Linux+ Unit 02

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 848
  • Pages: 43
Course ILT

Planning for installation Unit objectives  Describe central processing units, physical memory, disk drives, mainboards, and peripheral devices  Obtain the hardware and software information

Course ILT

Topic A  Topic A: Understanding hardware  Topic B: Gathering pre-installation information

Course ILT

Major components of a PC Central processing unit (CPU) Physical memory Disk drive Mainboard and peripheral components  Video adapter card  Keyboard and mouse    

Course ILT

Functions of CPUs  Manipulate data  Perform arithmetical computations  Direct the functions of other hardware devices

CPUs: Cache Course ILT

 Level 1 (L1) – Cache stored in the processor itself

 Level 2 (L2) – A separate computer chip that is connected to the processor via a high-speed link

CPUs: Multiple processors Course ILT

 Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) – Each processor shares tasks and memory space

 Asymmetric multiprocessing (ASMP) – Each processor is given a certain role or set of tasks to complete independent of the other processors

Course ILT

Exercise A-1

Discussing central processing units

Course ILT

Physical memory  Storage area for information  Two main categories: – Random access memory (RAM) – Read-only memory (ROM)

RAM types Course ILT

 Dynamic RAM (DRAM) – Single in-line memory modules (SIMM) – Dual in-line memory modules (DIMM)

 Static RAM (SRAM)

Course ILT

Read-only memory (ROM)  ROM is physical memory that can be read, but not written to  Used to store the firmware used by hardware devices

Course ILT

ROM variants  Programmable read-only memory (PROM)  Erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) – Complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor

 Electronically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM)

Course ILT

Exercise A-2

Understanding physical memory

Course ILT

Disk drive devices  Hard disk  Floppy disk  CD-ROM

HDD controller cards Course ILT

 Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) – Also known as Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA)

 Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)

Course ILT

IDE HDD configurations

Partitions Course ILT

 Partitions – Divide a hard disk into smaller areas

 Filesystems – A format that holds data within the partitions


Partitions, continued Course ILT

 Primary partitions – Divisions of a drive’s space

 Extended partitions – A partition that can be subdivided into logical drives

 Master boot record (MBR) – Area outside of a partition

Course ILT

Partitioning scheme: primary master

Other information storage devices

Course ILT

 Removable media – Can be removed and transferred to other machines  Floppy disks  Zip disks

Course ILT

Exercise A-3

Using disk drives


Course ILT

 Bus – Pathway from one hardware device to another

 Types – Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) – Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) – Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP)

Course ILT

Mainboard components

Peripheral components Course ILT

 PS/2 ports – Connects keyboards and mice

 Serial ports – Connects many different peripherals – Also called a COM port

 Parallel port – Connects printers – Also called an LPT port

USB and FireWire Course ILT

 Universal Serial Bus (USB) port – Uses keyboards, mice, printers, scanners, cameras, and so on. – Can be attached while the computer is running  Called hot-swappable

 FireWire (IEEE1394) – Hot-swappable variant of USB

Course ILT

PCMCIA ports  Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) – Supports peripherals built into small, enclosed cards – Hot-swappable

Device settings Course ILT

 Interrupt Request Line (IRQ) – Specifies a unique channel from a device to the CPU

 Input/Output (IO) address – Small working area of RAM where the CPU can pass information to and receive information from a device

 Plug-and-Play (PnP) – OS and peripheral devices that can automatically assign the correct IRQ, I/O address, and DMA settings without user intervention

Course ILT

Exercise A-4

Discussing mainboards and peripheral components

Video adapter cards and monitors

Course ILT

 Video adapter cards – Commonly called video cards – Provide a graphical display when connected to a monitor

 Resolution – Number of pixels that can be displayed

 Color depth – Number of colors that can be displayed

Course ILT

Memory requirements

Course ILT

Refresh rate  Rate at which the display is refreshed  Measured in hertz (Hz)  Two types: – Hsync (horizontal refresh) – Vsync (vertical refresh)

Course ILT

Exercise A-5

Discussing video adapter cards and monitors

Course ILT

Topic B  Topic A: Understanding hardware  Topic B: Gathering pre-installation information

Course ILT

Red Hat 9.0 hardware requirements  Each hardware component should be checked against a Hardware Compatibility List (HCL)

Course ILT

Pre-installation checklist

Course ILT

Windows System Information tool

Course ILT

Windows Device Manager

Course ILT

Windows Display applet

Course ILT

System POST

Course ILT

BIOS setup utility

Course ILT

System network configuration     

Hostname IP address Netmask Gateway DNS servers

Course ILT

Common Linux packages

Course ILT

Exercise B-1

Creating a pre-installation checklist

Course ILT

Chapter summary  Described types of central processing units, physical memory, disk drives, mainboards, and peripheral devices  Obtained the hardware as well as software information necessary to install Linux

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