List Of Proverbs 6.doc

  • November 2019
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A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

2 3 4

A friend in need is a friend indeed Absence makes the heart grow fonder All for one and one for all


Better be safe than sorry

6 7 8 9 10

Better late than never Birds of a feather flock together Blood is thicker than water Charity begins at home Cleanliness is next to godliness

11 12 13 14

Cut your coat according to your cloth Diligence is the mother of good fortune Don’t bite the hands that feeds you Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched Don’t cry over split milk Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

15 16


Every cloud has a silver lining

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Every man has his faults Experience is the best teacher Half a loaf is better than none He who dares, win He who laughs last, laughs best

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Health is better than wealth Honesty is the best policy If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again It never rains, but it pours It takes two to tango It’s better to give than receive It’s the early bird that gets the worm Kill two birds with one stone Kindness begets kindness Like father, like son / Like mother, like daughter Let bygones be bygones Look before you leap Look on the bright side Make hay while the sun shines No pain, no gain Once bitten, twice shy Practice makes perfect Prevention is better than cure

41 42 43 44 45 46

Strike while the iron is hot Turn over a new leaf Time and tide wait for no man Two heads are better than none United we stand, divided we fall When there’s a will, there’s a way

Be satisfied with what you already have rather than scheme how you can get more of something A true friend stands by with you in times of trouble Time spent apart from people makes you appreciate them better People who are committed to working together for a positive outcome It is wise to take precautions rather than be upset that you did not prepare for an eventuality after something has happened Its better do something even you are late than not do it at all Those with same interest tend to stick together Family relationship are stronger than others The habit of showing kindness to people should start at home Keeping yourself and your surrounding clean is important to your total well-being Do things according to your ability Working hard will bring you success Be grateful to those who provide you or who help you Do not be too confident of success before you have begun to carry out your plans Do not waste too much time regretting past mistakes Start the day early with enough rest the night before so that you are healthy,as well as fresh and alert for opportunities that come your way No matter how negative a situation,there is usually a glimmer of hope in it as well No one is perfect The best way to learn something is to experience it yourself Be satisfied with what you have You can only win or succeed if you are willing to take risks If you are careful to judge a situation first before speaking or acting,you may be saved a lot of trouble Be healthy is better than be rich Always tell the truth Never give up Unfortunate incidents seem to happen all at once Its take two individuals to do certain things Giving is more blessed than receiving Those who are early get what it wants Complete two tasks with one action When you are kind to people,they will be kind to you in return Children imitate their elder,especially their parents Forgive and forget Don’t act in haste,look into the facts,check the details Be positive Do work while there is still time and you are still able to work You must be ready to make sacrifices to get what you want badly A bad experience will cause you to be careful in future If you practice doing something,you will eventually be good at it It is better to prevent something from happening then to repair it after the damage Take action immediately when the time is right Change into a better person Time does not stop for anyone, so do not waste it Working with people gives you more ideas Unity brings strength to a team If you really want something, you will do everything you can to get it

LIST OF IDIOMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 47 48 49 50

A1 A close shave A piece of cake A rotten apple A slip of the tongue A snake in the grass A sweet tooth A wolf in sheep clothing An arm and a leg Beat the clock Break the ice Dead duck Dressed to kill Dressed to the nines easy as pie Eat humble pie Eat like a bird Eat like a horse Eat like a pig Fat cat From A to Z Good egg Green fingers Grey area Grey suits Jane Doe Kangaroo court Lead a cat-and-dog life Think over Old hat On the cheap On cloud nine On the line Queen of Hearts Red-carpet welcome Red tape Salad days Smoke the peace pipe Talk big To the point Up-to-date Winner takes all Young blood Odd bird Turn tail Take a seat Shoot fish in a barrel Show the flag Sour grapes Slow down Small potatoes Spin a line

The very best and finest When something bad nearly happens Easy Someone who is a bad influence on others Something said by mistake An enemy who keeps himself hidden A strong liking for sweet food Someone with bad intentions who pretends to be good Very expensive To finish a task before it is due Overcome the nervousness or formality of first meetings in a friendly way Someone who is going to be severely punished for a wrong doing Dressed to impress Dressed in the very best clothes Very easy Forced to say sorry after being proven wrong Eat very little Eat a lot Eat too much or showing bad table manners Someone who makes a lot of money From the beginning to the end A person who can be relied on Good at making plants grow An issue or problem that comes with no set rules or limits People who have a lot of power in business or politics Women name and identity that not knows Unofficial court that sentences people unfairly Fight everyday Think carefully about something Old-fashioned Get something done for very little bit money Very happy Risk losing something Women that loved by everyone A special welcome for important guests Official paper work When you were young Stop arguing and become friend Boast Go straight to the matter at hand The latest Everything goes to the winner Young people Someone strange Run away Sit down A very easy task at which success guaranteed Make your opinion Bitterness caused by not getting what you want Take a break,stop Someone or something that is not very important or valuable Tell a lie

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SIMILIES as agile as a monkey as angry as a wasp as big as an elephant as black as coal as blind as a bat as brave as a lion as busy as a bee as calm as a cat as cautious as a fox as clear as crystal as clumsy as a bear as cool as cucumber as cunning as fox as curious as a fish as fat as a pig as faithful as a dog as fast as a deer as fierce as a lion as friendly as a puppy as gentle as a dove as green as grass as good as gold as happy as a clam as heavy as an elephant as hungry as a wolf as innocent as a lamb as lazy as a toad as loud as thunder as pale as a sheet as playful as a kitten as poor as a church mouse as proud as a peacock as quiet as a mouse as rude as a bear as selfish as fox as serious as an owl as shy as a fawn as sick as a dog as slippery as an eel as slow as a snail as sly as a fox as strong as a horse as stubborn as a mule as sweet as honey as talkative as a magpie as tame as a bulldog as timid as a mouse as tricky as an ape as useful as a cow as wet as a fish as wise as an owl

SIMILIES MEANINGS Agile = Aktif Angry = Marah Big = Besar Black = Hitam Blind = Buta Brave = Berani Busy = Sibuk Calm = Tenang Cautious = Berhati - hati Clear = Jernih Clumsy = Cuai Cool = Sejuk Cunning = Cute Curious = Sifat ingin tahu Fat = Gemuk Faithful = Setia Fast = Laju Fierce = Garang Friendly = Peramah Gentle = Lembut Green = Hijau Good = Bagus Happy = Gembira Heavy = Berat Hungry = Lapar Innocent = Tidak bersalah Lazy = Malas Loud = Bising Pale = Muka pucat Playful = Suka bermain-main Poor = Miskin Proud = Bangga Quiet = Senyap Rude = Kurang ajar Selfish = Pentingkan diri sendiri Serious = Serius Shy = Pemalu Sick = Sakit Slippery = Licin Slow = Perlahan Sly = Licik Strong = Kuat Stubborn = Degil Sweet = Manis Talkative = Suka bercakap (mulut murai) Tame = Jinak Timid = Penakut Tricky = Banyak tipu helah Useful = Sangat berguna Wet = Basah Wise = Bijak

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