Linux Myanmar Language

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 10
Linuxcrtepc€:oioc1:qeEiuT q:@o5$3:coc,E SystemorOpenSource $383t4."@; LinuxOpeating Linuxc{ .dd.$. Installq8qogi,"dd"Q. ocg:q1co erl ac:ocq1c6qc:Ge sagcooSq€ f ofo{cnd:gc - d 4 t :gc cogcoc$.c,i o1o:,-'S n oajieo>6o?.o c{ i. q? cuo5flon:Q1efd OSqp:egepqScaoc:{: q:$qc: oc:oigc @i.coec,:(on\cogi <-,o6 oqcf oe@59o$ o:6eoiq13: oocc:8oE orSQ 13:c.r3: Windows{. MacOS{.c$ qJD:?e oD,rS rrggl:,-,p9c ocr:a: og:qp: cf eaoo6$3 og: cocuroq6)o:6qj1: @6o:o5rr $6.11 d o3i ci1l1orao6 :c'i o o 3 oo? g So?6$3q.sac6c6 c$o 5 eo1 oaqqp: Giq $1qa$:'**pi"Qq$ oc,Sieo:c OSoi8:cr:ceoi.i1 g6ro6ocdi€g "fl **01 gq€:aaedTcacoToois: ogiqEr q:tri: oocoq6 @6,;lorcrSr qc:egi @6c.'1 a:,-Srr sac@59o$ co9c.r$3qi cao3 c,5 i. "4"Sq€q:p:eoc q3Q€cuogo:oeqfi@d$6$3:)r high level of securiry ngi.11-.1. ogcc6c4.-S cncEE6 di :q116 :@€ d q6 c{ lct (oi$pq:caaof oo $: @i o: $€:) oo gi ecnoS caoeS gcr5co:c$.background software c'$. eoT{efiS:@6 Q${,eoc OperatingSystemo61 @6ciotSrr
Multiuser facility LinuxOS(operationg system) oc o${ioEj:9c user 96p: {.ou?d 96p:coc,EQ4 {o3ao.Egc{cuo5,i, (Figure 1.1)oad @d",1,,{.o$€ user i€,r1or...S,, g6p: {.tlqo5 96p:oc,5Qeocqc,5q.69qp:oiOSm o6$13qc'5orEi: qc,Sq.6 e,.,: or.-S',Userocq i. OS $3,.,"1 oq6:ei. o6oepc,ic$q913 €rgousercreat"?Sd"i"1 co,-S,' OS9 userc{cac3sagoiQt$ EBi username;f password cq {dcodco:q$ c$,io,$,, $:q1E OS 9 user name password.'l User tDca5loeq@€ 96: 93. o cSca9o5@1 e96:aogi :co::t-rl ot'Srr eqc€cod{i uxr sacq,|. oq6ca3,rQ. Qi-d o3oep.'Sc$odcjEEi user namegi passworddG$*d cogil€:c":s1ic.fo6 ,,ilor,.'S,'9$or$9oc o3eopc,5 g3p19c@6o,ca<$,

username- _root password- _ tr<*'rt<:*'t (passwordI o7:ocr3qa::$ eeo:c1rr) eroS$1qi jc - Linux q3 casesensitive@6u$ egc.r3or6qgi:9cWindowsPlatform(command mode)9 TerminalService${ o€ecpo6i3<-,lo,.r3rr eoea C:btelnet192.168.1.1( Linuxservere$ Ip address ,i fi,;@dqo1e,-St) Linux serverodcQ. o6egc,3"Q.6-dt€ -dEtS g.'5ogf: Serverer\ Kernal1oi4o&o5:r,!€:o$fl g user machineoqc,S Shell(mentoryshell) cr,il1
Multitaskingfacility The unit of work {.oqd program-5foa€ caq3q3@3:c4process or task c1 eaTcior*-,S, oldi o3i : or6p1€ qc,5orgl:qd oq6o:61 ai."qci crr51 -.3Qd q3eoc3$3$3:criMultitasking qcaTo'lcnr$r Starting and Terminatingthe Linux Operating (grrr-,$f System Linux OS.ogl rag,-'Sooa: @:ereoa Linux operating systemcdcrio3eepo5"Q"3*i. fi lesqp:c{ printingg3$3:r sortingqSqoA oqp1r operatrng system prompt o3 op:ooc filesqp:crior6,fl$orgi:9c handbq6s 9c userlD,|. passwordoi l.l)%3 @dr'l, g3: fi,io:,rS,'(Figure Shellsand Kernel


