Liberi Show Cause Ex 44-55

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Case 2:09-cv-01898-ER

Document 107-10

Filed 08/27/2009

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EXHIBIT “44” 1

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From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: 8/23/2009 7:33:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time Subj: ARE YOU HOME YET??? Hi Sweetie, [First paragraph omitted due to privacy concerns] I need to talk to you about something really important, seems some of the people [Name omitted due to death threats from Edgar Hale] and [Name omitted due to death threats from Edgar Hale], who are really [Name omitted due to death threats from Edgar Hale] at Plains have filed FBI reports against Ed and they contacted me. Her and her hubby want to do an Affidavit for us to help with our Court case! They sent me the e-mail that Ed sent which was a death threat and they took it and all of the chat and forum posting to the FBI in [City and State omitted due to death threats from Edgar Hale] Also [Name omitted due to death threats from Edgar Hale] in Ed's Chat filed an FBI report in Amarillo and contacted [Names omitted due to death threats from Edgar Hale] and asked them to let the FBI Agent in in [City and State omitted due to death threats from Edgar Hale] know about the filing in in [City and State omitted due to death threats from Edgar Hale] and he would give the Agent in [City and State omitted due to death threats from Edgar Hale] the FBI information in [City and State omitted due to death threats from Edgar Hale]… Ed Hale is Mickey Martin and he got rid of Plains, and made it Texas Broadcasting to get out of the Law Suit, because someone told him that if Plains went away then there would be NO case! CALL ME AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!!! Love and Hugs, MommaE


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From: Omitted due to death threats by Edgar Hale Date: 8/22/2009 2:57:01 AM To: Evelyn/MommaE Subject: Re: This is MommaE!

Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 10:06:49 -0700 From: [email protected] To: [Omitted due to death threats] Subject: you will become the msot hated people in America I am going to reveal your name and address to everyone. You are the people who shut Plains Radio down. I would think that your life span will be very bief when everyone knows what you did. I have the name of the others who did this. I will post all of your information in the forum. I know that you will pay dearly for what you did to Plains Radio. Once you are the example, then it will never happen to another outfit. So you cut my thorat, now I guess you will get what you deserve. Such low lifes but pay day is coming. Please tell all the other scum bags, like bookie, lugnuts, jessie, bland and the other that I will put their name and address out there. YOU WILL NOT GET BY WITH DOING THIS. THERE WILL BE A PRICE THAT YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY. I know that there is some people who loved Plains who will hate you and they will probally come to see you once last time. Now I am not saying that you will be killed and I am not asking anyone to do it. I will have nothing to do with it at all if it happens. If it happens, then I will sure laught, but I will not have anything to do with it. I have received a phone call already today asking for your names and address. I have decided to post them on the forum. Now you will pay the price whatever it is. Hope you will not suffer long. Ed =


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From: [Omitted due to death threats received from Edgar Hale] Date: 8/24/2009 7:14:59 AM To: [Omitted due to death threats received from Edgar Hale] Subject: From [Omitted due to death threats received from Edgar Hale] Good morning, [Omitted due to death threats received from Edgar Hale]. As I told you I would, I wanted to let you know that I just got off the phone 5 minutes ago, with the Agent In Charge of the [city and state omitted due to death threats received from Edgar Hale] FBI office, [Redacted at the request of the FBI Agent]. He's the agent handling my complaint against Ed Hale, and he was very concerned about the death threats that ARE quite apparently implied in that E mail Ed sent. And he had me fax him a copy of that Email. If you need to speak with him also, his phone # is [Redacted at the request of the FBI Agent] and his fax # is [Redacted at the request of the FBI Agent]. He's very friendly - feel free to call him and add your input as well. Anyway, he said he already went to Ed's farm to question him about my complaint, and Ed didn't or wouldn't open the door. Now, he just said that he's going to have to make another trip out there, regarding this, and I know he will. Ed will definitely be questioned about this, and once Agent [Redacted at the request of the FBI Agent] sees the E mail, I wouldn't be surprised if he takes an arrest warrant for Ed also, when he goes. We joked about the distance it was, and I told him at least he didn't have to pay for the gas.... I did not mention your name, but I did tell him that one of the people that was specifically named in Ed's E mail had already gone to the [city and state omitted due to death threats received from Edgar Hale] FBI office and filed a complaint also. So he probably will coordinate with that office also regarding your complaint. I also told [Redacted at the request of the FBI Agent] that my name was not mentioned since I wasn't in the chat room when Ed came in and saw everybody, but that I'm sure that Ed DOES know by now that I'm there, and that I now feel Ed's threats most definitely will apply to me as well. Anyway, thought you'd like an update. If you'd like a copy of my complaint I filed against Ed, I don't mind, especially since now you're receiving death threats from that man. Just let me know. Talk to you soon in chat. Have a good day. [Omitted due to death threats received from Edgar Hale]


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From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: 8/19/2009 11:34L:40 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time Subj: read and weep

In a message dated 8/19/2009 11:34:30 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time, [email protected] writes: Lmao: You know who and you know I will own you and Minc Oiol, LLC. You fucked me Mark and now it is time for you to pay the piper. ed


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NOTE - Since this Court advised Plaintiffs' Counsel to maintain the original Dossier #6 containing Plaintiff Lisa Liberi's social security number, Counsel has also maintained this original letter without redactions to produce to the Court to ensure the confidentiality of the parties names and address for the parties safety and protection.

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NOTE - Since this Court advised Plaintiffs' Counsel to maintain the original Dossier #6 containing Plaintiff Lisa Liberi's social security number, Counsel has also maintained this original letter without redactions to produce to the Court to ensure the confidentiality of the parties names and address for the parties safety and protection.

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From: Redacted Date: Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 2:33 AM Subject: June 25 Plains Radio Show

Since Ed Hale made direct threats on his show against anybody who submits an affidavit on behalf of the Plaintiffs, is there any way that the judge can keep personal identifying information confidential or suppressed? I know Ed is full of hot air, but his and Orly's followers are loose cannons, and in my opinion... dangerous. My mom and I are still going to give our statements, affidavits, and testify in court if needed, because it's the right thing to do. And if we have to, we will petition the judge ourselves. My mom is elderly. I am concerned for her safety, and the court needs to take every legal measure to ensure her safety. Please let me know, ok? Do me a favor and Ask Phil what he thinks is a good course of action. Ed is trying to intimidate witnesses and there's got to be a way to make the judge aware of this. (name redacted) [excerpt] June 25th show Ed Hale to Linda (Belcher) Starr: "Let me tell you something, when these affidavits come in that they claim they have, these people's names are gonna be known, their addresses are gonna be known, and you know something? We're gonna know who they are, and you know what? We will go after them with a vengeance..."

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From: Redacted Date: Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 3:16 AM Subject: affidavit/ (name redacted) mom

I am prepared to submit my affidavit. However, I am concerned as to my safety due to the threats that Ed Hale and Linda Belcher made on his show on June 25, 2009.

I truly fear for my life, if my personal identifying information is disclosed to these individuals. I know it is intimidation but these individuals, and their followers, don’t appear to care or respect the law. I believe them when they announce that they will go after me with a vengeance. I would appreciate it if Mr. Berg would ask the judge not to disclose my identity and address.

Thank You Mary (last name redacted)

[excerpt] June 25th show Ed Hale to Linda (Belcher) Starr: "Let me tell you something, when these affidavits come in that they claim they have, these people's names are gonna be known, their addresses are gonna be known, and you know something? We're gonna know who they are, and you know what? We will go after them with a vengeance..."

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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009 « From Tulsa Today Is it Cynergism or a Tug of War with the American citizens in the Middle? »

Draft of the cover page of the Petition for the Extraordinary Writ of Mandamus. Plaintiffs, please check for errors in name spelling. Please check, if I missed anybody. No. In The

Supreme Court of the United States Plaintiffs, Lt. Scott Easterling, in his capacity as a US army officer, Resident of Tennessee, currently stationed in Iraq Active Duty Alan C. James, resident of North Carolina, currently stationed in Iraq Active Duty Specialist Jason James Freese, resident of Alaska Active National Guardsman Matthew Michael Edwards, resident of Wyoming Active duty SPC Charles Crusemire, Resident of Pennsylvania, resident of Pennsylvania, currently in Iraq Active duty Captain Robin D. Biron, resident of Arizona, bronze star recipient in Iraq Drilling Reservist scheduled for deployment Lita M. Lott, resident of California Active military James N. Glunt, resident of Pennsylvania Citadel staff sergeant Timothy W. Kenney, US Marine Corp veteran, Virginia Army National Guard Ms. Sarah Mari Chermak, not a legal entity under US Corporation. Ambassador Dr. Alan Keyes, in his capacity of a Presidential candidate on the Ballot in 2008 Presidential Election. Mr. Keyes requests for Mr. Obama’s records were denied in Hawaii, Mississippi and California. Ms. Gail Lightfoot, in her capacity of a vice presidential candidate for Ron Paul on the Ballot in CA in the presidential election. Ms. Lightfoot petition was denied by the Supreme Court of California.

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Mr. Robert Cusanelli, in his capacity as an Elector of the 2008 electoral college from the state of Alabama Mr. Eric Swafford, in his capacity of the State representative from the State of Tennessee Mr. Timothy Jones, ESQ, in his capacity of a State Representative from the state of Missouri Mr. Timothy Comerford, in his capacity of a State Representative from the State of New Hampshire Mr. Frank Niceley in his capacity of the state representative from the state of Tenessee Ms. Cynthia Davis, in her capacity of a State representative from the State of Missouri Mr. Larry Rappaport in his capacity of a State Representative from the State of New Hampshire, Mr. Stacey Campfield in his capacity of a State representative from the state of Tenessee Mr. Casey Guernsey in his capacity of a State Representative from the state of Missouri Mr. Glen Casada, in his capacity of a State Representative from the state of Tennessee Major General Carrol Dean Childers, Ret. Lifetime subject to recall, resident of Virginia Colonel Harry Riley, Ret. Lifetime subject to recall, Silver star recipient, resident of Florida Colonel John D. Blair, US Army, Ret, lifetime subject to recall, resident of Florida LCDR Jeff Graham Winthrope, US Nav, Ret. Lifetime subject to recall, resident of Texas Lt. Col Dr. David Earl Graef, Active Reserves, resident of Virginia Commander Charles Maxwell, US Navy, recipient of 4 gold stars, Ret., lifetime subject to recall, resident of New York Lieutenant Colonel Donald Sullivan, resident of North Carolina Lieutenant Colonel John David Klein, US Airforce, subject to recall, resident of Kentucky Commander David Fullmer LaRocque, US Navy reserves, Ret, subject to recall, resident of California Lieutenant Colonel Charles L. Miller, Ret US Air Force, lifetime subject to recall, resident of Ohio Lieutenant Colonel Richard Norton Bauerbach, US Air Force, Inactive Reserve, silver star recipient, resident of Arizona LTC Chetwin M. Hurd, Ret, resident of Texas Lieutenant Commander John Bruce Steidel, US Navy reserves, resident of Washington Lieutenant Colonel John P. Petersen, Active Reserves, Resident of Colorado Chief Major Tony W. A. Donnelly Army National Guard, resident of Virginia Major Stephan F. Cook, EN US Army Major Paulette M. Klein, Ret. US Air Force, subject to recall, resident of Kentucky Major Bradley Charles Franklin, Ret, life time subject to recall USAF, resident of Illinois Major Robert W. Fry, Ret. Lifetime subject to recall US Army veteran, resident of Washington Major James Cannon, US Marine Corps, ret., resident of New Mexico Judge Advocate for the charter of American Legion, Jack Cannon, Ret., resident of New Mexico Major David Grant Mosby, Ret US Air Force, resident of Washington Major Art Scheffer, , US Air Force, Ret., subject to recall resident of Louisiana Captain Edward Adams Ret, GA National Guard, resident of Georgia

