Lightning Protection system for MCCR
Presented by: Katlego Mohlala Study leader: Dr. A. De Beer.
Problem Statement To investigate a lightning protection system suitable for MCCR (Micro-processor Controlled Constant Current Regulator).
Introduction Micro-processor Controlled Constant Current Regulator (MCCR).
Air Field Ground lighting system (AGL).
Mccr circuital layout
Airfield ground lighting system
Scope How lightning enters a power network? Effects of lightning. Surge Protection Devices(SPD’s). Lightning protection zones(LPZ). Earthing methods. OR Tambo system analysis. Conclusion.
How lightning enters a power network
Direct lightning strike. Indirect lightning strike.
Effects of lightning over voltage and current transients.
Effects of lightning
Surge protection devices
Lightning protection zones
Earthing methods
Proposed solution Transient voltage suppressor applied with LPZ concept and earthing standards.