Leveling Guide (1-60)

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 36
Leveling Guide 1-60 Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Introduction Gold Making Horde Leveling Alliance Leveling Conclusion

Introduction Welcome to World of Warcraft, the most popular and successful MMO ever made. World of Warcraft is a wonder place to meet friends, socialize, and have fun. I hope you enjoy my guide and I wish you the best in your travels. Have fun!

Gold Making There are many way to make gold in World of Warcraft. Most people think that the best way to make gold is to farm and grind mobs, but that is not very efficient at all. If you want to do that, I have included a section on it, but there are better ways. Just think about the real world. It’s not the people who do manual labor that get rich. Manual laborers that work for every penny they get and just use their bodies to do a job are like the players in WoW that kill mobs all day for their money. They do not use their brains very much and severely limit their income potentials. Here are the best ways that I know of for making gold in World of Warcraft. The Market No one makes more money than savvy marteteers, and you don’t need to have a high level character to do it. Low level characters (that are poor) can just focus on items that are less expensive but also have good margins (difference between the price you can buy something at and price you can sell it at) . First of all you need a couple of programs to help you in your endeavors. Go to www.auctioneeraddon.com to download Auctioneer and Enchantrix and also go to www.curse-gaming.com to get Fizzwidget’s Reagent Cost. Now create a new character on the same sever and faction that your main character is on, so you can mail stuff (like enchanted items that you can change if you would also like to make money on your alt through enchanting, which is very lucrative) back and forth between your characters. This character will be your market character. Get it to level 5 and then take it to a popular city. You want to use Auctioneer to scan your factions Auction House everyday for a few days so you can build a market database. The best time to scan is in the morning when other marketers haven’t taken all of the good deals

yet, but you can do it whenever as there area always good deals to be found. Keep an eye out for items that sell in high volume like crafting and quest items as those items are high in demand and you can focus on those as they usually have a good margin. All you need to do is sell items for a little bit more than you bought them for and your profits will add up. People are lazy and impatient and they want to sell their items quickly so they are willing to sell for less than they are actually worth. You want to be the person who buys these items from them so you can sell them at a better price. You want to make your order prices high enough so that they will get filled, but low enough so that you can sell the items you buy for more. List all your items for 24 hours. You can also make money buying all of the units for sale at the auction house of a particular items and selling them for a higher price, creating a monopoly. You can even buy items for cheaper bulk and then split them up into single units to sell them for more. Think of the possibilities. After you scan with Auctioneer, you should buyout the items that have atleast a 50% profit margin. Then you can bid on the items that are under listed by 50% or more. That’s basically all there is to it, get Auctioneer and try it out. Professions Remember people, who cares about what your profession is as long as you make enough gold to be able to buy whatever you want. That said, gathering professions are where the most money comes from out of all the professions. You want to definitely have skinning as you can skin so many things and basically double your profits when questing and grinding, and either mining or herbalism, whichever you prefer but herbalism is more profitable. To level these skills just do them as you go about your business. Sell the items you gather. With skinning you can even skin other people’s kills, as most people don’t skin. It can be very profitable to run behind a high level group and skin all of their kills. Grinding For those of you who do want to grind here are the most lucrative spots. There are no super secrete uber grinding spots in wow, you should basically just go to a spot with mobs that are easy to kill and respawn fast. Most spots are balanced to give about the same rate of gold earned per hour, and if you find ones that’s out of balance, it will soon be nerfed. Lower level players should just focus on leveling so they can get up to the higher levels to grind for gold. Incendosaurs(level 47-50) in Searing Gorge- Kill them for their scales and make about 25gold an hour. Browman Mill in the Eastern Plaguelands for level 57 and up characters– You can make 30gold an hour here and more if you are lucky and get rare drops. Twilight Cultists in Silithus for level 58 and up characters- Sell the Twilight Texts they drop for about 20 gold and hour. Scorpids in Silithus for level 54 and up characters –Get their Glowing Scorpid Blood and sell them and the other drops for a nice rate.

Tar Elementals in Un’Goro for level 50-55 characters – Kill them for their Living Essence and make about 20gold an hour. If you are a herbalist you can make a killing off of the herb spawns here. Skinners do well here. Water Elementals in the Eastern Plaguelands for level 56 and up characters – For their Essence of Water. Air Elementals in Silithus for level 56 and up characters – For their Essence of Air. Harpies in Thousand Needles for level 30 characters – Kill them for Vibrant Plumes and and Light Feathers. Defias in Westfall at 32.32 for level 13 characters- Kill them for their linen and make around 10gold an hour.

Horde Leveling Remember to kill mobs as you run between quests and areas, grind if you aren’t at the level where the guide says you should be, and always loot! If you want to level fast you need to be fast! Always remember to carry lots of supplies and potions. This guide can be used with all classes. If you don’t know how to do a specific quest or need help, check here http://www.thottbot.com/ or here http://wow.allakhazam.com/. If you need help with finding a location go to http://www.mapwow.com/. Any time I list quest, do them in the order that I list them unless I say otherwise. 1-20 1. Do all quests in Durotar in this order: Cutting Teeth, Sting On The Scorpid, Sarkoth, Vile Familiars, Galgar’s Cactus Apple Surprise, Lazy Peons, Burning Blade Medallion and Thazz’rill’s Pick. 2. Then accept Report to Sen’jin Village and run over there and accept A Peon’s Burden and Thwarting Kolkar Aggression. Once there get all the quests 3. Continue on to Razor Hill but kill enough mobs so that you are level 6 by the time you get there. Get these quests once you get there: Vanquish The Betrayers, Encroachment, Break A Few Eggs, Dark Storms, and Carry Your Weight. 4. Do Vanquish the Betrayers and Carry Your Weight 5. Open Benedicts Chest with the key you get from his body so you can get The Admirals Orders quest from the note inside. 6. Go east of Tiragarde Keep and do A Solvent Spirit and From the Wreckage 7. Go southwest of Razor Hill and do the first part of Encroachment 8. You should be level 8 now, so go do Thwarting Kolkar Aggression. 9. On to Echo Isles and do these quests: Break A Few Eggs, Practical Prey, Zalazane, and Minshina’s Skull. 10. Turn in these quests at Sen’jin Village and then go back to Razor Hill and finish Encroachment 11. Go northwest to the hut and accept Lost But Not Forgotten. 12. Get Winds in the Desert from the goblin and go do it.

13. Grind until level 10. 14. Go back to Razor Hill and turn in Encroachment. 15. Go west and get Need For A Cure quest. 16. Travel to Orgrimmar and go to thrall’s chamber to turn in Admirals Orders and get Hidden Enemies 17. Get Finding the Antidote from Cleft of Shadow 18. Now do Securing The Lines, Finding The Antidote, Lost But Not Forgotten, Dark Storms and turn them in. 19. Get Margoz and then Skull Rock when you turn in Margoz. 20. Do Skull Rock and Hidden Enemies and kill Gazz’uz to get Burning Shadows quest. 21. Get Neeru Fireblade quest when you turn in Skull Rock 22. Go back to Orgrimmar and get the next part of Hidden Enemies 23. Turn in Neeru Fireblade, Burning Shadows, and Hidden Enemies(and finally go to Thrall and turn this one in) at Cleft of Shadows and get Ak’Zeloth. 24. Turn in Need For A Cure on your way back to Razor Hill 25. Get Conscript of the Horde and then go west to the Barrens 26. You should be level 12 now, if not, grind. 27. Turn in Conscript of the Horde and Ak’Zeloth and get Crossroads Conscription 28. Got to XRs, make it your home, get flight path, and accept all missions there. 29. Do Disrupt The Attacks, Raptor Thieves, and Plainstrider Menace and get The Disruption Ends after you complete Disrupt The Attacks. 30. Do Supplies For The Crossroads and The Disruption Ends. 31. Get Samophlange, Wanted: Baron Longshore, Southsea Freebooters, Raptor Horns, and The Guns of North Watch from Ratchet. 32. Go to the goblin on the docks and turn in Wharfmaster Dizzywig and get Miner’s Fortune. 33. Do Southsea Freebooters and Wanted: Baron Longshore and turn them in. 34. Do The Missing Shipment and get Part 2, do it and get Stolen Booty and do it. 35. Go back to XRs and turn it all your quests and get all the new ones, and especially turn in Plainstrider Menace and get The Zhevra. 36. Get Kolkar Leaders and Centaur Bracers from the hut west of XRs. 37. Do The Zhevra, Fungral Spores, The Forgotten Pools, Kolkar Leaders, Centaur Bracers, and Raptor Thieves, and Harpy Raiders and then head to Stonetalon Mountains. 38. Get Avenge My Village and Goblin Invaders 39. Do Avenge My Village, turn it in, then Kill Grundig Darkcloud and turn it in. 40. Go to the Barrens and the hut and turn in Kolkar Leaders and get Verog The Dervish. 41. If you haven’t already, finish The Zhevra, Raptor Thieves, The Forgotten Pools, and Fungral Spores. 42. Go to XRs and get new quests. 43. Do Apothecary Zamah and along the way do Lost In Battle. 44. Get the flight path at Camp Taurajo. 45. Once at Spirit Rise, get flight path the go back to XRs and turn in Lost In Battle. 46. Do Prowlers Of The Barrens, Harpy Lieutenants, and Samophlange.

47. Go to Sludge Fen and do Ignition, The Escape, and Miners Fortune. 48. Go south to Ratchet and turn in Samophlange, The Escape, and Miners Fortune and do Verog The Dervish and The Stagnant Oasis. 49. Back to XRs and turn in quests and get all the new ones. 50. Do Serena Bloodfeather and Echeyakee. 51. Back to XRs, turn in quests, and get Letter To Jin’Zil and The Angry Scytheclaws. 52. Do The Angry Scytheclaws, Altered Beings, Raptor Horns, Tribes at War, Stolen Silver, and Consumed By Hatred. 53. Go to Camp Taurajo and get Weapons of Choice. 54. Turn in Tribes At War and get Blood Shards of Agamaggan(and turn it in) and Betrayal From Within. 55. Do the Wailing Caverns Instance and then Grind Beats and Bristle Backs until level 20, and turn in your quests at XRs 56. Now fly over to Orgrimmar and get The Ashenvale Hunt. 57. Got to Ratchet after going back to XRs and turn in Raptors Horns to get Deepmoss Spider Eggs and also Ziz Frizziks. 58. Do The Guns of North Watch and Free From The Hold, then them in and head to Stonetalon Mountians 20-30 1. Go to Malaka’Jin and get Blood Feeders and Jin’Zil’s Forest Magic(by turning in letter). 2. Do Deepmoss Spider Eggs and Blood Feeders. 3. Go to Windsheer Crag and turn in Ziz Frizziks to get Super Reaper 6000 and go do it along with Goblin Invaders and then turn them in and accept Further Instructions. 4. Go over to Sun Rock Retreat and make sure to get the flight path and Boulderslide Ravine and do it. 5. Turn in Goblin Invaders and Blood Feeders and get Shredding Machines and The Elder Crone. 6. Go to XRs and then north to Ashenvale while doing Report to Kadrak along the way. 7. You should now be level 21 so go to Splintertree Post, get flight path and turn in The Ashenvale hunt. 8. Now you can either grind until level 22 or you can go to Zoram Strand and do Naga At The Zoram Strand and Vorsha The Lasher. 9. At level 22 go to CT and make it home. Get Ishamuhale by turning in Jorn Skyseer. 10. Do Egg Hunt, Chen’s Empty Keg, Betrayal From Within, Weapons of Choice, Gann’s Reclamation(turn it in and get next part) and then turn them in at CT and get Betrayal From Within 2. 11. Fly over to XR to turn in Betrayal From Within 2 and Egg Hunt. Do Ishamuhale and the go get Further Instructions 2 and turn in Deepmoss Spider Eggs and Chen’s Empty Keg.