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Captain Pamela Barnett, Commander, training officer on temporary medical disability Captain Neil B. Turner US Army Aviation, Ret. Subject to recall, resident of California Captain Harry G. Butler, US Navy Seal Captain Larry A Shewmaker, US Air Force Ret., resident of South Carolina Captain Ralph H. Jenkins, Ret US Marine Corps, resident of Texas Airline Captain and Naval Officer D. Andrew Johnson, Ret. Lifetime subject to recall resident of California Officer Clint Grimes, Long Beach California Police Department and Navy active Reserve Lieutenant Will Harper, US Navy reserve, resident of Virginia First Lieutenant Renee A. Kania, resident of Ohio Pilot Dana Eugene Latta, ret., resident of North Carolina SMsgt Gary M. Morris, bronze star recipient, Ret., resident of Florida Sergeant Jeffrey Wayne Rosner, Hon Dis., resident of Texas SFC Susan K Irwin, US Army reserve, resident of Indiana Aircraft Pneudraulics Specialist Thomas J Taylor, US Air force resident of California Specialist Jennifer Leah Clark US Army Reserve, resident of Illinois SFC E7 Robert Lee Perry, US Army, Ret, resident of Iowa Mr. Frank Adelman, Ret military SFC Lowell K Doherty, US army, resident of Florida Sargeant First class Morgan Samuel Ward, US army recruiter, resident of Texas PFC Jean S. Charles, resident of Vermont Corporal Gary Stuart Cox, US Marine Cop, Virginia National Guard, Ret., Retired State Trooper, resident of Virginia First Sergeant William Shires , Ret US Army Chief Warrant Officer Thomas S. Davidson, Ret., lifetime subject to recall, resident of Arizona E8 Senior Chief Journalist, Richard E. Venable, US Navy, resident of California E7 Paralegal, MSGT USAF Steven Kay Neuenschwander, ret., resident of Washington E6 James Randolph Reid Lapp, US Navy Cryptologist, Inactive Reserve, resident of Virginia E6 Ronald Whaley, US Navy Veteran, residing in Georgia E6 Mark Francis Rayome, US Navy Seabees, resident of Colorado E6 Ronald Durward Howell, Air Traffic controller, resident of Tennessee CW4 David Robert, Black Hawk Helicopter pilot,Ret., resident of Mississippi Sp4-E4 Richard M. Keefner, honorably dischatrged US Army, resident of Illinois E4 Thomas R. Knight US Navy Reserves Sp4 US Army Artur J. Olscszewski, retired, resident of Pennsylvania E4 Larry W. Highlen, resident of Indiana E3 Jim Szakmary, US Marine Corp, Federal Employee, resident of New York E2 Wayne Eugene Keller,Ret., resident of Pennsylvania Mr. Donn P. Hornberger, resident of Minnesota Mr. Robert David Riley, US military Ret., resident of Georgia Mr. Jeffrey Schwilk, US military ret., resident of California SGT USAF E4. Danney L. Lawler US Air Force veteran, currently international law student in Manila, Philippines Mr. David L. Bosley US Air Force veteran, resident of California

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Ms. Loretta G. Bosley US Air Force veteran, resident of California Mr. Kurt C. Fuqua, resident of Illinois, father of an active military serviceman and blood relative of Mr. Obama. Mr. Fuqua’s petition for Mr. Obama’s records was denied in the State of Hawaii and Mr. Fuqua was told to wait for a year for the records. Ms. Julliett Ireland, resident of California and a mother of an active US military serviceman. Ms. Jody Brockhausen, resident of Texas. Ms. Brockhausen’s petition was denied in the state of Texas. Ms. Carol Greenberg, resident of Ohio. Ms. Greenberg’s [petition was denied in Ohio.

v. Barack Hussein Obama, a/k/a Barry Soetoro, Hillary Rodham Clinton, in her capacity as Secretary of State; Robert Gates, in his capacity as Secretary of Defense; Linda Lingle in her capacity of Governor of the state of Hawaii, and Does 1-100 Defendants. __________________________________

Petition for an Extraordinary writ of Mandamus

APPLICATION FOR EXTRAORDINARY EMERGENCY STAY AND/OR INJUNCTION AS TO THE Signing of any any and all executive orders, bills and treatise by Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, as well as a stay of any enactment, allocations, appropriations or any other affirmative actions based on any and all bills, treatise or executive orders already signed signed by Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro until his eligibility /legitimacy for the position of the president of the United States and Commander in Chief is established, motion for Declaratory relief and expedited discovery in determining natural born born status and legitimacy for presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, Quo Warranto, Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law.

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 26302 La Paz Mission Viejo CA 92691 949-683-5411

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ADDRESSED TO THE HONORABLE Chief Justice John Roberts This entry was posted on Sunday, April 26th, 2009 at 8:40 pm and is filed under HOT ITEMS!, Help Needed, Legal Actions, Supporting Documentation. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 26302 La Paz ste 211, Mission Viejo CA 92691 Copyright 2009 « Obama’s Policies are Endangering and Destroying the State of Israel I need volunteers in TX for follow up with the US attorney for the Eastern District of TX, Rebecca Gregory »

Arlen Specter is an embarrassment to himself, to Arlen Specter is an embarrassment. He is an embarrassment to the conservative movement and to the Jewish people around the World. He embarrassed himself and his own conservative record. He embarrassed his state and his party. At a time when Obama is handing to Hamas 900 million dollars, which will most certainly go to build more Kassam rockets and attack the state of Israel, he (and everybody else who is Jewish and collaborating with Obama), has betrayed his faith, has embarassed Jewish people around the world and particularly Jewish people in the state of Israel. May his name go down in history as a turncoat, may Arlen Specter be known as a Benedict Arnold of the second American Revolution. If you are a citizen of Pennsylvania and would like to run a recall campaign, please call me 949-683-5411. Any citizens of Pennsylvania, who would like to recall Arlen-Arnold, please put your name and contact info, so we can run a recall thread. If you have given a donation to Arlen-Arnold campaign, believing his false representation, that he will be a Republican senator, and you would like to get your money back, please let me know. Orly Tags: birth certificate, obama This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 28th, 2009 at 7:41 pm and is filed under HOT ITEMS!, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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Filed 08/27/2009

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Responses to “Arlen Specter is an embarrassment to himself, to” FedUp says: April 29, 2009 at 8:54 am I WANT TO RECALL SPECTER. I voted for him and now he needs to go!!! Let me know what we need to do to get him OUT!

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From: [email protected] To: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: FW: >>>>>>>>>>Urgent IMPORTANT INFO SAME SUBJECT<<<< documents. Liberi appeared in San Bernardino County, Rancho Cucamonga, Superior Court, on March 21, 2008. She was sentenced to a state prison term of 8 years, imposed but stayed, and placed on supervised probation for 3 years as part of a plea agreement. Liberi was sentenced on ten felony counts ranging from Grand Theft, Forgery, and Filing False Documents. From 2000 to 2004, Liberi engaged in a complex fraud involving falsification of police reports, manipulation of credit bureau reports, loan fraud, and counterfeiting of court documents resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses to banks and credit unions. In 2002, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department personnel arrested Liberi on theft by false pretense charges. In July 2004, Investigators from the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Real Estate Fraud Unit arrested Liberi at the Ontario International Airport for additional felony charges while she was out on bail. She has an extensive criminal record going back to the 90’s. [Emphasis Added]

**NOTE: The line stating “has a criminal record going back to the 90’s” was added by Sankey through Sankey Investigations and the Sankey Firm – see the actual article found on the internet below **

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ACTUAL ARTICLE LOCATED ON THE INTERNET entenced_in_identity_theft_and_real_estate_fraud/

Thursday, April 10, 2008 New Mexico Woman Sentenced in Identity Theft and Real Estate Fraud Lisa Liberi, aka Lisa Richardson, 42, New Mexico, was sentenced in connection with felony charges involving identity theft and forged documents. Liberi appeared in San Bernardino County, Rancho Cucamonga, Superior Court, on March 21, 2008. She was sentenced to a state prison term of 8 years, imposed but stayed, and placed on supervised probation for 3 years as part of a plea agreement. Liberi was sentenced on ten felony counts ranging from Grand Theft, Forgery, and Filing False Documents. From 2000 to 2004, Liberi engaged in a complex fraud involving falsification of police reports, manipulation of credit bureau reports, loan fraud, and counterfeiting of court documents resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses to banks and credit unions. In 2002, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department personnel arrested Liberi on theft by false pretense charges. In July 2004, Investigators from the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Real Estate Fraud Unit arrested Liberi at the Ontario International Airport for additional felony charges while she was out on bail. mortgage fraud

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From: Neil SANKEY [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 10:01 AM To: Bob Unruh Subject: LISA LIBERI etc Bob here are some bare facts about Berg’s assistant. See below and attachments I don’t know how much of the story you have already, but is essentially about WHO she really is and the questions that unfortunately brings up about Berg. Call, if you need to, at your convenience. Neil Sankey Investigator & Consultant. THE SANKEY FIRM Simi Valley, California 93063 [email protected] 805 520 3151 818 212 7615 cell

(Addendum) LISA RENEE LIBERI. Bn 5/28/1965. 462-45-xxxx, 622-19-4312 (& others)

According to the Police she was born COURVILLE and married a Richardson (Possible Alan Douglas Richardson, currently residing in Las Vegas .) IF it was the other way around, then the Courville is Bill Marshall Courville 11/10/61 of Houston , Tx. 457-71-x I have several SS#'s for her and a LOT of AKA's. Her real SS# is probably 462-45-xxxx. Most prominent otherwise are 563-60-xxxx, 57217-x, 622-19-x She went BK in 2002 Her brother is probably Lawrence E Morris of Fontana and Rancho Cuc , CA . He was born 1/16/64 Her Husband, Brent J, a Parolee, I have not researched that. Is probably Brent J McCormack 563-77, also uses 331-02-x There is also a Jerry HELLER and Douglas Cramer look interesting, but where do you stop?.

