Lesson 3

  • December 2019
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Lesson 3 A Lesson in METAPHYSICAL SCIENCE(R) New Dimensions in Spiritual

Understanding and Practice



1975, by Dr. Paul L. Masters

ACTIONIS FAITH IN YOURSELF The only thing that prevents a person from taking action on an idea is self-doubt. People that do act are acting on a spiritual premise, for they are acting on FAITH. That faith may be expressed as God by some, or the Higher Mind by others, but the principle is the same. It is a belief in SOMETHING within oneself. It is that certain something extra which every human being possesses. In Metaphysical Science, we identify It as our Higher Mind, or God-Mind. By identifying It, the mind has a better focal point for concentration in one's consciousness to make It more real, and thus, more effective. You have within you that EXTRASOMETHING. It is YOURFAITH in It that takes you beyond self-doubt and uncertainty to the surety of putting your ideas into action. FAITH IN YOURTRUESELF There are two sel ves that exi st in eVi=r'L person. .One i$. the temR9,=-a.D self that has been 6'eated by the conditionings of society, and whic~ usually _has.a Hinited appreciation or itseif or its possibii ities. Theother _i s the REAL SEL[~that .spark of 1i fe. whi ch causes you to have 1i fe. That spark is part of One Tnfi ni te Rea1i ty tti'a-t- e'xi sts 1 n all thlngs and is the Ultimate or True Self of your Selfhood. To put your ideas into action, as a student of meditation, you should IDENTI FY COMPLETELY wi th your True Self or Hi gher Mind. When you do, there is a faith in yourself that, indeed, you do have that extra something that can make your ideas realities. YOUARENEVERAlONE WHENYOUACT. Most people do not act because of a feeling they have of being alone in what they want to do. Daily meditation and a constant affirming of one's Higher Selfhood, eventually makes that Selfhood a Reality in one's mind. QaJLJQY--~9pe_begins to realize that the personal minq ~COMP~NIQ.~~Il.-1h~Jtigher-or j~od~r.Hnd. IB-Y.-keepfngaftlTnea to the £RE.S.BKLQf one~;;.-1!ig.tle.LS~lfhoQ9,_t~.L.~aliz..a.tiQO_c.ome.s :th.aL~ re not a lone. thaLY-9.u._.a~e be i ng ..d i rec~~d__and._9-u.i.de.d,.. It i s th i sinner knowing that there is a Higher Power at work that inspires people to

take ACTION in their



Action brought


from the


inspirational silence of meditation, The "Action Guideline" set forth in this lesson, should be read over every day until it becomes a part of oneself. Its purpose is to help one start doing something with the valuable ideas that fill one's mind: By following the outline, the personal mind should become stimulated by the Higher Mind to take

should be the key to one's life.

i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I.



What follows automatically is greater success and happiness

and the fulfillment own soul.

that comes from putting

forth the ideas of onels


-Physical realities come forth as a result of your thinking. As you have a creative idea or inspiration surface to your conscious mind, imrediately say to yourself, liMyHigher Mind puts this into action

immediately. II -Doubt in yourself

,. is the only thing that holds you back from taking

ACTION. Take the pressure off yourself

by realizing,

of meditati on, that the same Higher Mind that your mind is READY to help you succeed' in it.

as a student

caused the idea in

-As you go about acting out an i~ea, tell yourself that it is not you (personal self) that is doing it, but your Higher Mind. .

-If you have to speak to someone in order to activate

your idea, think to yourself beforehand and while seeing that pers1n, that it is not you but, your Higher Mind that will communicate with that



-Another reason people fail to act, although having a gooa idea, they feel that they may not have follow-up ideas with which to help the initial idea succeed. Again, it is the Higher Mind that gives one the idea in the fi rst place, and It. wi11 follow-up with addi-

tional ideas to help you succeed,


-A person who takes action does so out of FAITH. That faith 'may not

be in ones per,sonal self, but it should be in onels Higher Self, which is more than equal to any task. -Constantly


that throuah ~ollr Higher Mind a~elf.

already enjoying and living the idea in your mind '-- as an fulfilled




-Donlt take a defeatist attitude when there is a momentary dip in the conditions of your action. Remember, when you start something new, there wi11 always be adjustmE;nts/readjustments that must be made. -Each day, while meditating, think that your Higher Mind is constantly guiding and directing you to the fruition of your idea. -Consider that negative thoughts that come into your mind, creating doubt or hesitation, are part of your old personal self. Nullify them immediately. These thoughts will prevent you from having the type of life that you desire. Treat them as such. Tell yourself constant 1y_t.hat_you_ are a NEWPERSONwith a ne~_way of 1eadi nq your r 1fe. IT you do this-c'bntfhualTy-;'yolir--suDconsci ous mind wi11 come taaccept it, and you will soon find yourself automatically 1iving it by taking action with your ideas.




