Lesson 15 April 2

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Lesson Plan Teacher Name Subject Area Topic

Ms. Muriel Kirby Social Studies Historical Globalization

Date Grade Time

April 2, 2019 10-1 75 minutes

OUTCOMES FROM ALBERTA PROGRAM OF STUDIES Overview of lesson: General Learning Outcomes: Students will assess the impacts of historical globalization on indigenous and non-indigenous peoples. Specific Learning Outcomes: 2.1 recognize and appreciate historical and contemporary consequences of European contact, historical globalization and imperialism on Aboriginal societies (TCC, CC, I, GC) 2.11 analyze contemporary global issues that have origins in policies and practices of post-colonial governments in Canada and other locations (consequences of residential schools, social impact on Indigenous peoples, loss of Indigenous languages, civil strife) (GC, CC, TCC, I) 2.13 examine legacies of historical globalization and imperialism that continue to influence globalization (TCC, GC) LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will:  Plan a position paper from a prompt  Build a thesis statement from a paper plan  Examine how legacies of historical globalization continue to affect the world today

ASSESSMENTS Formative: Observation o What questions are being asked? o Do students seem distracted? o How are students responding to review? Are they remembering content? Position Paper Planning/Thesis Activity  Do students remember the different components required for planning a position paper?  Are students confusing reasons and examples?  Are students able to form a clear thesis statement? Summative: Not applicable. LEARNING RESOURCES CONSULTED Resource #1: Alberta Program of Study Resource #2: Textbook- Exploring Globalization MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT   

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PROCEDURE Introduction (5 min.): Review last class  South Africa  Government responses to legacies of historical globalization  What happened? Why? Who was a key figure?  Why is this used as an example of government response to legacies of historical globalization? Intro class  How historical globalization continues to affect the world  Working on position papers  Planning and thesis statements Body (65 min.): How does historical globalization continue to affect the world? This portion of the lesson will be taught through lecture. Students may be asked questions throughout and will conclude with a source analysis discussion. Global Income Inequality  Growing gap between the rich and poor throughout the world  Need to respond to these inequalities (Inequalities = result of the legacies of historical globalization)  Examples: Providing foreign aid, loans, professional and social assistance programs, and direct food distribution Gross Domestic Product  Method to measure if countries have reached equality and if they need foreign aid  Definition: A measure of the strength of a country’s economy.  It refers to the value of all the goods and services produced annually within a country’s borders. Foreign Aid  Definition: the money, expertise, supplies, and other goods given by one country to another  Often to help compensate for the inequalities resulting from historical globalization  UN encourages developed countries to help those with less, often based on gross national income  GNI definition: the amount of money earned by everyone in a country  UN suggests 0.07% of GNI go to foreign aid, but this hasn’t been achieved Source Analysis  Students will be shown a political cartoon on the PowerPoint. (From page 207 of the textbook)  In small groups students will be asked to discuss what they see in the cartoon. Students should apply class terms in their analysis.  After students have discussed in small groups they will be asked to engage in a whole class discussion. I will circulate to hear responses so I can call on students that have good answers.  Whole class questions: What did the cartoonist intend to show? Why do you think Canada has never given 0.07 per cent of its GNI to foreign aid? Should the government use this money to help people at home? Should this response to historical globalization be an either–or decision? Position Paper Practice In this portion of the lesson students will continue to build on skills for the position paper they will be working on this week. So far students have completed a quote analysis and a planning activity. Students will have access to those assignments to aid them in this task. Each student will complete an individual plan, but may consult with those around them for ideas or help. Explain  In this activity students will be creating a position paper plan and thesis statement from a prompt.  For the prompt, students will be asked to argue why they had the best spring break.  Students will choose an argument (I did/didn’t have the best spring break), provide reasons for that argument, and provide examples that support their reasons.  There will be a quick review of the recommended method for planning, as well as the recommended method for forming a thesis statement.


Example  Before students complete the activity individually, I will go through an example of why I would argue that my spring break was the best.  The recommended planning and thesis statement methods will be written on the board before/during the example.  Thesis: I had the best spring break because I went to Disneyland and Universal Studios.  Reasons/Body Paragraph Topics: Disney and Universal  Example BP1: Disney is the best place to go for spring break because there are lots of fun rides. There are also lots of shows and activities to do.  Example BP2: Universal is also a good place for spring break because there is a cool tour. They also fun rides that are very different from Disney. Work Time  After the example is given students will have work time to complete their own plan for why they had the best spring break.  Each student will need to create an individual plan and thesis.  Students can talk quietly in small groups to get ideas or help in creating their plan.  I will circulate throughout the room while students work, provided help as needed. Closure ( 5 min.): Intro Next Class  Tomorrow (Wednesday) students will receive the quote they will be responding to for their position papers. Students will be reminded to bring notes they can use for examples when planning.  Thursday students will be writing their position paper Reflection (Student/Teacher)

Notes/Comment (T.A) **Attached after lesson


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