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Sticky Thread Author Ed Hale

Apr 13, 2009 - 11:46PM

Comment Dr Orly has been scamed by Lisa Liberia (Phil Berg assistant)



It appears that Lisa Liberi, who works for Phil Berg has been stealing from Dr Orly. Tonight, 2 of our listeners have came forward with recipet from paypay where they thought that they were donating to Dr Orly and instead it went to this Lisa Liberi. At this point, we do not know if Phil Berg is involued, but as my mother has stated "birds of a feather flock together". These are emails that I recieved from Dr Orly. As I have said many times, Phil Berg was in this for nothing but money and also those who helped him also. I can assure you that we have proof that Lisa Liberi did in fact take money that was to go to Dr Orly. That whole bunch that has accused me of stealing is now actually proved that they themselves are thieves. From: Orly Taitz Subject: Ceize and Desist, demand to file a joint FBI complaint To: "Phil J Berg Esq (pvt)" Cc: "Orly Taitz" Date: Sunday, April 12, 2009, 10:01 AM 04.12.09. Mr. Phillip Berg, this is to inform you that a few days ago I have forwarded my quo warranto pleadings to Mr. John Hemenway, since he agreed to be my local co-counsel in Washington DC. This was a confidential communication and Mr. Hemenway stated, that mistakenly he has forwarded those pleadings to you. Shortly - Page URL4/14/2009ate

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thereafter you have sent a press release, stating that you will be filing Quo Warranto action. This is a Ceize and Desist letter, demanding that you do not use my pleadings and confidential information in any way, shape or form, as you received those in error without my authorization. Additionally, I received information from a licensed Private investigator, with 20 years of experience with Scotland Yard and 12 years of experience in US, that your paralegal Lisa Liberi has an extensive criminal record, involving fraud, forgery of documents and identity theft. See attached file. I also received information that her husband, who is currently on parole, is an owner of 2 of accounts, accepting credit cards on your charitable foundation web site. As an officer of the court I am obligated to forward this information to the authorities: FBI, Attorney General of California and San Bernardino County Distict Attorney, since Lisa Liberi had a 8 year conviction in San Bernardino County, California. I believe that you, as an officer of the court, as well and a former Assitant Attorney General of Pennsylvania, should join me in issuing a joint complaint and demand for investigation from the above listed authorities. Dr. Orly Taitz Esq 26302 La Paz ste 211 Mission Viejo Ca 92691 Lisa Ostella Defend Our Freedoms Foundation Peace through Strength > From: [email protected] > To: [email protected]; [email protected] > Subject: FW: >>>>>>>>>>Urgent IMPORTANT INFO SAME SUBJECT<<<<< > Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 14:57:13 -0700 > > PLEASE NOTE THE LAST LINE! > > Thursday, April 10, 2008 New Mexico Woman Sentenced in Identity Theft and Real Estate Fraud > > > Lisa Liberi, aka Lisa Richardson, 42, New Mexico, was sentenced in > connection with felony charges involving identity theft and forged > documents. Liberi appeared in San Bernardino County, Rancho Cucamonga, > Superior Court, on March 21, 2008. She was sentenced to a state prison term > of 8 years, imposed but stayed, and placed on supervised probation for 3 > years as part of a plea agreement. Liberi was sentenced on ten felony - Page URL4/14/2009ate

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> counts ranging from Grand Theft, Forgery, and Filing False Documents. > > From 2000 to 2004, Liberi engaged in a complex fraud involving falsification > of police reports, manipulation of credit bureau reports, loan fraud, and > counterfeiting of court documents resulting in hundreds of thousands of > dollars in losses to banks and credit unions. > > In 2002, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department personnel arrested > Liberi on theft by false pretense charges. In July 2004, Investigators from > the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Real Estate Fraud Unit > arrested Liberi at the Ontario International Airport for additional felony > charges while she was out on bail. > > She has an extensive criminal record going back to the 90's. From: John D. Hemenway Subject: FW: Writ To: [email protected] Date: Sunday, April 12, 2009, 11:03 AM April 12, 2009 Dear Orly, This would indicate that Lisa Liberi received your Writ. It is not specified and she does not say so and it could refer to the earlier Writ she said was written by a former inmate, but I do not think so. Best regards, JDH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: Lisa Liberi [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 1:07 AM To: John D. Hemenway Subject: Writ John, There are many problems with this Writ of Quo Warranto. A Writ of Quo Warranto is used when a Government office has been usurped. Furthermore, you cannot go after a person as a Plaintiff using Federal Criminal Codes. You can mention them, however, you can't go after the individual unless you are a prosecutor. Lisa -- - Page URL4/14/2009ate

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Lisa Liberi Assistant to Philip J. Berg LAW OFFICES OF PHILIP J. BERG State: Texas Ed Hale

Apr 14, 2009 - 1:17AM

Proof that noly is Lisa involued but more



Hi folks: Look at this page from one of the web sites that Lisa has set up and see who is her partners in this. Get ready for a shock on the right hand side.

State: Texas TollandRCR

Apr 14, 2009 - 10:06AM

Re: Dr Orly has been scamed by Lisa Liberia (Phil Berg assistant)



Before you go too far with this, you might want to listen to a recording of your interview with Orly Taitz. It is widely available on the Internet if you don't have a copy. In it, Orly seems to clearly state that she believes that the donations are going to Lisa Ostella, her former Webmaster. It is often difficult to understand her speech, so that might be the root of the problem. The donations being routed via Ostella might make some technical sense, depending upon how Orly set things up. Ostella was a volunteer for her and evidently has Web skills that Orly does not. - Page URL4/14/2009ate

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Orly does not accuse Lisa Liberi (Berg's associate) of this. Your posting of this claim is widely replicated on the Web, so it is getting quite a bit of exposure. That may be the last thing that you want. You also might want to note that there are many Lisa Liberi's in the U.S. The one with the criminal history is almost certainly not Berg's associate. Without commenting on Orly's charges against Lisa Ostella, I would note that it is likely that, with Orly's help, you have just gotten yourself into a real legal pickle. Beyond defamation, when did you start believing people who tell you that they have learned something from an anonymous source? It looks to me as if those few who are still questioning Obama's eligibility to serve as President are now engaged in a mutually destructive war. This was predictable, because this is always what happens with extremists, particularly those who are remarkably capable of denying reality. It's nice to see it happen. State: CT Molly Pitcher

Apr 14, 2009 - 10:47AM

Re: Dr Orly has been scamed by Lisa Liberia (Phil Berg assistant)



TolandRCR, I have plenty of proof about Obama's fraud. His forgered COLBs, his forged Selective Service Registration, his Intelligence appointees employee getting into Obama's passport records to alter them. We are not extremists as you say.. I don't know about the reported "theft" but I hope it is not true. State: ca


Re: Dr Orly has been scamed by Lisa Liberia (Phil Berg assistant)

Apr 14, 2009 - 12:42PM



Why is it no suprise that all the birfers are now fighting amoung themselves? It would be prudent at this juncture if you can all arrange a team building exercise - go Big Foot Hunting together or something. Maybe at your 10 year reunion, you all can make a field trip to the Obama Presidential Library. State: Denial


Vistors since 7/15/08 - Page URL4/14/2009ate

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From: Ed Hale <[email protected]> Date: Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 3:24 AM Subject: Re: new court case To: Lisa Liberi thanks for the heads up. I have been played like a fool by way to many people. My problem is I beleive what they tell me. I believed what Linda was telling me. I think that prehaps it is time to retire and go to another country and fish. This crap is way too much for me to deal with. It seems that everyone wants thier 15 minutes in the sun at who ever expense they can get it at. I am jsut so sick of all this fighting and the bs that goes on here on the internet. Lisa - Dr orly use me and Plains Radio to assualt you to get to Phil. Why she did it, I cannot figure out. as I said Dr Orly will never get anymore air time on Plains. She came on just before she was to go into court on the cook case and asked for money. Within 2 hour we had raise $40,000 + for her and she did not even send me a email or tell me anything. That hurt. And then what I saw Phil do in the court room about her, i realized she was using plains and that hurt. I have always prided myself on my honest and seekign of the truth, but now Lisa I have no idea what the truth is any more. After hearing Phil in that court room, I beleive he is trying to tell the truth but god only knows who has lied to him. I think Phil is like me - he wants to beleive everything someone tells him but dam they will lie ot you. When does all this lying stop. I have hope that Phil would drop teh case against us. If he did, then I was going to close Plains down. I cannot take anymore of this bullshit. Ed

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August 27, 2009 Chat

14:43:18) ChatBot: Welcome to teh chat. Last one to leave, please empty the ashtrays, throw away the empty bottles, and turn off the lights. (13:53:31) ChatBot: Brian logs into the Chat. (13:55:58) ChatBot: Brian has been logged out (Timeout). (13:57:17) ChatBot: Brian logs into the Chat. (13:57:51) Brian: anyone here? (14:04:59) neonzx: Yeah. (14:05:09) neonzx: I think everyone else went back to work. (14:10:36) Brian: neon you still here? (14:10:47) Brian: need some help. want you to test something with me (14:11:02) Brian: eight=768&lang=en (15:00:37) ChatBot: realist logs into the Chat. (15:00:44) realist: yo (15:01:42) ChatBot: realist logs out of the Chat. (15:06:09) ChatBot: rikker logs into the Chat. (15:06:25) Terrib: hey rikker (15:06:44) Terrib: try out this chat (15:06:48) Terrib: :02) Brian: height=768&lang=en (15:08:15) rikker: what's wrong with THIS format? That chatroom looks like PRN. (15:23:15) ChatBot: neonzx leaves the channel. (15:25:02) ChatBot: neonzx enters the channel. (15:28:08) ChatBot: Justin logs into the Chat. (15:28:15) Terrib: Mickey Martin

Aug 20, 2009 - 1:44PM QuoteReply New Radio Network On Sept 1, a new radio network will go on the air. Some of your old favorites will be there. Hummingbird and Caren Hale, Ken Dunbar and Carmen R. They have all been invited to join the new network. Ed Hale has agreed to let me set this new network up and use some of the old host. As soon as it is ready, I will post it here State: of con (15:28:23) neonzx: Hi J (15:28:33) Terrib: Hi J (15:28:48) Brian: ight=600&lang=en (15:28:48) neonzx: Here's an email from Ed... don't post on the forum or elsewhere.... (15:28:55) Justin: Hey hey (15:28:57) Brian: ok (15:28:59) neonzx: [email protected] to me


