Leica Iii

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 8,217
  • Pages: 13

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WINDiNG KNOB, cdvcnces tne: film ond wind$ lhr: snllltr:rr a:

lh e

som~ t i m ~..







pe go

FAST SHUTTER·SP'EED DIAL FOr Iligl1 ~p~r:d~. t/25-1/1000 see, end BlJlb [to be ~~1 a fle-l w,nding $hl,ltt
,pege- 7





l l l! n ~ d iop hrQgm


cd~.l full second - , / 25


l o n~ r;I ~ph '(!gm


scelc] . :

pa9 ~ 1 2

~ 1cl1 ~

page 13

LENS FOCUSING LEVER ' with infll"liry



ro. DE':?TJ l

O F FieLD SCAl E s.ym ml! ~ rka lly ~m'9 r a'l
p a g~


. . . . • , , , • . .


pogo 6


A Pc ~T U R e

!M N G E F I ND~ R

Pr;:J9 0 6

. BUllT .IN V IEV"' FI NDE ~


St OW SH,UrTER..SfIEED DIAl for n ow :re.;. 000 Time , • 6.

en belli $idc$ of • • • • . . pog o t ~

13. WINDOWS OF l He IU\NGEf INDER, rhn ouicmoti c for;...~i b mco:;n QRilm .....ilfdt i~ ccuplcd wilh I h~ lens [ocu:>ing m Ol,," n P.'ANGEFINDE-':


15, R ~ ·WI ND KN03 10 wind IM t!X,p;) SI! (ur l f i cl g ~ o r f~09 ;) lin (,o • • • • •


g<: 14 ;xl'9<J


f,lrr' back into the film PQ 9C' 17

6. REWINO LE-V E ~ $(!I 10 R b~[OJc ' 4!win.a:ins·film. Sel to A IAd...ct) cl!) bofor c fQ(!.QiD-g the- 1;(]Ir.{!rr;:J ('lg Q i ~ , • • • . . . . . . •

ri . ACCESSOF.Y CLI P 1-0 ~.-;> I d lmc reet Fitldet, Rash Utlif. ere.

PGfit! 3,' pr;:J go 17

pogc 18


9. SYNCHRO-SElECiO:::: Sc/.\ E

PQ 9C!


, , pogO' J3



~ SlO W 5li UII E.-srfED DIAl r", rh<> Ib.... i""<>nlar.eo'" \POeds 1115 - I lOC .


of lhe Wll"" dlo,,!/ing ' ra ", the ,r....... ~odI of Ih. Fron' Oiol to ' ho 10" ,,,",in Dial, ' t.e F,o, " 0 ;01 """, ~ .., 10 lho led fill"' . 25 , Con, _ tly bolt.


Ot iC

set 10 25 ...he'''

I ~:.

1.(!( .

is .equirt:!cL

' or~

do'N d~1 MP "'Oil' lhunar d,ol - a lter W. UIl~1 1'1<" ......

rod ""'re'S - 1 It providet Ollpo$.,uQ tirr''ft of l / :.! ~I 1/ J~' 'I ,., ' /•. 'h . I ..oond a nd li"",_ The fig"", eon alflYen>cnlly b. reed from ebeve. Imc-tmodiC:J1Ospc-cd, can a lso be '.' ,••g, ' I • ..... b

Wllon "'Cl 'Qi T. '~t!' ihf"lltel epees on bo'ng relfO'i4G, cnd fe,.ciru open . To close il, do no , pr... tile ,.I. a ,. but'"n ago"', ...., me r.ly lutn lhe slow ,pHd dial back c lin l. 1'0 1 or lan""rl and r"" 1lluller will ctcse imrnodio'oIy.' l to U"" ~ [10 1"1 • ~r I ~t . o l ltYl~ ,

• rt'te



Th. f ro,"" Oiol con b
I'''''' be PlMed the r.ng er chan<jiog .peec!,



10 , :.,..

con bI cfe,r\e e.~ 'Mll l by pn:!s.~i,,; do.. . "

'ptl,.; wrth 'he nd Irurmb.nail




Th. mo""t. of ' he I e lcc "aAdord SOmm. ICN-e' ElMA ~ 1/3.5, SUMMJ,R fn and SUMMIT A ~ 1/7 are 01 0 collo",ibl. ' 1PO

ous focol lengths. lenses ore- limp) lacwed firml )' into the

for plwotogropl",'ll

will G\ltomGai(Q.Ut tOIJple 'Yllilh tho rangefil\dcr mC'thorJ~

1, pull au ' 1 Iot ~ ill by turn l~ It r;:loch..j,.eo 1'1'1 .


