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Linux Samba Server integration with Windows Active Directory – Part 1 Samba is an opensource suite that provided file and printer services in a heterogeneous environment ( with Windows , Unix and Linux). The key advantage of samba service is, it’s ability to provide file and print shares for both Windows and Unix clients equally. My main focus of this post is how to configure samba services integrated with Windows active directory services, so that samba user authentication will be performed by Windows Active Directory Services.

To understand the Samba configuration to integrate with Windows ADS, we need to understand below fundamental concepts Kerberos Authentication: Kerberos is a trusted third-party authentication service, keeps a database of its clients and their private keys. The private key is a large number known only to Kerberos and the client it belongs to.In Kerberos, both users and servers are named. As far as the authentication server is concerned, they are equivalent. A name consists of a primary name, an instance, and a realm, expressed as name.instance@realm. Linux winbind Service: Winbind unifies UNIX and Windows account management by allowing a UNIX box to become a full member of a Windows domain. The service provided by winbind daemon, is called winbind and can be used to resolve user and group information from a Windows Domain Controller, which makes it understandable by UNIX platforms. The service can also provide authentication services via an associated PAM module. The pam_winbind module supports the auth, account and password module-types. The winbind service is provided by samba-common package, as a component of samba.

In this first part of the samba configuration, I am presenting a quick overview of Kerberos authentication , and Linux configuration as a Kerberos client. And also demonstrating the procedure to add the Linux Samba server to windows domain using the winbind.

Quick Overview of Kerberoes Authentication There are two types of credentials used in the Kerberos authentication model:  Tickets : A ticket is used to securely pass the identity of the person to whom the ticket was issued between the authentication server and the end server. The authenticator contains the additional information which, when compared against that in the ticket proves that the client presenting the ticket is the same one to which the ticket was issued. A ticket is good for a single server and a single client. It contains the name of the server, the name of the client, the Internet address of the client, a timestamp, a lifetime, and a random session key.  Authenticators : Unlike the ticket, the authenticator can only be used once. A new one must be generated each time a client wants to use a service. This does not present a problem because the client is able to build the authenticator itself. An authenticator contains the name of the client, the workstation’s IP address, and the current workstation time Both are based on private key encryption, but they are encrypted using different keys .

The Overall Kerberos Authentication in 3 phases : Step 1: Client Requests Initial Kerberoes Ticket to Access the Ticket Granting Server

When the user walks up to a workstation.The user is prompted for her/his username. Once it has been entered, a request is sent to the authentication server containing the user’s name and the name of a special service known as the ticket-granting service. The authentication server checks that it knows about the client. If so, it generates a random session key which will later be used between the client and the ticket-granting server. It then creates a ticket for the ticket-granting server which contains the client’s name, the name of the ticket-granting server, the current time, a lifetime for the ticket, the client’s IP address, and the random session key just created. The authentication server then sends the ticket( TKT-1 ), along with a copy of the random session key ( SK-1) and some additional information, back to the client Step 2: Client Requests to Ticket Granting Server, for a ticket to access Samba Server

The Client creates a Authenticator (AUTH1) using the session key (SK1) and ticket (TKT1) received in the first step. The Client Send this authenticator, along with the ticket (TKT) to Ticket Granting Server. Ticket Granting Server validates Authenticator and generates new tickets ( TKT-2) session key ( SK-2) for the client and samba server to use.

Step 3: Client Access to the Samba Server The Client uses the recently received Session Key (SK-2) to create new Authenticator ( Auth2) . And Then Client Sends both Session Key ( SK-2) and Authenticator ( AUTH-2) to the samba server. The Samba server validates both Authenticator and Session Key, and if all matches it authenticate client Connection. In addition to authenticating client connection, the samba server sends a new session Key ( SK-3) encrypted with new time-stamp, and returns the Session key to Client. Client Validates the new session key ( SK-3) and confirms that it is is communicating with the right server. Then the connection establishes between client and the Samba server.