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becasue of all the hate that the republican have for Obama. You want the truth, they hate him because he is black. Berg is goign after him because he is black, Orly is going after him becasue he is black. this has become a racial thing with these dam nuts. Jim I want no part of it. i still have my doubts that is ligit but I cannot prove anyting so I am will to accept that he is president. Take Jim, freedomefighterradio, that man hate black with a passion. His milita would love to have a war so that they could kill blacks. Now you know why I got rid of him. If obama is ligit then he is the president, does not make a dam if he is white, black, pink or pokka dot red, he is the president. Ed (15:29:06) Justin: Ooooh, inside info. (15:29:37) Justin: See... I actually have some small amount of respect for Ed. (15:29:49) Justin: Impressive observation on his part. *smirk* (15:30:48) neonzx: Well, not that he didn't contribute to this... his "nigger" rant, calling Michelle "Mo the Gorilla", wanting to "slap" Obama on the back with a 6-inch butcher knife, etc. (15:30:53) Brian: I do too (15:33:20) Brian: So neon. you been talking to ed a lot today? (15:34:14) neonzx: Just exchanged a few emails is all. He seems rather insistent that it's really over this time. (15:34:47) Brian: invite him here (15:34:50) neonzx: the email above was in response to my question of why Ed thought there might be a civil war coming. (15:34:51) Brian: that would be fun (15:34:59) Brian: ok (15:36:05) Brian: Did ed say what his plans are for the site more than what's on the front page? (15:36:18) Justin: I agree, invite Ed here. (15:36:21) ChatBot: allison logs into the Chat. (15:36:24) Justin: He doesn't need to be registered. (15:36:37) Justin: Hey A (15:36:41) allison: totally invite him here (15:36:45) allison: hey J (15:36:52) allison: we were playing in the test chat (15:36:55) allison: it is cool (15:36:55) Justin: For civil discourse, Allison. ;) (15:37:00) Justin: *chuckle* (15:37:06) allison: I know, I am always civil to Ed (15:37:46) allison: I am usually civil to all of them, get banned no matter (15:37:57) Brian: lol (15:38:05) Justin: Oh, I know. You missed the e-mail that neon shared. (15:38:08) Brian: you just have that "ban me online glow" allison (15:38:39) allison: facts and law will do it every time (15:38:54) neonzx: Okay, I invited him. Don't know if he'll show up. :) (15:39:15) rikker: "You want the truth, they hate him because he is black. Berg is goign after him because he is black, Orly is going after him becasue he is black." (15:39:27) rikker: Wow, what a revelation!! that never occurred to me!! (15:39:36) Brian: I'm shocked to see that (15:39:51) Brian: totally shocked.... :? (15:40:06) allison: hmmm, ed said that? hmmm (15:40:09) neonzx: Actually, I think Orly's going after him more because she think's he's a muslim and sympathetic to the Palestinians. (15:40:13) allison: bi-polar, for sure


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(15:40:28) rikker: I don't think that is Berg's motivation, however. It's clear that berg is in this for gold and glory. he has no other scruples. (15:40:43) allison: he waffles between Klan level racist and then back to this kinda thing. So odd (15:41:00) allison: Berg is just a con man, IMHO (15:41:01) rikker: Orly is clearly nuts. But I can't detect her racial motivation. (15:41:03) ChatBot: Litlebritdifrnt2 logs into the Chat. (15:41:15) allison: I think Olry is a zionist (15:41:24) neonzx: exactly, allison. (15:41:29) allison: a real zealot (15:41:32) Brian: her motivation is tucked neatly into her straight jacket (15:41:32) rikker: Although I'm sure she has such, I can't fathom why, other than her Zionist leanings. (15:41:37) neonzx: Oh Facebook, Orly is a member of a group opposed to a 2-state solution. (15:41:40) allison: and she is nucking futs (15:41:55) allison: neon, yeah, nucking futs zionist (15:42:10) rikker: Zionism is racism, it is religionism. (15:42:20) allison: she may also be bi-polar, and in a manic phase (15:42:21) rikker: isn't racism, I meant (15:42:34) Brian: be back in a few (15:42:46) allison: so, id Ed coming by? (15:42:47) neonzx: Obama's trying to practices some "even-handedness" in that conflict, which doesn't sit well with Zionists. (15:42:51) allison: that would be nice (15:43:12) allison: Berg may also be a racist, who knows? Or a zionist (15:43:17) neonzx: He hasn't replied. Hard telling with Ed. He may have gone back to bed. :D (15:43:27) allison: neon, LOL (15:43:36) Litlebritdifrnt2: what I don't understand about all these pro israel people in the US is that if it is so wonderful why don't they live there? (15:43:51) rikker: But I'm SURE that Ed has unleashed a number of racial epithets in his day, and not just against black people. I am also sure that he doesn't think he is racist. And I suspect he may not be. (15:44:31) rikker: at least, not in the David Duke/Rush Limbaugh sense of the word. (15:45:23) allison: blech, I think anyone involved there is, look at the crap they say in that chat, and the phoptos he kept putting up and laughing about, bullshit they are not racists (15:45:23) Terrib: I'm with you brit (15:45:34) rikker: I also don't believe he fired anybody because of racist leanings. If he fired the guy, it's because the guy exposed Ed to legal liability. Not because of any militia leanings. (15:45:48) allison: rikker, agreed there (15:46:16) allison: he seems to encourage the racism, IMHO, and if not encourages definitleyl tolerates (15:46:24) Justin: I'm curious... has Orly RETURNED from Israel yet? (15:46:35) rikker: brit, I met an Israeli girl when I was working in Mahattan 8 years ago. (15:46:37) allison: J, nope, not that we know (15:46:52) rikker: SWEETEST girl in the world. Would give you the shirt off her back.


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(15:46:53) Justin: I still think we should spread the "Orly has been deported" line. ;) (15:46:59) allison: hahaha (15:47:02) allison: funny (15:47:07) Justin: They'd totally fall for it. (15:47:18) Litlebritdifrnt2: Deport Lady Liberty! OMG so funny. (15:47:20) rikker: One day I asked her about the palestinians, and the look on her face just FELL (15:47:38) Litlebritdifrnt2: rikker - what was her opinion? (15:47:41) rikker: She HATES them. I mean, TRULY hated them. (15:47:42) Justin: And you spread it around this time of day, when she's already in bed... doesn't have until the next day to try to quell the rumor. ;) (15:47:46) Terrib: Thanks allison, for fixing my post (15:47:50) allison: when was that rikker? (15:47:54) rikker: 2001 (15:47:57) allison: terrib, no prob...LOL (15:48:11) rikker: the girl was a waitress in a bar I hung out in. (15:48:23) Justin: Telling you... as pranks go... "Orly has been deported" would be hilarious. (15:48:46) allison: rikker, LOL< i thought you meant Orly! LOL (15:48:47) Brian: but it's just sooooo one dimensional (15:48:50) ChatBot: (Ed_Hale) logs into the Chat. (15:48:57) allison: ED!!!!!! (15:48:58) neonzx: Ed! (15:49:00) Brian: Ed!!! hi (15:49:01) Terrib: Hi Ed (15:49:06) Litlebritdifrnt2: Actually a better one would be that there is an advisory at all airports not to let her back in the country. (15:49:09) allison: How are you doing? (15:49:11) neonzx: Hi Ed. Welcome. (15:49:11) (Ed_Hale): Hi gang - Jim invited me over (15:49:14) Litlebritdifrnt2: Hi Ed! (15:49:21) rikker: Edward!!! My man!! (15:49:24) allison: we all wanted you to come by, Ed (15:49:29) Brian: you're always welcome ed (15:49:36) allison: always welcome (15:49:36) Terrib: Yes Ed (15:49:42) (Ed_Hale): well thanks (15:50:04) Brian: so everything ok? I know you said gotta do what you gotta do but... you alright? (15:50:28) Justin: Greeting, Ed. Nice to see you. (15:50:30) (Ed_Hale): i guess by my post in the forum last night that you guys can see thatI am just for the truth (15:50:34) Justin: Greetings, that is. (15:50:40) (Ed_Hale): hi jsutin (15:51:03) Brian: Ed you're one guy that I have a lot of respect for on many levels (15:51:09) (Ed_Hale): I shut plains radio down last night - too many idiots (15:51:12) allison: ED, we see that, hard to do though with the emotions or motivations some others have, I guess. Sad (15:51:12) rikker: Ed, we don't usually have these powwows at midday. You've got the A-team here today. (15:51:31) (Ed_Hale): lmao (15:51:34) Justin: *laugh* I like how Ed gets to the point. :)


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(15:51:39) allison: usually we do not chat till late evening, odd we were all around (15:51:56) rikker: CJ is not here, nor is BB. (15:51:59) Justin: I'm at the new job. Sooner or later they'll take my access away because I'm hanging out here. :P (15:52:12) ChatBot: realist logs into the Chat. (15:52:16) (Ed_Hale): When people refuse to hear both side of a issue it is to fold you tent up and move on (15:52:18) allison: ah, true, someone should email them, BB likely is still at the office, though (15:52:23) rikker: but here comes realist (15:52:34) Brian: agreed (15:52:41) realist: Hey, folks. (15:52:46) Terrib: Hi realist (15:52:46) Justin: Well said, Ed. That's honestly kind of why this site exists. You're probably familiar with Charlene... ;) (15:52:46) rikker: and bogus won't get on until later this evening. (15:52:49) Brian: hey realist (15:52:49) realist: Ed...true dat. (15:52:56) Justin: It's a fun story. ;) (15:53:07) (Ed_Hale): I really enjoyed the debate last night - borth side had good points (15:53:12) Brian: I've told the story of how PJ started a few times over at PRN. (15:53:17) Brian: absolutely Ed (15:53:21) Justin: I heard it was pretty good. I didn't get to listen to it yet. (15:53:23) Brian: I think they both did well (15:53:24) realist: Ed, I enjoyed it tool (15:53:29) Brian: stuck to their points, the rules (15:53:31) Brian: all of it. (15:53:32) (Ed_Hale): but them far right wing nuts are now saying I am going to the left wing (15:53:39) rikker: Ed, I heard Ken didn't realy want to debate... True? You had to coerce him? (15:53:41) ChatBot: mari logs into the Chat. (15:53:45) allison: Ed, our motivation from the start had simply been to present both sides, way before we had PJ, but, everytime we joined a site they banned us for having a different take on stuff (15:53:49) Justin: Naturally... it's a with-us or against-us mentality. (15:53:54) Terrib: Hey mari (15:53:56) rikker: hey mari! (15:53:58) (Ed_Hale): no Ken wanted it - he enjoyed it (15:54:05) Justin: Welcome back, Mari. (15:54:13) Brian: sorry you have to learn what some of us already know the hard way ed. If you don't agree with them 100% ... you're the enemy (15:54:16) mari: Hello all! Good afternoon Ed. Thanks for never banning me! (15:54:21) realist: Ed. let 'em say what they water off a duck's back and all that. After all you've done over there, most of the messages to you were not exactly warm and fuzzy. (15:54:21) Justin: *laugh* (15:54:28) (Ed_Hale): he and Tim had exchanged emails so that they both were ready to go (15:54:31) rikker: You get a lot of flack for allowing Obots into your chatroom.


