Light Upon The Waters

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  • Pages: 15
Outline: “Light Upon The Waters” by Dan Thomason 1. Prologue: My motives and methods for the book.* 2. Introduction: Notes from “The Elder” - author/compiler of the Gospel 3. A Highway for the Lord John the Baptist’s perspective and expectations 4. Jesus interacts with people a. Making friends* b. “The Wedding” 5. The Paradoxical Kingdom a. Clearing the Temple b. Reaction to the action c. Nicodemus d. The Baptist’s perspective on change 6. The Well Jesus relating to a person in psychological need 7. A Meditation Jesus ponders his role on earth 8. Words from the Pulpit A Religionist speaks up - who is this man? 9. Sister Mary* a. Raising of her brother Lazarus b. Annointing of Jesus 10. The Downward Spiral* From the Celebration Parade to the Trial 11. Jesus faces his Death* 12. Breakfast on the Beach* a. The risen Jesus cooks for his friends b. Concluding remarks from the Elder

* to be written

Light Upon The

Waters An interpretation Selected portions of The Fourth Gospel By Dan Thomason

© 2000 Dan Thomason

The Elder’s Introduction

Artistic expression is a creative act, as is birth. This happened for the entire universe at some time in the distant past - both for the Heavens, and the Earth. This was The Painter’s canvas. The Painter was indistinguishable from his capacity to express himself. Thus: The Artistic Expression existed in the beginning. This Artistic Expression accompanied the Painter. The Artistic Expression was actually the same as the Painter. All creative acts took place by means of this personified Artistic Expression. Life itself was contained in him, and that particular life was a source of illumination for earthly beings. Sadly, people were not able to comprehend the Illumination from their limited perspective.

The Painter sent an earthly being (named John, “the Undertaker”) to give an approach that people could understand, so anyone could believe it. He wasn’t The Illumination himself, but was only supposed to talk about it. The Illumination he was talking about was in the process of being revealed, starting to glow, so to speak.

The Elder’s Comment: The Illumination walked on the canvas, which was his own artwork, but beings on this plane didn’t even know who he was, or his significance. His own artwork didn’t accept him as the artistic expression. However, certain people accepted his authority. He gave them a privilege - to become the actual Masterpieces of The Painter, a unique creative act for earthly beings, in that it is entirely from the Heavenly Realms and completely outside the conception or motives of earthly beings. To put it another way– The Painter’s Self Expression was involved in a birth process himself, entering the Earthly Plain and living in it for a while.

The Authorities Demand An Explanation from John the Undertaker We have been sent by those in charge to investigate a preacher at large. It seems you’re causing quite a stir so grace us with an answer, sir. They know all about God’s great plan, how the world will end and how it began. And all that happens in between, They’ve disected it scene by scene.

Your manners are unorthodox, your thinking way outside the box. Speak up on your own behalf and be added to their charts and graphs. For they are righteous and wealthy too, perhaps they have a place for you.

A Highway for the Lord I tell ya friends this wasn’t my idear, but I was born for this and now I’m here. Waist deep in water, and just as surprised as you. It was the Word of the Lord that came to me that told me what to do... He said, “John, you’re my Western Union man, deliver now this urgent telegram: I'm coming soon so clear ye out the way. My bulldozers will be there any day!” To build a highway for the Lord. Bend your backs in one accord. And when that Holy Asphalt’s poured, He’ll drive down the fastlane, right past the sweat stains, ridin’ on a highway for the Lord! Don’t look at me, now don’t you be confused. I’m not qualified to shine His shoes. And if you think that I have lost my head, boys and girls, you aint seen nothin’ yet! We’ll build a highway for the Lord. Bend our backs in one accord. And when that Holy Pavement’s poured, He'll drive down the fastlane, right past the tear stains, ridin’ on a highway for the Lord! I see your faces staring back at me, isn’t this a happenin’ place to be? On your way to this famous river side... did you happen to see God trying to thumb a ride? So let’s undertake this task and we’ll be purged, in a watery grave our bodies are submerged. And our souls will be rejoicing that we came, when we’re drowning in His all-consuming flame! So let’s build a highway for the Lord. Bend our backs in one accord. And when that Holy Spirit's poured, we’ll drive down the fastlane, right past the blood stains, ridin’ on a highway for the Lord! We'll drive down the fastlane, past blood sweat and tear stains, ridin’ on a highway for the Lord!

