Lifepak Leaflet

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 443
  • Pages: 8

FR 自由基

Free Radicals

什麼是自由基? 根據科學家的看法,人之所以老化,99%是因為自由基對身體

According to scientists, 99% of the time, you age because of free radicals


affect our body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that steal or "scavenge"


electrons from other molecules. They also damage the DNA and impair the


cellular functions. However, we can't avoid them as we can't always avoid


our body's exposure to the sources which generate them. For examples,


pollution, sunlight, smoking and oxygen. Although the oxygen we breathe is


converted and used for metabolism, about 1% is left over and is converted to


harmful free radicals. Therefore, there are over billions free radicals attack our body everyday.

What Are Free Radicals? 3


3 千萬盒 5

維他命 Vitamin A (5000 IU) = 16 隻雞蛋 eggs

硒 Selenium (140 mcg) = 6 片全麥麵包 slices whole wheat bread

維他命 Vitamin D (400 IU) = 4 安士罐裝吞拿魚 oz. canned tuna fish

鐵 Iron (3 mg) = 4.6 安士牛柳 oz. beef fillet

維他命 Vitamin E (300 IU) = 30 湯匙大豆油 tablespoons soy bean oil

銅 Copper (2 mg) = 2 杯合桃 cups walnuts

維他命 Vitamin B1 (7.5 mg) = 16 杯青豆 cups peas

鉻 Chromium (200 mcg) = 5 湯匙花生醬 tablespoons peanut butter

維他命 Vitamin B2 (8.5 mg) = 20 杯熟菠菜 cups cooked spinach

錳 Manganese (4 mg) = 8 片全麥麵包 slices whole wheat bread

維他命 Vitamin B3 (40 mg) = 8 安士罐裝吞拿魚 oz. canned tuna fish

鉬 Molybdenum (75 mcg) = 6 安士飯 oz. rice

維他命 Vitamin B6 (10 mg) = 20 杯熟大豆 cups cooked soy beans

硼 Boron (3 mg) = 2 安士西梅 oz. prunes

葉酸 Folic Acid (600 mcg) = 9 杯鮮生菜 cups raw lettuce

兒茶素 Catechins (90 mg) = 4 杯綠茶 cups green tea

維他命 Vitamin B12 (30 mcg) = 23 隻雞蛋 eggs α-硫辛酸 Alpha-Lipoic Acid (30 mg) = 530 杯熟菠菜 cups cooked spinach

生物素 Biotin (300 mcg) = 3 杯熟大豆 cups cooked soy beans 葉黃素 Lutein (2 mg) = 1 杯熟青豆 cup cooked green peas

泛酸 Pantothenic Acid (30 mg) = 30 杯椰菜花 cups cauliflower 蕃茄紅素 Lycopene (5 mg) = 1.3 蕃茄 tomatoes

維他命 Vitamin C (500 mg) = 8 個橙 oranges α-胡蘿蔔素 Alpha-Carotene (2 mg) = 0.4 杯熟紅蘿蔔 cup cooked carrots

鈣 Calcium (500 mg) = 1.7 杯鮮奶 cups milk (3.5% 脂肪 fat) β-胡蘿蔔素 Beta-Carotene (6 mg) = 0.8 杯熟紅蘿蔔 cup cooked carrots

鎂 Magnesium (250 mg) = 7 安士豆腐 oz. tofu 大豆異黃酮 Soy Isoflavones (10 mg) = 0.6 杯豆奶 cup soy milk

鋅 Zinc (15 mg) = 16 安士火雞肉 oz. turkey

碘 Iodine (100 mcg) = 200 安士罐裝吞拿魚 oz. canned tuna fish

還是2包如沛補充營養素? ...or simply take 2 sachets of LifePak™ a day?


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