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(15:55:07) (Ed_Hale): lmao from both sides - I want both side talking becasue of one reason - we are all American 1st (15:55:08) allison: I thought the debate was good, and even after some of us were having a good discussion until we were all banned suddenly after humm appeared (15:55:15) Justin: Bottom line... many of them want someone to carry the banner, regardless of whatever the facts happen to be. (15:55:33) allison: hi Mari! (15:55:41) mari: Hey allison!! (15:55:51) (Ed_Hale): Bird has a itichy trigger finger - I wnet in under a different name last night and she baned me (15:55:54) Brian: amen ed (15:56:00) mari: lol Ed (15:56:01) realist: Ed...LOL (15:56:06) rikker: well, ed, why don't you encourage some of them to debate HERE? (15:56:08) Justin: When you admitted that the "Kenyan certificate" was obviously a forgery, Ed... that took guts. I said so on PRN and I'm saying it again now. It took a LOT of guts to say that in front of those people. (15:56:16) neonzx: I saw that happen, Ed. You were "Phil_Gray". :) (15:56:20) mari: Banned from your own spot - geez (15:56:24) allison: mari, I just escaped a 2nd request this week for a case I am consulting on! LOL, looks like it is coming in by Sept, though...UGH (15:56:27) (Ed_Hale): and I came back and let her know what she did and to who she did it (15:56:32) (Ed_Hale): yep (15:56:41) realist: good for you (15:56:49) (Ed_Hale): too much bullshit fromthe admins (15:56:53) allison: Ed, she banned us at about the same time...LOL (15:56:59) realist: so get rid of 'em (15:57:01) (Ed_Hale): lmao (15:57:09) rikker: But Ed, the edict to ban all strangers came from YOU after you read Monday's chat logs. (15:57:17) neonzx: she didn't ban, jimbot, allison. ;) (15:57:19) (Ed_Hale): how in the hell do you reach common ground if your not talkign to each other (15:57:19) Justin: I'm still a bit surprised, honestly. Doesn't sound like the Hummingbird I know. Heh. (15:57:36) allison: neon, she did ban me, last night (15:57:40) rikker: i was surprised, too. (15:57:41) realist: nor I...she and I have always been cordial to each other, then it seems she changed (15:57:42) allison: IP bannned (15:57:54) (Ed_Hale): no it did not Rikker - my order were not to ban anyone unless they were not behaving (15:57:58) realist: brb...tea and mail. (15:58:13) Justin: I'm curious to see if I'm banned... but then, I don't really care. Ed was the only interesting character over there. ;) (15:58:19) Brian: I agree Ed. makes you wonder what the goals of some people are. If you can't reach some common ground. (15:58:23) rikker: Ed, I was PMing with Gobucks when I got banned. (15:58:31) neonzx: hummingbird has a nasty side to the sweet appearance, doesn't she Ed?


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(15:58:31) allison: Ed, sad to say but many of them are not looking for common ground or the truth, they just hate Obama and want him out no matter how, true or not, they will use any tactic (15:58:34) (Ed_Hale): well If I ever have anything again like that - I will select my admins much better (15:58:42) Brian: Justin. Everyone is banned. Ed took the site down!!! LOL (15:58:44) Justin: *nods to Ed* (15:58:45) (Ed_Hale): yep (15:58:56) Justin: Doh. I've been blanket banned along with the site. ;) (15:58:59) rikker: So, what now, Ed? (15:59:02) Justin: *chuckle* (15:59:26) allison: we say that there was a post at the forum there about a new show Ed, with Ken and Humm and Caren and Carmen? (15:59:34) neonzx: Yeah, Ed, there is a post on your forum that someone is starting a new network? Invited Hummingbird, Caren, etc to be hosts. Is that true? (15:59:38) (Ed_Hale): well once again I don't know but here is another network on the horizon coming our soon (15:59:39) allison: sorry, meant "we saw' not "we say" (15:59:57) (Ed_Hale): Mickey Martin (15:59:57) Justin: Ken thinks he's the new hotness. I'm not shocked that he's trying to run with the ball. (16:00:23) allison: Yeah, that post by Mickey, is he talking about that ghostfighters site? (16:00:30) (Ed_Hale): Ken is one of the best host I have - he does his show and never causes a problem (16:00:40) ChatBot: jsnbase logs into the Chat. (16:00:44) Justin: Oh, I have no doubt that he's a capable host. (16:00:46) Brian: I get that about Ken (16:00:47) (Ed_Hale): yes (16:00:51) rikker: what about Ralph, Ed? He's fairly good. (16:00:54) mari: Yes, but Ken does know his Constition (16:00:58) Terrib: Hi jsn (16:01:05) jsnbase: hola (16:01:12) mari: I meant does NOT know - UGH - I suck at typing (16:01:16) (Ed_Hale): as of now there will be only 2 hours of broadcast fromwhat I understand (16:01:21) rikker: hey jsn! (16:01:22) allison: Well, they will run roughshod over Ken is he actually wants to present both sides, IMHO (16:01:31) Justin: Ken knows the wording of the Constitution. He kinda sucks at interpretation of Supreme Court rulings of the Constitution. My personal opinion. (16:01:49) jsnbase: hey rikker (16:01:53) neonzx: I think Caren likes doing her show so it's good she'll still be able to on the other network. (16:01:55) mari: Exactly Justin - he misses things like "dissenting opinion" (16:02:01) allison: Ken does well for a layperson, but without formal legal training he gets running on tangents that are simply incorrect (16:02:08) (Ed_Hale): well Justin he would say the same thing about you - that is why we are American - free to think as we will (16:02:18) Justin: I'm sure he would. *grin* (16:02:22) allison: There is a reason law school is three years long! LOL


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(16:02:42) Justin: Ken and I had a private discussion a couple weeks ago that I guarantee he didn't tell anyone we had. hehe (16:02:55) (Ed_Hale): I had to shut Plains down because of this dam law suit in PA - I have to get away from Orly (16:03:11) (Ed_Hale): how do you get rid of these stupid sounds (16:03:19) mari: Getting away from Orly is the best thng you can do. she is TOXIC (16:03:20) Brian: bottom right corner Ed (16:03:22) realist: Ed getting away from Orly is the best thing ALL of you could do...she's a total trainwreck (16:03:33) Brian: there's a click to turn off sound (16:03:34) allison: I think it is sad that they have never been able to find a competent lawyer to help them understand all this stuff...Orly is no good and neither is berg, too bad they cannot reach out to a local law prof (16:03:34) Justin: Lower right hand corner, tools icon, right side drop drown menus. (16:03:43) Justin: I tend to get rid of all of them. (16:04:15) Brian: I've told Justin he needs to look into the chat that you use Ed. (16:04:18) Brian: It's pretty good (16:04:23) Justin: Sorry, should have pointed that out when you arrived. I know how annoying they can be. (16:04:23) allison: Ed, Orly is on a speeding train to a discipline hearing, IMHO (16:04:28) (Ed_Hale): see now we (16:04:28) mari: Ed, didn't Berg seem to have a change of heart about you recenty (16:04:32) Justin: The IRC based one, Brian? (16:04:48) Brian: no. same on that was on Ed's forum (16:04:56) Justin: Right. That's also IRC based. (16:05:05) Brian: costs money for all the features he has. but it's goo (16:05:07) Justin: old school Internet ;) (16:05:07) Brian: good (16:05:08) ChatBot: Sequoia32 logs into the Chat. (16:05:18) (Ed_Hale): now see that is something we can agree on - Orly and Berg are 2 of the msot dumb attorney that every came along - if a dumb texas farmer can whip Berg ass, you guys have a field day with him (16:05:28) realist: LOL (16:05:33) Justin: *cracks up* Well said, Ed. (16:05:34) Brian: LMAO (16:05:34) allison: wow, Ed, you are bringing everyone to chat really early for us PJers! (16:05:37) realist: We (16:05:42) Brian: Ed. You're not dumb. I'll say that much (16:05:45) realist: We've know that for a long time (16:05:56) Litlebritdifrnt2: Ooops I hit the wrong button. (16:05:59) allison: Ed, you did great in court from the report we heard! (16:06:04) realist: hey, britty (16:06:08) realist: sequoia (16:06:29) Sequoia32: Hi all (16:06:41) Litlebritdifrnt2: Our observer there said you did a really good job Ed, considering you are not an attorney. (16:07:01) (Ed_Hale): As I told Jim - I don't beleive Obama is ligit but I have no proof of it so I msut accept him as presdient - I want to take on the issue that is going to affect our country not a distraction


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(16:07:07) mari: Its likely best that Orly didn't show. she's have messed things up for you (16:07:37) Litlebritdifrnt2: hey realist (sorry I'm slow today) (16:07:38) (Ed_Hale): omg I thoguht that judge was goign to throw the book at us that day because of Orly - thank God he listen to me (16:07:43) realist: Ed..if only the other birthers would realize what you just said...move on to something relevant, get ready for 2010 elections (16:08:13) Brian: So ed.... Do I have this right. you're taking your lawyers advice and moving away from Orly? (16:08:19) allison: Orly is a nightmare Ed, Berg is not much better (16:08:23) Brian: if so then I think that's a smart move on your part. (16:08:25) mari: Ed - having her not show was the best thing that could happen to you. Judge now doesn't think of you and her together! (16:08:42) (Ed_Hale): We are not going to get rid of Obama - pure and simple - now we have other thing that we msut do to protect oruselves from Washington (include both Dems and Repubs) (16:08:52) allison: and her new "law clerk" is going to bring her down, IMHO (16:09:12) (Ed_Hale): omg that was it Allison (16:09:25) jsnbase: Ed, my take on you has generally been that you're doing what you think is right. I disagree with you on pretty much everything, but I don't question your sincerity (16:09:36) jsnbase: unlike, say, Orly... (16:09:37) (Ed_Hale): she said Berg could not have Liberi becasue she was a criminal and now she gets one even worst (16:09:38) allison: Ed, that is really the thing, there are much bigger issues, regardless of which party you support, if any at all (16:09:50) Justin: Law clerk... hehehe... I didn't realize that felons were in fashion like small dogs in handbags this year. (16:09:56) realist: jsn/ed, i think that's pretty much the general concensus of all of us here regarding Ed. (16:10:03) rikker: what did Orly do in PA, Ed? She wasn't even there! (16:10:04) allison: Ed, true, and Lincoln is MUCH WORSE! (16:10:29) realist: rikker, the fact she wasn't there....thumbed her nose at the court (16:10:30) (Ed_Hale): That is when I lsot all respect for Orly - she used Plains radio to attack berg (16:10:43) rikker: was she ordered to be there? (16:11:00) mari: Yes, Ed. Used to atach and then left you to take the heat. she's a horrible person (16:11:00) Brian: rikker. I think Ed's referring to the 1st time in PA. Not the most recent time where Ed talked alone and did well (16:11:03) Justin: It's all about the spotlight for her. Berg threatens her spotlight. *shrug* And vice versa, I think. (16:11:05) (Ed_Hale): the attorney on the birther side are idiot - I could do a better job than them (16:11:08) realist: she was notified of the hearing like everyone esle (16:11:19) Brian: LMAO Ed (16:11:21) allison: rikker, she seems to think her britches are too big to be bothered with berg and his piddly little case...LOL (16:11:22) jsnbase: i think the verb 'used' can be attached to most of Orly's interactions with others (16:11:25) Justin: Ed... we believe that, based on what youv'e already shown. :) (16:11:32) rikker: you did a pretty good job in Philly the other week, Ed