12. You should be level 23 so fly to Stonetalon Mountains from XRs (or grind until your 23). 13. Go to Sun Rock Retreat, bind there, and turn in and accept all the quests that you can and make sure to get Earthen Arise. 14. Now do Cenarius’ Legacy, Cycle of Rebirth and Jin’Zil’s Forest Magic. 15. Turn them in along with Further Instructions 2, get New Life, Ordanus and Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle and do Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle and Shredding Machines and turn them in. 16. Do Arachnophobia and Earthen Arise. 17. Turn in quests and do Elemental War, New Life and Harpies Threaten, turn them in, and then fly over to CT and make it home. 18. You should now be level 25. 19. Get Enraged Thunder Lizards and A New Ore Sample after turning in Ishamuhale. 20. Do Enraged Thunder Lizards and Revenge of Gann 1 and 2 and then heard over to Great Lift and turn in quests and get Message To Freewind Post. 21. Run over to FP, get flight path, and accept Pacify The Centaur, Amak Grimtotem, Alien Egg, and Wind Rider. 22. Do Pacify The Centaur, Test of Faith, A New Ore Sample, Alien Egg. 23. You should now be at level 26 so go to Freewind Post to turn in Pacify The Centaur and Alien Egg and get Grimtotem Spying and Serpent Wild. 24. Go to CT to turn in Washte Pawne, Enraged Thunder Lizards and A New ore Sample and get Cry of The Thunderhawk and then do it and turn it in. 25. Go to Thunder Bluff, turn in Melor Sends Word and get Steelsnap and The Sacred Flame. 26. You should now be level 26 so go back to Ashenvale by way to flight and make it home. 27. Accept all the quests there and then start doing them all. 28. Turn in all the competed quests at Splintertree Post. 29. Fly to Zoram Strand and turn in quests. Do Between A Rock And A Thislefur and Troll Charm and turn them in then go back to SP. 30. You should now be level 27 so do Ordanus and Satyr Horns then fly back over to Stonetalon Mountains, turn in quests and make it home. 31. Accept, do and turn in Bloodfury Bloodline. 32. Make a quick flight over to Thunder Bluff to get The Sacred Flame 2 and then continue on to Thousand Needles and bind there. 33. Get Sacred Flame 3 and go do it. 34. Go to Whitereach Post to get Wind Rider, Sacred Fire, Steelsnape and Homeward Bound then go back to Freewind Post. 35. Turn in Wind Rider and Sacred Flame and head to Thunder Bluff. Turn in quests and get Frostmaw and Arikara. 36. Now fly over to Thousand Needs and do Arikara, Grimtotem Spying, Amak Grimtotem, and Free At Last. 37. Turn in Arikara at Whitereach Post. 38. You should now be level 29, so do Hypercapacitor Gizmo and Protect Kanati Greycloud.

39. Back to Freewind Post to turn in completed quests, then fly to Orgrimmar and make it home. 40. Go to UC and then to Tarren Mill and get flight path. Get Time To Strike, Elixir of Pain, and Helcular’s Revenge. 41. Now grind until level 30 and then move on to Alterac Mountains.

30-40 1. Now that your in Alterac Mountains do Elixir of Pain, charge the Flame of Uzel, kill Frostmaw. 2. Go to Southshore and put the rod into Helcular’s grave. 3. Turn in Elixir of Pain and get The Hammer May Fall at Tarren Mill. 4. Do The Hammer May Fall and then go to Hammerfall, turn it in, get flight path, and get Rising Spirits and do parts 1,2, and 3. 5. Go to XRs, bind, and get The Swarm Grows and The Kolkar of Desolace. 6. Got to Ratchet and take the boat to Stranglethorn Vale and BB, get the flight path when you get there. 7. Go to Grom’gol, get the flight path, and do all the hunt quests like Panther Mastery, Tiger Mastery, and Raptor Mastery. 8. You will be level 31 now so go to Shimmering Flats. 9. Get Hemet Nesingwary and Warfmaster Dizzywig and do Hardened Shells, A Bump In The Road, Load Lightening, Salt Flat Venom and Rocket car parts and turn them in. 10. Then get Martek The Exiled and Goblin Sponsorship. 11. You will be level 32 now so go to Tanaris to get the flight path there. 12. Go to Orgrimmar and get Alliance Relations 1 then 2 and turn in The Swarm Grows. Take the flight paths to Stonetalon Mountains and then go to Desolace. 13. You need to get The Corrupter quest so go to Thunder Axe Fortress and kill mobs until you find Flayed Demon Skin. Then do Kodo Roundup. 14. Go to Ghost Walker Post to get Khan Dez’hepah when you turn in The Kolkar of Desolace. Also get an alliance quest, Alliance Relations again, Befouled by Satyr, The Corrupter 2, and The Burning Spirits. 15. Do them like this > Befouled Satyr, The Corrupter 2, Khan Dez’hepah, Centaur Bounty and Gelkis Allaince and turn them in and get all the new quests. 16. Go to Shadowprey Village and get all the quests there and along the way get Stealing Supplies and turn in Gelkis Alliance, make it home when you get there. 17. Do Claim Bait and get Claim Rackmore’s Treasure and Sceptre of Light. 18. Do Sceptre of Light, The Burning of Spirits, Hand of Iruxos and then turn in Sceptre of Light and get Book of The Ancients. 19. Now do Calm Bait, Other Fish To Fry, Book of The Ancients, The Corrupter 3, and Claim Rackmore’s Treasure. 20. Turn in quests and get Bone Collector. Head to Ghost Walker Post and turn in quests and get all the new ones that are offered.

21. Do Bone Collector, Centaur Bounty, and Stealing Supplies and turn them in. Go back to Shadowprey Village and turn in all quests. 22. You are now level 34, get Ongeku. Go to CT and then to Dust Wallowmarsh. 23. Go to the Shady Rest Inn and get the three quest objects. Head to Brackenwall Village and turn in these three objects. 24. Go to Ratchet to turn in quests and get new ones, then go back to BB with the boat and get the quests there. Go to Grom’gol and get the quests there. 25. Turn in quests and get Headhunting and The Defense of Grom’gol and part 2 after you turn it in. 26. You are now level 35. 27. Do The Vile Reef and Headhunting and then head to Nesingwary’s Expedition and get new quests. The go to Grom’gol and get Trollbane there. 28. Go to BB and turn in quests, get new ones (Goblin Sponsorship 3). 29. You are now level 36, go to Grom’gol, take the zeppelin to Undercity and get To Steal From Thieves there. 30. Fly to Hammerfall in Arathi Highlands and bind there. 31. Turn in Trollbane and get Foul Magics, Guile of The Raptor, Call To Arms, and The Princess Trapped (outside Hammerfall) and do The Princess Trapped, turn it in and get Stones of Binding. 32. Go to Hammerfall and turn in and accept Call To Arms. 33. Do Stones of Binding, To Steal From Thieves, Call To Arms, Guide of The Raptor, Foul Magics. Go to Stormguard and turn in Stones of Binding. 34. Go to Hammerfall and turn in quests, then do Stormguard quests. 35. When you are finished, go to Tarren Mill and get Stone Tokens and Prison Break In and then do them. Turn them in and get Bracers of Binding and Dalaran Patrols and go do them and turn them in. 36. Fly to UC and turn in To Steal From Theives. Take the zeppelin back to Orgrimmar and trun in Alliance Relations. Fly to XRs then Freewind Post. 37. Go to Shimmering Flats and The Swarm Grows 2. Turn in and get quests from the goblin. Do Parts of the Swarm and The Swarm Grows 2. 38. Go to XRs, turn in quests, and then head to Dustwallow Marsh. 39. At Dustwallow Marsh, Brackenwall Village, and the surrounding area get and do The Black Shield, Theramore Spies, Hungry!, The Lost Report, Jarl Needs Eyes, Jarl Needs A Blade, Strinky’s Escape, The Severed Head, and The Theramore Docks while grinding along the way. 40. You should now be almost level 39, so make sure you get The Troll Witchdoctor after doing The Severed Head. Go to Ratchet, turn in Stinky’s Escape, and then head to BB. 41. Get Scaring Shaky, Venture Company Mining, and The Bloodsail Buccaneers. 42. Fly over to Grom’gol and get Mok’thardin’s Enchantment. Get Marg Speaks by turning in The Troll Witch Doctor. 43. Now do Mok’thardin’s Enchantment Jungle Stalkers Raptor Mastery. 44. You are now level 39 so do Venture Company Mining and Mok’thardin’s Enchantment 3. 45. Do Panther and Raptor Elite Mastery Quests but stop at Tethis.

46. Go to BB, turn in quests, and then do Mok’thardin’s Enchantment 3, The Bloodsail Buccaneers and Scaring Shaky. 47. Turn in quests, complete Bloodsail Buccaneers, and get Return to MacKinley, and turn it in. 48. Turn in Bloodsail Bucaneers and then go to Grom’gol. Turn in Mok’thardin’s Enchantment and then grind to level 40 on ballisks. 49. Zeppelin to Undercity, go to Hammerfall and then… 50. On to the Badlands.

40-50 1. Grind and quest your way all over the Badlands. You want to do this until you are level 41. Just have fun, explore, do all the quests, get flight paths, and kill everything. 2. At 41, return to Grom’gol and then head to Swamp of Sorrows. Do Nothing But The Truth along the way and accept it again. 3. Now do Dream Dust In The Swamp, Nothing But The Truth, kill Cudgel which triggers Noboru The Cudgel, turn it in and get Draenethyst Crystals. 4. Go to Stonard, get flight path, and make it home. 5. Get Lack of Surplus and Fresh Meat. Turn in Report To Helgrum to get Pool of Tears. Do these quests (except Fresh Meat) including Nothing But The Truth, Ongeku and Draenethyst Crystals. 6. Turn in Lack of Surplus 2 and receive Threat From The Sea. Do this and Fresh Meat and then after your turn in Threat From The Sea do Continued Threat. 7. Turn in quests and get The Atal’ai Exile. 8. You are now level 42, go to Grom’gol. 9. Get Mok’thardin’s Enchantment 4 and Split Bone Necklace. Head to BB, bind there, and get all the quests you can there and turn in Dream Dust In The Swamp. 10. The do these quests together: The Bloodsail Buccaneers, Keep An Eye Out, Up To Snuff. 11. The these: Akiris By The Bundle, Mok’thardin’s Enchantment 4. 12. And these: Zanzils Secret, Voodoo Dues 13. These: Splitbone Necklace, Skullsplitter Tusks. 14. Go back to BB and turn in quests. 15. Go to Grom’gol and trun in Mok’thardin’s Enchantment 4 and Splitbone Necklace while picking up Grim Message. 16. Go to Orgrimmar on the Zeppelin and then to Thunder Bluff. 17. Get Deadmire and turn in Frostmaw. 18. Go to Desolace and Shadowprey Village. Get Portal of The Legion and turn in Ongeku. Do The Corrupter and Portal of The Legion and turn them in. 19. Go to Dustwallow Marsh by way of TB. 20. You are now level 43. Get Identifying The Brood and Questioning Reethe. Do Questioning Reethe along with Deadmire, Marg Speaks, and then head back to

