Light Wolf (intro)

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,372
  • Pages: 26
Light Wolf Okay the storystarts outlike this ,I was 9 years old and really happy kid. When all of a sudden we had to move and that shattered my life but that is only the effect of something I never new was happening, something I never even imagined was going on. Hi my name is Luz Lobo, which I know sounds dumb but sometimes I kind of like it. At first I was under the pretention that we had moved 'cause my mother, Lupe Lobo, was fighting with the people that owned our trailer. Which we used to live in on the property (only land ) that was bought between my mom and dad. It was said that we moved because my mom

lost the battle against the owners and from there we started moveing all over the Texas region. For various reasons we never stayed in one place for more than five years at a time. Well I grew up moving and ignoring everythibg that happened around me. I was always in a book, reading was my pation. I mostly read fiction books for me to escape to another universe another status of being. Well in the end I always used to read stories about vampires, demonds, and shadow creatures that try with all their might to be better for the women they love. Also about women overcoming fears and staying with their demond, alien, vampire, or any other

shadow creature. Well nobody was going to prepare me when all of a sudden my mother needed to talk to me about something important. See I was turning 22 on Feburary 7th. My family had made me a party at my eldest brothers house. Marcos Lobo was 28 years old and already had a family and everything. Since I live in the college dorms while I'm in college and it happens to be in the same town as where my brother lives. Marcos is 6'2 and with rugget looks. He's a little on the heavy side but it looks good on him. He has dark brown hair almost looks black. He is married with Bianca Lobo. She's a lot smaller than me she's like 5'6 light brown hair and is really skinny. At

first nobody thought they were going to last cause it was obvious that my brother didn't love her profoundly like your supposed to, well at least that's what I think. Well anyways they made it and fell in love deeply getting to know each other. They have two kids one boy and that's Marcos Jr. and a girl, Lupe Anai Lobo. That's thanks to both her grand mothers. Well the party was a suprise and I thought it was just a dinner with my brother and his family. When I come in to the one story country house with three bedrooms, and see all my family there. My brothers Isabell (that was my grandfather's name in my fathers side of the family),

Juanco (that's my mom's grandfathers name) and Jeronimo Lobo. See Isabell is three years older than me but I never know exactly what he's studying in a community college. Well anyways he's still studying and working at the sametime and still lives in San Antonio with my mother. He's almost 6'1 and a little on the chubby side, with dark brown hair and haizel green eyes, oh did I tell you that my dad and my brother Marcos has that same eye color and the rest of us have a little different shades of brown from my mother. Well Juanco is three years younger than me which makes him out to be 19 years old and bearly going to graduate high School. He's

been in jail a few timew and people say he's a pot head, but I still have hope that one day he'll recover and make something out of himself. Well he's... let's just say it fat and 5'8 my same hieght but it doesn't look well for him he's gangster looks are really worrying. Well anyways next is Jeronimo, he's tall not that dark and handsome. He's 5'9 with dark brown hair and really nice cloths. He graduated high school 2 years before Juanco did and is know going to college. The only bad thing about Jeronimo is that he's a bit retarded and very subseptible to what others talk about and to him. It's not really bad but sometimes you have to explain things to him

more in depth. There also was my mom she's 5'2 with curly white hair that she keeps dying yet it never stays longer than a week or two. Did I tell you that I'm the only one in the family with curly hair aside from my mom of course.Juanco has wavy hair but not curly. Every body else has strait hair like my dad. So I was surprised when I went in and saw all my family. Even my neice and nephew. Well we had a lot of fun for a while then all of a sudden my mom asked to talk to me. So I went with her into my brother's room. So before she could say something I asked all worried. " Ama what happens what's all this about I still don't get what's everybody doing here." See my dad had

died a year before at the age of 74 and he was twenty years older than my mom so the only ones with her in her house helping her out is my brothers Juanco and Isabell. Though she tried to calm me down right away."No mija there's nothing wrong with me or your brothers. But I do have to talk to you about something importan.t." Okay so I get a little over excited if you lived with me and my family you would understand."Okay so tell me what you have to tell me ma", I told her. See I knew she was nervous with all the hand twitching and the really guilty worried look that she was giving me with those dull brown eyes of hers. "Remember when we first

