Performance engineering
Saving lives with safer lamp posts Collisions with steel or concrete lamp posts account for nearly 100 deaths and more than 800 injuries annually in the UK. Eureka project E! 2534 Thermopole, led by UK company Euro-Projects Ltd, has developed a safer, energy-absorbing and maintenance-free alternative which promises to significantly reduce this carnage. A conventional lamp post made of
glass fibres to form hollow shapes that
concrete or galvanised steel acts like a
are stronger than steel, faster to produce
cheese-cutter when hit at high speed,
and more environmentally friendly. The
cutting a car in half and invariably killing
result is a lamp post or column which not
or seriously injuring the occupants. The
only withstands the full force of the
team of British, Danish, German and
elements but crumples or, thanks to a
Canadian companies collaborating on
strategically placed access hatch, hinges
Eureka project Thermopole set out to
when a car hits it, absorbing the impact.
develop a safer alternative which would
Rothley, near Leicester, specialists in the
force of a crash and save the car’s
development and processing of
occupants from the full impact.
thermoplastic composite materials and
The Thermopole lamp post is made
Led by Euro-Projects Ltd from
be capable of absorbing much of the
processes, the team researched,
from glass fibre reinforced thermoplastic
developed and tested a number of
composite materials; the thermoplastic
technological developments ranging from
composites are solid at room
new jointing techniques to specialist
temperature but melt on heating, and can
software for designing fibre preforms
be moulded and remoulded around the
that taper in length and vary in thickness. JUNE 2005
Performance engineering
‘Nine lives were saved following four serious crashes at a pilot site testing one of the earlier prototype columns. We’ve had a car hitting one of our composite poles at 90 miles an hour and the driver walked away from the crash’ Gerry Boyce Euro-Projects Ltd
economies of scale as the production
the dye is released and can be spotted
process continues to be refined and the
as an engineer drives past.’
fact that they are maintenance-free and
Given the global nature of the
last twice as long as conventional
concept, which Euro-Projects is also
columns, and it becomes evident that the
applying to wide-based street signs,
initial investment soon starts paying off.
utility poles and traffic lights, the potential rewards are considerable. There
Easy to replace
are 6.5 million lamp posts in the UK
Also, when council highways
alone, for example, of which 200,000-
departments install steel columns, health
300,000 columns annually need
and safety regulations dictate that a
replacing or refurbishing, representing 2-
protective barrier is placed in front of
2.5 percent of the overall market. To
them, or that they are positioned further
market the column, the company has
from the roadside and therefore need to
teamed up with Newark,
be taller. Composite columns, on the
Nottinghamshire-based Poletech
of key advantages over the conventional
other hand, being ‘passively safe’, can be
Systems Limited, manufacturer of the
steel or concrete column. Its greater
positioned close to the road without a
ground units into which columns are
strength enables it to take the full force of
protective barrier, representing a
inserted. ‘Without Eureka’s support and
high winds and vehicular impacts, and it is
measurable cost saving. Being
funding we would not have got as far as
also corrosion-resistant - unlike steel
remarkably light, they are also cheaper to
we have, and in the time we have,’ says
columns for example, which are easily
transport and install, and if a column is
Gerry Boyce.
corroded by road salts and dog’s urine. The
knocked down it is very easy to unclip
column is fully recyclable at the end of its
and replace it.
The Thermopole column has a number
lifetime – potentially 40-50 years, compared
‘The composite column has already
with a traditional column’s 10-25 years –
proved itself a lifesaver,’ says Gerry
and as its method of manufacture doesn’t
Boyce, Director of Euro-Projects. ‘Nine
require the use of solvent-based resins, it
lives were saved following four serious
also meets strict European directives for
crashes at a pilot site testing one of the
reduction in solvent emissions.
earlier prototype columns. We’ve had a
Composite columns are currently
car hitting one of our composite poles at
more expensive to produce than
90 miles an hour and the driver walked
traditional columns. However, factor in
away from the crash.’
Low-cost inspection One interesting issue raised by maintenance engineers has formed the
‘Eureka endorsement has enabled us to partner with three key companies from Europe and Canada to bring our skills together and take forward a technology which we know will save many lives’ Gerry Boyce Euro-Projects Ltd
Further information
basis of a new project under the DTI Technology Programme which comprises
For further information about project
a consortium of eight companies. ‘If a
Thermopole, please contact Gerry Boyce,
car hits a composite column at low
Director, Euro-Projects Ltd
speed and then drives off, maintenance
t: 0116 237 6693
engineers need to know if the column
[email protected]
has been damaged,’ says Gerry Boyce.
‘A steel or concrete column will have a dent or the paint will be chipped, while a
For further information about Eureka,
composite pole may have internal
the European collaborative R&D scheme,
damage which isn’t obvious externally,
please contact Robert Cameron,
but which may compromise its
DTI Eureka Unit
resistance to the wind or another impact.
t: 0207 215 1707
So we’ve put together a project to
[email protected]
develop a low-cost inspection technique
JUNE 2005
based on ‘bruisable composites’, which
For information about the DTI
involves applying an outer coating which
Technology Programme, please visit
contains a dye. If a car hits the column 15