Figure 1.2 ShellsandKcrnal Linuxoperating systemcdef oteryr6c$q3 commandmodec3€ userrgi keyboard commandcrt 9 gcro {"6og$q.leoSrr

L1ser oeq}. 88{ username}. {.,5coEieo:e1o1orr5rr passwordd " g$- $g', { cAcogi eo: c$o3
Chapter2 3 InstallingLinux 9.0 Linux9.0c{ install q8cpo3€ oeo€eQ6qp6g oeoioi8 :er\screencaptured ooq$oqcf, i nstallationg

qpc'f@giqn3:orE:goo€ $oa:
HardDiskSpace (NoTE:Additionalspacewill berequiredfor userdata): - Customlnstallation(minimum): 475MB - Server(minimum):850M8 - PersonalDesktop1.7GB

coc.Srr Before You Begin - ccSoo€tlcogorc8 Installation cc6 a i :oec'i n3 :co€:Q3i { gc qc:coE)

Memory: - Minimumfor text-mode:64MB - Minimum for graphical: l28MB - Recommended for graphical: 192MB

$8qioo?.E flcoo:q"3i caq1c,6ocuc,5qp:9c . Linux OS9.0Install : Installing Linux 9.0 from a CD-ROM $1q3$3ca:c q i q1toloqr6c,? . A Linux OS9.0CD-ROMq q16 aQ€:argi Windows gler€a{:ooo\ Installation userqp:saogoiInstallcjScpq8 ooc6oi cq.$€o1 PreinstallationTaskso.$" {.e@i "e"S"?g""?6e6oc3$3q$o%d?t€ (@1o€ q 6 eoa€ elegloqld qp,) ooS n Linux : qd:oc€:ga ca8@oo:,.tl o.g or6eo{q13 oq1.,5qptc4 Installationrq66 ooac,5"1 @p€ 9.0CD ct:q8 fralaiogoEocotlq:oe6cr?CO-nOVl oi:oo:qi c,io3u1ccgi,rl. overallharddiskareaq3 CD-ROM 9 bootarc6o'lrrcooc'5os,, ISOLINUX 2.002002-10-25.Copyright(C) 1994flc,lcnVirtualPC qecca software oai:qJi€o1 2W2 H. PeterAnvin Virtual PC softwareurc oc6fl flege:m o96 or<.Srr ApplicationProgramqp:c{ installqSc.rQc$. e,-,Tc23 93: soItwarecrl installq3 q"1e,rS,,93: softwareerg! OSecrTqSo2,.,oo98og3$Eooq$ fleg$:oc: Winclows oqc,5Virtual PC softwarem c;Q:oocc,6gc,5ccr:,i (qL6${q93 o6{1ior$:q3 OS96icfl




- NexrUutton al6eoaEq1o5 .{$6u1u

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Flgur€ 2.2 Welcometo RedHat Linux Installationgtlg6o€ InstallerCD crna€:eccrra€: Testq6c$q91€OKc{ og
Figure 2.S LanguageSelection -

Standard oof G€ English(English)o! selecr o76,irr qdesoa€$rt - Nextbuaon crf clicko;dri,, Figure 2.5q€ @d.,1,

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Figure 2.3 Linux SystemInsraller Linux SystemInstaller SystemqE ocSeoSooc:eere deviceqpof arno Derecto;6
Flgure 2.6 KeyboardConfiguration -

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Figure 2.4 Welcome!o Rd t|rl.inux GUI

Flgure 2.7 MouseConfrgrrradm


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@ei"l' Figure 2.9 Disk PartitioningSetup oo{




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Figure 2.8 InstallationgTYPe

Disk Partitioning Setup Linux of PartitionQ8:S: Installog6ecS{q3 Linux \. DiskPartitioningSetupcn 9t :ca3ci:c{ cg.-S ccgl n qgc eocSg.,5oc,:$3r-,1 Automatically Partitioning Setup AutomaticallyPartitioningSetupoption4 "4. qosiecs{qE "al{"-E.t ooq$. partitioningtool{. mountpoint (PartitioningcaQ€:Eotn - /homeor / ql[3nQcqq8 usr)c{ assignq3c,r;Q.ocQo6,11c7:'rsa"fl ocp oc$,ic7:rr ocaqSeoocS q6coa€ry5 - AutomaticallyPartitioning option ol eg:o1 Next button ctf $3u1',Figure 2.9 Disk

Workstation & Server Linux Workstation{. Server

Figure 2.10 AutomaticPartitioning

RemoveaII Linux Partitions on this system s"n.tr3t.{ (Linux OS flcq$roa partiliensecrTo33 installq3cQ,r'l remove q3$ saco6":6oiQ$cugl m 93;oPtion.,fog."1u)