The wedding day had gone so well, there was joy on every face. They were all a-smile as they walked the aisle not a dry eye in the place. The reception there was a splendid affair, they were having a lovely time... but halfway through a crisis brewed, a servant gasped and the word was passed, “we just ran out of wine!” “Wedding guests are everywhere, but we have no wine to serve, no Cabernet or vin rose, and nothing in reserve! No Chenin Blanc, no Sauvignon, no Chardonnay or Merlot. No Blush Chablis apparently this party is in jeopardy, what to do we just don’t know! Cupboards searched by personnel revealed not a drop of Zinfindel! Each bottle’s drained, how to explain the blunder we’ve allowed? A great mistake, oh it would take a MIRACLE to save us now!” Mary was there with her famous son, some disciples attended too. He was good at getting things done, she went to see what he could do. “Jesus my dear, there’s a problem here expectations were too low. Please be kind to these friends of mine. To remain employed they must avoid a most serious faux pas.” Jesus was calm as he spoke to Mom and patiently explained, “You don’t drink wine before it’s time, with my work it is the same. There’ll come a day when I’ll display all aspects of my power. Should I rush it through for this thirsty crew, and miss the proper hour?”

Mary smiled at this amazing man and turned to the servants who were wringing their hands, “It seems our options are very few, so just do what Jesus tells you to do.” “Water, water everywhere, but you need some wine to serve. So fill these up and dip your cup if you have got the nerve. It’s pure, it’s clean, it’s crystal clear, a most wondrous and blessed thing. Take it from me and suddenly you’ll all agree this party’s in full swing. Drop your buckets down the well and bring ‘em up you can never tell what you’ll receive when you believe, though you may think it odd. I’m pleased to assist good folks like you, your actions speak when spoken to and now we’ve all heard a silent word that sounded just like God.” Then the wedding party went so well, there was joy on every face. They all felt fine as they drank new wine not a dry cup in the place. The maitre de exclaimed happily, as he gave the boquet a test “my work crew is great, just a little late but this wine was well worth the wait it really is the best!” The servant’s were relieved that they had believed for a small thing like drink. As Jesus left he nodded their way, with a friendly little wink.

The Paradoxical Kingdom

Jesus went to church one day, expecting to worship, expecting to pray. He had come a ways from his home town to the very center of religious renown. Although all the world was sacred space he had high expectations of this holy place. He had visited last in younger days while learning lessons in earthly ways. It had left an impression of great mystery and centuries of worldly history so he was anxious to visit again and escape the confusion of sleeping men. When finally the day arrived Jesus could not wait to go inside. Walking with his trusted friends he prepared himself to step right in and quiet his mind with meditation and feel the Spirit’s radiation. He would find a place with no distractions and focus on God’s plan of action. But even as he was approaching something seemed to be encroaching and did not look exactly right but twisted wrongly in his sight. Coming closer he could plainly hear sounds that clashed and stung his ears. Where were the keepers of the Holy Spark? This looked more like an SuperMart! One concern on every face - “how can we profit from this place?” Everything was priced to move - sales methods had been improved! One day only wholesale price going once going twice no money down the best in town limited time save a nickel spend a dime prices slashed get yours today - heck, we’re giving this stuff away! He looked in shock at this godless thing and listened to cash registers bang and ding while mechanical fingers counted change in this heartless hellbound stock exchange. As his anger began to rise he felt strangely energized and shook as one who was possessed with the Vengeance of Righteousness. With startling efficiency he moved around like a funnel cloud touching ground gaining strength and moving faster with the severity of a natural disaster. Moments later he watched the backs of the cowering targets of his attack. Confused and frightened they ran away from the intruder on their business day. This was completely unexpected! How ungraciously they had been ejected! But now the air was calm and clear, the sun was shining and all could hear children laugh and birds sing; young and old folks doing their thing. Jesus seemed quite satisfied, and said to his friends “Well, shall we go inside?”

d of Directors Memo to the Boar Disturbance Subject: Temple Gentlemen,

which occurred regarding events n io at an pl ex an u great pride We feel we owe yo you know we take As e. ic rv se p hi rs fortunately before a recent wo ing abilities. Un ep ke e ac pe d an es l by asur n that took us al in our security me expected situatio un an th wi d ce we were fa surprise. er, namely Jesus ng country preach vi ro a by t si vi cted to our manner We were paid a reported, he obje ll we en be s ha ings up" as it of Nazareth. As elf to "clean th ms hi on up it ok r normal of worship and to e engaged in thei os th g on am us ck a ru rt that no were. He caused e pleased to repo ar we r, ve we Ho es. ded only business activiti course he succee of d an nt de ci in in the one was injured f look foolish. el ms in making hi anation was quite incident his expl e th g in ow ll fo emed to think he When questioned the record he se r Fo . ed ct pe ex his parents(?) nonsensical, as , or that perhaps ts gh ri ty er op pr we conduct had some claim to him a say in how ve ga is th n io at the entire do. In his imagin the destruction of to ed rr fe re he r, s of ourselves. Furthe are in the proces he meant that we r he r. In et ea wh cl un .. s .. y it wa building planned to destro he at cture th ru or st it re the enti destroying he could rebuild at th d me ai cl any case he in three days. person and we s of an unstable ng vi ra e th e ar y. There will Obviously these ng him very closel hi tc wa be ll wi r interference assure you that we , and any furthe nt de ci in is th of e harshest not be a repeat ll be met with th wi s ir fa af of course with the normal n. retributio ... Very Truly Yours.