started moving from place to place." "Yes but that was 'cause we lost the trailer house we lived in and we had to start moving." "Well that's kinda half of it. See there was a problem with something we, me and your father, did when we started out." Okay so by this time I got a little paranoic. I mean you would to if you knew some of the stuff that happened in my house when I was little. Anyways I had to ask. "What did you do ama, that's got you so nervous." "Remember that I told you that I had lost a baby girl before Juanco was born." "Well yes but what's that got to do with me I mean sorry for

the pain it cost you but what's it got to do with me." "Well that baby girl wasn't lost by accident it kinda was lost on purpose." "How the hell did you loose the baby on purpose? Well sorry better question is why." "It was to save your brothers, you, and us. See I was still young and didn't know what I was doing." "Ama you know that's not an excuse for what you did." "Well I know that already but the thing is that when your brother Marcos was born I kinda lost my train of thought remember he was born dead. So me in my stupid mind just yelled out that I would do anything to save his life. There

is where everything starts. See I was so distraought from what had happened that I didn't measure my thinking. So out of the blue this gorgeous man that looks like a dark angel, that is like 6'4 deep black hair that looks blue in the light, black jeans and a black turtleneck and white as snow, appears in front of me so i'm like frighten out of my wits so I start screaming, 'Who are you what are you doing here what do you want?' and he says 'I'm here to answer your call you said you would give anything if you get your child back right?' and I say' Yes I did say that but what are you doing in my labor room and were's everybody, most important were's my husband?' by that time I was

already histerical and I couldn't see anybody that could help me so I entered in shock. Then he continued to talk,' they are alright but I have to tell you what would you do to have your baby back?' So then I answer him with the truth,' I would give anything to get him back!' 'Well' he says 'then I think I can help you with that.' Okay so by now I'm believing him so I ask 'How?' And he says 'first you have to promise me one thing,' So I tell him 'sure no problem anything to get my son back!' Then he starts to talk,'Okay see I've been living in this world for almost one and a half centries, and living it alone. What I want from you is one daughter which ever daughter you conceive with

your husband. When she turns 18 she will become my bride for all eternity.' Then when he finishes talking I go beserk,'What I can't do that we are talking of my future daughter here even IF I have one why would I give her to you.' 'Well then if you don't want your son back then I should leave.' By this time I'm a little freaked out so I say,' Okay I'll give her to you as long as I ever have a daughter and you don't try to take back what you gave.' Then he says' If you keep your part I'll keep mine agreed?' ' Agreed' Then after that he just vanished and everybody was once again around me and the baby all of a sudden started to cry. But the problem was that every

where we went I could feel something following some cold and dark. Everytime one of you was born he would show up. Like for Isabell he showed up to remind me of the pact. Luz there's something else I haven't told you yet, see your sister wasn't born after you she was born two years before. See I didn't know I was pregnant and continued to do all my work. It sometimes poped into my head that maybe I was pregnant but your father always said I was hullicinating because I wanted to have a little girl to accompany me when your father left for work and your brothers for daycare at your grandma's. Since I was sick after Isabell's birth I thought I

had imagined the dark angel. So I didn't take to much consideration to what the pregnancy might mean in the actual situation. So anyways I'm still working and sometimes I get this thing like a premonition that I am pregnant but I say ' I can't be I got really sick when I had Isabell and there were less than twenty percent of posobility that I would get pregnant so soon. So one day out of the blue I get this siring pain in my abdomen and I end up in the hospital and since your dad, god rest his soul, is no were to be found like usual I am alone there with nobody to support me. When I recover from the pain and the faint spell I suffurd I realize that I'm

in a hospital and that a doctor wants to talk to me about the baby so I get all overwhelmed and start screaming at the top of my lungs what baby ,what baby, over and over again like a mad women. When I calm down a bit is because I've been sedated and the doctor only says that I need to rest and that he will speak to me when I regain conciousness. By the time I do regain it I'm in another room by myself instead of the cuby in the ER. Anyway he has this look on his face like he has to tell me something really bad so I try to brace myself. Well at least try to anyways. So I'm getting impatient and the damn doctor won't tell me anything so I start to tell him to tell me

anyways because he's just harming more my nerves. When he tells me sorry ma-am but your daughter didn't make it through I get a little crazy and start crying like an idiot. So when I woke up again I thought I was dreaming and that that didn't happen to me but as I study my surroundings and start to realize were I am I search everwhere for the nurse button. I press it and the nurse comes right away. She was a nice old lady that looked like she was about sixty and with her head full of snow white hair and her face full of age lines that she most assured was proud of them. Anyway I ask to speak to the doctor and she takes off and goes to get him. When the doctor comes