Brackenwall. Turn in quests and get The Brood of Onyxia. Do it, and turn in Marg Speaks. 21. Get Report to Zor and then fly to Tanaris.Got to Gadgetzan and get the wanted quests, Andre Firebeard and Caliph Scorpidsting. 22. Turn in Tran’Rek and get Gadgetzan Water Survey, Wastewander Justice, and Water Pouch Bounty. 23. Go to Steamwheedle Port and get Screecher Spirits, Stoley’s Shipment, Southsea Shakedown and Pirate Hats Ahoy!. 24. Do Water Pouch Bounty, Wastewander Justice, Pirate Hats Ahoy!, Southsea Shakedown, Stoley’s Shipment, Ship Schedules and Andre Firebeard. 25. Go to Gadgetzan and turn in more quests to get More Water Wander Justice. 26. Do Gadgetzan Water Survey, turn it in, and go to Steamwheedle Port. Turn in quests and get Return to MacKinley. Now do Caliph Scorpidsting and More Wastewander Justice. Turn them in at Gadgetzan. 27. You are now level 44. Head to Feralas from Freewind Post. 28. Go to Camp Mojache, get flight path, and get all the quests offered. 29. Do War On The Woodpath, The Ogres of Feralas, A New Cloak’s Sheen and Gordunni Cobalt. Turn them in and get new quests. 30. Do Alpha Strike, Woodpaw Investigation, A Grim Discovery and then turn them in and get new ones. 31. Do Stinglasher, Zukk’ash Infestation, Screecher Spirits, The Ogres of Feralas, Dark Ceremony, The Mark of Quality and then turn them in, get new ones. 32. You might want to consider getting the gold to buy your mount now. 33. Go to Orgrimmar and turn in Zukk’ash Report, get Ripple Recovery from Dran, turn it in, get it again, turn in Parts of The Swarm, A Grim Discovery and get Betrayed from Belgrom. 34. Go to Cleft of Shadow and turn in quests and get Return To Witch Doctor Uzer’i. 35. Turn in Report to Zor and complete Service To The Horde. 36. Go to Valley of Spirits and turn in The Gordunni Orb. 37. Back to Feralas to turn in Return To Witch Doctor Uzer’I and get new quests. 38. Do Natural Materials and Testing The Vessel. 39. You are now level 46. Return to Camp Mojache and turn in Natural Materials to get The Sunken Temple. 40. Head to Thunderbluff and turn in Deadmire. 41. Fly over to XRs, Splintertree Post, and then to Azshara. 42. Accept, do and turn in A Land Filled With Hated and also Spiritual Unrest. 43. Run to Valormok to get flight path and turn in Betrayed. Go to Orgrimmar and then to Undercity. 44. Go the the magic quarter and get Line of Communication and then to the apothecarium and get Errand For Apothecary Zinge and Seeping Corruption. 45. Do Errand, turn it in, and get Into The Field. 46. Go to Tarren Mill and then into the Hinterlands. 47. Go to 25.47 to get A Sticky Situation and turn in Ripple Recovery. 48. Go to 77.80 which is Revantusk Village and get flight path. 49. Get Cannibalistic Cousins, Message To The Wildhammer, Vilebranch Hooligans, Stalking The Stalkers, Avenging The Fallen, and Hunt The Savages.

50. Do Whiskey Slim’s Lost Grog, Vilebranch Hooligans, Cannibalistic Cousins, A Sticky Situation, Stalking The Stalkers, Testing The Vessel, Hunt The Savages, Avenging The Fallen, Line of Communication, Message To The Wildhammer, Rin’ji Trapped at 32.48, continued at 86.59 and get Rin’ji’s Secret, and do Grim Message and along the way get Venom Bottles. 51. Back to Revantusk Village to turn in quests. 52. Now go to Tarren Mill to turn in Venom Bottles and get Undamaged Venom Sac. 53. Back to Hinterlands to get Return To Fel’Zerul and do Undamaged Venom Sac and The Atal’ai Exile. 54. Back to TM to turn in Undamaged Venom Sac and then off to Undercity. 55. Go to the magic quarter to turn in Rin’ji’s Secrete, Lines of Communication, and Oran’s Gratitude. 56. Zeppelin off to Grom’gol. 57. You are now level 47. 58. Do Raptor Mastery Tethis and Big Game Hunter after and turn them in. 59. Turn in Grim Message in Grom’gol. 60. Fly over to BB and turn to Whiskey Slim’s Lost Grog and get The Bloodsail Buccaneers 5. 61. To do Message In A Bottle go to the east of BB and find a bottle on the shore, then turn in the quest at 38.82. 62. Do The Bloodsail Buccanners 5 to get Cortello’s Riddle along the way. Go back to BB and turn it in 63. Go to Kargath in the Badlands and then to Searing Gorge. 64. Turn in Caught! to get Ledger From Tanaris and also get Goodsteel Ledger from the outhouse. 65. Do Ledger From Tanaris. 66. Go to Torium Point, get flight path, get all the quests offered. 67. Do Curse These Fat Fingers, Firey Menace!, Smithing Tuyere, The Flawless Flame and Forging The Shaft after you turn it in, Culling The Competition, What The Flux?, Incendosaurs?, and The Key To Freedom. 68. Now go to Burning Steppes, get flight path, and then go to Stonard in the Swamp of Sorrows. 69. You are now level 48. 70. Get Fallen Hero of The Horde and The Disgraced One. 71. Do Cortello’s Riddle and get part 2, and do The Disgraced One. 72. Turn in The Disgraced One and Return To Fel’Zerul to get The Missing Orders. 73. Turn in The Missing Orders and get The Swamp Talker and then do it. 74. No kill Jarquia at 90.45 to progress in Ledger Form Tanaris. 75. Turn in The Swamp Talker and then get and do A Tale Of Sorrow. 76. Go to Grom’gol and then zeppelin to Orgrimmar so you can continue on to Brackenwall Village in Dustwallow Marsh. 77. Go to 50.51 and get Overdue Package. 78. Go to 30.65 Bloodfen Burrow to do Cortello’s Riddle and get part 2. 79. Go back to Brackenwall Village and then to Tanaris to turn in Ledger From Tanaris and Into The Field. Get and do Slake That Thirst.

80. Go to Feralas. Turn in Testing The Vessel and get Hippogryph Muisek, get Dark Heart, Improved Quality, and Vengeance On The Northspring. 81. Do Hippogryph Muisek and then go to Camp Mojache to turn it in and get Faerie Dragon Muisek, do it, then turn it in for Treant Muisek, do it, and turn it in for Mountian Giant Muisek. Go to 42.44 and get Zapped Gaints. 82. Now do Improved Quality, Vengeance On The Northspring, Perfect Yeti Hide, Dark Heart, Mountian Giant Muisek, and Zapped Giants. 83. Turn in quests and then back to Camp Mojache. Turn in quests and get Weapons of Spirit, do it and turn it in. Get The Strength of Corruption. 84. Go To Tanaris and then Gadgetzan. 85. Get Super Sticky, The Thirsty Goblin, Noxious Lair Investigation, The Dunemaul Compound, and Thistleshrub Valley. 86. Go to 51.47 to turn in The Sunken Temple and get Gahz’ridian and The Stone Circle. 87. Now do Gahz’ridian, The Dunemaul Compound, Noxious Lair Investigation, The Thirsty Goblin, Thistleshrub Valley, Screetcher Spirits, and Tooga’s Quest. 88. Go to Gadgetzan to turn in The Thirsty Goblin, get In Good Taste, do it and get Sprinkle’s Secret Ingredient. Turn in all your other quests and get The Scrimshank Redemption. 89. Now do Tanaris Field Sampling and Scrimshank Redemption and then come back and turn them in. 90. Get Return To Apothecary Zinge and Insect Part Analysis. Do Insect Part Analysis until you are offered Rise of The Silithid. 91. You are now level 50. 50-60 1. Go to Azshara by way of Orgrimmar. 2. Get Stealing Knowledge and do it along with Seeping Corruption. Turn in Stealing Knowledge and get the delivery quests. 3. Do Delivery To Archmage Xylem to get Xylem’s Payment To Jediga. 4. Go to Orgrimmar to turn in Rise of The Silithid and get March of The Silithid. Also turn in Delivery To Jes’rimon and get Jes’rimon’s Payment To Jediga and Bone-Bladed Weapons. Turn in Ripple Delivery. 5. Go to Undercity to do Andron Grant Delivery Quest, and get Andron’s Payment To Jediga. Turn in Return To Apothecary Zinge and Seeping Corruption to get Vivian Lagrave. 6. Complete Seeping Corruption all the way and then get A Sample Of Slime and a Batch Of Ooze. 7. Go To Raventusk Village in Hinterlands. 8. Get Gammerita, Mon!, Snapjaws, Mon!, and Lard Lost His Lunch. Do the Mon! quests. 9. Go to 80.48 and do Cortello’s Riddle.and Lard Lost His Lunch. 10. Turn in quests and then Sprinkle’s Secret Ingredient. 11. Go back to Orgrimmar and then to Azshara. Turn in quests then head to Ratchet.

12. Get Stone Circle and Volcanic Activity. Go to BB and then to Stonard and finally into the Blasted Lands. 13. Do Snickerfang Jowls, A Boar’s Vitality, The Basilisk’s Bite, Vulture’s Vigor, and The Decisive Striker. Turn them in. 14. Go back to Tanaris to turn in March of The Silithid for Bungle In The Jungle, Sprinkle’s Secrete Ingredient for Delivery For Marin and then do it and get Noggenfogger Elixir and do it. Also turn in The Stone Circle near 50.44. 15. Go to Un’Goro Crater. 16. You are now level 51. 17. Go to around 65.75 and get The Apes of Ungoro and The Fare of Lar’Korwi and do this one. 18. Do Super Sticky until you get A Mangled Journal to drop. 19. Go to Marshal’s Refuge and get all the quests offered and turn in Williden’s Journal. 20. Do Super Stocky, Crystals of Power, The Apes of Un’Goro, Beware of Pterrordax, Larion and Muigin, Roll The Bones, Expedition Salvation, and A Batch Of Ooze. 21. Turn in quests and get The Mighty U’cha and The Scent of Lar’korwi. 22. Now do The Scent of Lar’korwi, Bone-Bladed Weapons, It’s A Secret To Everybody, Bungle In The Jungle, Alien Ecology, Finding The Source, Volcanic Activity, and Lost. 23. Go back to Marshal’s Refuge, turn in quests and get all the new ones offered. 24. Now do The Northern Pylon, The Mighty U’cha, The Eastern Pylon, and The Bait For Lar’korwi. Turn in The Bait For Lar’korwi and The Mighty U’cha and turn in Fining The Source and get The New Springs. Do The Western Pylon and Making Sense Of It. 25. Back to Marshal’s Refuge to turn in quests. Go to Cenarion Hold and get Flight Path. 26. Go to Tanaris to turn in Bungle In The Jungle and Super Sticky. Go to Thunder Bluff and then to Elder Rise. 27. Get Un’goro Soil, do it, get Morrowgrain Research and do it and turn it in. 28. Go to Ratchet to turn in Marvon’s Workshop and Volcanic Activity. 29. Go to Kargath to turn in Vivian Lagrave and get The Rise of The Machines and Dreadmaul Rock. 30. You are now level 52, go to Burning Steppes. 31. Get Brooding Essence and Tablet of The Seven and do them along with Dreadmaul Rock and The Rise Of The Machines. Turn them in and get Felnok Steelspring. 32. Go to Kargath to turn in Krom’Grul and get Rise of The Machines 2 after you turn it in and then do part 2. 33. You are now level 53. Go to Azshara and get Betrayed, Courser Antlers, and Kim’jael Indeed! and then do them. 34. Turn them in and get Kim’jaels Missing Equipment and Wavethrashing then do them. 35. Go to Azshara to turn in quests and get Betrayed. 36. You are now level 54.

