Let He Who Has Eyes To See

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 793
  • Pages: 2
Let He Who Has Eyes to See, See and Ears to Hear, Hear One might think that this is a strange thing to hear in the Word...when we are told that, yes, even those who followed and sought Yahshua, had eyes but saw not and ears but heard not. Applying it to today (with the exception of those who are in fact hearing or visually impaired/challenged), I think the same thing still applies, because we have failed to use our mind to reason and to test what we are being taught, or even as simple a thing as what we are being told by a fellow believer. Why is that you ask? Well, I believe it is because - for the first part where we fail to test what pastors, teachers, ministers and yes, even rabbis are teaching us, it's because we are lazy and in opposition to what we are told, thus missing the mark (is it then a sin?) we fail to test the "word" we are being taught. And we are commanded to do so; to line it up with the Word and even with the life of Yahshua who was the Word made flesh. Does what we are being fed (by teaching or even by reading...the multitude of translations of the Word from Hebrew) line up with, run parallel to the true Word? Do we take the time to investigate, to seek, to search out...to use Strong's to get to the root Word .... to try and see, hear and understand precisely what YHWH said, instructed, intended and meant? As to the second portion of this question, applying it to our daily lives in the world we are visiting and sojourning upon - is my hearing and is my sight selective and coloured by my own desires? Do I hear what the Spirit is saying to me when I pray about something, but because it is not what I want to hear, reason and twist and manipulate it to fit my needs, wants, lusts and agenda? And when faced with a situation that looks like a rose, smells like a rose, twist and manipulate, reason and distort and explain away....so that I don't have to admit that what the Spirit has told my Spirit is indeed Truth...and thus I must shake the dust off my feet and be gone from that person, place or thing? Am I ruled by the Spirit or do I allow the lusts of the flesh to make my decisions and choices? Having been given ears to hear and eyes to see - do I follow through in obedience, even though but for a little while it may pain me to do so? Do I have faith in the Father's faithfulness that He has a better thing in store for me - whether it's a job, a place to live...or that ultimate thing we all want, a perfect helpmate, a partner to sojourn through this human experience with, someone to share life with....? It is always darkest before the dawn, but we do know that as surely as the sun rises in the morning, we will and we can rise above these things that might pain us but for a season; we can meet the challenges that life throws at us, and the tests of the Father (we are emphatically told that He whom the Father loves, He tests...should I not therefore look upon this thing as a blessing, and not a curse which is the natural tendency of the flesh, you know the old question "Why me L-rd?")...to a new and glorious morning. Do I believe that promise found in Jeremiah 29....for I know the plans I have for you...for good....His Plans for our lives as we seek to be obedient and faithful to Him, to know Him that we might have that relationship (not religion) with Him are so far and above anything we can imagine...and I believe this to be true, because you see, I still can't fathom the depth of His Unconditional Love - and you can take me for my word, that but for His Grace....well, I don't like to think where my life would be - and actually, if any of us would be at all. For, we see, exist, hear, live, walk, talk...because He gave us the Spirit of Life and breath of life.

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So, today I pray - for you, for me - that if I hear the Spirit say things like "stop" or "don't" or "stay" or "go" or "speak" - not only shall I have eyes to see and ears to hear...but a heart that leaps to obey with unfathomable joy because it pleases the Father's Heart!

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