Lesson Plan With Blogging

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,648
  • Pages: 5
Lesson Plan with Blogging Teacher Name: Lara Bonistalli Lesson Title: Industrial Revolution Target Grade/Subject: World Geography and World History: 1500 A.D to present; 10th grade standard class. The school district provides all students with laptops that they can take home with them. This class contains students of all levels learning levels, but is a standard class. The population is mostly 15-16 year olds. These students enjoy projects that involve the use of technology and have prior knowledge of how to use wordpress and blogging. The Industrial Revolution unit would span 4-5 class periods. This is the first lesson of the Industrial Revolution Length: 90 minutes (beginning of the Industrial Revolution unit) VA SOL: WHII.8a The student will demonstrate knowledge of the effects of the Industrial Revolution during the nineteenth century by a) citing scientific, technological, and industrial developments and explaining how they brought about urbanization and social and environmental changes Essential Questions: 1. Why did the Industrial Revolution originate in England?

2. Why did the spread of industrialism to Europe and the United States accelerate colonialism and imperialism? 3. How did the Industrial Revolution produce changes in culture and society? Objectives: •

Identify previous knowledge on the Industrial Revolution and inventions.

Summarize and explain the origin of the Industrial Revolution.

Identify and explore technological, scientific and medical advances that produced the Industrial Revolution.

Summarize and identify the impacts of the Industrial Revolution on industrialized countries.

Create and organize a blog page for the Industrial Revolution (inventions).

Tools and Resources •

Textbook: World History: Connections to Today by Elisabeth Ellis and Anthony Esler

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Older telephone and a cell phone K-W-L worksheet Unit Organizer worksheet

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PowerPoint presentation Student notes worksheet Directions for the assignment Computer with internet access

Preparation Technology/Classroom Arrangement and Management Strategies: •

Students will remain in the classroom.

Students will remain in assigned seats during the lecture portion of the class.

Students will work with an assigned group project portion of the class. ○

Groups will be determined by the teacher prior to the start of class.

Teacher will assign desk locations and laptops to each group.

Students roles within the group will be determined by the teacher prior to handing out the instructions for the assignment

Teacher will observe/monitor student performance by walking around the classroom during the project.

Prerequisite technology skills needed by students: •

Basic working knowledge of the Internet and computer.

Basic knowledge of wordpress and blogging capabilities.

Lesson Development Focus and Review of previous work/knowledge: Students will complete the anticipatory set and answer questions given by the teacher. Students will demonstrate any prior knowledge of inventions and there affects during this time. The students will complete a K-W-L on the Industrial Revolution. Students will then complete the Unit organizer for this unit. The students will be taught by PowerPoint and lecture the developments and changes during the Industrial Revolution. They will use their textbook, notes, internet, and peers to complete the blogging assignment.

Anticipatory set: • • • • • •

Teacher will have an older phone and a cell phone displayed at the front of the class. Teacher will ask the students what the difference is in the two phones. Students will then be asked how the differences can affect daily life. Teacher will list the responses on the board. Teacher will then explain to the students that they will be learning about inventions and innovations and their affects and impacts on daily life during the Industrial Revolution. Students will complete the K (what they know) and W (what they want to know) portion of a K-W-L worksheet for the Industrial Revolution.

Teacher will collect the worksheets and give the students the worksheets back at the end of the unit to fill out the L (what they learned) portion.

Instructional Activity: • •

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The teacher will introduce the lesson by providing students with a partially completed Unit Organizer. Teacher will go over the Unit Organizer and guide the students to fill in the blanks on the organizer. Students will be encouraged to use prior knowledge to help them fill in the blanks. Students will be asked questions and encouraged to participate. Teacher will then provide students with a PowerPoint notes worksheet that they will be expected to follow along with during the lecture. Teacher will start the PowerPoint presentation and encourage class participation by asking the class questions about new or prior knowledge. Teacher will hand out directions for the blog project. Teacher will have created assigned groups to complete the assignment. Teacher will explain the assignment to the students. Students will create a blog page for the Industrial Revolution unit. Students must have at least 5 blog pages by the end of the unit. Each student will have an assigned role for the project. A researcher, photographer, editor, and writer (all roles will be explained in detail of the directions page) Blogs must include at least one picture and three paragraphs Students must discuss inventions, the emergence of an economic pattern, the labor force, and imperialism or nationalism in the blogs.

Guided practice and checking for understanding (student activities): •

Teacher will explain the blog project to the students. Teacher will have created an example of what the students are to complete and will show the students the blog created by the teacher.

Teacher will have students work independently on their laptops and follow along with the teacher’s instructions.

Teacher will give brief instructions on how to create a blog, how to upload a picture to the blog, and examples of websites that would be useful for research.

Independent practice (student activities): •

The students will be given a rubric.

Students will be placed in assigned groups by the teacher and be given a role in the project.

Students will then be asked to complete blog #1 on a topic that was discussed during the lecture (inventions or impacts of industrial revolution on industrialized countries.)

Students will refer to the directions page for detailed instructions.

Students will work on their laptops to research and locate photographs for the blog page.

Teacher will be walking around the room to make sure students are on task and to answer any questions students might have about the assignment.

Student work will be saved on the blog for the teacher to review.

Closure: •

The blog page will be saved and published to the web.

The teacher will explain that the blog assignment is a unit long assignment and the students will complete all five assignments in class during the unit.

Students will return to their desks.

Students will have five minutes to work with the person to the right of them. •

Students will brainstorm ideas for new inventions or discoveries that would change their daily lives. Students will make a connection with present day to the past.

Students will be required to make a drawing or visual representation of a “new” invention or discovery. On the back of the drawing the student must list the impacts of the invention on culture and society. This will be due at the beginning of the next class.

Students must read pages 510-513 in the textbook for homework.

Evaluation Procedure Assessment of objectives: •

Each student must make sure the blog page is published to the website.

The blog page project will be assessed according the rubric.

Teacher will have walked around and observed group participation and independent work on the blog project.

Rubric Teacher Name: Ms. Bonistalli Student Name: CATEGORY Content

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Shows a full understanding of the topic. Student provided appropriate detailed, organized, and factual information of the topic. Student cited three resources for each page. The each blog page was at least 3 paragraphs.

Shows a good understanding of the topic. Student provided appropriate detailed, organized and factual information of the topic, but only had two resources cited for each page. Each blog page was at least two paragraphs long.

Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic. Student provided some factual information about the topic. Student did not cite resources and only had one to two paragraphs per page.

Does not seem to understand the topic very well. Did not cite resources.

Blog Page Photos/Appearance

Students used at least one photograph per blog page. The photograph represents the blog page. The appearance of the page is organized.

Students used at least one photograph per blog page. The photograph is not a representation of the blog page. The appearance of the page is somewhat organized.

Students did not use at least one photograph per page. The appearance is somewhat organized.

Students did not use any photographs. The blog pages are not organized.

Stays on Topic

Stays on topic all (100%) of the time during the blog assignments.

Stays on topic most (99-90%) of the time during the blog assignments.

Stays on topic some (89%-75%) of the time during the blog assignments.

It was hard to tell what the topic was during the blog assignments

Collaboration with Peers

Almost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group. Tries to keep people working well together.

Usually listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group. Does not cause "waves" in the group.

Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group but sometimes is not a good team member.

Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group. Often is not a good team member.

(The percentages for the above are as follows: 40% content, 30% photos/appearance, 20% stays on topic, and 20% collaboration with peers.)

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