37. Go to Orgrimmar to turn in Betrayed and Bone-Bladed Weapons then go to Felwood by way of Splintertree Post. 38. At Felwood get Verifying The Corruption, Forces of Jaedenar, Cleansing Felwood and The Strength of Corruption. 39. Move on to Blood Venom Post, get flight path, and get A Husband’s Last Battle, Wild Guardians, Deadwood of The North, and Well of Corruption. 40. Do Cleansing Felwood, Verifying The Corruption, and The Strength of Corruption. 41. Go to Winterspring and get Winterfall Activity and then head to Donova Snowden. Turn in the New Springs and It’s A Secrete To Everybody and get Strange Sources, and Threat of The Winderfall. 42. Head to Everlook and get The Everlook Report, Duke Nicholas, Are We There Yeti?, and Sister Pamela. Also turn in Felnok Steelspring and get Chillwind Horns. 43. Get Strange Sources from Darkwhisper Gorge. Then do Are We ThereYeti?, Threat of The Winderfall, Winterfall Firewater, Chillwind Horns, Wild Guardians, and after these Falling To Corruption. 44. Turn in quests and get new ones at Everlook. Do Winterfall Activity and finish Are We ThereYeti?. 45. You are now level 55. Go to Felwood. 46. Turn in quests and get Wild Guardians 2, Salve Via Hunting, and Collecting The Corrupt Water. 47. Do A Husband’s Last Battle, Well of Corruption, Salve Via Hunting, and Collection of The Corrupt Water, 48. Go to Bloodvenom Post, turn in quests and get Corrupted Sabers, do it and turn it in. 49. Do Deadwood of the North and Falling To Corruption and get Mystery Goo. 50. Turn in Deadwood of The North, Winterfall Activity, and Mystery Goo. 51. Go to Feralas and turn in The Strength of Corruption. 52. Go to Tanaris to do Are We There Yeti 3 and then go to Silithus. 53. Get Securing The Supply Lines, The Twilight Mystery and Deadly Desert Venom. Do them and go get new quests. 54. Now do The Twilight Mystery, Noogle’s Last Hope, Stepping Up Security. Turn them in and get new quests. 55. Do Noogle’s Lost Satchel and The Deserter and then go back to Cenarion Hold and turn in Lost Satchel. 56. Go to Un’Goro Crater and Marshal’s Refuge. Do more Are We There Yeti 3. 57. Go to Undercity and finish A Sample of Slime and A Batch of Ooze. Get A Call To Arms: The Plaguelands (turn it in at Bulwark). 58. Go to Bulwark and turn in quests. Get Scarlet Diversions, Argent Dawn Commission, and A Plague Upon Thee. 59. Go to Western Plaguelands and get Better Late Than Never and do it all. 60. Do Scarlet Diversions and then head over to Bulwark and turn it in. Get All Along The Watchtowers and The Scourge Cauldrons and do them all. Complete Mission Accomplished!. 61. You are now level 56. Go to Eastern Plaguelands.

62. Get Demon Dogs, Carrion Grubbage, and Blood Tinged Skies. 63. Get To Kill With Purpose and UnLife’s Little Annoyances at 25.75. 64. Go to Darrowshire and do Blood Tinged Skies, Demon Dogs, Carrion Grubbage, Sister Pamela, and Pamela’s Doll(and after Auntie Marlene and Uncle Carlin). 65. Go to Light’s Hope Chapel at 80.60 and get flight path. 66. Get The Relentless Souls, Zaeldarr The Outcast and Defenders of Darrowshire after turning in Duke Nicholas and Uncle Carlin. 67. Do Defender’s Of Darrowshire, To Kill With Purpose, Demon Dogs, Carrion Grubbage, UnLife’s Little Annoyances, A Plague Upon Thee, The Restless Souls, and Augustus Receipt Book. 68. Turn in quests and get Redemption and do that along with Zaeldarr The Outcast, turn it in, and go to Under City. 69. Turn in Better late Than Never, do The Jeremiah Blues and get Good Luck Charm. 70. You are now level 57. 71. Return to Bulwark, return quests and get A Plague Upon Thee 2, Two Halves Become One, and Unfinished Business and go do them all the way. 72. Do The Wildfire Suffers Too quest chain and stop with Glyphed Oaken Branch 73. Turn in Auntie Marlene and get A Strange Historian and go do it. 74. Go to Andorhal and do All Along The Watchtowers. 75. Turn in A Strange Historian and get A Matter of Time and The Annals of Darrowshire and do them along with All Along The Watchtowers. 76. Turn them in and get Counting Out Time and Brother Carlin. Do them. 77. Back to Bulwark to turn in A Plague Upon Thee 3, All Along The Watch Towers, and Scholomance and get Skeletal Fragments and do it in Andorhal. 78. Go back to Bulwark and turn in Skeletal Fragments. 79. You are now level 58. 80. Go to Winterspring and Everlook. Turn in Yeti? 3 and get Ursius of The Shardtooth and Luck Be With You. 81. Do Luck Be With You then go to Everlook. Turn in Luck and Ursius and then get Brumeran of The Chillwind and do it along with Wild Guardians 2. 82. Go to Everlook and turn in quests. 83. Go to Bloodvenom Post in Felwood. Turn in Wild Guardians 3 and Guarding Secretes and get part 2. 84. Go to Elder Rise by way of XRs and Thunderbluff. Turn in Guarding Secretes 2 and Glyphed Oaken Branch. 85. You are now level 59.5 at least, grind to level 60, Owl Wing Thicket is a good place.

Alliance Leveling Alliance leveling is simple from 1-30. It gets the most complicated from level 30-60. This can be used with all classes. Remember to kill mobs as you run between quests and areas, grind if you aren’t at the level where the guide says you should be, and always loot! If you want to level fast you need to be fast! Always remember to carry lots of supplies and potions. This guide can be used with all classes. If you don’t know how to do a specific quest or need help, check here http://www.thottbot.com/ or here http://wow.allakhazam.com/. If you need help with finding a location go to http://www.mapwow.com/. Any time I list quest, do them in the order that I list them unless I say otherwise.

1-12 Leveling Dwarfs and Gnomes - Start out doing all the quests in Dun Morogh and when you are finished doing all of them (they can all be done solo) kill Troggs until level 12. If you don’t want to grind Troggs you can also go to Stormwind by way of the Ironforge Tram to do quests in Goldshire. Humans - Do all the quests in Elwynn Forrest. Then you can either grind to level 12 killing Gnolls in the southwest part of Elwynn Forrest or you can go to Stormwind and tram to Ironforge so you can quest in Dun Morogh. Night Elfs – Night Elf’s start in the middle of nowhere so they should just do all the quests in Teldrassil and then grind Bloodfeather Harpies in the northwest of Tendrassil. If you want to do quests only you can go to Dun Morogh after you complete the quests in Teldrassil. You can get there by going to Darnassus and then to the portal in the middle of the city so you can take the boat to Darkshore. At this point boat over to Menethil Harbor and run to Dun Morogh. Get flight paths as you go. Level 12-20 (From this point on the guide is for all races)

1. Go to Ironforge and make it your home. In Ironforge go to Tinker’s Town and get Fin Bingles quest. 2. Go to Thelsamar and get Rat Catching, Thelsamar Blood Sausages and Mountaineer Stormpike’s Task. 3. Go to the Valley of Kings to get The Trogg Threat and In Defense of the King’s Lands. 4. Go to 25.58 and kill bears, boars and spiders along the way. Do In Defense of the King’s Lands by killing Troggs. 5. Go to 28.45 to do Rat Catching by killing Tunnel Rats. 6. Go to the tower at 28.18 to turn in Mountaineer Stormpike’s Task and get Filthy Paws and Stormpike’s Order. 7. Do Thelsamar Blood Sausages if you haven’t, and then go back to Thelsamar.

8. Turn in quests and then go to Valley of Kings and turn in quests and get the next quest in the tower. 9. You are now level 13, if not grind a bit. 10. Go north to the pace where you can go through the hills at 28.66. You will see a lot of Troggs so at this point go southeast to find Seers and Skullthumpers. Kill them to do The Trogg Threat. Go back to Valley of Kings and turn in the quest to get In Defense of the King’s Lands. 11. Go to Thelsamar and then north to Silver Steam Mine at 34.19. 12. Do Filthy Paws here by looking for ‘miner’s gear.’ Go turn it in to Stormpike. 13. Grind in the tunnel until level 14. 14. You are now level 14, go to Ironforge to train skills. 15. Go to Stormwind to turn in Stormpike’s Order in the dwarven district. 16. Go to the Cathedral at 49.30 to get Humble Beginnings and bind here. 17. Go to Westfall which is southeast of Stormwind. 18. Get Report to Gryan Stoutmantle, The Westfall Stew, The Forgotten Heirloom and Poor Old Blanchy. 19. Go south and follow the road to the house to turn in The Westfall Stew. Get the next quest and also The Killing Fields and Goretusk Liver Pie. 20. Go south more to Sentinel Hill and turn in Report to Gryan Stoutmantle. Get Patrolling Westfall From Captain Danuvai, Red Leather Bandanas, and The Peoples Militia. 21. Go west to 45.45 to kill Fleshrippers and Goretusks for your quest. 22. Go to The Molsen Farm at 46.38 to kill Defias for your quest. Also look for Sack of Oats for your quest, and if you can’t find them all there go to Saldean’s Farm. 23. Go north to 50.21 which is Furlbrow’s Pumpkin Farm and kill Harvest Watchers along the way. Clear the Defias there and then get Furlbrow’s Pocket Watch from the house window. 24. Do the quest which requires you to kill Harvest Watchers. 25. Go north to 52.15 to kill Gnolls for their Paws. 26. You are now level15. 27. Go to Longshore at 42.10 to kill Murlocs for their eyes. 28. Go to the border of Westfall to turn in quests to the farmer couple and then go to Saldean’s Farm to turn in the other quests. 29. Go to Sentinel Hill to turn in quests and get the next part for The Peoples Militia and also The Defias Brotherhood quest. 30. Go to Alexton Farmstead which is west at 37.55. There is a burned house to the west where you can get the Simple Compass. 31. Go southwest to Westfall Lighthouse (30.86). Get Keeper of the Flame and turn it in using the Flasks of Oil you already have. Go to Moonbrook which is to the east at 42.69. Kill Defias for your quests. 32. You are now level 16. 33. Go to Sentinel Hill to turn in The Peoples Militia and get the next part. 34. Go southeast to the bridge and keep going east on the road. You will get to Darkshire where you can get a flight path and then go north with the road to Redridge Mountains. You will come across Guard Parker and he gives you the quest Encroaching Gnolls. Go north more and you will get to Lakeshire where