Nicodemus came under cover of night, It was prudent that he stay out of sight. He had climbed the ladder of success by always playing close to the vest. His great prestige had fragility, for there were much bigger dogs than he. This visit some could misconstrue, and the purpose of his interview. “There are those of us with open minds, who have heard the words and read the signs. There’s something we would hate to miss, For we think we see God’s hand in this.”

Jesus saw this was a friend, and so he thought to let him in on a secret not easily discerned no matter what you think you’ve learned.

“I assume you’re ready to discuss, matters of concern to both of us. Though the Kingdom is upon the earth, no one sees it without a second birth.”

“Perhaps we see things differently, the kingdom must be sought religiously. Five times a day I’m on my knees, but a second birth is too tight a squeeze.”

“I’m not talking about the birds and bees, but learn from the wind rustling in the trees. You know it exists because you feel and hear it it is much the same with things of spirit.”

“But still, a conundrum you present my years are pretty far well spent. Going back may be a pleasant dream but these things are harder than they seem.”

“I must say that I am quite surprised is this also veiled before YOUR eyes? You teach the people right from wrong and by duty lead others along. How long do you think you can ride the fence? I assure you I always speak from experience. Your colleagues may be filled with doubt, But believe me, I know what I’m talking about.”

The Elder’s Comment: In contrast to Nicodemus, who is still trying to find his spiritual eyes, the Illumination has actually come down from a full experience of the Heavenly Realms and has returned there. In the past even symbolic things could give temporal life. Through God’s love a more lasting and real version is available to those who can accept it, giving an endless life. This arrangement is not for the sake of condemnation, but for the sake of rescue and preservation. Condemnation, rather than being sent from God, comes on its own because of unbelief. The verdict: Illumination came, men in general prefer darkness for fear of exposure of their misdeeds. However, certain people embrace the Illumination, so that their Godly deeds may be clearly seen. In other words, evil fears exposure, truth loves exposure and gives God the credit. BY WAY OF ILLUSTRATION: An argument develops over the use of water in religious ceremony. This raises the point that everyone is going to Jesus to be submerged. The Undertaker (the original submerger) gives an explanation that is instructive: Who am I to argue? Do I look like such a fool? Would I object to being God’s favored tool? It’s the romance of the game, he knows what to do. Watch the next move, Pawn 3 to Knight 2. And I plan to attend the Big Wedding Day. Smiling ear to ear when Dad gives the bride away. I’ll be right there and I’ll see it all then. Enjoying every minute, the Best of Best Men. In fact I have a feeling I’ll be leaving here soon. Saying my last goodbyes before their honeymoon. I’ll quit while I’m ahead, I’ve had my day. Old prophets never die, we just fade away.

The Elder’s Comment: What is from the Heavenly realms is immeasurably better than the Earthly Plane. Even when communication comes directly from the Heavenly realms, it cannot be heard except by those who are atuned to God’s truthfulness. God has created a marriage of limitless Inspiration and his Illumination to allow earthly beings to become a part of his Artwork. Whether earthly beings choose to participate is up to them, and if not it is their loss.


Well A group of men walked a dusty road, as the sun was scowling down. Most headed off on an errand to buy food in a nearby town. But one stayed behind to rest by a well, and pondered our common thirst. How deep in the ground runs the water which must be drawn up to us first. He considered a solitary woman there, one of life’s restless weary daughters. He asked this woman at the well, “Will you give me a drink of water?” “Why are you even talking to me? I’m worth nothing to men like you... Sired from a brew of mixed up blood, I was born only to be used.” “The only problem that you have is what you do not yet see. It's Living Water that you want, and that only comes from me.” “Just where do you think you’ll get it Sir, pour it from thin air? That’s a very deep hole they had to dig, and the water’s a long way down there.”