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(16:11:33) Brian: you've just summed up thousands of posts on!!!! (16:11:59) Justin seconds what Brian just said. (16:12:04) allison: bri, hahaha, right!! (16:12:18) (Ed_Hale): I always thought that when you went into a court room - you swore to tell the truth that is what you did - these people are liars (16:12:25) realist: that crap Pidgeon just assembled and chalice and swensson filed may be the worst pile of pure poop yet (16:12:32) allison: They do not have one competent or respected atty in the entire mix (16:12:54) allison: just a bunch of con artists and crazies, IMHO (16:13:06) (Ed_Hale): oh the grandjuries are such a waste of time they will get no where but the people beleive thier shit (16:13:13) allison: Ed, for most, that is what you do (16:13:26) Justin: The "grand juries" are a hoot. (16:13:32) mari: I kept telling them at OC to take their case to a "real" lawyer and if they had a case the lawyer would take it. there are plenty of conservative firms But no - they took Orly (16:13:32) realist: it's a ridiculous waste of time...mythical just discovered fourth branch of government. LOL (16:13:42) (Ed_Hale): why are people so dam stupid and hang on to anything that they think will get rid of Obama - it an't happeing (16:13:43) allison: I suspect the grand jury idiots will be prosecuted at some point for simulating legal process (16:14:04) ChatBot: elliewyatt logs into the Chat. (16:14:06) ChatBot: TollandRCR logs into the Chat. (16:14:09) Justin: Mr. Mxylptlk shows up when you get to the fifth branch. (16:14:09) ChatBot: June_bug logs into the Chat. (16:14:11) (Ed_Hale): I hope that they are Allison for giving the peopleflase hope (16:14:16) mari: Welcome!! (16:14:16) realist: allison...if they ever actually issue subpoenas or try to effect arrest, that's when it'll cross the line, IMO (16:14:19) Brian: ed my thoughts are because the BC issue is a way for people to hide their true issues. some valid and mostly things they wouldn't want to admit too. (16:14:38) mari: And they are taking money too. Money from people who an ill afford it in this economy! (16:14:53) jsnbase: The allegations build on each other. You don't have to actually prove anything when you can say 'look at all the things he's accused of!' (16:15:06) jsnbase: 'He must have done ONE of them!' (16:15:12) allison: Ed, i suspect they will be at some point if they keep this crap up, they are also joining forces with the militia types now, not good. At least Kreep has some clue, he still won't succeed, but he can at least serve process I bet (16:15:19) (Ed_Hale): I hate to say this but I think that 90% of the birthers are nothing but racist and cannot stand it because a black man is president (16:15:32) Justin seconds what Ed just said as well. (16:15:35) Litlebritdifrnt2: bingo! (16:15:40) realist: DING DING DING!! We have a winner folks. (16:16:05) mari: Yes Ed. Totally. And zenophobic too. theye were nice to me until they discovered I was half foreign. Even if the foreign is white


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(16:16:05) TollandRCR: Thank you, Ed. I believe that is the truth. (16:16:10) June_bug: For sure, Ed! And welcome, by the way! (16:16:11) neonzx: geez, Ed,.. I've only been telling you that for the past 12 months. :D (16:16:12) realist: hey, tolland (16:16:24) realist: june_bug (16:16:30) allison: Ed, we feel the same way. I had said way back when on OC that the way to challenge was in state court, before the election, i gave them the road map for how to do it, they banned me! LOL (16:16:35) Brian: And that's why I respect you ed. We don't have to agree on everything. you have your points we have ours. long as we can give and take everything will go just fine. (16:16:46) (Ed_Hale): I am sick of this whole thing - I wanted to move on to other things and these idiot get mad and leave because I am becoming a left wing nut - that is what they said aobut me (16:16:54) Litlebritdifrnt2: mimi - remember how mike treated me when he found out I was a "furriner" (16:17:02) realist: screw 'em (16:17:07) Litlebritdifrnt2: Sorry Mari not mimi (16:17:14) mari: Yep Britty. It was ugly!!! (16:17:28) allison: briity, i remember that, UGH! (16:17:37) Justin: Ed... no pressure at all on this offer, but if you wanted to register with the site and participate on the forum, I think we could use a dose of your no-BS attitude towards OTHER subjects than just the birther issue. Health care reform, the economy, whatever. Entirely up to you, but wanted to formally extend the offer. (16:17:40) rikker: well, ed, I know racist undertones when I see them, but I don't like to make that my argument. (16:17:48) (Ed_Hale): oh hush jim and you got me pictured riding my granddaughter trike also (16:17:53) realist: I saw BobH trying politely to explaint the rulings in Florida, #s 10 and 11, and in Ed's forum got told to go F himself several times. :D (16:18:07) neonzx: I do, ed? :D (16:18:09) allison: Ed, they are just blinded by their hate and fear and almost cult-like commitment to the cause at this point, they don;t want truth. (16:18:17) (Ed_Hale): well thanks Justin i appreciat e the offer (16:18:29) rikker: Sharpton and jackson whine about racism enough. It's become, to me, a long, unedited version of "afternoon Delight" over and over and over and over. (16:18:29) TollandRCR: It would be great to have Ed talking about some of the other things being discussed on PJ. We are about a lot more than the birth issue. (16:18:30) (Ed_Hale): I don't know what I am going to do nwo (16:18:39) Justin: Understood. Just wanted to put it out there. (16:18:57) mari: And if you, who they think of as one of their leaders doesn't agree with them they get even uglier than with us obits (16:18:57) realist: I would echo Justin's offer. I think it would be great...every forum thrives on opposing opinions, not being an echo chamber (16:19:06) (Ed_Hale): Jim and I are at odds on this health care issue but in agreement on cap and teade (16:19:19) allison: Ed, I think everyone would welcome you at PJ, absolutely... (16:19:29) June_bug: and, for the most part, we don't bite!:-)


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(16:19:40) mari: Ed you may find we cover a way broader spectrum than you think. (16:19:41) neonzx: Ed, not everyone here agrees political on every issue either. That's healthy. (16:19:47) (Ed_Hale): and if you do june you had your rabies shiot right (16:19:48) ChatBot: CJ_Roberts logs into the Chat. (16:19:51) realist: June...allison bits. >:-D (16:19:54) elliewyatt: Ed, when considering Justin's invitation, know that not all members here are Obots. We just want actual truth, and I think maybe you do too. (16:20:03) (Ed_Hale): hi Tim (16:20:03) Justin: Heh, I don't agree with the majority of everyone here in chat on one particular issue. *chuckle* (16:20:08) rikker: Ed, you'd lose credibility with your base if you posted over here. I'm just sayin'... (16:20:08) mari: True, Allison bites. I don;t (16:20:12) CJ_Roberts: Hi Ed (16:20:19) allison: there is a broad spectrum on PJ, we all tend to agree that orly is nuts, and Berg is a con man, but on other issues like health care, etc, there are many different views (16:20:19) rikker: CLIFF!! (16:20:21) Justin: I bet Ed would be on my side on that one. Neener. ;) (16:20:29) CJ_Roberts: NORM!! (16:20:31) realist: rikker...he already the posts over there (16:20:35) mari: What issue is that? (16:20:41) realist: hey, CJ (16:20:45) (Ed_Hale): i know rikker but that does not bother me - I want the truth whereever it come from (16:20:45) Justin: Holy crap, we sure pulled in the numbers for Ed's appearance here. *chuckle* (16:20:49) allison: I only bite when provoked! ;) (16:20:53) ChatBot: littlelulu logs into the Chat. (16:20:55) CJ_Roberts: hey realist (16:20:55) June_bug: yep- I'm up to date on shots - I'm not sure about Allison though, Ed, so watch out! (16:21:20) Justin: Mari... I still firmly feel verification of eligibility should take place by law BEFORE an election, not after. There are a couple fun threads on it. ;) (16:21:31) Justin: We're not getting into that one right now though. hehe (16:21:42) (Ed_Hale): the thing about this is - even thought we are on opposit side on most of this - I still like and respect all of you (16:21:51) ChatBot: MaineSkeptic logs into the Chat. (16:21:57) Justin: Group hug, folks. (16:22:01) mari: Speaking of shots, I plan on having my flu shot photographed, then everyone can see if I drop dead from it (16:22:03) allison: June_bug, I am not anti-vaccination, and only bite when provoked...LOL (16:22:04) Brian: and that's why few bad mouth you Ed. (16:22:09) realist: Ed...same here, believe it or not...some of your chatters/posters, not so much (16:22:14) realist: at least IMO (16:22:20) (Ed_Hale): Like having to remove you guys from my chat room - I had admins to tell that they would quit if I didn't (16:22:43) rikker: yep (16:22:44) (Ed_Hale): I hate bveing told what I can and cannot do


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(16:22:55) mari: Especially at your own place!!!!! (16:23:04) realist: it's your chat, though...tell em to stuff it (16:23:06) (Ed_Hale): yep and I was paying th ebills (16:23:07) Brian: ohhh Ed. on admins and picking the right people. Very hard thing to do.... I mean look at Justin.... :help: (16:23:18) June_bug: Allison - Glad to hear that; I only bite when asked to >:-D (16:23:18) (Ed_Hale): lmao (16:23:20) realist: many at your place ed seemed to forget it was YOURS not theirs (16:23:22) allison: bri..lOL (16:23:32) rikker: Ed, like I said, banning is the easy way to stifle a debate that's being lost. (16:23:36) Brian: very slippery slope. (16:23:41) (Ed_Hale): taht is true real - they ran the place and not me (16:23:42) Litlebritdifrnt2: If the rooster shows up you are in trouble Brian. (16:23:47) TollandRCR: Ed, can you say at what point you began to be disappointed or even disgusted with what people were claiming, doing, and posting on your Forum? (16:23:52) Brian: LMAO (16:23:54) Brian: yes (16:23:56) allison: well, bad argument can rarely withstand opposition (16:24:07) (Ed_Hale): august 7. 2009 (16:24:09) ChatBot: dmon logs into the Chat. (16:24:11) Brian: ohhh wait. Tater tot left? I thought he was here. (16:24:32) MaineSkeptic: what happened on that date, Ed? (16:24:33) allison: Ed, why aug 7th? (16:24:36) TollandRCR: That's exact. What happened then? (16:24:46) CJ_Roberts: Tater Tot had a Phelta Thi meeting (16:24:46) mari: Tater tot? lmao! i'll have to bring back the Belgium version when I meet you boys the next day (16:24:53) (Ed_Hale): I realized in that court room that Plains radio was being used (16:25:03) allison: aha, makes sense Ed (16:25:12) realist: ah (16:25:16) Justin: Har har, Brian. I saw that. Was in the vault. (I love saying that.) (16:25:23) ChatBot: GreatGrey logs into the Chat. (16:25:24) elliewyatt: Orly and Berg are BOTH users. (16:25:26) Brian: interesting (16:25:37) TollandRCR: That was most certainly true, and it does make sense. I'm sorry that you had to go through that to realize it. (16:25:40) Brian: I'm sorry tater... only love (16:25:47) (Ed_Hale): When i walked out and was outside and Philly OOBT came up and talked to me - and then it really hit me that you were good people also (16:26:13) rikker: Philly obot? you mean Res ispa? (16:26:19) Justin: Hmm... that must have been Res. (16:26:19) (Ed_Hale): I became very torn at that point - I wanted to let you guys come in and my people were tellign me no (16:26:26) realist: we just differ on opinions on some things...not even all, as the birthers believe (16:26:42) Justin: Berg and Lisa Liberi let us in for a while... and people went bonkers. Same result, different day. (16:26:44) (Ed_Hale): I forgot his name - he post in my forum with that name