-Each day, say to yourself: "Success and happiness are ideas put into action in my life." lilt is not I, but my Higher Mind, that does the work, perfectly! -Whenever


someth"i ng good takes

to your Higher Mind.



in your

1 i fe,


; mmediate 1y qAve

each da





rei nforce the true "sel -lmage of your bei n9..Lw.hich i <:;the foundatlon Of succ~ss in9 hHP..Qfri.ii~_~i nyour-Tffe-:-"--Some people hesitate in approaching others t9 activate their ideas because they feel' shy or awkward. Remember,H i's your' Higher Self that is the doer and acts it out. Your Der~onnlmind should beco~~ _ as a bystander that watches and praises the wisdomcoming fQrth from ~ Ht.9.her llilld. ltlS"-not you, in a personal sense, that communicates but again, your Higher Mind. Keep this in mind before seeing someone and continue thinking of it while in their presence.


-Self-confidence, to the student of meditation, is confidence in one's True Self, Higher Mind, or God. Those who don't think in this way are filled with doubt and don't take the action needed to bring about what they want in life. I

-Each day, tell



made possible to be REAL in life,

"REALITY is by my Higher Mind~ II REALITY.


and happiness

Whatever one truly

in my


-Don't ever feel limited or incapable of putting your ideas into action. Once again, it is not you, but your Higher Mind, that is doing the work. Each day, say to yourself: "My Higher Mind does everythi ng and is unl i mited~what it-ean do " -~Iaintaining

a positive



a conscious


of mind

that better allows your Higher Mind to ACTIVATEyou. Be positive in the Presence of your Higher Mind, each day. Regard your Higher Mind as the TRUEand the REALPRESENCE of your selfhood. -Each person in this world is unique; each person has a special purpose. If this were not so, they would not exist. This includes YOU! Consider that the PURPOSEof your life is to acti vate and bri ng forth your uni queness, that in some way, it may be expressed and shared with others. -In the laws of nature and the scheme of the Universe, you exist to succeed with your individual purpose for being. You are NOTinconsequential. Whatever action you take sets up a chain reaction that travels around the world. You are valuable to life! St3 and accept that value of yourself and you will find the inner motivation .to take the action needed to bring you success and happiness, and thus, the fulfillment of your own soul~ PRAYERTREATMENT "V.i.v-ine. P-tue.nc.e. oft mg Highvr. God-Being at; the. c.ent:Vt oft my m-ind, tL6 tjou ac..t.i.va.te. a.U the. ftoJtc.u a..mJ. pOwe..Jt.6.ur. na.:tu.Jte. e.ve.-ttj day, .60 I 4ha.Jte. -in the. ACTIVATING POOlEROF YOUR PRESENCE .m mg .md.i.v.i.du.a..l «6e.. My though..t4 a-te. .i.n4p-iAe.dby You, a..mJ.YOURPOWERac..t4 them out: tlvtough mg p«4ona..l m.ind and bodIJ e.ve.-ttj day. FoJt t.h.W Jtea.Li..zauoYl, I GIVE THANKS ANV SO IT IS!"




UQiverslty of MetapQyslcs BacQelors Bcgree IMIQlsters, 'ractltioQers


Study Lesson Exam Subject



Lesson No.


What is the only thing that prevents any person from taking action?

2. What is the nature of the two selves that exist in every person?


What can a person do to realize that their mind is not alone in its efforts?


As a creative idea or inspiration you immediately say to yourself?

surfaces to your conscious mind, what should

5. What should be done if old negative thoughts enter your mind creating doubt or hesitation?

6. Whenever something good takes place in your life,. what should you give credit to and why?


7. Whyshould you never feel limited or. incapable?

Doctoral Candidate (Please Note) Do Not Mall This Exam Individually. Walt until you have ~ p-Ieted all ~ Exams of this section then mall In all toaether In 2!1!...I~ackaae.Make photo copies Thank youbefore mailing to assure copies In the event your work Is lost in mall delivery




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