there is a flight path. Go in the inn there and turn in The Defias Brotherhood and get the next part and get The Price of Shoes. 35. Fly to Westfall to turn in The Defias Brotherhood and get the next part. 36. Go to Stormwind to train and rest. Go to the southeast part of Old Town to turn in The Defias Brotherhood and get the next part. 37. Go to Cathedral Square to turn in Humble Beginnings. 38. Go to Ironforge to bind and then go to Loch Modan by flight path. 39. In Thelsamar go east to 64.48 where Bingle is to turn in Find Bingles and get Bingles Missing Supplies. 40. Go to Farstrider Lodge which is east at 81.61 and get Crocolisk Hunting and A Hunter’s Boast. 41. The timer will start for the quest where you have to kill 6 Mountain Buzzards in 15 minutes. To do it go to 77.74 (southwest). Turn in the quest and get the next part. 42. The next part gives you 12 minutes. For this go to Bingle which is northwest to kill the boars you need to. Turn in the quest and then go back to Bingle. 43. Here look at the lake and you will see two islands. Go to the treeless island to do the quest Crocolisk Hunting at 55.55. 44. No go north to the island at 48.29 to look Bingle’s Toolbucket. Get Bingle’s Screwdriver from the camp at 48.21 which is on the west part of the bigger island. 45. Go to 52.24 to get Bingle’s Hammer and then head east to get Bingle’s Blastencapper. While you are here make sure to kill Bonesplitter Shamans and Bonesnappers for your quest and also get level 17. 46. You are now level 17. 47. Go to Stonewrought Dam which is north at 47.13. Get quest A Dark Threat Looms and the go east down a ramp and turn around to see two Dark Iron Sappers, kill them. Click on the suspicious barrel near by to complete the quest and get the next part which you don’t need to do. 48. Go to Bingle to turn in Missing Supplies and then turn in Crocolisk Hunting at the lodge. 49. Go west to Ironbands Excavation Site 65.67. Get Gathering Idols and Excavation Progress Report. 50. Go inside the excavation and go east to kill Troggs and get Carved Stone Idols. Turn in the quest then go to Thelsamar to turn in Excavation Progress Report and get the next part. 51. Go to Valley of Kings to turn in Defense of the King’s Lands. 52. Go grind to level 18, a good place is at the Excavation site. 53. You are no level 18. 54. Go to Ironforge then to the Hall of Explorers to turn in the quest at Prospector Stormpike, you don’t need the next part. Go to Goldshire to turn in The Price of Shoes. 55. Go to Westfall to turn in quest Gryan Stoutmantle and get the next part. 56. You need to find The Messenger and kill him. He is between Gold Coast Quarry and Moonbrook. Start at Gold Coast Quarry and run south along the road to Moonbrook and look for The Messenger as you go. If you don’t see him wait for him to spawn at Moonbrook to kill him and loot his Message.

57. Go to Dagger Hills at 54,72 to kill Defias for the quests The People’s Militia and The Defias Brotherhood. Turn in the quests at the Defias Traitor to get the next part. You have to escort the traitor to Moonbrook so do it. 58. Go to Westfall Lighthouse and get the quests The Costal Menace and The Coast Isn’t Clear. Kill Murlocs along the coast to do these quest and turn them in. Old Murk-eye is east of the lighthouse. 59. Go to Sentinel Hill to turn in The Defias Brotherhood. 60. Go to Redridge Mountians and get all the quests. The quests you need are Elmore’s Tast, Hillary’s Necklace, The Lost Tools, A Free Lunch, Selling Fish, Blackrock Menace, and Redridge Goulash. 61. Turn in Return To Verner to get Underbelly Scales and A Baying of Gnolls. 62. Turn in Encroacking Gnolls to get Assessing The Threat. 63. To do Redridge Goulash you need to kill a lot of Goretusks, Spiders and Condors so kill them when you see them as you do the next steps in the guide. 64. Go to 16.71 to turn in your quest to Guard Parker and get the next part. 65. Go to Lakeridge Highway which is east at 30.81 to kill Poachers and Mongrels. 66. Go north to kill Black Dragon Whelps. 67. Go into the north lake to 42.55. There is a sunken boat there where you can get Oslow’s Toolbox. 68. Go west near the bridge to find Hilary’s Necklace in the Glinting Mud. 69. Go to Lakeshire to turn in Hillarys Necklace, Assessing The Threat, and Underbelly Scales. 70. Turn in The Lost Tools to get The Everstill Bridge. 71. Turn in Visit The Herbalist to get the next part. 72. You are now level 19, if not grind a bit. 73. Go north to Redridge Conyons near 33.34. Kill Gnolls for your quests. 74. Go east to Alther’s Mill near 53.43 to finish up Redridge Goulash. 75. Go south down the cliffs killing all the Murlocs and then swim west to the Murloc Camp near 40.45 to kill more Murlocs for their Sunfish and Fins. 76. Return to Lakeshire to turn in Redridge Goulash, Selling Fish, The Everstill Bridge, and A Baying of Gnolls. 77. You are now level 20. 78. Go to Lakeshire to get Murloc Poachers and turn it in. 20-30 1. Now you can do the Deadmines instance which is fun and I recommend it, so get a group and do that. 2. Level 20 to 22 can be done in the Redridge Mountains at the Tower of Zaora and at Lakeshire. 3. From level 22 to 30 quest in Redridge Mountains, Diskwood, Ashenvale, Wetlands, Stonetalon Mountains, and Dun Modr. Do the Stockades, Shadowfang Keep and Blackfathom Deeps instances. Grind from levels 26 to 29 in the Wetlands(Dragonmaw Encampment and Whelgar’s Excavation) and Duskwood(Rotting Orchard and Raven Hill Cemetary). Also get lots of quests

and do them all at the same time so you don’t have to run back and forth to get new ones. 30-40 1. Go to Theramore from Menethil Harbor, get the flight path, and get Highperch Venom. 2. Go to Thousand Needles though the Barrens. 3. Go west to Thalanaar, get the flight path, then go to Highperch to do Highparch Venom. 4. Go to Roguefeather Den near 25.50 and kill harpies until you have 25 Vibrant Plumes so you can get a 14 slot bag after trading for 50 tickets at Darkmoon Faire. 5. You are now level 31. 6. Go to Shimmering Flats and then to Mirage Raceway. Get Hardened Shells, Load Lightening, Salt Flat Venom, Hemet Nesingwary, A Bump in the Road, Wharfmaster Dizzywing and Rocket Car Parts and then do them and turn them in. 7. You are now level 32. 8. Get Martek The Exiled and Goblin Sponsorship. 9. Go to Gadgetzan and get flight parth, go to Theramore to turn in Highperch Venom, go to Ratchet by way of the Barrens and do Parts For Kravel and Goblin Sponsorship. 10. Now go to Booty Bay and get Supply and Demand, Investigate the Camp, Bloodscalp Ears, Singing Blue Shards, Hostile Takeover, Scaring Shaky, The Stone of the Tides, and Goblin Sponsorship. 11. Go to the Rebel Camp in Strangelthorn Vale and get Krazek's Cookery, Bad Medicine, and The Second Rebellion,. 12. Go to Nesingwary’s Camp and get Tiger Master, Panther Mastery and Raptor Master. 13. Do the Rebel and Nesingwary Camp quests. 14. Turn in quests and get Special Forces from Rebel Camp and the next Panther and Tiger Mastery from Nesingwary. 15. Grind trolls and get bloodscalp ears for your quest. 16. You are now level 33. 17. Go kill Crystal Spine Basilisks for your quests then do The Stone of The Tides. 18. Turn in quests at Camp Nesingwary and get next Tiger, Panther, and Raptor quests. Go grind. 19. Go to Booty Bay. Turn in Krazek's Cookery, Investigate the Camp, The Stone of the Tides, Singing Blue Shards, Bloodscalp Ears, and Supply and Demand 20. You are now level 34. 21. Get Some Assembly Required, Hostile Takeover, Water Elementals, and Venture Company Mining and do them. 22. Do Tiger and Raptor Master then turn them in at Nesingwary Camp and get the new versions. Also turn in quests at Rebel Camp and get Kurzen’s Mystery. 23. Go to Booty Bay and turn in Some Assembly Required, Hostile Takeover and Water Elementals.

24. You are now level 35. 25. Go to Southshore in Hillsbrad Foothills and get Down the Coast, Crushridge Bounty , Hints of a New Plague?, Costly Menace, and Syndicate Assassins. 26. Do these quests until they are finished. 27. Go to Refuge Pointe in Arathi Highlands and get Worth It’s Weight In Gold and do it. Also do Hints of a New Plague? near 60.50 and do all of it. 28. Go back to Refuge Pointe and turn in quests, then head to Southshore and turn in Hints of A New Plague. 29. Go to Alterac Mountains and grind and quest in Soferan’s Naze. Get Encrypted Letter and Foreboding Plans from the syndicate camp. Complete all the Syndicate and Ogre quests. 30. Go to Archmage Ansirem near 20.76 to turn in Magical Analysis and get Ansirem’s Key. 31. Go to Southshore to turn in quests and get Letter To Stormpike. 32. You are now level 36. 33. Go to Ironforge and bind there. Turn in Letter to Stormpike and get Reclaimers' Business in Desolace. 34. Go to Stormwind to turn in Reassignment. Go to Booty Bay and turn in Ansirem's Key to get Pretty Boy Duncan. 35. Boat to Ratchet then go to Desolace. 36. Go to Nijel’s Point and get Vahlarriel's Search, Centaur Bounty, Strange Alliance, Reagents for Reclaimers Inc., Down the Scarlet Path, and The Karnitol Shipwreck. 37. Do these quests and their continuations. Along the way get and do The Sceptre of Light at 38.26, Claim Rackmore's Treasure at 35.30. 38. Go back to Nijel’s Point to turn in quests and get The Karnitol Shipwreck. Go to 62.37 and get Bone Collector. Turn in The Sceptre of Light from where you got it and get Book of the Ancients. 39. Do these quests and also do get Kodo Roundup from 60.60 when you get 10 Kodo Bones. 40. You are now level 37. Kill centaurs if you are not. 41. Go turn in all quests at Nijel’s Point and get Down the Scarlet Path and The Karnitol Shipwreck. 42. Go to Ironforge and turn in The Karnitol Shipwreck and get Mythology of the Titans. 43. Now go to Southshore and turn in Down The Scarlet Path and get In the Name of The Light. 44. Now you can do the instance at Scarlet Monastery in Tirisfal Glade with a group. It is fun and good xp. 45. You are now level 38. 46. Go to Ironforge. Get Ironband wants you! from Hall of Explorers. 47. Go to Thelsamar and get Badlands Reagent Run. Go to Ironband's Excavation Site at 65.65 and get Find Agmond. 48. Go to the Badlands. Go to 52.42 to get Mirages and A Dwarf And His Tools. 49. Go to 42.52 to turn in Indurium and get Barbecued Buzzard Wings.

50. Go to Lotwil Veriatus's Camp at 25.45 and get Study of the Elements: Rock, Coolant Heads Prevail and turn it in to get Gyro...What? and turn it in. 51. Go west of Lotwil Veriatus and grind Lesser Elementals until level 39 then turn in Study of the Elements: Rock at Lotwil Veriatus. 52. You are now level 39. 53. Go to Hammertoe's Digsite. Go to 52.35 and get A Sign of Hope and do it. 54. Go back to Hammertoe’s Digsite and turn in quests to get Scrounging from Prospector Ryedol. 55. Go to Agmond's End and click a Battered Dwarven Skeleton to get Murdaloc. 56. Do Scrounging and Murdaloc and make sure to get 10 Indurium Flakes. 57. Go kill rock elementals at 40.70 and get three large stone slabs. Then go to Camp Kagg at 10.70 and kill ogres to get seven Scrap Metal. 58. Go to Apocryphan's Rest at 15.60 and do Barbecued Buzzard Wings and Badlands Reagent Run. 59. Go to Martek the Exiled at 41.53 to turn in Indurium and get News for Fizzle. Also turn in Barbecued Buzzard Wings and Scrounging at Sirun Ironhew. 60. Go to Lotwil Veriatus and get Study of The Elements: Rock. 61. You are now level 40. If not go grind Lesser Rock Elementals or Dwarves. 40-50 1. Go to Ironforge and go get your mount. 2. Go to Thelsamar to turn in Badlands Reagent Run then head to the Badlands. 3. Get five Bracers of Rock Binding by killing Greater Rocket Elementals at 16.83 or 6.83. 4. Grind Elementals and Dwarves until you are almost 41. 5. Go to Lotwil Veriatus to turn in Study of The Elements: Rock and get This Is Going To Be Hard. Also get Stone Is Better Than Cloth and do it. 6. You are now level 41. 7. Do This Is Going To Be Hard and get the next part. When you do a tough Elemental will spawn but if you are careful you can kill it. Get the next part after killing it and turn it in. 8. Go to Stormwind and get A Meal Served Cold at 40.89 and then get In Search of The Temple at 63.23. 9. Go to Booty Bay and bind there. Get The Bloodsail Buccaneers, Goblin Sponsorship, Akiris by the Bundle, Zanzil's Secret, Tran'Rek from Krazek, and Skullsplitter Tusks. 10. Do Booty Bay quests. Naga Explorers can be found at 25.65 and Elder Mistvale Gorillas can be found at 31.65. 11. Turn in The Bloodsail Buccaneers, Scaring Shaky, Akiris by the Bundle, Pretty Boy Duncan, Return to MacKinley, and get all the follow-ups including Up to Snuff, Voodoo Dues, The Bloodsail Buccaneers and Keep An Eye Out. 12. Clear the Bloodsail camps at 30.80 and 27.81. Check both camps for charts and orders and make sure to get both, and also get the drops you need for your quests from the Bloodsails.