Linux Configuration as Kerberos Client My Lab Setup: OS Versions : Windows 2003 Server ( IP Address : , Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1 ( IP address: Windows Domain : GURUKULINDIA.COM WINDOWS SERVER : GURKULADS.GURKULINDIA.COM Linux SAMBA SERVER :

Note 1 : DNS configured on Windows ADS Server. >> edit /etc/resolv.conf and make following entries nameserver search Note 2 : To keep the system time in sync, I have configured WINDOWS 2003 SERVER to use local system clock and configured Linux to refer the Windows as NTP server. >> Comment out current NTP servers, and add the Server Entry referring to Windows Server. example Below [root@ramdev-test-1 samba-demo]# vi /etc/ntp.confserver server [root@ramdev-test-1 samba-demo]# service ntpd stop [root@ramdev-test-1 samba-demo]# service ntpd restart remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter ================================================================== ============ gurkulads.gurk .LOCL. 1 u 3 64 1 1.083 -13.057 0.000 [root@ramdev-test-1 samba-demo]# chkconfig ntpd on [root@ramdev-test-1 samba-demo]# chkconfig -l-list ntpd ntpd 0:off1:off2:on3:on4:on5:on6:off Install Kerberos Packages if not installed already:

[root@ramdev-test-1 samba-demo]# yum list installed|grep krb5 krb5-devel.x86_64 1.9-33.el6_3.3 @ol6_latest krb5-libs.x86_64 1.9-33.el6_3.3 @ol6_latest krb5-pkinit-openssl.x86_64 1.9-33.el6_3.3 @ol6_latest krb5-server.x86_64 1.9-33.el6_3.3 @ol6_latest krb5-server-ldap.x86_64 1.9-33.el6_3.3 @ol6_latest krb5-workstation.x86_64 1.9-33.el6_3.3 @ol6_latest pam_krb5.x86_64 2.3.11-6.el6 @anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux201105101844.x86_64/6.1 [root@ramdev-test-1 samba-demo]# yum -y install krb5-workstation Loaded plugins: product-id, refresh-packagekit, subscriptionmanager Updating Red Hat repositories.

Setting up Install Process Package krb5-workstation-1.9-33.el6_3.3.x86_64 already installed and latest version Nothing to do [root@ramdev-test-1 samba-demo]# cp /etc/-p /etc/krb5.conf /etc/krb5.conf.orig Modify /etc/krb5.conf to refer to Windows ADS server as Kerberoes Authentication Server. Under the Kerberos, [realms] is set to the kerberos server definitions and [domain_realm] defines the active directory server.Both are in Below will show the file before and after the change [root@ramdev-test-1 samba-demo]# sdiff /etc/krb5.conf /etc/krb5.conf.orig [logging] [loggi ng] default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log [libdefaults] [libd efaults] default_realm = | default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM dns_lookup_realm = true | dns_lookup_realm = false dns_lookup_kdc = true | dns_lookup_kdc = false ticket_lifetime = 24h ticket_lifetime = 24h renew_lifetime = 7d renew_lifetime = 7d forwardable = false | forwardable = true

[realms] lms] = { kdc = admin_server = } [domain_realm] ain_realm] = GURKULINDIA.COM EXAMPLE.COM = GURKULINDIA.COM EXAMPLE.COM



EXAMPLE.COM = { | kdc =


admin_server = } [dom

| =

| =

Just to make sure that we have no expired tickets and cleanup if any existing tickets just run below kerberos commands

[root@ramdev-test-1 samba-demo]# kdestroy <== to destroy any existing tickets kdestroy: No credentials cache found while destroying cache [root@ramdev-test-1 samba-demo]# klist <== to list any existing tickets klist: No credentials cache found (ticket cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0) [root@ramdev-test-1 samba-demo]# kinit kinit: Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial credentials <== kninit to obtain and cache Kerberos ticket-granting tickets, but it failed because of no initial authentication

Obtain new Kerberos Ticket by authenticating to the Kerberos authentication server ( Windows Domain Server) : [root@ramdev-test-1 samba-demo]# kinit [email protected] Password for [email protected]: kinit: KDC reply did not match expectations while getting initial credentials <<= Command Failed. And the reason is, i have mentioned the domain name in lower case. Next command with uppercase domain name is successfule [root@ramdev-test-1 samba-demo]# kinit [email protected] Password for [email protected]: <== command success and the prompt returned # [root@ramdev-test-1 samba-demo]# klist <== check the ticket-granting tickets Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 Default principal: [email protected] Valid starting Expires Service principal 10/11/12 12:14:04 10/11/12 22:14:08 krbtgt/[email protected] renew until 10/18/12 12:14:04

That Concludes the Kerberos Authentication part. I will be posting continuation post about Samba configuration procedure, joining Linux server to Windows domain using winbind and testing the samba setup.

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