and we start talking he tells me that for women that have irregurlar menstrual cycles like I did at the time it's sometimes possible for them not to notice they're pregnant. So after all the talking I ask him if I could have the baby to give it a properal burial. He automatically says yes. So when I'm buring your sister the dark angel starts talking to me in my head I don't know what's happening so I freak out. Then he starts saying that it doesn't matter that one of my daughters just died I still have to pay my due. So I start talking to him like he's right in front of me while he's nowhere to be seen. I tell him what my doctor told me that I can't have any more kids because of the

one I miscarried. He tells me that I will get many more kids in my life with my same husband. At the time I didn't understand him but after you, Juanco, and Jeronimo were born I did. Though I think he told me this because he thought I tried to cheat him on his end of the deal. So when I knew you are on the way two years after I lost Rosario. I tell your father that we need to start moving and not to stop for anything. He never asked me why but he did see the expression I had on my face. The dread, fear, and anger were all there when I talked to him. So we started moving to different parts of the state. Until we couldn't move any longer because you were

coming on the way. So when you are born I don't expect to see him like two seconds after you are born. He had you in his arms craddleing you and telling me if I wanted to see you before he left with you. I ask him if I can hold you before he takes you. When he hands you over to me I start asking him questions like why does he want you so early why not when you turn eighteen he says that it's for you to get accustomed to he's way of life for you to accept it more completely. From there I ask him why eighteen barely a teenager he says it was for you to come to know him better as an adult. Kind of like a dating game. Anyway I ask him what he's going to do to you that

will enable him to have you for an eternity. He says that he's going to transform you into what he is but that you would always have the best of everything you could desire. That's when I knew that even though it was going to be a lustrious life turning you into what he is was over the top for me and I tried to save you. When he was talking about all the things you could have with him and all the stuff you were going to be a part of I reach under my pillow and took out a stake soaked in holy water to do a lot of damage whether he was a vampire or something else. But when I fake that I'm handing you back I had the stake under your blanket and as I reach a safe distance I

striked when he realizes whats happening he tries to dodge, but he still gets really damaged. I wait a week for him to come back but he never does so I get out the next day. See I waited so I could finish him off but he never came. From then on we continued to move around from Mexico to Texas several times just hoping to make him loose track of us. We even changed our last names from Lavargas to Lobo. Because that was the last name of my grandmother when she was single. She was part indian and Lobo was part of the tribes tradition to name themselves after a respected animal spirit. I was so worried, we continiued to move from place to place and after about

two years and a half I learned that I was pregnant with Juanco. So we settled into a small town in the southern most tip of Texas. We lived there for for about six years the most we ever stayed in one place. I thought that we were okay and that since I saw he took a lot of damage so I didn't worry to much. I thought that he was going to take like several years more than ten but no less than fifty. Well that's what I've heard that happens when you damage an unholy being with holy water. But when you were little you used to say that you had this friend that none of us could see. So we all thought your friend was imaginary. But when you asked me if I had have

another baby girl other than you well I kinda freaked. see cause after Juanco and Jeronimo were born I thought we were all good. So I didn't pay much attention to suddle things that you used to do. Since you were always silent I didn't think much of it. But when you asked me that I started putting everything together." " I don't seem to remember I had imaginary friend until I was ten years old. What happened for me to have lost my memory about that?" "I don't know exactly the only thing is that after a while you stopped talking about an imaginary friend and started spending time with this girl Jacy that was a year younger

than you were." "Yeah I remember Jacy. So that's why we moved from one place to another all the time?" "In a way yes. But that was because everytime I thought we were save, well you were, I got this sudden sence that something was watching and waiting." "So is that why you were so angry with me when I started reading those books about immortals and creatures of the night?" "Yes that was the main reason. The other reason is that my religion abhores them." "But what if it's like in my books that some of them give you a choice. That they don't like what they are. That they're just to lonely and proud, like us

the Lobo's, to admit it." "Well what if it's not. What if you don't get a choice and I never see you again. I mean you have always been a solitary person everywhere you go. In all your schools you only had like two friend and made threesomes and that was about it." "No sometimes I just hung out with people that actually needed me or were my true friends. Not like just acuaitences friends. But honest to goodness friends that would always have my back."

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