Linux+ Unit 15

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,015
  • Pages: 51
Course ILT

Troubleshooting and performance monitoring

Unit objectives  Identify good troubleshooting practices, and troubleshoot common hardware and software-related problems  Monitor system performance by using command-line and graphical utilities  Understand the purpose and usage of kernel modules  Troubleshoot and tune the hard disk

Course ILT

Topic A    

Topic A: Troubleshooting Topic B: Performance monitoring Topic C: Customizing the kernel Topic D: Troubleshooting and tuning the hard disk

Course ILT

The maintenance cycle

Troubleshooting methodology Course ILT

 Monitoring – Examine log files – Use monitoring utilities

 Proactive maintenance – Prevent problems from occurring

 Reactive maintenance – Fix problems when they occur

Course ILT

Common troubleshooting procedures

Troubleshooting methodology: Rules

Course ILT

 Prioritize problems – According to severity – Spend a reasonable amount of time given priority

 Try to solve the root of the problem – Avoid missing the underlying cause of a problem – Try to justify why a certain solution is successful

Course ILT

Activity A-1

Discussing troubleshooting methodology

Course ILT

The KDE Control Center

Hardware-related problems Course ILT

 Absence of a device driver – Prevents operating system from using hardware devices

 Kudzu program – Program used to detect and install support for new hardware

Course ILT

The kudzu welcome screen

Course ILT

Configuring hardware using kudzu

Course ILT

Activity A-2

Resolving hardware problems

Software-related problems Course ILT

 Dependencies – Prerequisites for program execution  Shared libraries  Other packages

 ldd command – Displays shared libraries used by a program


Software-related problems, continued

Course ILT

 ldconfig command – Updates the /etc/ and /etc/ files

 /etc/ files – Contains a list of directories that contain shared libraries

 /etc/ file – Contains the location of shared library files

File descriptors and logs Course ILT

 File descriptors – Connections a program makes to files

 unlimit command – Modifies process limit parameters

 /var/log directory – Contains most system log files

Course ILT

OS-related problems  Most software problems are related to the operating system – Typically problems with boot loaders, filesystems, and serial devices

 mkbootdisk command – Creates a boot floppy disk

Course ILT

Keywords used with the setserial utility

Course ILT

Exercise A-3

Resolving software-related problems

Course ILT

Activity A-4

Viewing and modifying package dependencies

Course ILT

Topic B    

Topic A: Troubleshooting Topic B: Performance monitoring Topic C: Customizing the kernel Topic D: Troubleshooting and tuning the hard disk

Performance monitoring Course ILT

 Hardware problems – Improper configuration – Old and failing

 Jabbering – Failing hardware components send large amounts of information to the CPU


Course ILT

Improving software performance      

Upgrade CPU Bus mastering More RAM Faster hard drive CD-ROM on separate controller Smaller kernel

sysstat utilities Course ILT

 System Statistics (sysstat) package – Performance monitoring utilities – mpstat, iostat, sar, and isag

 Multiple Processor Statistics (mpstat) utility – Displays CPU statistics


Course ILT

sysstat utilities, continued  Input/Output Statistics (iostat) command – Displays input/output statistics for block devices

 System Activity Reporter (sar) command – Displays various system statistics

Course ILT

Options for the sar command

Course ILT

Monitoring performance: sysstat utilities

 Interactive System Activity Grapher (isag) command – Graphs system performance – Uses information stored in the /var/log/sa directory

Course ILT

Choosing a file to view by using ISAG

Course ILT

Choosing statistics by using ISAG

Course ILT

Viewing user statistics by using ISAG

Course ILT

Activity B-1

Using the mpstat, iostat, and sar commands

Other performance monitoring utilities

Course ILT

 free command – Displays memory and swap statistics

 vmstat command – Displays memory, CPU, and swap statistics

Course ILT

Activity B-2

Using the free and vmstat commands

Course ILT

Topic C    

Topic A: Troubleshooting Topic B: Performance monitoring Topic C: Customizing the kernel Topic D: Troubleshooting and tuning the hard disk

Course ILT

Device drivers and features  Many compiled into the kernel  May also be inserted into the kernel as modules – Reduces size of the kernel – Runs faster

 Compile standard device support into the kernel  Support for other devices and features as modules

Kernel modules Course ILT

 insmod command – Inserts a module into the kernel

 modprobe command – Inserts module and all necessary prerequisite modules into the kernel

 lsmod command – Lists modules currently used by the kernel


Kernel modules, continued Course ILT

 rmmod command – Removes a module from the kernel

 /etc/modules.conf file – Used to load and alias modules at system initialization

 /etc/rc.d/rc.local file – Loads modules at system initialization

Course ILT

Activity C-1

Managing kernel modules

Compiling a new Linux kernel Course ILT

 /usr/src/linux – Contains source code for the kernel during compilation

Course ILT

The make menuconfig interface

Course ILT

The make xconfig interface

Course ILT

Configuring code maturity level options

Course ILT

Configuring USB support

Course ILT

Activity C-2

Compiling and using a new kernel

Course ILT

Patching the Linux kernel  Applies only the updates needed to bring kernel to new level  Patch command – Used to apply a patch to the kernel source code

Course ILT

Exercise C-3

Discussing kernel patches

Course ILT

Topic D    

Topic A: Troubleshooting Topic B: Performance monitoring Topic C: Customizing the kernel Topic D: Troubleshooting and tuning the hard disk

Course ILT

The hdparm program  Displays detailed information about hard disks  Runs simple tests of hard disk performance

Course ILT

Activity D-1

Using the hdparm program

Course ILT

The bonnie program  A hard disk benchmarking program  Checks the read and write speed of your hard disk

Course ILT

Activity D-2

Tuning hard disk performance

Course ILT

Unit summary  Identified good troubleshooting practices, and learned how to troubleshoot common hardware- and software-related problems  Monitored system performance by using command-line and graphical utilities  Understood the purpose and usage of kernel modules  Learned how to troubleshoot and tune the hard disk

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