“This water may be very good, and I’m sure you are impressed. But it evaporates and leaves your thirst, so you see mine is the best. For it only takes a little sip, and then something starts to grow and surging up and through you like a fountain it will flow. And never, no never again will you feel so very alone, longing for the honest touch to make you feel at home.” “Kind Sir, that all sounds very good. I would like this water now. And never return to this dreadful well, leave it all behind somehow.” “I can read the story in your face, I know what you’ve been through. I see you reaching for the kind of love that could be held close to you. But now we’re on to better things, for that only served your flesh. It is your spirit, it is your soul that must now be refreshed. For it matters not what on earth was done, we are seeking something new the Wind of Spirit, the Whisper of Truth, that comes flowing, from the depths of beauty, from a beautiful person, like you.”

A Meditation Sometimes I dream of a sacred place, a secret world in the depths of space. Where I stand at the very center, and at my wish I may enter a golden garden of delight. The midpoint of a world of light. Where bounties increase, and my mind is at peace, my heart is at rest, my soul is blest. In that world my father is King, and I am given everything. Servants who fly at our command to maintain a tranquil land. And enlarge our prosperous visions, implement our wise decisions. The music of the spheres, fills my ears. but gradually it disappears. As dream or memory fades away, and I am drawn again to the present day. I think back to when I was unknown, and my life seemed to be my own. A simple existence cloaked in obscurity, with contentment and security. Evenings and days of prayer and contemplation, study and meditation. But from ease I had to graduate, and now I find I must navigate, this dark Ocean of Pain, But it’s why I came. To walk on the Waters of Need. Weary faces, hopeless minds to feed. Angry eyes - dark holes of doubt. Empty hands reaching out.

The crowd swells it’s going well. They must be fed here is some bread. “A super thing we’ll make you king! We will follow after we swallow. More loaves, more fishes! Aren’t you the genie to grant our wishes? Didn’t you come with power to create the Brave New Welfare State?” When I lift the veil of illusion, it causes them confusion. They are shocked by my words can’t believe what they’ve heard. If they turn away, what can I say? If left with a few, what can I do? Who’ll pass the test? Less and less. My faithful few remaining true to sympathize, evangelize, even one of these has shifty eyes. Though some criticize and scoff. I can’t take a single day off. It’s simply the way of the First Cause. There is no time for one brief pause. The Dance of Life must continue on, this work of creation is never done. I’ll do all I can to shake them up. What I need to wake them up. Another chance to explain. To free them from their familiar pain. To help them rise and walk, help them hear and help them talk. I must work now before night descends, and my earthly work reaches it’s appointed end. And I see my beloved garden once again.

Sermon Friends and Neighbors. I feel I can no longer avoid addressing you on a subject of grave concern. Something that is having a tremendous impact on each one of us, and upon our families and loved ones. Every day I get more questions, everyone is asking me - what do I think about Jesus? Have I heard about our children going after this man? Am I aware of the seeming mania that has taken hold on everyone... young and old people, entire families following him, hanging on his every word? And more puzzling still... have I heard about the supposed "miracles" he performs? Lepers made clean, blind seeing, crippled walking, on and on... and even rumors of bringing people back from the dead! Should we not follow a man like this? Isn't this God at work? Some go so far as to suggest that even I should cast aside my responsibilities - discard everything that I have worked for, all that I have tried to do, as though God would suddenly change his mind about everything and have me listening to this man. As though he has something to teach me. This man who has no practical experience and no credentials. Friends... listen to me. Who has performed your weddings? Who has been there for the births of your children - handled them in each of our ceremonies... led them along and brought them up? Who has officiated at the funerals of our loved ones? Who has sat with you and counseled you in hours of darkest woe? Visited you when sick? Unless I am mistaken it was not this man Jesus who was there. It is your humble servant who stands before you now. And yes he has a silver tongue. Oh he pours out one exciting tale after another, doesn't he? Wild stories of the wonderful kingdom he intends to set up - with him on the throne. And all of the thrillseekers gathered around, gullible people ready to do whatever he wants. And just look at who is following him... must I point out that they are exactly the kind of people who will fall for anything! Jailbirds, prostitutes, layabouts... looking for a quick fix and an easy way out. But above all is the fact that absolutely none of this is scriptural. There is not a trace of any of this that I have ever found. I have read every word, studied for hours, examined every commentary each and every day of my life. Do you think such a thing would come upon me completely unexpectedly? I think not. If there is one attribute of God that we can depend on it is certainly his unchanging nature. But now suddenly God says "I think I'll start doing things THIS way." Please friends... wake up! I am responsible for your spiritual well-being. I am your shepherd. I can not in clear conscience allow you to go traipsing after every Pied Piper that comes along. And I am not the only one of this opinion. All of the Religious leaders are concerned and there are meetings going on constantly. With God's help rest assured that the right way will prevail. Amen.

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