Letter From Super Of Berkeley Co School District On Obama Speech

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  • Words: 482
  • Pages: 2
To: All Principals and Assistant Principals From: Dr. Anthony Parker Apparently communication from US Department Secretary of Education Arne Duncan concerning a September 8 live speech to students on the importance of education from President Obama, did not reach our attention. Our heads-up to the event came from parent inquiries that several of you shared. I felt you needed both information and direction related to this fast approaching event that has become clouded by controversy. THE ISSUE: Here's how Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced the speech in a letter earlier this year: At 12:00 p.m., Eastern Time (ET) on Tuesday, September 8, 2009, President Barack Obama will deliver a national address to the students of America. During this special address, the president will speak directly to the nation’s children and youth about persisting and succeeding in school. The president will challenge students to work hard, set educational goals, and take responsibility for their learning. More information is available on the US Department of Education Web site at http://www.ed.gov/admins/lead/academic/bts.html THE CONTROVERSY: In some quarters, the speech is being publicized as "liberal political recruiting" and the suggested USDE classroom activities for students who watch the speech are being criticized. These activities are being revised in answer to this criticism, according to the White House and USDE. Since the speech is live we do not have it for advance viewing; however, presidential addresses have always been a part of the school curriculum. We are assured that the address is not intended to be partisan in nature, but is an effort to address the importance of schooling for a student's (and America's) future. RESPONSE: While not everyone may agree with the political perspectives of those in office, it is our responsibility as educators to demonstrate respect for the position of our nation's chief executive. Therefore, please share the ed.gov site information with your teachers and allow them to decide whether the live address fits within their timeframe and the context of their instruction. We know that a noon address is not viable for most. Media specialists can tape the feed for use at another time. That information is attached in a document of

questions and answers from the USDE. Our policy on “Controversial Issues” is also attached. We will tape the address to stream from our web page so that parents and children can view together. I feel that as instructional leaders you and your teachers can make sound decisions about how to best use the President’s address without the activities suggested by the White House/USDE. Please make provisions for students whose parents do not want them to view the 20 minute speech. If you have questions or receive questions from parents to which you are not comfortable responding, please contact, or have them contact, my office. Thank you for being flexible in dealing with this curve ball during a very busy time of year.

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