13. Go north to 40.40 and kill Shadowmaw Panther if you see them along the way, they can also be found near 35.35. 14. Kill Venture Company Goblins and Cold Eye Basilisks to get quest items. 15. Kill Jungle Stalkers. 16. Kill trolls at 42.36, 45.35, and 47.38 to get quest items. 17. You are now level 42. 18. Go to the Venture Company Base at Lake Nezferiti and kill Foreman Cozzle at 41.18. Also get the Fuel Regulator Bleprints near by. 19. Clear the spawn at 30.20 and get the scroll from the tablet. 20. Get the 2nd scroll from under the water at 24.22. Get the 3rd scroll from 21.10. Get the 4th at 23.10. 21. Go to Camp Nesingwary to turn in Panther and Raptor Mastery. 22. Go to Rebel Camp and turn in Kurzen’s Mystery. 23. Go to Booty Bay and turn in Up to Snuff, Venture Company Mining, Skullsplitter Tusks, Goblin Sponsorship, Keep An Eye Out and The Bloodsail Buccaneers. Get the continuations. 24. Go to 41. 90 at Stormwind City and abandon A Meal Served Cold, get it again, and turn it in and turn it in. 25. Go to Booty Bay then go to Ruins of Jubuwal at 33.50. Kill the camp, JonJon, and then Maury Wilkins. Loot the quest items. 26. Go to Ruins of Aboraz at 40.57 and kill Zanzil Minions to get quest items. 27. Go to Booty Bay and turn in Voodoo Dues and Zanzil’s Secret. Get Stoley’s Debt. 28. Go to Darkshire in Duskwood. Go to Swamps of Sorrows. 29. Go to 25.60 and get Encroaching Wildlife, do it, then get The Lost Caravan. 30. Go to Harborage at 26.31 and get Draenethyst Crystals. Go to 54.20 to do it and get The Lost Supplies from a scattered crate. 31. Go to 63.10 to get wizards’ reagents for quest. Get Galen’s Escape and do it and complete it at 47.39. 32. Kill Noboru to get Noboru The Cudgel. 33. Go to Magtoor at 26.30 to turn in quests. Get Driftwood. 34. Go to the Temple of Atal’Hakkar and get the next In Search of The Temple. 35. Get Sundried Driftwood for your quest. 36. Get Deliver The Shipment from Watcher Biggs. 37. Go to the Blasted Lands and then to Nethergarde Keep. 38. Turn in Deliver The Shipment and The Lost Supplies. 39. Go to Stormwind. Get To The Hinterlands. 40. You are now level 43. 41. Do Uldaman instance along with The Platinum Discs. 42. Go to Ironforge then to Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands. Go to Auberdine and get the flightpath. Back to Menethil Harbor then over to Theramore. 43. Turn in Akiris By The Bundle. 44. Go to Gadgetzan. Turn in Tran’Rek. Get Water Pouch Bounty, Handle With Care, and Wastewander Justice. 45. Go to Steamwheedle and get Wanted: Andre Firebeard along with Caliph Scorpidsting, Pirate Hats Ahoy!, Screecher Spirits, and Southsea Shakedown.

46. Turn in Stoley’s Debt and get Stoley’s Shipment. 47. Go back to Gadgetzan and do Wastewander Justice and Water Pouch Bounty along the way and then turn them in. 48. Get More Wastewander Justice. 49. Go to Thousand Needles then to Shimmering Flats. 50. Turn in Part For Kravel, News For Frizzle and Goblin Sponsorship. Get Gahz’Rilla and Keeping Pace From Pozzik. Do the quest with Pozzik. Get Rizzle’s Schematics and turn it in. 51. Go to Gadgetzan then to Thalanaar in Feralas. 52. Find Kindal at 65.45 then clear Grimtotel Camp. Start the quest with Kindal and then do it and turn it in where you first found her. 53. Get Doling Justice and do it, then get part 2. 54. Go to Feathermoon Stronghold, bind there, and get The Ruins of Solarsal, The Missing Courier, The Mark of Quality, In Search of Knowledge, The Missing Courier and The High Wilderness. 55. Do Return To Feathermoon Stronghold at the Ruins of Solarsal. 56. Go back to Feathermoon Stronghold and get Against The Hatecrest and then get the follow up. 57. Go to Latronicus to turn in quests and get Against Lord Shalzaru. 58. Go to Isle of Dread and kill Lord Shalzaru inside the cave. 59. You are now level 44. 60. Go to Feathermoon Stronghold, turn in quests, and get Delivering The Relic then do it. 61. Go to Feralas and do Screecher Spirits and kill Rogue Vale Screechers along the way to 45.64. Get Boat Wreckage from here. 62. Go to Feathermoon Fortress and get The Knife Revealed, Psychometric Reading, and The Woodpaw Gnolls. 63. Go to Feralas then go to 61.53 and do quests by killing ogres. Get Hippogryphy Eggs from 56.76 and then kill yetis for quest items. 64. Go to Feralas when quests are done and then go north of small lake. Get The Writhing Deep from the camp at 73.56. 65. Go to 75.63 to do the quest in the tunnel 66. Go back to Feathermoon Stronghold to turn in quests and get Improved Quality and A Hero’s Welcome, then turn in A Hero’s Welcome to get Rise of the Slithid. 67. Go to Auberdine then to Rut’theran Village near Darnassus. Turn in Handle With Care and get Favored of Elune?. 68. Turn in In Search of Knowledge and The Borrower(after clicking the green book at 55.91). 69. Go to Darnassus and then to the Temple of The Moon. Turn in quests. 70. You are now level 45. 71. Go to Feathermoon Stronghold then to Thalanaar to turn in Thalanaar Delivery. 72. Go to Gadgetzan to turn in The Borrower and get The Super Snapper FX. 73. Click the Egg-O-Matic and then finish the quest right there. 74. Go to Tanaris and then to Watersrping Field. Do your quests there. Finish More Wastewander Justice then go to the cave at 68.40.

75. Do Southsea Shakedown, your other quests, and kill Andre. Also do Pirate Hats Ahoy!. 76. Go to Steamwheedle Port to turn in Southsea Shakedown, Andre Firebeard, Stoley’d Shipment, Pirate Hats Ahoy!, and Screecher Spirits. Get The Prophecy of Mosh’Aru and Deliver To MacKinley. 77. Go to Gadgetzan to turn in Caliph Scorpidsting and More Wastewander Justice. 78. You are now level 46. 79. Go to Ironforge. Get Portents of Uldum and then do it and get Seeing What Happens. 80. Go to Hinterlands though Aerie Peak, bind and get the flight path, and get Skulk Rock Clean-up, Troll Necklace Bounty, and To the Hinterlands. Get Gryphon Master Talonaxe, Witherbark Cages and Rhapsody Shindigger. 81. Go to Shindigger’s Camp east of Aerie Peak. Start looking for Wilkdkin Feathers as you travel. 82. Get Rhapsody’s Kalimdor Kocktail. 83. Clear the troll ruins of Zun’watha and Hiri’watha and check the cages. Kill trolls for quest items. 84. Go to Agol’Watha a 45.40 to kill Ooze. 85. Go to 56.44 to kill more Ooze. 86. Do Distress Deacon OOX-22/HL all the way through. 87. Go to Overlook Cliffs at 70.63 and do the quest with Gammerita. 88. Go to Aerie Peak to turn in Skulk Rock Clean-up and Troll Necklace Bounty. 89. Get The Altar of Zul on the top floor from the gryphon master. 90. Go to the Altar of Zul at 50.64 and look for a group to do this quest. Get the next part of Altar of Zul. 91. Go to Shadra’Alor and get Jammalan The Prophet at 32.75. 92. Go to Aerie Peak and get Thadius Grimshade from the gryphon master. 93. Go to Ironforge to restock then go to Menethil Harbor, Auberdine, then over to Rut’Theran Village. Turn in Flavored of Elune there at 55.90. Also turn in The Super Snapper FX and get Return To Troyas. 94. You are now level 47. 95. Go to Auberdine then to Feathermoon Stronghold. Get The Sunken Temple and The Stave of Equinex. 96. Go to 44.43 near Feralas and get Fuel For The Zapping and Zapped Giants. Use Zorbin’s Zapper as you kill giants and also kill elementals and get quest items. Finish and turn in those in. 97. Go to the cave at 51.32 and kill Groddoc Thunderers, Ironfur Bears, and Rage Scar Yetis along the way for quest items. Get the pristine hide and click it. 98. Go north and get The Giant Guardian from Rockbiter. 99. Go to Ruins of Ravenwind and kill harpies there. 100. Do the Essence quests. Go to Equinex Monolith at 40.13 and complete it and get The Morrow Stone. 101. Do the quest with Shay and turn it in. 102. Go to 65.50 and get An Orphan Looking For A Home. 103. Go to Feathermoon Stronghold and turn in Morrow Stone, Prisine Yeti Hide, and Improved Qaulity.

104. Go to Gadgetzan and get The Thirsty Goblin, Gadgetzan Water Survey, Thistleshrub Valley, and The Dunemaul Compound. 105. Do Rhapsody’s Kalimdor Kocktail at 50.35 and then use the Untapped Dowsing Widget at 38.29. 106. Go to Gadgetzan and get Noxious Lair Investigation. 107. Go to Broken Pillar at 52.45 and turn in The Sunken Temple and get Gahz’ridian and The Stone Circle. 108. Go to Dunemail Compound and kill Gor’marok in the cave. 109. Go to Eastmmon Ruins at 50.64 and get quest items and finish Dunemaul Compound. 110. You are now level 48. 111. Go to Uldum at 40.79 and click the Uldum Pedestal twice at 37.81, and get Return to Ironforge. 112. Go to Thistleshrub Valley and kill Thustleshurbs for your quests. 113. Go to Noxious Lair and kill bugs for your quests. 114. Go to gadgetzan and turn in The Dunemaul Compound, The Thirsty Goblin, Thistleshurb Valley, Noxious Lair, and In Good Taste. Get In Good Taste 2, Sprinkle’s Secret Ingredient, and The Scrimshank Redemption. 115. Go to Broken Pillar and turn in Gahz’ridian. 116. Do The Scrimshank Redemption. 117. Go to Gadgetzan and get Insect Part Analysis 2, do it, and then get Rise of The Slithid after talking to a series of people. 118. Go to Thousand Needles and then to the Mirage Raceway. 119. Turn in An Orphan Looking For A Home and then turn in the next part. 120. Get The Newest Member of The Family. 121. Go to Aerie Peak and turn in The Newest Member of The Family and get Food For Baby. 122. Go to Rhapsody Shindigger and turn in Kalimdor Kocktail and get Rhapsody’s Tale. 123. Kill Silvermane Stalkers at 65.50 for quest items. 124. Go to Valorwind Lake then go to Aerie Peak and turn in Food For Baby and get Becoming A Parent then turn it in. 125. Go to Ironforge and restock. 126. Turn in Return To Ironforge and get A Future Task and Passing The Burden. Turn in A Future Task. 127. Go to Stormwind then to Dwarven District at 65.20 and get Into The Temple of Atal’Hakkar. 128. Go to Nethergarde Keep in the Blasted Lands and get Nekrum’s Medallion. 129. Go to Booty Bay. Turn in Deliver To MacKinley. 130. Go to Ironforge and then go do Zul’Farrak Instance with a group after gathering the required quests in Tanaris and Dustwallow Marsh. Turn those quests in when done. 131. In Tanaris get Delivery For Marin and Noggenfogger Elixir and do it. 132. You are now level 49.