It o ~ .

To pt,nh lens bott ir.lo thG (O~f a body, uf1Soc:l il ceunter-clcckwise. Wn.n I"" "'a ,h. 5UJM',ITAR 01' SUM. MAR lenr, rake ce re ' h<>I only the fronl ring i. gripped "'" louching the ..hor malod ring whidt ..rv•• lor oclju""'a lho OPfJ rt uro.

nil! '!f'I I-r;: hon ~ftlg

rtengC' C1 ao~ an easy and tepid in1lttchClr'lge of lens.e' of 'a'oriw

changing tlGng~ . The helical fOClJli'lg l'UIO'Jnt of t h ~ leM

Wllen chor.9i"9 lon.<'1. beld 'h. com...o witll 'ho I.f, hood, g ,ip ' h" I~. wi' h lhe rigltt liond dose to ''''' ca m... body, Cll'ld rco1Cn it in I h ~ Ao..,g~ with 0 1ligh' jerk. rht:n ul"rScrcw Ihe I.... w"h Ih. eem..re hold fiat in yo", 1.11 hend, I h ~ rn h,lrned \J p'A·ords. '0 ovotd dropping i•. In txe some wor Iile Ions i5 strOlNed into Iha thanging 1I0~c, liru fr;e lw,g lhe enl.c",~ ef ,h. preo.ion throed by I~rning . &gh.lly u\.ll't1iN'oCl()tkwiso, c"d theon hltr'ling c:lod... . . ii4 f..rml)" into thr. changing flange.. lens.es in co llDpsi bl~ moonlS nusl bl!' pulled 0", cnd locked In ,he boyono' oolch, ,t.c" foc"'i"9 I....e, in the inlinill JIO'i';on, belore be i~1l ' ... ...,d ..to ,~ . m ona i"!! llan9o. The openi,,!! in tho <"",e re body 'hould ~ be "po,e

nto\:Ofl from h. eat.e. 11



6. AJlERTURE OIIlPHIt,\GM ADJUSTMeNT. The light Ifc ."'I~miHil\Q t Opoedy of 0 phot09rc pJ,ic I ~ s is con 1<001e<1 by in diaph,agm. This ha. 'he serre fun~lion a. Jne iris of tha: human r:yc which ""' ic c n 5 er fl Qtr OW5 'hecf", motor of the p" pil o cco«ling to l ~" iOlOo , The d'ophtoll'" <>1 Ihe EIMAR SOmm. is odju, ,<:

R ~~t' . I PO~ l.':' ,

The tcblc



1.4 1.5 2 1,1 2.1 3.1 H 4 <.5 s.~ " J 1 ? 11 I1,S I ~ 18 22 , 0.5 O,.j I 1.:2' 2' 2.S .]. .( S I ~C I(,. ~ 32 .40- 60& .!D U8

that ;.mol1 diophrosm

openiI"l9j.~ w~ it h I\Clvrolfy nec:e~si~ Dtc:

lons(:r tirr. os. of "l':powro~ c ro it'J dicQIe-d by highe-t scofc figute1-1 and vice · h o grt(-' cdo~c4

f'1 "' I~" o p r o ", 1"o'!

! :;u \ill


Iho i",'crr..:, i.;.. oQI


I"''SAI INII!: or eo:-e'hTt woll,lu . ..... \ich .<1' h."

I, r: ", ~,

W hen ~'OP?,in9 dcwn to Ihe nO lC l highC: f S( ole rcgUtC, the lime: of C'KPOSIJI(tJ het

to bo doublod. 11, 1;'1 '.C:~. ! ..... ~.j)Cl~Jr • .....ere r ~(J I C O l e. el'l lU ~YJ ft" , ;" e alSO "'~ , f.;t: c de~I
o f S.,s.

.;IiCl Fj,lI:1;n. ill l 'O p~ d d
l i o n . ...p CIlU I i~ in-:li
8. LENS fO CUSI.'-'C LEVER. Whon 0 0 1 in use, ,he 11< rel="nofollow">1;"01 n'·ouol of the I. n, i. locked a t the i n ~ n; t r pc, ilion (0= ). P.." in9 ,h. ~neb on the qnd of the fO:XlIJsing le ver tl!-1cas.cs. the M lc:n. and rbe lens con Ih, o 00 rorcted for fa , u,i,,\,! ur 10 35 ft. Cl m ~ Th. locking device i' found only o n Ion... of 5()mm. focal le"9 lh a: le...

