
  • June 2020
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  • Words: 126
  • Pages: 10
Leo na r do Da V in ci

Bo rn in 1452 i n Vin ci

In 1482, settl ed in Milan and of fer s h is se rvi ces to Ludovi co il Mo ro

In 1495 works on “The Last Supper”

Then pai nts “Woman Wi th an Ermi ne”

Pain ted “Mona Lis a” i n 1507

Als o the “ Sai nt John the Bapti st”

In 1516 invited by Franci s I, ki ng of France to settl e in chateau of

Die s on May 20 th , 1519 in Cl oux 

Credi ts Pictur es f rom G oog le Typed by Leo Inf o from Da Vi nci the pai nter who spoke with bi rds