Letter To Senator Kennedy And Senator Hutchison

  • April 2020
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April 1, 2009 C3: Colorectal Cancer Coalition (C3) applauds the 21st Century Cancer ALERT (Access to LifeSaving Early Detection, Research and Treatment) Act and your pledge to reinvigorate the war on cancer. Through this legislation we hope to bring much-needed resources to the challenge of colorectal cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. As you know, when screened early, colorectal cancer patients have a 90% survival rate. The sad fact is that fewer than 40% of patients are diagnosed at this early stage. Additionally, African Americans and Hispanics are more likely to be diagnosed with colorectal cancer at a late stage resulting in higher death rates. According to AARP over 14% of the American population, age 50 – 64, is uninsured. A national colorectal cancer screening program that focuses on these individuals is imperative if we are to win the fight against this disease. C3 is grateful that your legislation addresses colorectal cancer; however, we have concerns regarding the current language in the bill. C3 has been a major supporter of the Colorectal Cancer Prevention, Early Detection and Treatment Act (HR 1189). This legislation is sponsored by Representative Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) and Representative Kay Granger (R-TX) and has the potential to save the lives of tens of thousands of Americans each year, not to mention billions of dollars to the Medicare program. Similar programs such as the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) have been extremely successful. The benefit of having programs like this already in place is that we can see where there are opportunities for improvement for future programs, such as one for colorectal cancer screenings. We feel that the language in HR 1189 will build on what we have learned from the NBCCEDP and develop a screening program that has the potential not only to screen, but properly treat so many people. Therefore, we respectfully request that when the 21st Century Cancer Alert Act comes up in committee, you will consider replacing the current colorectal cancer provision for the language in HR 1189. Thank you again for all your efforts in battling this disease. I look forward to our continued work together. Sincerely,

Carlea Bauman President C3: Colorectal Cancer Coalition (C3) is a national, nonpartisan organization whose mission is to win the fight against colorectal cancer through research, empowerment and access.

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