List Of Projects For Communities

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  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 10
Connecting. Entertaining. Inspiring. Presents Learning about Israel and the Jewish People Our educational and entertaining programs, using movies and plays based on Torah values together with fascinating speakers, successfully educate your community members about the Land of Israel and the Jewish people! We specialize in providing programs that allow people to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the Jewish people and the State of Israel today. We have many programs that can be used during your educational calendar year, whether during specific Holiday seasons or connected with certain topics, trips or tiyulim in Israel. We look forward to providing your educational program with Torah value based edutainment (educational entertainment) programming throughout your calendar year. For more information please visit our website or contact me at my email address avi at12tribefilms dot org Thank you, Avi Abelow Founder and CEO 12Tribe Films Foundation – Worldwide Home Game Educational Productions 0 Israel

3047 Johnson Ave. Riverdale, NY 10463 [email protected]

Connecting. Entertaining. Inspiring.

Pricing: Contact us for special package pricing for your institution.

Selection of Programs and Programming Possibilities Any one of our movies can be scheduled separately or as part of a themed package of programs. All program details are below. Movie Packages: 1. Jewish/Israel History Package Includes: 0 Adir Zik’s and Moshe Alafi’s “Alone on the Ramparts” about the daring struggle of the Israeli soldiers to fight off the Jordanians in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem during the 1948 War. 0 Moshe Alafi’s “One of the 36” about a Tzadik in our time Reb Aryeh Levin 0 Yuval Ohr’s “Legend of the 35” about the valiant effort of the 35 Palmachnikim to try to save Gush Etzion during the Israel Independence War 2. Jewish Jewish Holiday Package Includes: 0

Moshe Alafi’s “One of the 36” about Reb Aryeh Levin – perfect for Elul or around the Chagim


“Alone on the Ramparts” perfect for Yom Yerushalayim


“A Triumph of Spirit” about Dror Weinberg z”l – perfect for Yom Hazikaron

3. Religious Zionist Society in Israel Today Post0 Post0Disengagement Includes: 0 2 Page

Avi Abelow’s “Home Game” about the last basketball tournament in Gush Katif

3047 Johnson Ave. Riverdale, NY 10463 [email protected]

Connecting. Entertaining. Inspiring. 0

Menora Chazani’s “Hitnaari” about her powerful and painful story about the struggle for Chomesh


Yechezkel Lang’s Play “Solly’s Garden” about a Manhattanite growing closer to Yahadut and the hilltops of Yehuda and Shomron


Igal Hecht’s “Banished” about the situation of Gush Katif and Northern Shomron residents today

4. Sderot Includes: 0

Igal Hecht’s “Qassam”


Noam Bedein’s Sderot Media Center Picture Exhibit and Presentation


Sderot Children's Play


Sderot Mishnathon

PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS 1. A Triumph of Spirit A film about the life and personality of Dror Weinberg, a high ranking combat soldier in the Israeli army who was seen by many to one day become the chief of Staff of the IDF and who was unfortunately killed in a battle in Hebron in 2002. This movie is a fascinating account of the eldest son who goes on a journey to learn about his father, the man he hardly got to know. He ends up learning about the man and his life which were a true example to all who knew him, including his commanders in the army. See the movie trailer here 0 Programming Possibilities: 0

Yom Hazikaron


The Israeli Army


Israelis as civilians and soldiers

3 Page

Connecting. Entertaining. Inspiring. 0




3047 Johnson Ave. Riverdale, NY 10463 [email protected]

2. Alone on the Ramparts A documentary film following the footsteps of some of the fighters in the battle of the Old City of Jerusalem in the 1948 Independence War. This is a riveting film about this historical battle using actual footage from the time and raising important questions regarding the centrality of Jerusalem to the Jewish people and the leadership of the State. See the movie trailer here: Programming Possibilities: 0

Yom Yerushalayim


Israeli History


The Establishment of the State of Israel


The Old City of Jerusalem



3. Solly’s Garden This brilliant one man play is a piece of contemporary Jewish theater which goes to the heart of today's American/Jewish experience. Solly's Garden is not to be missed. Manhattanite Shawn Kaufman is a successful businessman about to make it big. His reclusive cousin Solly is a newly observant Jew who lives on a remote outpost in Israel's Samarian mountains. The two could not be more far apart and different, but a twist of fate throws them together and what follows will change both of the cousins' lives forever.

4 Page

3047 Johnson Ave. Riverdale, NY 10463 [email protected]

Connecting. Entertaining. Inspiring. See the play trailer here 0 Programming Possibilities: 0

The Baal Teshuva movement


Current Events


Learning about YESHA

4. One of the 36 A fabulous film following the footsteps of Reb Aryeh Levin, the Rav who visited the Jewish fighters in the British prisons before the establishment of the State of Israel. His whole being was about unity within the Jewish people and the film does a wonderful job of bringing his personality to life. Movie trailer will be available in the near future. Programming Possibilities: 0

Israeli History


The Establishment of the State



5. The Legend of the 35 An important film that depicts the historical events of the 35 soldiers who were killed trying to save the Gush Etzion settlement block in the war of Independence. The Lamed Hey were 35 brave soldiers who were brutally murdered by Arab shepherds on their way to the besieged Gush Etzion, January 1948, 59 years ago. Their heroic story is an inseparable part of Jewish history in Gush Etzion. The thirty five, in English were young soldiers, some barely out of the camps, lovers of nature and life who took upon themselves a dangerous mission of no return, knowingly, to reach the besieged Gush Eztion with additional food and medical sup 5 Page

3047 Johnson Ave. Riverdale, NY 10463 [email protected]

Connecting. Entertaining. Inspiring.

