Light Postulates

  • October 2019
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By Warren E. York [email protected] 09/21/08 Copywrite © 2008

ABSTRACT The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory for the EPR-Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen paper argument suggest quantum theory is either incomplete or just plain incorrect based on “The state of a quantum mechanical system is not completely described by the wavefunction.”1 . As it stands quantum theory has already established an excellent track record for it to be discarded simply as just incorrect. This leaves us with what are called “Hidden Variables” being a solution which could deliver the theory into completeness. These Hidden Variables will be presented in the form of Postulates. Being presented here are two postulates. These postulates provide the “means of adapting the theory to bring back those aspects of classical physics that it appeared to lack”1. This subatomic/quantum fix or patch will be our doorway between the physical and quantum/atomic realms. Einstein believed but never formulated the hidden variable theory that would allow quantum mechanics to be contained by an extension of his general theory of relativity without locality being violated. The hidden variables allow quantum mechanics theory to become complete and at the same time allow for, i.e., instantaneous communication,( FTLC- Faster Than Light Communication), e.g., Entanglement at a distance which is the issue in the first place.


POSTULATE #1: THE SPEED OF LIGHT AS A - CONSTANT When measuring “the speed of light” from a static state within B0 <-(See Glossary for term identification) or from within any other time frame BN stabilized as B0 the speed of light will always measure as a constant. (Key word is “within”) Measurement of the speed of light in a vacuum as a constant has been accepted and confirmed by the use of scientific method testing and measurement. The complete technical foundation of the world as we know it today is based on the principle and measurement of the speed of light as this constant. Hidden Variable: Measurement of the speed of light will always measure as a constant when measured from within its own time frame. Delta C is one of the hidden variables. POSTULATE #2: THE DISTANCE FOR THE SPEED OF LIGHT AS A - VARIABLE When measuring “the speed of light” from B0 static state or any other time frame to one that lies outside the measurement time frame BN >< B0 the speed of light becomes a variable when relative motion is involved. (Key word is “outside”) NOTE: The term “The Distance For The Speed Of Light” should be used to denote the change, (∆-Delta), from a constant state to that of a variable state. Hidden Variable: Measurement of the speed of light from basic time frame Bo of an object in motion B1 is a hidden variable and can only be observed as special and time dilation for the object in motion by the fixed reference frame Bo observer. Once again here for our Postulate #2 ∆-Delta C is the same hidden variable when an object is being observed in motion from a relatively fixed point. The hidden variables are the same but dependent on the relative point of observation. As one can see theses first two Postulates presented propose that there are two, (2), measurements for the speed of light. One measurement being a CONSTANT, residing in the physical level and the other being a VARIABLE residing at the atomic/quantum levels. Both Postulates are the same hidden variable and alone would constitute local hidden variable theory for quantum mechanics as both being correct without locality being violated of which we know it is not. The actual difference is that at the quantum state. The variable is that of TIME which resides at the quantum state and one which the author calls “The Heisenberg state”. This is the same reason at the quantum state one cannot measure both position and momentum at the same TIME. The Heisenberg state is that of Omni-TIME. One which from our fixed view we call “The Heisenberg Principle”.