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(16:26:53) Justin: Onto Berg's site, that is. (16:26:57) Brian: yeah it was res (16:27:02) mari: I have to go home and feed a toddler. Boo hoo! Ed- it was lovely meeting you! Hang in there!! (16:27:09) allison: Ed, they seem to be under the impression that they need a "safe, obot free place" and that seems to be because they ONLY want to hear their side of things (16:27:13) realist: res ipsa/philly bot (16:27:18) Brian: ok so all you're people telling you no Ed? (16:27:21) rikker: Ed, you would be surprised at how passionately American these PJers are. (16:27:24) Brian: so you did it anyway. (16:27:26) (Ed_Hale): well when Mickey Maritn starts the Texas Broadcasting System - all will be welcome there (16:27:29) ChatBot: dmon has been logged out (Timeout). (16:27:38) Justin: Interesting. (16:27:48) Brian: ed. got a question (16:27:51) mari: TBS lol - worked for Ted Turner (16:27:57) Brian: not sure if you know this or not (16:28:08) (Ed_Hale): yes I had pressure to remove you guys from my supporters - the only oen who stood with me on this was gobucks (16:28:08) allison: Ed, I suspect they will ban us, Humm seems to be big on banning (16:28:13) Brian: how many of your admins are/where people from Berg's site obamacrimes? (16:28:17) realist: we were told the same thing by Don and Ray...then they let charlene moderate...end of that forum...then we started PJ:D (16:28:27) rikker: Gobucks is a good man. (16:28:30) Justin: Hummingbird likes ME... *bats eyelashes* (16:28:35) (Ed_Hale): I am not going to have some of them as admins (16:28:37) rikker: he has a great sense of humor. (16:28:44) Brian: ok (16:28:45) neonzx: Justin, hummingbird is playing you. (16:28:49) Justin: GoBucks and I had a conversation... he was cool with me. (16:28:56) allison: Justin, sure, for now, till she doesn't anymore...;):P (16:28:57) (Ed_Hale): Lynn will probally be a admin at the new chat room (16:29:04) Brian: GoBucks got mad at me at one point but overall we were good. (16:29:14) Justin: Bah. She loves me. You can't shatter our love. (16:29:17) allison: Ed, lynn is the one banning everyone...even YOU! LOL (16:29:47) TollandRCR: I think I see a common value that PJers and Ed hold: free and open debate is healthy. Those trying to suppress it are doing the country a disservice. (16:29:48) rikker: humm banned me twice, but Gobucks never did. (16:29:51) (Ed_Hale): ok you are all sworn to secretcy - anyone breath a word of what I am going to tell you - I will send the goon squad after you - agree? (16:30:04) Brian: agree (16:30:06) Brian: mums the word (16:30:07) rikker: ok (16:30:09) neonzx: agreed (16:30:12) realist: sure, problem (16:30:18) realist: everyone???


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(16:30:20) MaineSkeptic: yep, I'm in (16:30:28) ChatBot: mari has been logged out (Timeout). (16:30:29) CJ_Roberts: ok (16:30:29) elliewyatt: Everyone! (16:30:42) (Ed_Hale): I am Mickey Martin - that has been my radio name for years (16:30:48) TollandRCR: Actually, I also take that seriously: no one is to copy from Chat to anywhere what Ed has to say. (16:30:48) Litlebritdifrnt2: Where's the smily with the sticky tape over the mouth? I'm in. (16:30:49) neonzx: LOL! (16:30:50) June_bug: I'm in too! (16:30:53) Justin: *dies laughing* (16:30:57) neonzx: That's awesome, Ed! (16:31:04) Brian: sweet! (16:31:04) (Ed_Hale): I will open a new site up and I will offer one of you a 2 hour show if you want it (16:31:06) Justin: Utterly hilarious. (16:31:11) realist: that's amazing... (16:31:15) Brian: awesome (16:31:23) rikker: I don't get it. WHo is Mickey Martin? (16:31:24) Justin: Oh man... I wish I had time to do it. (16:31:39) Justin: Mickey Martin is the person starting the new site, rikker. ;) (16:31:39) (Ed_Hale): Becasue of plains connection with Orly, we felt it was best for it to die (16:31:41) realist: I would be some of us will take you up on that. (16:31:46) (Ed_Hale): me rikker (16:31:55) Brian: smart move ed (16:31:57) rikker: You? (16:32:02) (Ed_Hale): yes (16:32:15) Justin: Seriously... if I could figure my schedule to the point where it's feasible... I'd do that. (16:32:32) realist: Although I can talk exactly like you, Ed, it won't take long for your former "supporters" to recognize your voice. It's pretty distinctive. (16:32:33) elliewyatt: Rikker, Mickey Martin is who's starting the new PRN site. (16:32:36) Sequoia32: Ed, what is the truth about the Kenyan BC? (16:32:38) Brian: ok soooo..... there's no way you came up with this last night. so it's been in the works for a while huh? (16:32:41) Justin: Basically... Ed just pulled a fast one on virtually all of PRN. (16:32:46) (Ed_Hale): we will start witjh 5 shows - 8 to 10 pm central mon - fri (16:33:14) (Ed_Hale): well keep your dang mouth shut or the goon squad willb e after yoru butt (16:33:23) realist: not a word from me (16:33:24) jsnbase: that's pretty cool...i swear my silence as well (16:33:25) Brian: I'm not saying a word (16:33:29) Justin: Yessir. I don't want the goons on me. (16:33:39) Justin: Mind you, I'm in a bank... I have a button. (16:33:39) neonzx: Ed, we're Obots. We know what to say and no say. ;) (16:33:49) elliewyatt: We wonn't have to listen to Ken going on & on & on, will we? (16:34:02) Brian: possibly Ellie


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(16:34:02) (Ed_Hale): yep I have to work like hell to get anythign out of Jim (16:34:04) TollandRCR: Me neither -- and welcome back to the world of sane debate. (16:34:18) Brian: I might not agree with Ken but I don't discount his fire. (16:34:18) allison: ha! I suspected something like that! Good one ed! (16:35:12) MaineSkeptic: what about Sequoia's question -- Sequoia32: Ed, what is the truth about the Kenyan BC? (16:35:13) realist: Ken, for a "layman" has done a great deal of research on the constitution, his problem is lack of training on translating that knowledge into what the law says beyond that. (16:35:48) elliewyatt: I don't diascount Ken's fire, it's just that he goes on endlessly. (16:36:02) Brian: sometimes. he did well last night (16:36:14) realist: he did much better last night (16:36:17) (Ed_Hale): Ken is a host what do you expect - he has to talk otherwise dead air (16:36:20) Brian: after the break Ed had to find some questions quick because they both went so fast (16:36:23) realist: made his points and move on (16:36:29) realist: Ed...LOL (16:36:31) neonzx: ellie- yes, I can only hear about deVattel so many times, it's repetitive. (16:36:32) Justin: Just a warning right now folks... Ed just relayed that tidbit in secret. If I see a solitary word of it on the forum, I'll delete it on sight. Capiche? (16:36:45) elliewyatt: Dead air? Need more Obots! (16:36:50) rikker: Look Ed, in order to keep your base together you are going to have to crack whip on obots. You know that, right? You'll lose all your supporter unless you throw them SOME bones. I don't have to tell you this. It's common sense. (16:36:50) (Ed_Hale): ok maine which question do you want me to anwer (16:36:51) TollandRCR: Didn't Ed already say that the Kenyan birth certificate was a fake? (16:36:54) realist: no problemo, Justin (16:36:57) Justin: *laughs at Ellie* (16:36:57) Litlebritdifrnt2: won't come from me. (16:37:05) jsnbase: Aye Justin (16:37:14) MaineSkeptic: the one sequoia asked about the Kenyan BC (16:37:19) realist: Ed's already admitted Orly's BC is a fake (16:37:27) realist: on the air no less (16:37:33) (Ed_Hale): yes that one that Orly put up was a fake (16:37:44) Justin: Ed admitted the Kenyan BC was fake on the air two days after it appeared. (16:37:46) MaineSkeptic: is there a real Kenyan BC? (16:37:52) realist: there is no Kenyan BC (16:37:56) MaineSkeptic: lol, can someone turn off the ChatBot? (16:38:00) Justin: Mental note: Kill Foggy. (16:38:05) (Ed_Hale): I am glad you guys understand where I am at in this - I wish that we coudl get along (16:38:06) realist: ruh roh...chatbot found us. LOL (16:38:30) Justin: We can get along well enough to discuss some issues, Ed. (16:38:31) realist: Ed..there's no reason we can't get along, join here and we'll join your new one


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(16:38:46) Justin: It doesn't have to be about this eligibility crap. There's plenty of real issues to debate. (16:38:54) (Ed_Hale): when it rains it ours Caren jsut got moved to part time - this economy is bad (16:39:06) realist: PJ has lots of folders besides birther/BC crap (16:39:17) Justin: Ask anyone around here who is more sick of the birther issue than most... they'll point in my direction. *chuckle* (16:39:19) Brian: ewww (16:39:22) neonzx: sorry to hear that, Ed. :( (16:39:23) Brian: sorry to hear that ed (16:39:26) realist: ED, what do you grow, alfalfa? small grains? (16:39:35) TollandRCR: To be true to the empirical principles that we try to follow, neither Ed nor anyone else can affirm with absolute certainty that there is no Kenyan BC. In fact, proving a negative is logically impossible. (16:39:36) (Ed_Hale): she ison her way home now (16:39:44) (Ed_Hale): most cattle and hay (16:39:47) realist: Ed sorry to hear that Ed (16:39:54) ChatBot: Res_Ipsa logs into the Chat. (16:40:00) rikker: res!! (16:40:06) Res_Ipsa: Is Ed still here? (16:40:09) realist: Ed...when I saw the size of your tractor (not the pink one LOL) I figured mostly hay (16:40:10) neonzx: Uh oh, Ed... The Philly Obot attny just logged in. (16:40:12) (Ed_Hale): yes (16:40:16) neonzx: Hi Res Ipsa (16:40:34) Sequoia32: Thanks for the answers, guys. I missed Ed's show. Gotta go to appt. Catch you all later. (16:40:38) realist: Ed...I"m an old TX farm boy...west TX..cotton (16:40:46) realist: later sequoia (16:40:46) (Ed_Hale): where? (16:41:17) Res_Ipsa: Hi Ed... you know that motion that Berg just filed looking for "relief pending stay" was in violation of the June 26 order from the judge requiring leave of court before filing any motions. Someone might remind the judge of that, since Berg made a big deal of it in court (16:41:17) realist: Stanton, TX "HOme of 3,000 Friendly People and a Few Old Soreheads" Martin County (16:41:19) rikker: later seq (16:41:28) (Ed_Hale): I would lvoe ot hold a weekly debate like last night (16:41:29) Justin: Res Ipsa is the Philly Obot you met. (16:41:40) TollandRCR: My in-laws had a ranch in Mason. It nearly drove them bankrupt. They had to operate the local equivalent of a Dairy Queen in town to make it. (16:41:44) (Ed_Hale): but you knwo I caught hell for it from my people - they are so short sighted (16:41:51) Res_Ipsa: I enjoyed the show last night, btw, Ed (16:41:51) (Ed_Hale): hi res (16:42:09) Justin: Which is why it took testicular fortitude to say it anyhow, Ed. Kudos. (16:42:25) CJ_Roberts: They should have embraced the show. It gave them a chance to kick the obot in chat (16:42:26) realist: Ed, my family farmed about 4,500 acres of dryland cotton (16:42:28) rikker: Ed that's what I meant about credibility with your base. You don't want to appear to be pro-Obot.


