Liberi V Taitz Tro Hearing Report 8/7/09

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I just received the following report of the proceedings in the Liberi v Taitz TRO Hearing held in PA today, 7 August 2009, before Judge Robreno which was conveyed to Butterfly from one of our attorney PJ members who was present.

This is not a verbatim recounting of our on-site attorney, which was rather long, but rather a synopsis of his report as given to me by Butterfly, so as to give you a sense of the hearing as soon as practicable.

If it needs editing

our on-site attorney will do so later. *







Politijab was fortunate enough today to have an attorney on the scene at the proceedings before Judge Robreno.


at the proceedings were Ed and Caren Hale and Phil Detrich (sp) on the defendants' side.

On the plaintiffs' side Phil

Berg and Lisa Liberi, MommaE was there, Lisa Ostella, and then also present was a witness on behalf of Berg whose first name is Ed, his last name is "Stimple" or "Stiffle." It was unclear. ObamaCrimes.

He is the administrator or webmaster of

He was there to testify as to certain

threatening e-mails he contends have been received.

Some of the highlights from today's proceedings:

First, on

the rulings, the judge ruled first on a motion to dismiss that has been filed by a non-party by the name of Jim Johnson.

The Court denied the motion.

He said he will not

accept any motions from non-parties to the litigation, and that's exactly what this was, a motion to dismiss by a non-party.

The Court says it will only entertain motions

by non-parties who actually are intervenors, and that was not the case with Mr. Johnson.

Secondly, the Pennsylvania attorney's motion to withdraw was granted.

As to Orly Taitz's Rule 11 motion, the Court deemed it as premature, so denied it without prejudice.

As to all other matters before the court Judge Robreno took them under advisement.

Berg did point out a previous ruling by the Court that no party may bring a motion without leave of court.

This was

in conjunction with the discussion about Orly's Rule 11 motion.

I don't think the court had much comment on that.

There really wasn't too much conveyed to me from our reporter on the scene.

The court seemed to let everyone just sort of have their day.

Berg proceeded to put on his witnesses first.


wanted to put on his witnesses just using their initials, for their personal protection.

The Court pointed out that

our judicial system doesn't work like that.

It's based on

public hearings in open court, and thus Judge Robreno advised Berg "Your witnesses are going to have to identify themselves."

Ultimately it was allowed that they would identify themselves by name only, and that their addresses could be filed under seal, but the Court did want to know their addresses.

A lot went back and forth.

One of the things that became

very clear is that Ron Polarik's identity, Ronald J. Polland, has indeed been confirmed.

The other thing that is clear from this is that Orly did, in fact, publish a Social Security number belonging to Lisa Liberi and it is still published on Orly's website in Dossier Number 6.

Lisa Liberi had two Social Security numbers.

An old one,

the one which began with 462, was her former Social Security number.

It was changed due to a family situation,

and her current Social Security number, which is on Orly's Dossier Number 6, is the one beginning 622.

Lisa Liberi did take the stand.

Our reporter advised that

she is a "wonderful actress" and emotes well. She was rather vague, though, in her testimony about what harm has come as a result of the publication of the Social Security numbers.

She testified to feeling very threatened

but wasn't able to give anything specific.

Lisa Ostello also was put on the stand, and she too gave some rather vague testimony about the e-mails that she has received.

She made the mistake of admitting that she felt

some of them rather funny and at the same time she also seemed to find them threatening, and I think that cut into her credibility somewhat.

She read parts of a number of e-mails, none of which were really specific, but were certainly harassing. Lisa Ostello was cross-examined by Ed Hale, and our attorney reports that Ed actually conducted himself quite well in court.

The cross-examination was something like this:

One of the

issues that came up in her testimony had to do with the outing of Polarik's information on Plains Radio Network's website, and so Ed asked something about that.

He says "We

outed Ron Polarik," and Lisa said, "Yes, you posted it on your website," and they got into whether it was Ed that posted it or actually one of the persons with a screen name.

Lisa Ostello said it was "rikker."

Ed went on about how

rikker is an Obamabot and it was the Obamabots who did the outing.

Today basically was described as a "morning-long face palm."

The judge didn't seem terribly interested in all this.


seems to view this as infighting among people all having the same theory about Obama being ineligible.

Issues of PayPal and money raising were raised.

The Court

did not comment on it but kind of didn't seem to find that there was anything particularly remarkable about this.

The only thing that the Court really took interest in was the fact that Orly had published the Social Security number, and even to this day Liberi's Social Security number is on the website in Dossier Number 6.

Orly was not there.

Ed claimed that that was

misinformation that she was going to be there and that he purposely put that out there in his radio program just to misinform the Obots.

One of the high points, too, is the cross-examination -- I think this was Lisa Liberi -- she was asked whether she had ever given out her secure and confidential address before, and Lisa said no, and then Ed produced an affidavit from Linda Belcher which authenticated an e-mail that Linda received from Lisa Liberi dated 12/10/08 in which Liberi gave her New Mexico address to Linda so that Linda could send Christmas presents to Lisa's children.

Afterwards, MommaE approached our reporter and asked if he had been sent there by somebody from Maryland.

He said no,

he's a Pennsylvania attorney and he came on his own. MommaE said something to the effect of like, well, there's someone from Maryland who said he was going to have someone here.

Our attorney friend said well, no, I came on my own, and MommaE says jimbot said he was going to have someone here. Our attorney said he didn't know anyone named jimbot, and MommaE says well, he's also neonzx, and again our reporter reiterated that no, he came on his own and was not sent there by anyone named jimbot.

That's kind of the high points.

He actually took a copy of the Honolulu birth certificate and had everybody autograph it.

Berg did write on there

that this is a fake, but he did sign it.

So he has MommaE,

he has Ed and Caren, he has Lisa Liberi, Phil Berg...everybody signed.

I told him what we ought to do is put it on ebay and get some money for it, and let all the birthers bid on it, or something, and maybe Ed can go on the radio and cry and raise some money to buy it back, or something.

He did introduce himself around.

Ironically, while the

birthers are not interested in the Obot lawyers' opinions on the substantive law of what constitutes natural born citizen, they are very much interested in obtaining an Obot

attorney's view of who won the proceedings.

They gathered

'round and questioned him as to his impressions of how it all came out.

Ed was able to use his recording rather effectively.


he would do is, where Berg would take a quote from Ed such as, "We're going to go after them with a vengeance," or something like that, Ed would play a clip from his show that put it in context.

And so while they're playing the part where Ed's going, "We're going to go after them with a vengeance," Lisa Liberi and Berg were there kind of beaming and real thrilled to hear that, and then it would turn out that the context would show it really was a fairly mild statement, it wasn't the threat that Berg had made it out to be.


Ed actually used his tape rather effectively. Butterfly's editorial states that her opinion is that the judge will grant the TRO as to Orly, basically telling her. "Get the Social Security number off your site and don't ever publish it again," but it will be denied as to everyone else. That's the opinion of our on-site attorney and Butterfly.

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