Removeall partitionson this systcm (Partitions c<,rT cr73c$qgj8 fiflog dataoa:q:c[ remove c{ option cg:,-,1 rr) 9€: ? r l Keepall partitions & user cxisthgfrcc spce (flng$,orrr oQ3:c[ Eo of3:coa:$ oeo5cfeaJa-i€' "{ installq6q13q913 93: option'tcg"1,) partitions first q€ Windows OS {c1S:r aotlc partitions second q€ LinuxOSc{ Insattg&rf o1m 9€:optionofcg

Figure 2,10.3 Disk Setup

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Figure 2.10.1



Figurc 2.10-2

Figure2.9 qt Removeall Linux Partiti<nson this systemoptioncq cgql<.S5<.,1cn Linur hrtitions ca8froarcdataqp:oo:q:c{ removeq6og! warningboxcoc$tlgirrFigure2.l0.l cr$ 4"*

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Figure2.9 o7€ Removeall Partitions(n rhi( systemoptionc{ eg:q1c$}ol cDffi :ceraHad dist

ManuallyPartitioningOption c{ og.}eos{q€ coo5fiharddrivei; partitioningscreenoegsaoc:ot Frgure2.I 0.3oq.@3$€9a G6o1 olr-Sl Systemc{ partitioningic
Partitionsoe:o7:crtqc,Sogl"7oorc wrning bor Pertitioning c{ Figure2.l0.2q3 Q+€-nA cc6Qco:
Partitinning your System Centerrow 9cc@? New, Edit, Delete button eqot o q :$6! nartitioningoQ3:c4 o oc6o$o3:$€: r : r ", d o?."flcoa8goE$390 @5o1 QEco3@3:' ql.,E.rE@8 ooSrrResetbuttoncnco:?e@c8 :o5coo:l gp{ oepd : olqlSQoe'l gc ef.ctrloEqocaof S: @6ooq1€ Qool 9c e1:tica<-S" New buttonol click q<SrieoS{qi mounr point"filesystemtypet€ allowablesize(MB) qp:cri ooa.GSqp@6o'lor<.r5rr Linux installg6cpq8 oEm -,G€ root(/),/bootswapoccccmountpoint "i,td olgi:q: cgqoScc':qi c$
Windowsc{ (ntfs)filesystem@€co6Q$:rLinux cri 6o:? ext3file system@f coE@coc:c,loctSrr

qdccoc€qo5 - Nextbuttbnoi$3o1rr oo{




Figure 2.13 NetworkConfiguration

FEur€ 2.11DiskSetup -


Set the bootname{. manually 9a Linux 9.0 (@Ff $63rc66p{c6@di€ -d ) .4 {.6ogi <,1,, qdcoaEqlo5 Nextbuttono{ {6o1r

IGep all partitions& userexistingfree space optionofcg:$: cpc,Sca6ofq€ oo3.@€qcocQ @6
oeo{ (c9)

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Figure 2.14 Firewall Configuration -

No firewall option c{ cg:crl r Next button .,t click tSull

oro{ (ca) Figurt 2.12NetrrorkConfiguration .'-*FE

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Flgure 2.16TtmeZoneSelectron

Figure 2.1EWorkstationDefaults

- Locationq6 .l,sia/Rangoon c{cg:ri Workstation environment 9a oloSonoogscreen qdeoc€qcf Next buttonof ctick i6ri , Frgure en co6$oo:ardd ""a.$6f or.'5rr @E<-'1 2.16q3 @gi,r'lrr - Acceptthe currentpackagelist 9c current package list c4d cuo5i Installogdo.-S{qd oeo{ (c2) 9d: option4 6g:6lp @6c,1or<-Srr - Customized thesetof package to beInstalled9c currentpackage cri InstallcogSod{C@LOE; -dcp package4 "a.qd Installq8eclS{q3 9€: optionc'i cg:q1,-Sqp @6



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Figure 2.17 SetRootpassword Root Passwordol {crSoEigirl i*{ iS.,a-*"*r



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oo8@1c1eEi oqloSqc:ofl oo'5$ Installation oor3qi caq c'5Next buttonc{ click o6 q1c6 rr $5<-,1


j.m&rhdh In'leuh@d t*-.d.dMbp l d e d -

Figure 2.19 About to Install



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Figure 2.17.,1RootPassword accepted od@t li - Linux q€ casesensitive @6argi,l passwordc'f [email protected]:o.5+d'{dd cqolrr $:q1d Nextbuttoncf tScirr

l'igure Z.ZUlnstalllng pacKages


ocooa?:Form{tting/ Filesystem qSci:c'l ooe eg$ $6,r'1 or,r5'r cA6eaoc3 - Nextbuttonc{$3o1rr Figure2.20o1 caSeecn€qc,8