133. Go to Stormwind and then to the Wizard’s Tower at 37.80 and get Vital Supplies. 134. Go to Darkshire in Duskwood and get Supplies For Nethergarde. 135. Go to Nethergarde Keep in the Blasted Lands and turn in Supplies For Nethergarde and Nekrum’s Medallion and then get The Divination, do it and get Return To The Hinderlands. 136. Go to 50.13 and get Vilture’s Vigor, The Basilik’s Bite, The Decisive Striker, A Boar’s Vitality, and Snickefang Jowls. 137. Do all these quests. Do other quests if you find items that unlock them along the way. Go turn in all the quests. 138. Go top Aerie Peak and get Saving Sharpbeak from the gryphon master. 139. Go to Jintha’Alor for The Ancient Egg and Saving Sharpbeak. You need a group for this. 140. Turn them in and then go to Tanaris to turn in quests and get The God Hakkar at Steamwheedle. 141. You are now level 50 50-60 1. 2. 3. 4.

Go do the Maraudon Instance in Desolace. Go to Ironforge. Go to Searing Gorge from the Badlands. Go to 38.40 to get Divine Retribution, turn it in and get The Flawless Flame. Go to Thorium Point at 37.26 to get Job Opportunity: Culling The Competition, Wanted: Overseer Maltorius, and Stolen: Smithing Tuvere and Lookout’s Spyglass. 5. Go to Hansel and get Fiery Menace, Incendosaurs? Wahteverosaur Is More Like It, Curse These Fat Fingers, and What The Flux from near by. 6. Do your quests around 40.50, 65.62 to get Caught! at the dig site and do it, and Suntara Stones quest from the dig site and do it. Go to The Cauldron and quest, into the Slag Pit at 41.54(get a couple of people to help you in there), kill Incendosaurs, Blaze Elementals, Steamsmiths at 40.50, and Heavy War Golems. 7. Go to Karalan Windblade to get Forging The Shaft. 8. Back to Thorium Point after your quests are done to turn them in 9. You are now level 51. 10. Go back to 40.50 and kill everything around the cauldron for your quests. Get 8 Thorium Plated Daggers from the dwarves then turn them in at Kalaran Windblade to get The Flame’s Casing. 11. Go do The Flame’s Casing with a group and get Prayer To Elune form Zameal Lunthistle along the way and do that too. 12. Turn them in at Kalaran and get The Torh of Retribution and the next part., do them and get Squire Maltrake. 13. Go to Maltake at 38.39 and get Set The Ablaze! 14. Go solo this quest, and after turn in The Key To Freedom. 15. Go to Maltrake and turn in quests and get Trinkets… and do it. 16. Finish all your quests if you have any left and then go back to Thorium Point.

17. Go to Thelsamar by way of Ironforge and go see Pebblebitty at 18.85 to turn in The Horn of The Beast. 18. Back to Ironforge and get Assisting Arch Druid Staghelm. 19. Turn in Proof of Deed and Suntara Stones. Get At Last!, A Little Slime Goes A Long Way, An Easy Pickup, Arcane Runes, and the quests for the Military Ward. 20. Go to Darnassus and to the Temple of The Moon to turn in Prayer To Elune, Rise of The Silithid, and get March of The Silithid. 21. Go to the Cenarion Enclave to turn in quests at Staghelm and get Un’Goro Soil. 22. Go to Gadgetzan to turn in March of The Silithid and get Super Sticky and Bungle In The Jungle. 23. Go to Ungoro Crater. Make sure to look for crystals, dirt piles, and soil in your travels here. Also you need to kill dinausaurs so you can get the journal that starts Williden’s Journal. 24. Go to 71.75 and get The Apes of Un’Goro and The Fare of Lar’Korwi. 25. Get It’s A Secret To Everybody and its continuation from the Wrecked Raft. 26. Go to the theshadon’s carcass at 68.56 to do your quest and then go turn it in and get The Scent of Lar’Korwi and do it and turn it in. 27. Kill Dinosaurs in the Marshlands to get seven power crystals of each color. 28. You are now level 52. 29. Go to Marshall’s Refuge at 46.12 and turn in Williden’s Journal and get Shizzle’s Flyer, Chasing A-Me 01, Muigin and Larion, Roll The Bones, Beware of Pterrordax, Expedition Salvation, and Alien Ecology. 30. Do and turn in It’s A Secret To Everybody. 31. Get Crystals of Power and turn it in since you already have it done to get The Eastern, Western, and Northern Pylon quests. 32. Go to 54.13 to find the Northern Crystal, and kill the Pterrordax near by. Kill all the Bloodpetals, Diametradons, and Pterrordaxes you come across for your quests. 33. There are apes at Fungal Rock for your quest and inside the cave there is A-Me 01. 34. Kill Tar animals in the south and turn, go to 68.36 and look the Foodstuffs, get your Eastern Crystal, and then turn in The Apes of Un’Goro and The Fare of Lar’Korwi at 71.75. 35. Continue questing and go over near 38.66 to get Find The Source. 36. When your quests are done go back to Marshall’s Refuge. 37. Turn in Muigin and Larion, Alien Ecology, All The Pylon Quests and Expedition Salvation. Get A Visit To Gregan and Making Sense of It (and do it). 38. Also get It’s A Secret To Everybody. 39. Go to Gadgetzan and turn in Bungle In The Jungle and Super Sticky. 40. Go to Darnassus, to the Cenarion Enclave and turn in Un’Goro Soil and get Morrowgrain Research and do it to get the next part. 41. Start getting our 20 Morrowgrain for your Evergreen Pouch for your quest. 42. Go to Ashenvale by way of Auberdine. Then got to Astraanar at 36.50 and get the flight path. Go to Azshara at 92.45 and then to Talrendis Point to get Spiritual Unrest and A Land Filled with Hatred, and also get the flight path. 43. Do A Land Filled With Hated and Spiritual Unrest and turn them in.

44. Go to 53.21 to get Kim’jael Indeed. 45. You are now level 53. (If not just go onto next step anyway). 46. Grind at 55.25 and do Kim’jael Indeed there. 47. Turn in Kim’jael Indeed and get Kim’Jael’s Missing Equiptment. 48. Go to 45.37, kill naga, and go to Ruins of Eldarath. Click the pillar at 40.50. 49. Do the runes quest and turn it in. 50. Do Arcane Runes and get Return To Tymor. 51. Go to Astraanar and then go to Felwood. 52. Get Cleansing Felwood near 53.85 and Timbermaw Ally near 50.85. 53. Go to Emerald Sanctuary and get The Corruption of Jadefire, Forces of Jaedenar, and Verifying The Corruption. 54. Do Timbermaw Ally and turn it in to get Speak To Nafien. 55. Do Forces of Jaedenar and turn it in at Emerald Sanctuary to get Collection of The Corrupt Water. 56. Do The Corruption of the Jadefire and then do Collection of The Corrupt Water. Turn them in and get Seeking Spiritual Aid and Further Corruption. 57. Do Further Corruption and on the way kill Xavaric in Jadefire Run near 40.22. After he’s dead get Flute of Xavaric. 58. Go to Irontree Cavern at 55.15 to kill elementals and then go to Talonbranch Glade to get the flight path. Go to Timbermaw Hold to turn in quests and get Deadwood of The North. 59. Go to 63.14 to do Deadwood of The North then turn it in and get Speak To Salfa. 60. Go to Timbermaw Hold and turn in Speak To Salfa. 61. Go to Donova Snowden to turn in It’s A Secret To Everybody and get The Videre Elixir. 62. Go to Astraanar, Auberdine, Feralas and then finally to Feathermoon. Get Jonespyre’s Request then The Mystery Of Morrowgrain and turn it in. 63. Go to Feralas then head to the twin colossal and find Gregan Brewspewer. Turn in A Visit To Gregan and get Haze of Evil and make sure to buy a bait from him. 64. Find Miblon Snarltooth near 44.10 and use the bait there to get an evoroot. 65. You are now level 54. 66. Go to Gregan and turn in quest. Go to Darnassus and turn in Morrowgrain. 67. Go to Ironforge to turn in A Little Slime Goes A Long Way and get the next step, and turn in Return To Tymor. 68. Go to Talonbranch Glade in Felwood, continue to Timbermaw Hold, then go Winterspring. 69. Go to Donova Snowden and turn in The Videre Elixer to get Meet At The Grave. Go to Talrendris Point in Azshara by way of Talonbranch Glade. 70. Go to the Barrens by way of Ashenvale. Go to Ratchet, bind, and get Volcanic Activity. 71. Go to Tidus Stair at 65.45 and turn in Seeking Spiritual Aid to get Cleansed Water Returns. 72. Go to Gadgetzan. 73. Use the Videre Elixer in the grave yard and get A Grave Situation, click the conspicuous gravestone and get Linken’s Sword.

74. Go to the Broken Pillar at 50.45 and turn in The Stone Circle to get Secret of The Circle and Into The Depths. 75. Go to Un’Goro at 27.55. 76. Get The Bair For Lar’Korwi and The Mighty U’Cha. 77. Go do The Bair For Lar’Korwi and then The Mighty U’Cha. 78. Do the A-Me 01 quest completely. 79. Go to Marshal’s Refuge to turn in Linken’s Sword and get A Gnome’s Assistance, do it, get Linken’s Memory, and get Lost!. 80. Go to 40.25 to do Shizzle’s Flyer, Beware of Pterrordax, Roll The Bones, and A Little Slime Goes A Long Way. 81. Go to Fire Plume Ridge and quest, and complete Finding The Source. 82. Go to 30.50 to get The New Springs. 83. Go to Torwa Pathfinder at 72.75 and turn in The Bait For Lar’Korwi and The Mighty U’Cha. 84. Back to Fire Plume Ridge at 49.53 to turn in Lost! And get A Little Help From My Friends. 85. Go to Marshal’s Refuge with Ringo. 86. Turn in Beware of Pterrordax, Shizzle’s Flyer, Roll The Bones, and A Little Help From My Friends. 87. Go to Ratchet to turn in Volcanic Activity. 88. Go to Stormwind. Get Haze of Evil, Secret of The Circle, Into The Depths, Into The Temple of Atal’Hakkar, The God Hakkar and Jammal’an The Prophey. 89. Do Sunken Temple Instance. Turn in quests after. 90. You are now level 55. 91. Rut'theran Village by way of Auberdine to get Moontouched Wildkin. 92. Go back to Auberdine, then to Astranaar, and then to Felwood. 93. Turn in Cleansing Felwood and get a Cenarion beacon when you turn it in. 94. Go to Emerald Sanctuary and turn in Cleansed Water Returns To Felwood to get Dousing The Flames of Protection. Turn in Flute of Xavaris to get Felbound Ancients. Turn in Further Corruption, Linken’s Memory, and Verifying The Corruption to get To Winterspring! and Silver Heart. 95. Get a group and Do Dousing The Flames of Protection at Shadow Hold and kill quest mobs along the way. Get A Strange Red Key inside Shadow Hold and do it and the next part. 96. Go to Irontree Woods at 45.25 and quest. 97. Go to Timbermaw Hold and get Winterfall Activity. 98. Go to Donova Snowden to turn in The New Springs and get Threat of The Winterfall and Strange Sources. 99. Go to Timbermaw Post at 40.44 to kill quest mobs and get the quest Winterfall Firewater from a Furlbog drop. 100. Go to Starfall Village at 50.30 to turn in To Winterspring! and get the next part. Turn in The Ruins of Kel’Theril to get Troubled Spirits of Kel’Theril and Enraged Wildkin. 101. Go to Everlook to get Are We There, Yeti?, The Everlook Report, Sister Pamela, and Duke Nickolas Zverenhoff. Also get the flight path. 102. Go to Lake of Kel’Theril to get the relics you need.