THE SEEMINGLY STOPING OF LIGHT Just in recent years the limit for the speed of light and measurement has been challenged. In 2000 Misha Lukin and Suzanne Yellin at Harvard-Smithsonian and Michael Fleischhauer at the University of Kaiserslautern Germany were able to bring a beam of light to a stand still or so it seems. Scientists have seemed to stopped light in its tracks in two landmark experiments.3 “SO IT SEEMS” Let’s stop and look at this. How can light be brought to a stand still if the equation E = MC2 is true and we know it to be true by the effects produced in an Atomic blast? It is true light as photons have no Rest Mass. This means the photons are in the form of pure virtual energy. That energy will not just sit at a standstill without some kind of containment process. All that energy will not just sit still in a calm manner waiting to be started up again as reported by claims to have stopped light. Every part of the equation will hold true and not just the cases dealing with only rest mass. We know this did not take place when the light seemingly was brought to a stand still so what really is going as the light seemingly comes to a stand still? ONE POSSIBLE SOULTION TO WHAT MIGHT BE TAKING PLACE IS THAT OF “STORED KENETIC ENERGY” Using light (photons) is our virtual, no rest mass, example of Time Frame control so what about a particle of matter, having rest mass, Time Frame control example? This example is already being done by nature as indicated above. The electron is our first particle having rest mass. We can see the time frame dilation taking place by measuring the electrons spin property. Let’s use two jets instead of trains for our examples. The electron has a spin of ½ which means we are viewing from our Jet #1, B0 or fixed now view point 720 degrees of rotation of our electron which is our Jet #2. That is twice our Jet 1’s time frame rotation of only 360 degrees. So what does all this tell us? It tells us both Mass and Energy can have controlled engineered TIME FRAMES. The above are both examples of reverse time frames to a fixed forward time frame. What about advancing time frame examples to our fixed forward time frame of our Jet #1? A very good example of forward time dilation control is the experiment done by Prof. Dr. Gunter Nimtz and co-workers at University of Cologne. Published measurements of 2.5 times the speed of light. Later 10 times the amount was reported achieved. “This “[tunneling]” effect apparently is the cause for obtaining speeds faster than light.”4 Tunneling in electronics is nature’s natural method of producing warp technology all on her own. It has also been shown by redusing the wave guide that the venturie principle shows where the microwave signal sent down the restricted wave guide will arrive ahead of the non restricted wave guide. This constitutes FTL or the signal being detected faster than the speed of light. (See Fig.1 below, graphic Figure # altered to #1 for presentation here)4



“SPOOKY ACTION-AT-A-DISTANCE” What is called EPR is one of Einstein most important papers published in Physical Review on May 15, 1935 titled “Can Quantum Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?”1 This paper is considered Einstein’s finest and most important of all his works. The paper was Einstein’s own questioning that due to entanglement there must be some “hidden variables” in his general theory of relativity or his theory was incomplete. Those “hidden variables” have just been presented here by our two postulates with the same entity as the “hidden variable”. One of these “hidden variables” for light is called “the speed of light” and in the other for light is called “the distance of the speed of light”. Both these qualities of light have been found in testing and also presented here as proof of concept. The final decision however is left up to you the reader. The testing has already been confirmed in separate experiments. The linking of the effects have not been connected or fully understood until this possibility is fully considered.

CONCLUSION The spin of a particle can denotes from which time frame the particle resides in when being measured from a B0 state. This ability is due to the speed of light always being a constant when measured from within its base time frame B0 and as a true reference point for all base of measurement, i.e., (see my RF/Light equation) – proof of concept. Since the speed of light at B0 state is a true constant then if one were to shift from the B0 basic time frame to a greater (>) or lessor (<) time frame, the speed of light will remain constant to the traveler once established at the new time frame as B0’. Only the “Distance For The Speed Of Light” ratio will have changed if measured from the original B0 time frame. Since man has not learned how to jump time frames as nature does now (see tunneling) this is of no consequence other than measurement referencing. NOTATIONS Note: When the distance for the speed of light is measured as a variable that measurement lies outside B0 basic time frame and is being measured as residing in a dilated state (Quantum or Atomic Level) of origination. Example: The spin of an electron is ½ or 720 degrees (two full cycles) at B1 as compared to our present B0 360 degrees (one full cycle) time frame. Relativity is all about position and time of observation that the measurement is being made from. The omnipresent time factor is the main reason for the spooky nature at those levels the atomic and quantum realms. This is also known as the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle or just Heisenberg State at the quantum and sub atomic levels as I like to put it. Different time frames and or positions yield different measurements.


GLOSSERY B0 = Basic Time Frame of View (The you are here and now present view) Also known as Fixed Static state View or B0 B0 View of Object in Motion = BN >
REFERENCES 1. The Meaning Of Quantum Theory, by Jim Baggott, page 106, Oxford Science Publications ISBN 0-19-855576-8 2. Albert Einstein’s Vision ,18 January 2001 by Barry Parker, page 158, Prometheus Books ISBN 1-59102-186-3 3. New Scientist Print Edition, 18 January 2001, by Eugenie Samuel, Boston, Stop Light 4. Scalar Waves, by Konstantin Meyl, page 120 - 122, Measured speed faster than light, [Translated out of the German language by Ben Jansen, (2000-2003)], ISBN 3-9802 542-4-0


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