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Figure 2.23 Startto installpackages from disc-2 disc-2installerc'f o$qE:$:egc.,5 installqdc$: o c8ocf gSceoo€cqccai c,f Figure2.23q3 @gi

oo{ (lE) qp:c'i oo6 InstallqdeqQcfi {"?3 packages disc-2c{ Installq8$:qg€ disc-3.'iodA cogieo:qi oq$8$39c@6o'1o<.S'r oEi ChangeCDROM

Total TotalqSlnstall cgSqeg)packages, size9{ @c{1 (Time)c{ eoSQco'r:o1 o: $ rr Completed Installog5c$:$:ag:a3c:o 3i package, sizeg€ [ime) o gl rr @c{$.4 eo6$ocl<.,'1

ccaaS:{ boxc'i eq$8 q9c$6 ,.,1or<.S,rdisc-3c{ od$ Of cri click$5$:eEc.'3 installg8c $:c{ p $cuElq 3eaoa8 eqocai c4 Figure2.22

%[email protected]' oeo{fug)

Remaining package, sizegf (time) g3eaocdqi -1{fl"+-ai @c{i"{ oo8Qooc:

Figure 2,25 Creatingthe Boot Disk

Figure2.22 Changingthedisc:2Installer

Boot diskettecreationbox qd Linux o\ systemfilesqp:c{ diskettecdc{.q:qc$c,1cn yesoption c{ click $3cg:o1rr BootdiskettecreationeqSc$caf No optionc{ click $3eg:o1rr Bootdiskette"Q-dq. qi OS BootloaderconfigurationoQ3:q6{ t :e3c:rcg) oo1 OScrfGi-d loadq6oo:{3ooc system$8qp: c,f c36:ogi:oo:cccc diskettecrf {c$ccg:il

disc-lc{ Installo76$:qg8 disc-2c{o6a oglo,rt Change CDROMboxof coa$qqa qi ccoaS:aQccgi disc-2c{ogid OK of click$6$:cpo6 qdcoaEqlo5 - Yes,I would like to createa boot $6o'lor,15rr installq6c{r4 0{*d"?6coa€oqogiof Figure disketteoptioncrf cg
qde:oaEqot - Nexrburton cf click $8,rirrFigure 2.27 o7@g:o'll oeo{ (jo)



Figureeas.f Ins€rtflopy & q8eoaEqoi - Makebootdiskbunooof d*tf Sl bootdiskc!6cf :ol oqrE
Figure 2.26GraphtcalInterface(D Coo6$rrb oqp:caa:Sf ocfei video card ol arnodcccr qdco:<.,1o:,.f rrcacn
Color Depth{ccgiga hardwarec$.ocqo5sofr ware odEcrt ctfoSoa:Q1coc oeep€qc:er\ ag6 opj:g o:iQ:c,f{cQo1ou5 rr Screen Resolution odcucfe oo,Scugi {-dq. o33p{3coa ooc6ocqoo3o5o!Resolution o7 caT,ica<.,5 rr93:oo c,E crt (pixel) g cugi : eoT.','l o oSrr

qdeoc€q1ol - ColorDepthgf ScreenResolurion Nextbuttonc{ click 4."{ 8"[email protected]$: $d

{F.ld,btu@tu h46dDqdEre |q@4ri*':h rqde&6Edlt/6dhkd*r


tutuo|l!t*@hl,Isid4 b6rd9.rd r.tuddEddsBeffi* ..&he.:@ ro|@e*k.e|.g turh&@*r-


Figure 2.29 Configuration

Frgurt 2.Zi Monttor Configuretion OS cneg$: ocrSi1. Monitorc{:ooc:crf

autode_ tect o96eo:cio,rSrrocncrS$ auto detect setting er\ Monitorsaqol:ooc: e9 m o'1cn, cni coc Monitor $ $ 9$ saqfirooc:ot ordal orgl : cn:c
qdcooEqloS - Exit butronc{ ctick $6olrrFigure 2.29?,ic{ @d o'lrr p :qgE ocf oc$ caeo1po5resrart 9 .\3!) Linux 9.0 er\ GraphicalUser 96ccc,5g,-S Interface (cUI) "i cc8eq.@€i€p @6"1o.-,5rr oqEQr r e€:aleoeC KnowledgeChannel [email protected]

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