103. Go to Donova Snowden to turn in Winterfall Firewater and Threat of The Winterfall and get Falling To Corruption. 104. Go to Timbermaw Hold and then to Felwood. Clear the Felwood Village camp to get Mystery Goo. 105. Go to Donova Snowden to turn in Mystery Goo and get Toxic Horrors. 106. Go to Darnassus and then to the Temple of The Moon to fill Eridan’s Vial. 107. Go to Rut’theran Village to turn in Moontouched Wildkin and get Find Ranshalla. 108. You are now level 56. 109. Go to Felwood. Turn in quests at 54.86. Go to Emerald Sanctuary to turn in Rescue From Jaedenar and Dousing The Flames of Protection and get Retribution of The Light and A Final Blow. 110. Turn in Felbound and Silver Heart to get Aquementas and Purified!. Do Purified! and turn it in. 111. Go to Jaedenar to do Retribution of The Light and get The Remains of Try Lightshadow. Kill Shadow Lord Fel’dan. 112. Go to Irontree Woods to kill Toxic Horrors near 50.25. 113. Go to 50.30 to get Ancient Spirit from the ent, Arei. 114. Go to Emerald Sanctuary to trun in The Remains of Trey Lightforge and A Final Blow. 115. Go to Ashenvale to turn in Ancient Spirit at 85.44. 116. Go to Donova Snowden to turn in Toxic Horrors and get Winterfall Runners and go do it. 117. Go to Everlook and then to Winterfall Village to quest. 118. Go to Ice Thistle Hill to kill Yetis for your quest. 119. Go to Dun Mandarr at 59.59 to click the damaged crate to get the next part of your quest. 120. Go to Dun Mandarr camp at 59.59 to click the damaged crate and get the next part of your quest and then get Jaron’s Spuulies. 121. Go to Darkwhisper Gorge to do Strange Sources. 122. Go to 63.59 to turn in Frind Ranshalla and get Guardian of The Altar. 123. Escort her and complete the quest. 124. Go to Everlook to turn in Are We There, Yeti? and get the next part. 125. Go to Ice Thistle to do it and then turn it in at Everlook and get next part, and do it. 126. Go to Starfall Village to turn in Enraged Wildkin. 127. Go to Donova Snowden to turn in Winterfall Runners and Strange Sources. 128. Go to Timbermaw Hold to turn in Winterfall Activity. 129. Go to Rut’theran village to turn in Guardians and get Wildkin of Elune then do it. 130. You are now level 57. 131. Go to Tanaris and then Gadgetzan. 132. Go to Steamwheedle Port to turn in The God Hakkar. 133. Go to the Lost Rigger Cove at 70.45 and quest.

134. Go to Marshall’s Refuge and get your Bloodpetal Sprouts on the way in Un’Goro. 135. Turn in Haze of Evil then do the next part. 136. Turn in Aquementas to get Linken’s Adventure and do it all the way with a group and turn it in. 137. Go to Ironforge and get The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan, do it, and get the next part. 138. Go to Stormwind and bind, then go to the Redridge Mountains by going through Lakeshire. Go toBurning Steppes. 139. Go to Morgan’s Vigil at 83.63. Get the flight path, Fifty! Yep!, Dragonkin Menace, and Extinguish The Firegut. 140. Go to Flame Crest at 60.30 to get Tablet of The Seven and Broodling Essence. 141. Do Dragonkin Menace with a group. Get A Taste of Flame as you do it. 142. Do Tablet of The Sevens, Fifty! Yep!. Extinguish The Firegut. 143. Go to Flame Crest to turn in Brooding Essence, Tablet of The Seven and get Felnok Steelspring. 144. Go to Morgan’s Vigil to turn in Extingish The Firegut, Dragonkin Menace, and Fifty! Yep!. Get Gor’tesh The Brute Lord and The True Masters. 145. Go to Lakeshire to turn in The True Masters. 146. Go to Stormwind Keep to turn in The True Masters and get the next part. Get The First And The Last. 147. Go to Lady Katrana and then get The True Masters from Highlord Bolvar. 148. Turn in The First And The Last, get the next part and do it, then get Flint Shadowmore. 149. Go to Lakeshure to turn in The True Masters and get the next part. 150. Go to Morgan’s Vigil to turn The True Masters and get the next part. 151. Go kill Gor’tesh at 40.53 and do The True Masters. 152. Go to Morgan’s Vigil to turn in Gor’tesh and The Ture Masters. Get Orge Head On A Stick and go do it. Come back and turn it in. 153. Go to Ironforge to turn in The Smoldering Runins of Thaurissan. 154. Go to Aerie Peak>Hillsbrad Foothills>Follow the river north to Cillwind Point>north to Western Plagueland and finally end up in Chillwind Camp at 40.86. 155. Turn in Flint Shadowmore, Argent Dawn Commission and The Everlook Report. Get The Eastern Plagues and Clear The Way. 156. Do Clear The Way. Turn it in and get The Scourge Cauldrons and All Along The Watchtowers. Turn in The Scourge Cauldrons and get Target: Felstone Field. 157. Go to the Ruins of Andorhal and do these quests. 158. Head to Felstone Field and continue there. Get Return To Chillwind Camp, and Better Late Than Never. 159. Go to Chillwind Camp and turn in Watchtowers to get Scholomance. Turn in Return To Chillwind Camp and Scholomance. Get Target: Dawson’s Tears and Skeletal Fragments.

160. Go to Dalson’s Tears at 42.50 near Felstone Field and get Return to Chillwind Camp by killing Lord Malvinious. 161. Go to 47.50 near Dalson’s Tears and get the quest from the house and do it. 162. Do Target: Dawson’s Tears and Skeletal Fragments. 163. Get Unfinished Business near Northridge Lumbermill, do it all the way but stop after killing Durgen. 164. You are now level 58. 165. Go to Stormwind to turn in Better Late Than Never and Good Natured Emma. Get Good Luck Charm. 166. Go to Chillwind Camp to turn in Return To Chillwind Camp and get Target: Writhing Haunt. 167. Go to Felstone Field to turn in Good Luck Charm at 38.54 and get Two Halves Become One. 168. Do Good Luck Charm and turn it in. 169. Do Target: Writhing Haunt and get Return To Chillwind Camp and turn it in. Get Target: Gahron’s Withering. 170. Do Gahron’s Withering and then go back and turn in Return To Chillwind Camp. 171. Go to Tirion Fordring near Thondroril River to get Blood Tinged Skies, Carrion Grubbage, and Demon Gogs. 172. Go to the Eastern Plaguelands. Do your quests and kill the mobs you have to. 173. Go to Darrowshire to turn in Sister Pamela and get Pamela’s Doll. 174. Do Pamela’s Doll then get Uncle Carlin and Auntie Marlene. 175. Do all your kill quests. 176. Go to Light’s Hope Chapel at 80.60 and get the flight path, turn in Uncle Carlin, Duke Nicholas and get Defenders of Darrowshire and Zaeldarr The Outcast near 79.63. 177. Go to Chillwind Camp to turn in Return to Chillwind Camp and talk to Ashlam Valorfist. Also turn in The Eastern Plagues and get The Blightcaller Cometh. 178. Go to Stormwind Keep to turn in The Blightcaller Cometh and get Order Must Be Restored. 179. Go to Chillwind Camp and get A Plague Upon Thee. 180. Go to Sorrow Hill to run in Auntie Marlene and get A Strange Historian. Also go click Joseph’s Monument there. 181. Turn in A Strange Historia and get The Annals of Darrowshire and A Matter of Time. 182. Do A Matter of Time and get Counting Out Time, go do it. Also do The Annals of Darrowshire and turn it in to get Brother Carlin. You should also be done with Skeletal Fragments. 183. Go to Tirion Fordring at 7.43 to turn in Blood Tinged Skies, Carion Grubbage and Demon Dogs. Get Redemption and Of Forgotten Memories.

184. Go to Eastern Plaguelands and then to Undercroft. Do what you need to here. Also get Hameya’s Plea. Go to Tirion Fordring to turn in Of Forgotten Memories and get Of Lost Honor. 185. Go to Light’s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands to turn in Brother Carlin and Zaeldarr The Outcast. Get Heroes of Darrowshire and Villains of Darrowshire. 186. Go to 53.65 to find the Shattered Sword of Marduk and get it and then leave the Infectis Scar. 187. Get Horgus Skill from 50.50 at Blackwood Lake. 188. Go to Northpass Tower to turn in Troubled Spirits of Kel’Theril. 189. You are now level 59. 190. Go to the Plaguewoods to look termite mound and set free 15 Darrowshire Spirits from the Cannibal Ghouls. This will complete Defenders of Darrowshire and A Plague Upon Thee. 191. Go to Zuk’Mashar to kill Hameya. 192. Go to Northdale and get Symbol of Lost Honor at 71.33. 193. Go to Light’s Hope Chapel to turn in Defenders of Darrowshire and Villains of Darrowshire. Get Heros of Darrowshire. 194. Go to the Undercroft to turn in Hameya’s Plea. 195. Go to Tirion Fordring to turn in Of Lost Honor and get Of Love And Family. 196. Go to Western Plaguelands and then to Caer Darrow Isle. 197. Turn in Of Love and Family and get part 2. 198. Go to Chillwind Camp to turn in Skeletal Fragments and get Mold Rhymes With. Turn in A Plague Upon Thee and get the next part. 199. Go to Northridge Lumber Camp to do A Plage Upon Thee then go back to Chillwind Camp and turn it in. 200. Go to Ironforge and get Kharan Mighthammer and An Earnest Proposition from Deliana. 201. Go to Everlook and turn in Are We There Yeti? and Felnok Steelspring. Get Chillwind Horns. 202. Do Chillwind Horns. Turn it in and get Return To Tinkee. Do An Earnest Proposition if you haven’t yet. 203. Go to Ironforge and turn in An Earnest Proposition to get A Supernatural Device. 204. Gather the quests required and then go do the Blackrock Depths Instance. 205. You are now level 60.

Conclusion READ THE FORUMS AT WORLDOFWARCRAFT.COM. You need to keep up with what is going on in WoW, because the world of constantly changing. Anything worth knowing will always be posted on the forums at some point, so just keep looking. Thank you for reading my guide and I wish you the best of luck.

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