Programming Possibilities: 0

Yom Hazikaron


Israeli History


The Establishment of the State


Gush Etzion




The Israeli army

6. Home Game "Home Game" is a captivating film about the surreal story of normal teenagers trying to continue an annual basketball tournament during a very abnormal summer in Israel – the summer of 2005 during the disengagement from Gaza. This powerful documentary emphasizes the journey of these teenagers and their determination to win against all odds, both on and off the court. Realizing that the media coverage of the disengagement focused solely on the political and sociological issues, Home Game was produced to give a voice to the little known human story of the former residents of Gush Katif also giving context to their situation today 2 years later. The film presents people the opportunity to connect to their Israeli counterparts through an experience that few even know occurred. Speaker Options: Avi Abelow, the film’s Producer See the movie trailer here – Programming Possibilities: 0

Asarah B’tavet/Tisha Ba’av/During Ba’av/During the 3 weeks/ weeks/Selichot ks/Selichot


Israeli Society


Current Events


Arab/Israeli conflict

6 Page

Connecting. Entertaining. Inspiring.

3047 Johnson Ave. Riverdale, NY 10463 [email protected]

7. 35 Acres 35 ACRES explores the most contentious piece of real estate on the face of the Earth. Holy for both Jews and Muslims the Temple Mount is one of the most volatile areas in Jerusalem. Many say that those who control it, control the entire land. Igal Hecht's up0 coming documentary 35 ACRES investigates what's happening in those 35 Acres, by documenting Palestinians and Israelis whose entire lives revolve around that area. The filmmaker received unprecedented access to the grounds. Programming Possibilities: 0

3 Weeks


Arab/Israeli Conflict


Har Habayit

8. Disengaging Democracy From award winning documentary filmmaker Igal Hecht, takes a rare and provocative look at what happened to Israeli democracy before, during, and after the historical Gaza Disengagement of 2005. Filming began three months prior to the Disengagement and followed the lives of Gush Katif residents and their supporters as they attempted to block the pullout. Demonstrations, the illegal actions taken by both parties, and the misuse of power are all showcased in the film through compelling never before seen footage. See the movie trailer here –

Programming Possibilities: 0

Asarah B’tavet/Tisha Ba’av/During Ba’av/During the 3 weeks/Selichot weeks/Selichot


Israeli Society

7 Page

Connecting. Entertaining. Inspiring. 0

Current Events


Arab/Israeli conflict

3047 Johnson Ave. Riverdale, NY 10463 [email protected]

9. Banished In August of 2005 Israel removed nearly ten thousand Israeli citizens from the Gaza strip. Though hailed as a great military success, the aftermath and rehabilitation of the removed has been described as a humanitarian disaster. Banished investigates the reality of the Gaza Disengagement aftermath. Programming Possibilities: 0

Asarah B’tavet/Tisha Ba’av/During Ba’av/During the 3 weeks/Selich weeks/Selichot Selichot


Israeli Society


Current Events


Arab/Israeli conflict

10. 10. Dubak – A Palestinian Jew An authentic story of of anguish and love. This beautiful documentary follows an extraordinary individual whose life is thoroughly intertwined with the land. Dubak is an exceptional personality in the Gush Etzion region of the Judean Hills. He is a bereaved father, an informal educator and a soul mate to the local Arab population. Together with the native Bedouin Dubak set up a retrieval and rescue mission to track missing persons in the desert. As somewhat of a lost soul himself, this kind of intense and solitary work allows him eventually to create a balance with the people and the land. The Film follows his emotional journey through the many facets that make up this complex man. He seems to have found the key to a life that is at once communal and free of politics. Dubak's philosophy is effectively summed up in his own words when he says: "I have a land, I don't have a country. I am a Palestinian". Programming Possibilities: 0 8 Page

Current Events

Connecting. Entertaining. Inspiring. 0

3047 Johnson Ave. Riverdale, NY 10463 [email protected]

Arab/Israeli Conflict

11. 11. Qassam A powerful film about the experiences and struggles of the people of Sderot 0 a city located near Gaza that is under constant Qassam rocket fire. See and hear the stories of the people behind the news reports. Delve into their lives and share with them the experience of what it is like to live under constant threat of Qassam rockets. Programming Possibilities: 0



Current Events


Arab/Israeli Conflict

12. 12. Sderot Media Center Photo Exhibit Exhibit See and hear the stories of the people behind the news reports with Noam Bedein of the Sderot Media Center. Programming Possibilities: 0



Current Events


Arab/Israeli Conflict

13. 13. Sderot Children’s Play Performed in Boston Synagogues and the Brooklyn College in New York, this eye opening play, put on by children from Sderot, tells the story of their lives today. The play consists of a series of vignettes describing their lives living in a war zone that gets little public attention. Programming Possibilities: 9 Page

Connecting. Entertaining. Inspiring. 0



Current Events


Arab/Israeli Conflict

3047 Johnson Ave. Riverdale, NY 10463 [email protected]

14. 14. Sderot Mishnathon Have your students learn Torah to help the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva continue to support the community of Sderot. The Sderot Mishnathon allows all to learn together and help an institution that is helping the people of Sderot. To join please send an email to [email protected] to request the Mishnathon program packet with all the materials you need to run or participate in the Mishnathon.

10 Page

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