Letter To State Bar Of Georgia

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  • Words: 445
  • Pages: 1
Case 1:06-cv-02954-WSD

Document 1

Filed 12/05/2006

Page 1 of 1

A L [ N [ ITE'.D LIABILM( PARTNERSHIP iNTTOF2fJEY5 AT LAY! 1' HE U/P ,71ti ~'i :i B 'JILfI/W G S'fF P IJ E ' N E1 . p,POL,f/.fyi4V ~


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Diurec L ] 3 ,nai1 Ad ffi es a : :sVare@ew law .c :om D ialect Fax Number . f404} 745.O1 D S13

June 2 0 , 2.005

NIA OVEMN 1[I Ii'T '_FF:1)EItAL E :KP' R E SS John A . Hlardy, 'Squire, Office of Investor Education and .A .ssist&,^.ce U .S . 'Securities and Elxc17an3 ;i~ C ;omniiissioii 450 'ith Street, N'W

VVaslli .riE~tian, D .C . 20549' FOE : ]'met McDonald -- HID 11345 :2:25 James S, . Stege :rr tari - HCI 10 573 18

Dear h1r. f[su-d.y : I represent Rur nes Stegi eIrrLari; however, the i :crllcnNi»l, i s provided for 41forniatiorial purposes iri t11a1 : ; [ a;rr i not re ip;re .S en.t; irig him i ns this ma t ter. On behal f of Mr . St e;g e ,nn,a n, I would. appreciate your investigating, ]ills claims against VT ,ar1lo, viia 5 lecim:- iti es . '7C11i-,1-e , was irregular acti v it y i ri the account and there, are u.n.answre: re d questions including the fallowing :

Why did `vachovia fail to tnmsfer the account to Janet McClOnWld when requiestf,ci on June 1 .Z, 2002? 2.

W1-Eat h4) pe:rie;cl to die $14,!34:3 .CICI of availablie margin that i s list as available in June o f' :? 00 :2 , but its not Iiisteci as available ss ni.' .J ul.y ;Z + D , Q;Z '? Why was there art erroneous inargr ; irE call in November of 2004? wiai,


Why a:n'1 mry ,clde, rt't currently close aie ; account and take his asse ts?

d Althou& 'Vlrac•hovia',s letter of March 17, 2 005 cast zu,Fersions upon r :r . Sti.geznan, tl~llre : is no evidence of ari .y Nv;rnngdoi .q;lb;y rdr . Stc,grf,man . Onn behalf crf'IV.[r . 'Stegelmari, thank you far your consideration of this matter .

Cl,-celia R. How') James Stegelran

Janet McDonald

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