Life Of A Seventh Grader

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,780
  • Pages: 9
Life of a seventh grader Chapters 1. New school 2. That girl… 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

INTRODUCTION Okay, my name is Jonathan, what your about to hear may or may not interest you because im not going to give you any bull crap of love and the perfect life of a 7th grader! Parents may think oh this is the best years of your school ages or Jr. High is so fun. Don’t believe it, for some people it’s just a fantasy of summer, until you hit it.

Chapter 1 : New school...

“Oh Jonathan this is going to be the best day!” “And your brothers first day of pre-school,” That’s my mom, I call her mom. “YAY,” I pronounced “I know!” even though I wasn’t excited to go to school, I didn’t wasn’t to start the day bad! This is 7th grade I am in a new city, new house, and a new school. First, our pathfinder car drove crumbling the pebbles of the elementary school parking lot as it came to a stop. We opened the doors cheering my brother on to his new school after 4 years of staying at home, & waiting for my sister and I to get home. I had an expression of a monkey getting unlimited amount of bananas! We walked into the classroom saying hi to the student’s parents and the students. My mom and I walked to the podium that the teacher was signing papers and things that seamed to boring to care to even glance at while the assistant teacher was greeting the kids and giving those coloring pages you get in drug stores with a package of crayons and markers. “Hi, im Tina, im the parent of my son Patrick,” my mom said to the teacher. “Hi,” she said glancing up and shaking hands. As I studied her face she kind of had a peculiar look resembling my 4th grade Mrs. Brunette, chills grew on my back like the ones you get when you’re going on a scary rollercoaster or spooky haunted house. I hated my 4th grade teacher; I think she worked as a teacher so she could torture the students in her class all year.

Good thing I had a cousin Elizabeth in my class who didn’t take B.S. from nobody! Anyways, I was thinking of the memory when I had a feeling someone was talking to me. I came back from my thoughts and saw Mrs. DON’T REALLY CARE with her manicured nailed hand in my face... So I shook her hand. “Your son and your brother are going to have the best time ever in my class!” she implied. I mean come on do you really think she can give two senses about these little kids and there excitement to school? I think she’s just waiting to go and get her nails done again! But I wasn’t nervous very much to know that the assistant teacher Mrs. Winter actually had the impression that she really wanted to get to know these kids, teach them, and comfort them to being use to school. So it was 8 thirty and it was time to leave so they could start class. My heart sank when I saw the sad face of my little brother Patrick with these true big brown eyes and asked “You really are leaving me?” “Yes,” my mom and I simultaneously said. Tears started dripping down the big red cheeks and he started to cry asking not to make him stay for school. After about 10 minutes my mom and I snuck out and went to drop me off. Kind of nervous thinking and wondering to myself what if I don’t make friends, what if im the odd ball out wearing checkered slip-on shoes with black jeans and a checkered Blue shirt, “what if” questions started popping in my head for the 5 minute drive to school. My mom parked as I asked her to come into the school with me. I know that is supposed to end at like 3rd grade and you start coming to class flying SOLO but who cares she’s my mom and I’m nervous. So I went

in found my schedule and said bye to my mom and walked into the courtyard gated by Silver metal bars and bricked walls. I probably didn’t mention that this school isn’t new for just me but all the kids in the student body, because this was the first year opening. The only difference was that some kids were from the same school but like rezoned or something but I was there with no friends at all. I walked into the courtyard as I felt like I was in jail because of the bricked walls circling me and the front gates being locked with kids already forming little joints, clicks, and posse. Like the kids in the far end toward the cafeteria were the football and sporty jocks. On the side of the art room were the 6th graders I don’t really pay any attention to them even I was one last year. On the side diagonal from them were the Goths, punks, and scene kids, I thought of getting to know those kids later on. So as you can tell these clicks were forming not even on purpose like as if they are attracted to each other and the worst group was in the front near the office and front gates one title and one only : The band geeks. Wow, I mean I know I act like a nerd im not going to be in band this year again I mean look at them im not going to be one of the- I glanced down noticing uh-oh I have BAND FOR HOME ROOM AND 2 PERIOD! How could this be? I thought of it because im into music but I hoped I didn’t choose it the second I said I was interested and maybe try it on open house; before I saw the kids in it! Too late I can’t get them changed till next semester so only 6 months of it, hopefully. Well, I walked toward the Goths When I was distraught by this girl, she was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I fixed my hair and walked toward her to say something. “Hey, im Raschaun (re-Shaun),” said this kid from out of the blue. “Oh hi im Jonathan, I don’t

want to be rude or anything but there’s a girl I want to go meet,” I said as I tried to walk around “ok then well remember my name is raschaun, ill uh... Meet you later,” I walked up to her slowly then stopped in her sight. She looked at me and said “hey im Sha-,” RIIIINNNNGGGG the bell rang and kids started going crazy running around like a bomb was going to explode or something and of course, this “sha-“ girl went out of sight. I walked to the band room for homeroom. The kids actually didn’t seem so “geeky” when I actually got to know them and talk with them during homeroom which was called “advisory” which makes no sense but it was the school’s names so I had to call it that. After advisory the band teacher handed out 3 pages of maps. Excuse me I raised my hand and called his attention to tell him he gave me 2 extra but to my surprise there is 2 other floors. I felt like this biggest idiot walking outside and noticing my school had been a lot bigger than I thought! My first period was math which is not my first and best subject because I get sidetracked in math easier than normal classes like if a see a fly in the classroom I will completely start thinking about flies like I wonder what he is thinking about and I wonder if he’s a boy? But luckily our math teacher wasn’t there for the day so we had a sub and was like just talking about what this year’s math is going to be because I would have gotten distracted if I saw a fly again and miss all the notes im writing down. The worst part about seventh grade is it’s on the second floor at the end and band (2nd period) was on the first floor all the way across the courtyard and I had to hustle to not be late.

Chapter 2 : That girl… 3rd period was the most SEEMINGLY fun class of the day ART! I walked into the class seconds before the late bell had rung. At the door was a teacher looking young like 23 collecting names as we walked in. “hi, im Mrs. Pastel your art teacher may I ask for your name,” “Jonathan,” I said and before I finished my name she said “Can I call you john?!” “Sure,” I said kind of freaked out. “Hey john, sit over there next to Sarah in the green shirt,” I glanced as my mouth dropped there in front of me was the girl from earlier when I sat. “Hey, I remember you, from this morning;” “yeah” I said to this mystery girl “I did remember seeing you, but I didn’t get your name?” “Oh, sorry the bell rang and all so yeah my name is sha-.” “Hey guess im sorry to interrupt your talking but im teaching and you’re listening,” She rudely whispered to us. “Oh, sorry Mrs. Pastel,” I said and got out my notes. It seemed like every chance I had to talk to her I was unable to talk or get her name. All I know she was looking so nice with like these pink leather boots, a brown skirt, and brown collard shirt. She also had a little pink bow in her hair. I started fantasizing and time went by so fast we were already going to lunch. When we headed toward lunch this teacher was giving us assigned seats as if we were in elementary school. At least the food was… indescribable. As my food-like lunch was being chomped down my throat a 7th grade advisor kept babbling about school rules and things you can’t do. I was really busy on trying to see where this mystery girl is though. In 7th period I was dieing to go home, relax and see how my little brother’s first

day of school was. The bell had rung at exactly 4:01pm and I ran out of Science like I was caught on fire. TO BE CONTINUED…

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