Light To The Nation - Adoration

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 4
THEME of the Synod is : The Church In Mumbai : LIGHT TO THE NATION AND GLORY OF GOD’S HOLY PEOPLE. 1. Introduction : What is a Synod ? (7 min) The Synod is an effective means for formulating the thrust of a Diocese, to combat difficulties that may arise from time to time in the local Church, and to revitalise Christian life in general. Hence, the Diocesan Synod is an assembly of selected priests, religious and other lay faithful of a particular diocese which offers assistance to the bishop for the good governance of the entire Christian community. From this we can now understand what is the Archdiocesan Synod 2001 for the diocese of Mumbai is all about.: This Synod gives us an important means of renewal for our diocese of 4.2 lacs catholic population, consisting of the Clergy, Religious and the Laity to evaluate our pastoral activities in the last decade and help shape our pastoral priorities for the next decade. A very systematic approach was developed to get the participation of all the faithful in the form of 3 questionnaires. 2 questionnaires have already been circulated widely to the masses for discussion and evaluation, one in June 99 and the 2nd in April 2000. Based on their findings, the 3rd questionnaire has just come out for our participation on the following fundamental questions : σ What ought to be a relevant IMAGE of the Church, the pastoral PRIORITIES to define our mission, concrete GOALS and the CHURCH FUNCTION so as to realize her mission today? The relevant image of the church in Mumbai will most probably be associated to our PARTICIPATORY – SERVANT COMMUNITY and hence, the theme for our Prayer Vigil today will be A PARTICIPATORY-SERVANT CHURCH AS A COMMUNITY OF EQUALS. In order to influence us towards this theme, please take your Celebration hymn books to hymn No. 132 ~ Make Me A Servant, Humble & Meek 2. Exposition (5 min) 3. Reading (3 minutes) Phil 2 : 1-9 Christ’s Humility and Greatness 4. Reflection with 2 Questions (5 minutes) Jesus asks each one of us who are made in his likeness to think and act in kindness and compassion as we have fellowship of the Holy Spirit to guide us with his promptings. The feeling of falling apart, the sense of loss, conflict, disturbances and lack of peace and tranquility are common human experiences. Listening to the daily news, we can put our hands to our heads and say almost in despair that our is an angry world. Everyone is angry about something or against someone. Assimilation of Christ’s servant attitude will lead to radical transformation of mindsets and attitude. How can we get the Participatory- Servant attitude? Recognising the value of each person around us, moving away from our self-centered lifestyles for the common good and well-being of the community, treating houseworkers with dignity and concern will naturally come to each one of us if we are spiritually nourished and spend time in family and personal prayer. God is omnipotent, and we are God’s image and likeness and have dominion over all things. The ability to draw on this power is not the special prerogative of the mystic or the saint and everyone has this ability. Draw on this as it is God who works in you and so your limitations or weaknesses are of no account. You are the channel through which the divine action takes place and for all this, it is essential to have an open mind and sufficient faith. Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Love for our fellow-being binds us in Unity & Community.

What life have you if you have not life together? There is no life that is not in community, and no community not lived in praise of God. The first effort, therefore, must be to cleanse the mind and turn it towards the love of God. Only then it is possible for our true self to emerge and to “love one’s neighbour as oneself”. Those who find God within, see Him everywhere and in everyone. Everywhere and in everyone they find nothing but God and His love. So naturally, they love everything and everybody, treating all with respect, honesty, kindness, gentleness, understanding and all other good human qualities. “Love unites us to God” leading us to impartial service. 5. Hymn (5 min : Lord, Make Me Like You) 6.

Prayer of Faithful - Singing Response: Hear us O Lord, for we call on Your name (10min)


Lord, we specially pray for our Bishops & Clergy who have a very important role in the final goals of the Synod. Help these consecrated men and women in pastoral planning and decision-making, by wholeheartedly encouraging the participatory church structures, enthusing everyone about this diocesan event. Yr. Response


Lord, we pray for renewing faith of our people today who engage in a ritualistic and devotion-centred spirituality mostly as “receptors” of the sacraments and as “helpers” of the clergy leading to an apathy among them as far as their involvement and co-responsibility in the Church’s mission is concerned. Yr. Response


Lord, help us to Renew Faith by the need to seek the 3 graces of contemplation, compassion & courage which require prayer & suffering. This we need in the light of the exodus of Catholics from the Church founding new religious movements. Give them the grace to remain true to their own faith, irrespective of what hurdles may come their way. Yr. response


Lord, help us to accept, if the need arises, the Indianisation of Christianity especially since communalism has reared its ugly head in our inculturated country. Let us go beyond merely a change of name or adopting the practices of dress or food habits of people of other faiths in effecting inter-religious dialogue, to restore peace and tranquillity. Yr. response


