Literacy Assessment

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 15
Literacy Assessment Portfolio

Gabriele Johannsson 576656508 EDTE 500 1

Table of Contents Primary (Grade 2)

Overview Screener Reading Record Teaching/ Learning Plan Intermediate Overview (Grade 5) Reading Comprehension Learning/ Teaching Plan

Pg. 3 Pg. 4 Pg. 7 Pg. 9 Pg. 10 Pg. 11 Pg. 14


Primary Grade 2 student (B) Overview and Observations Results from reading interest survey During the reading interest survey B explained that she gets very excited when she hears that it’s time to read and even sometimes, “literally reads until 11pm”. B describes herself as a good reader and explained that she is reading Harry Potter with her mom at the moment. They like to take turns reading to each other. Most of B’s reading happens at home before bed with her mother. Her favourite books are Star Wars books, and she loves reading about Princess Leia and Rey. Along with Harry Potter and Star Wars, B subscribes monthly to Chickadee magazine and often is so excited about each issue that she brings it to school to read. When asked what books she does not enjoy, B responded with “I don’t know”. B finds reading to be easy when the font is large and is excited to learn how to read handwriting. B finds reading challenging when she comes across big words but usually her mom will help her. When B comes across a word she doesn’t know she will ask her mom, teacher, or a friend. B feels that the best way for her teacher to help her with reading is to help her read big words.


Grade 2 student (B) Screener Medial Phoneme B is able to identify the middle sound in three letter words. However, she seemed to have gotten into the routine of saying the vowel sound instead of the medial sound and was tricked by the word “sky”.

Medial Substitution B is able to make a new word when the middle sound is changed.


Grade 2 Student (B) Screener Cont.

Complex Vowels B knows most complex vowel sounds but got stuck on “oi” and “oy”. She read them both as “ow” which may indicate that she knows they make the same sound.

Nonsense words Blends and diagraphs In the word “cag” B used to long vowel sound /A/. When B read the word “fum” she made a connection that the word sounded like mom. When B read the word “smesk” she used the long vowel sound /E/. When B read the word “himp” she added an /a/ at the end. B struggled with the long vowel patterns.


Grade 2 screener Cont.

Sight Words Over: read as “uver” Sentence: B started to sound out this word, then said “sense” and moved on.

Self-corrected: Sound: read as “soond” and then selfcorrected to sound Know: read knew and then explained the difference between now and know.



Grade 2 Student (B) Reading record B read at level 18. She had 18 errors and 4 self-corrections. Her reading of “sentence” during the sight word portion of the screener was a great clue into her reading patterns that showed during the running record. B read with expression when the text was bolded. When B didn’t know a word she made a guess based on the letters present. (Ex: quickly was read as quietly. Wheat was read as white). B rarely went back and reread when the text didn’t make sense with the word she substituted. Her reading was overall fluent but I think this student values fluency over meaning and wants to show that she is a fluent reader.


Grade 2 Student (B) Running record Comprehension

Overall B seemed to comprehend the meaning of the text, but there were some key points missed. For example, in response to the question “why are harvest mice always in danger?” B responded “they’re tiny, they like to get eaten by owls”.


Grade 2 Student (B) Teaching and learning plan Strengths ● ● ● ●

Interest in reading Making connections Reading with expression Phonological awareness

Struggles ● ● ● ●

Reading for meaning Accuracy Complex vowel sounds “oi” and “oy” Taking time to read each word

Next steps and instruction Goal 3.7 on page 86 of Reading Strategies ● Slow Down the Zoom, Zoom, Zoom to Make Sense ● B reads quickly with the goal of fluency which sometimes causes her to be less accurate and lose comprehension. This lesson would really help her reading be more accurate and allow her to comprehend meaning better.

Goal 3.18 on page 97 of Reading Strategies ● ●

Cover and Slide When B comes to longer words she will often make a guess based on some of the letters she sees. This lesson would help her slow down and read each part, improving her accuracy.

Goal 3.19 on page 98 of Reading Strategies ● ●

Take the Word Apart, Then Put it Back Together This lesson would also help B accurately read longer words.