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(16:42:33) ChatBot: Sequoia32 has been logged out (Timeout). (16:42:36) (Ed_Hale): I don't want the shows to be repubican nor demcrat show - i want them to be American shows (16:42:42) elliewyatt: Yes, Ed, we know your folks didn't like the debate. I admire you for doing it. (16:42:44) Justin: *applauds* (16:42:47) (Ed_Hale): glad you under stand rikker (16:42:57) Brian: and you did a good job of that last night Ed. no matter what anyone thinks. (16:43:07) rikker: I'm black, Ed. I know how important cred is. (16:43:16) Justin: Ooooh, nearly closing time. (16:43:18) (Ed_Hale): I tried to be fair - that was a 1st form me (16:43:35) Justin: *smirks at rikker* Did you just stereotype YOURSELF? *laugh* (16:43:44) June_bug: Good for you, Ed. (16:43:45) rikker: yes. I told the truth. (16:43:54) Justin: haha I love you man. :) (16:43:55) TollandRCR: Welcome Ed. Signing off. (16:43:59) allison: sorry, phone here.. (16:43:59) (Ed_Hale): rikker beign black mean nothing to me - your a amecian and all I see is red whit and bleu (16:44:02) CJ_Roberts: new debate topic - should Texas build its first wall at the Rio Grande or the Red River (16:44:06) ChatBot: TollandRCR logs out of the Chat. (16:44:11) rikker: Even that damn Moralsman thinks I'm white because I "write too well" (16:44:13) Justin: Later Tolland. (16:44:17) Brian: ohhh yeah Ed. (16:44:18) allison: hey CJ! (16:44:24) Justin: Ooooh, burn. (16:44:24) (Ed_Hale): I have never mean another race in this country that their blood was nto as red as mine (16:44:30) realist: I'm going to drop out for a few and go post this on PJ...brb (16:44:35) realist: 08/20/2009 43 Amendment to MOTION to Expedite authentication MOTION for Issuance of Letters Rogatory for authenticity of Kenyan birth certificate 34 filed by Plaintiff Alan Keyes PhD. (Taitz, Orly) (Entered: 08/20/2009) (16:44:35) Brian: you said you want to do a debate on healthcare. I think you're gonna have a hard time on that one. (16:44:49) rikker: realist, link? (16:44:50) Justin: See, I'd love to do a health care debate. (16:44:53) Res_Ipsa: Naw... rikker's anemic.... even his blood is pink (16:44:57) Brian: my thoughts are that we're a wolrd closer on that issue than on the BC, NBC issue. (16:45:02) allison: she is amending the motion that was struck?? Oh, too rich! (16:45:24) allison: Lincoln is gonna get that Judge PISSED OFF (16:45:30) ChatBot: Adelante logs into the Chat. (16:45:31) (Ed_Hale): Orly is not a good law school student (16:45:35) ChatBot: SpunkyMonkey logs into the Chat. (16:45:38) Res_Ipsa: Then she should withdraw the other pile of crap... and just go with the amended motion (16:45:39) Justin: Orly.. Orly.. Orly..... *sigh* What a moron. (16:45:41) realist: rikker...just saw'll be on PJ and my Scribd in a few (16:45:44) rikker: Adelante!!


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(16:45:47) allison: Ed, Orly is a menace to the profession (16:46:09) Justin: We actually have a member named SpunkyMonkey? Seriously? And I've never seen him/her before? (16:46:10) Res_Ipsa: Orly is an idiot.... Lincoln is a menace (16:46:10) (Ed_Hale): well she has some good company with BErg and Kreep (16:46:16) allison: OMFG! Not a good move (16:46:18) Adelante: Hi, Rikker!! Yu can :) (16:46:36) SpunkyMonkey: Im new hi all (16:46:39) (Ed_Hale): only attorney I respect on our side is Steve Pidgeon and leo (16:46:48) allison: At least Kreep and Berg can accomplish the most basic things, like proper service, after that, well, more of the same horro show (16:46:52) (Ed_Hale): the rest of them are idiots (16:47:01) Adelante: I see that - Welcome to Ed Hale (16:47:07) allison: Ed, pidgeon and Loe are pretty bad too, sorry. (16:47:07) Res_Ipsa: Ed... seriously... if I was on trial and had a choice between you or Berg, you convinced me I'd want you (16:47:11) rikker: I respect Leo, too. (16:47:12) neonzx: You may want to think twice about Pidgeon, Ed. (16:47:25) (Ed_Hale): eoflmao@res (16:47:40) CJ_Roberts: I'd take Ed over Berg to represent me for sure (16:47:43) (Ed_Hale): ok lmao I an't got nothig to hide (16:47:44) Res_Ipsa: Neon, at least pidgeon isn't being chased by black helicopters and homeless bums with secret radios (16:47:47) SpunkyMonkey: how do i do my profile (16:48:04) allison: Res, no, Pidgeon is BEING chased, I thought? (16:48:17) allison: spunky, at the forum? (16:48:24) (Ed_Hale): Steve is a bit on the parnoid side that is for sure (16:48:27) allison: go to user controls (16:48:29) neonzx: Res- Pideon was chased by BLACK SUVs from Homeland Security. :D (16:48:31) Res_Ipsa: I thought it was Donofrio that died his hair to sneak into Scotus to file his poop there (16:48:41) SpunkyMonkey: where are the controls (16:48:50) allison: Yup, Leo is being chased too, they are all nucking futs! (16:48:52) (Ed_Hale): yep lmao (16:48:53) Res_Ipsa: Maybe pidgeon and donofrio should chase each other (16:49:08) allison: spumky go to user controls, at the top of your page I think (16:49:17) Litlebritdifrnt2: SPY Vs. SPY! (16:49:19) rikker: Leo is no dummy. (16:49:22) allison: "user Control panel" (16:49:26) realist:'s the link (16:49:45) (Ed_Hale): if they are gonna get you thenmake them do in front of witness so you can have your revenge when they get to ehll (16:49:47) (Ed_Hale): hell (16:49:56) realist: lol (16:50:05) Res_Ipsa: But, anyhow... a letter from one of the defendants in Berg v. Taitz, pointing out that Berg violated the June 26 order would be the first decent piece of lawyering in that whole show


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(16:50:46) allison: Ok, again, seems Lincoln is submitting papers for Orly, again, NOT SIGNED (16:50:52) Res_Ipsa: You know, Liberi is claiming you forged that email (16:50:57) allison: I wonder if she even knows he is doing this crap? (16:51:14) (Ed_Hale): well guys gonna run - thanks enjoyed it here later all (16:51:15) Litlebritdifrnt2: Lawyers - I am familiar with interrogatories, (gawd I hate them) but what is/are Letters Rogatory? (16:51:32) allison: Thanks for coming by Ed (16:51:36) Terrib: later Ed (16:51:40) allison: Hope you will come back again soon (16:51:49) neonzx: Take care, Ed. Stop back anytime. (16:51:52) MaineSkeptic: take care, Ed (16:51:56) Brian: later ed. (16:51:57) CJ_Roberts: See ya Ed (16:52:01) Res_Ipsa: LR - request for cooperation from a foreign official body or court... (16:52:03) Brian: sorry things didn't go well (16:52:09) Litlebritdifrnt2: Thanks Res. (16:52:13) Res_Ipsa: to compel discovery outside the US (16:52:26) elliewyatt: Thanks for stopping in, Ed. (16:52:31) allison: Britty, pile of poop in this case. LOL (16:52:50) Justin: Take care Ed. Drop in anytime. (16:52:57) realist: In light of the national importance of the matters herein raised, Plaintiffs request that Judge David O. Carter instruct the Clerk of Court and Courtroom Deputies of his chambers to set by special order an EXPEDITED SPECIAL HEARING of this cause prior to ordinary Motion date of September 14, 2009. (16:53:04) Brian: who is spunky monkey? (16:53:05) Adelante: SpunkyMonkey, Welcome to PJ. (16:53:18) allison: Bri, no idea?? (16:53:25) ChatBot: (Ed_Hale) has been logged out (Timeout). (16:53:28) allison: We have some new people here this afternoon (16:53:43) Res_Ipsa: I haven't checked Kenya... but for some countries you have to go through the State Department to make the request, which is why Hillary figures prominently in this particular turd (16:53:51) allison: maybe from plains? Maybe not? (16:53:53) Res_Ipsa: that's okay, they are spying on Ed (16:53:54) neonzx: Well, that was really fun. I'm glad he accepted the invitation. (16:54:02) realist: FIRST, Plaintiffs pray that this court authorize Plaintiffs to issue two special subpoenas for deposition duces tecum to Secretary of State HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON and Secretary of Defense ROBERT M. GATES, who should be be cited to appear within 21 days of pursuant to (or in the letter and spirit of) Rule 27 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (even though this action has been filed and served, many months will pass before the Rule 26(f) Conference can be held to plan for discovery among the parties). The purpose of Rule 27, even though designed for pre (16:54:14) allison: that was nice that he stopped by


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(16:54:20) Justin: Agreed, neon. I hope he takes me up on the offer to join. (16:54:24) Res_Ipsa: I told you he was okay in person (16:54:37) ChatBot: MSREDMAMA logs into the Chat. (16:54:40) Res_Ipsa: Caren is a pip, too (16:54:50) ChatBot: meson logs into the Chat. (16:54:57) allison: aha, we do have plains visitors for sure, hey MSRED (16:55:10) realist: SECOND, Plaintiffs pray that this court will send a request for letters rogatory pursuant to 28 U.S.C.§1781(a)(2) to Defendant HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON and other relevant officers in the United States Department of State to issue and transmit letters rogatory through proper diplomatic channels to the following foreign offices of public record and vital statistics (16:55:21) neonzx: Ed's left the building... nothing to see here... move along. :D (16:55:23) MaineSkeptic: we don't bite! LOL... (16:55:28) allison: MSNBC slamming Delay on his birther thing...LOL (16:55:51) Res_Ipsa: right, like I said... the court on its own is not going to create an international incident, which is why LR goes through State (16:55:55) allison: well, they have no chat now, so, they are welcome here if they feel the need to come and lurk (16:55:56) meson: crap did anybody copy the coinversation here? (16:56:11) realist: It is urgent that this request be prosecuted prior to the normal onset of discovery in this case, (16:56:24) allison: realist...hahahaha (16:56:24) MaineSkeptic: DeLay needs support desperately and he's going for the low-hanging fruit! (16:56:35) Litlebritdifrnt2: If it was so urgent why did she wait until after the inauguration? (16:56:44) allison: how long till we expect this


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