Lord, keeping in mind the concept of unity as evident in the Holy Trinity, help the Church in Mumbai to focus on being all inclusive, an All Embracing Church concentrating on the vulnerable sections, especially the sick, aged & orphans, poor oppressed and marginalised leading to a civilisation of love and a means of national integration. Yr. response


Lord, in recent years, we are witnessing a disintegration of family life and values traced to a combination of factors, impact of the media and the dominance of consumerism. Please help each one of us in contributing to the renewal & strengthening of family life and networking for prolife, being the natural cradle from where all human life and experience originate . Yr. response


Lord, infotech revolution has had a tremendous impact on the lifestyles of the Indian Christians leading to large-scale migration and superficial living placing God in a secondary position. Help us to realise that the discontent in our lives is especially due to the importance we give to the wrong things and we can use these talents and technologies to spread God’s kingdom here in the Archdiocese. Yr. response


Lord, help this Servant Church, consisting of all classes of people, to fully comprehend the mystery of God which can be discovered in the Scriptures, in worship through the liturgy and most important of all, in service to mankind by doing unto others what we want to be done to us. Yr. Response


Lord, we pray for the strength to nurture the “Domestic Church” by establishing efficient family and community cells, being a professional helpline with outreach to families under economic and social duress. Yr. response


Lord, help this Church, in regaining the participatory-servant attitude, moving away from our self-centered lifestyles by using our talents and resources for the common good of the family and the well-being of the community, treating houseworkers with dignity and concern, respecting their needs and rights. Yr. response


Lord, we pray for all the adults, youth and children to help lessen the generation gap.. Help us to build bridges between our faith and our daily life and come together, in peace and activity, remembering that we may work for your greater glory. Yr. Response

7. Adoration & Blessing (7mins) 8. In Conclusion, we would like to say (1 min) Wake up and be alert, O People, Rise for a new age is now here, Let’s journey through this decade, With goal and vision clear The Questionnaire III has just come out in English and Hindi. All those interested in answering it either individually or in small groups, are invited to collect the same from the Parish office which should be submitted by 15th September. We end by wishing all the Synodal Delegates success in helping set an appropriate Diocesan Pastoral Plan for the community of Christians in Mumbai and all you people the grace to collectively put this plan into practice. We now recite the Prayer for the Bombay Diocesan Synod 2001 (3 min)

Reminders: 1. Circulate Celebration Hymn Books 2. Circulate Prayer for the Bombay Diocesan Synod 2001 3. Light the 3 Candles on the Altar 4. Cordless mike 5. Response to be sung

Hymn For the Synod

Hymn For the Synod

Wake Up, O People, Rise Away with lesser things; Give heart and soul and mind and strength, To serve the King of Kings

Wake Up, O People, Rise Away with lesser things; Give heart and soul and mind and strength, To serve the King of Kings



Awake, be alert, For a new age is now here Let’s journey through this century With goal and vision clear

Wake up, O people, rise! For gospel values search. Let mission and discovery, Revitalize the Church

Wake up, O people, rise! For gospel values search. Let mission and discovery, Revitalize the Church

Wake up, O people, rise! How long the Church must wait To live by her priorities? Rise up and make her great

Wake up, O people, rise! How long the Church must wait To live by her priorities? Rise up and make her great

Hymn For the Synod

Hymn For the Synod

Wake Up, O People, Rise Away with lesser things; Give heart and soul and mind and strength, To serve the King of Kings

Wake Up, O People, Rise Away with lesser things; Give heart and soul and mind and strength, To serve the King of Kings


Awake, be alert, For a new age is now here Let’s journey through this century


With goal and vision clear

Wake up, O people, rise! For gospel values search. Let mission and discovery, Revitalize the Church

Wake up, O people, rise! For gospel values search. Let mission and discovery, Revitalize the Church Wake up, O people, rise! How long the Church must wait To live by her priorities? Rise up and make her great

Awake, be alert, For a new age is now here Let’s journey through this century With goal and vision clear

Wake up, O people, rise! How long the Church must wait To live by her priorities? Rise up and make her great

Hymn For the Synod


Awake, be alert, For a new age is now here Let’s journey through this century With goal and vision clear

Hymn For the Synod

Wake Up, O People, Rise Away with lesser things; Give heart and soul and mind and strength, To serve the King of Kings

Wake Up, O People, Rise Away with lesser things; Give heart and soul and mind and strength, To serve the King of Kings



Awake, be alert, For a new age is now here Let’s journey through this century With goal and vision clear

Awake, be alert, For a new age is now here Let’s journey through this century With goal and vision clear

Wake up, O people, rise! For gospel values search. Let mission and discovery, Revitalize the Church

Wake up, O people, rise! For gospel values search. Let mission and discovery, Revitalize the Church

Wake up, O people, rise! How long the Church must wait To live by her priorities? Rise up and make her great

Wake up, O people, rise! How long the Church must wait To live by her priorities? Rise up and make her great

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