Goal 3.21 on page 100 of Reading Strategies ● ●

Look for Vowels That Go Together B didn’t know the complex vowel sound “oi” or “oy” 9

Intermediate Grade 5 Student (D) Overview and Observations Results from reading interest survey When asked how he felt about reading, D responded with “it’s okay, my dad is trying to get me a reading tutor”. D feels as though he is not a good reader and believe this to be because he doesn’t try hard enough. D reads more often at home. D likes Dog Man books and was excited to talk about the new one he has at home. D prefers to read with someone and usually reads with his Nana. Reading is easy for D when the words are easy and reading is challenging for D when the words are big. When D comes to a word he doesn’t know his Nana often helps, when he is alone he uses his finger and is very likely to keep trying. D believes that the best way for his teacher to help with his reading is for them to practice with him.

My observations This student requested a writing scribe, he chose to read on his own but struggled throughout the text. D received help with reading after trying on his own first, he was taught strategies, then was given another chance to try and lastly in some cases was told the word. D is very eager to try new strategies but seemed to forget them for the next time. He often ignores punctuation such as periods and commas and he did not pay any attention to the text features in this non-fiction reading. D is very persistent with trying to sound out a word he is unsure of and very rarely gives up, of course he was able to read the words that he has a personal connection to like the word hunter. D reads with a very unsure voice, he will often read a word correctly, but then will keep trying to sound it out. Often D read a word correctly but because of his unsure voice the word sounded slightly off, which I think made it hard for him to recognize his word trial as a real word. The classroom teacher indicated to me that D will need further testing to understand why he is struggling with reading the way that he is. D has had reading intervention in the past.


Grade 5 Student (D)

Reading comprehension (This is the text D read)

Prediction and Use of Text Features I think D answered this question adequately

Literal Comprehension D was not able to come up with this answer right away, he was reminded to look back at the text, he wasn’t sure where to look, he then was coached at which section of the text to look at, still seemed unsure, and then finally said “maybe they liked to be hunters”.


Grade 5 Student (D) Reading Comprehension Cont.

Main Idea and Supporting Details D chose an accurate main idea. His subtopics were unconventional but they worked. He chose to only give one to two supporting details for each subtopic. Some of the supporting details were not directly connected to the text.

(scribed exactly how he spoke)


Grade 5 Student (D) Reading Comprehension Cont.

Making Connections D had a hard time coming up with a connection but did make a connection to hunting.

Inferencing D’s inference was accurate. He struggled through the reason.


Grade 5 Student (D) Learning and Teaching Plan Strengths


● Eagerness to try new strategies ● Persistence

● ● ● ● ●

Punctuation Text features Fluency Confidence in reading Remembering strategies

D needs instruction on reading comprehension. However, I’ve chosen to focus on reading accuracy for his next steps.

Next Steps for Instruction Goal 3.3 in Reading Strategies ● Use a Word You Know ● D will be able to use his prior reading knowledge to help decode new words

Goal 3.20 in Reading Strategies ● Skip and Return ● D sometimes gets hung up on words he doesn’t know and then forgets what he is reading, this lesson could help him move past the words he doesn’t know

Goal 4.1 in Reading Strategies ● Read It Like You’ve Always Known It ● D would benefit from going back and re-reading in a confident voice ● This goal would help his comprehension

Goal 4.2 in Reading Strategies ● Think, “Have I Seen It on the Word Wall?” 14

● D sounds out almost every word even the ones he has previously read ● Getting D to start recognizing the words he already knows could develop is fluency and confidence

Goal 4.4 in Reading Strategies ● Make the Bumpy Smooth ● D would comprehend more of what he read if he went back and read it smoothly

Goal 4.5 in Reading Strategies ● Say Good-Bye to Robot Reading ● D’s reading can be quite choppy which makes comprehension challenging for him ● This lesson would help his fluency and comprehension

Goal 4.6 in Reading Strategies ● Punctuation at the End of a Sentence ● D ignored most punctuation during the reading ● Chunking the reading into sentences will help him pause and reflect on each sentence

Goal 4.8 in Reading Strategies ● Punctuation Inside a Sentence ● D would benefit from focusing more on punctuation

Lessons on Text Features ● There are many cool lesson ideas for text features on Teachers Pay Teachers ● Text Feature Surgery, for example is a lesson where students dress as surgeons, search for and carefully cut out text features from magazines and stick them to the worksheet with Band-Aids.


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