deity

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