When uling the EL},M R, SUMW. r. o r SUI.lf.m AR 5Omm. I""scs do oot r.O.f90t to p~lI


bo i'on ~t

{>'.,I t

lhet tlJ boJfQI Icl"l's berrel, o",d I <::(~ II i ~


Long.foev. 1, 0IC' a,e fa cu, . d by mecn, of a m url. " , ing.




9. DISTANCE SCAle. Th. d'''oo<e moy be lCad oA Ihe f>g u1e of Ihe di;lonco ;wl. whith lie' oee,,,,1 Ih. io" c. mo,k. In addition ro the rt'tOin index, leK:o l e n ~ s hove C !-et::ond inde)( ceno~ed by R which scrvc, for Io<:uo;og when "'king INfRA.REO pho'ogrc p\'; lwi'h 'h. ""COp" lion oi the 28 mm cnd 3Smm wide- Cf'lglc locll$C$ ""'i1h which moximu:m :.harp:"1e.ss in Ihe COIO <>! inf,a ·,ed .,powre, olwo" lie. wi'hin th. " cp'h of fo c ld~ Th. r~n. i~ firs,1 :Q'u ~cd in :bc U$lIQ! mcnncr. Ih ~n Ihl!' hl!licol mO'Jnl movc'd un1il the if'l d~ .( .A: points 10 Ihot poo$ition on the di$ta nce scale wNch w
10. Ol:PTH Of flRD SCI.LE. Tho ma.im um , ha,pne" ob!ainc'l. by 0 ph" ,," ~ro ph i c lens lies in 0 p!cnC' 01 1nl;' disron(c 10 wfl ich H\le lens ha:lo been !-et. Ftom :his plol'l..:! dl!<:reosirtg '$r.afpIlCl1s Q:-.I(ln.d:s 10 Iho jo r ~rou nd as. 'NQII as. t-:'l tho!:! ba, l grauod. Thi, range a! . holpn... i. « 10 tile ' ubj«1 focu..,d en. Th. smollo' the ap erMe Iby . 'opping down Ih. le.. diaph,og ml 'he g,ea ' ''' WIl l ~ (fo r 0 give. "',loocc)lhe dopth of field. The nC:l;lri:r 1hc di$IOncc, the smalleJ the d~l h of fi~ d fer 0 , ivt'11 o pet t~r~ . To «!noblo Ol~ to dtH
tho dc-pth o.! rH)rd 01 any ICM apertu re a nd disla", c:e-,

o ~P l:dD I scaPe is. pro vided 0.."1 Ihe b () s~ of rho£! lens mount. It bOOf$ the o ~ rl \lr e r19ur(l$. on ci1hcr "idc of Ihe index ri-ork, and sho~'S ,lI e diuOMCS ill ironl of oBd


b~hinri thf!- ct:luol rot::usirtg' dis.,arK(: 01 ~ocu s i!. ob la in od.


~vit'il;:i (" n :l ,. shorp

In lhc ("ClW o! Cl r
Q) Q)




N O!E Eoe.oI. Ic"I1 ( eJi ~bl( d


,'I l'tl,l eIS,

(}J1(",IUlt «I .. "' t~~r

CQ l~


= a tlP IG'-.:~n '"

;n ~ h f1,


tfo..... C'Io·r.r. il shol}ld olwo)'s be borne in r:"liDd th01 Ihe r:'lOlC imum sharpncs'i l iC$ <:: 1 Ihl:' di$lcm;c to whi ,!1 rn(! focu sir'lg scale nos bt-t n ,e l. Th Clciorc~ fw diston <: e' vic""l, v.l lh a foregfo und

wh;"h <00 ~ o cg l e
'h. f<Xu,inO
ihe Icoding oi the dc-pth of field Ko fc is nlffid(! nlly Q« tJ r a ~e­ tor 011 p'o cticol PU'PO'e>. If d..i,cd, fUrl hcr dOlO may b. "b. lained ho m o u. Ipo!, tlO: 10worry abou l .l.. doplh


q --




- -"" o

IS 00

(IF fPOld seele, H i ~ Ant e im wi ll be 10 cbj aill hi~ rcsull s wilh Ihe- iolfO'Ni!lS $o ll ing~ ol tilt! fo.:u!illg . !'c(J I ~. For landscape s (]nd s.imilcr obj ecls cl ICr'l 9 distcnces ~ loJ) down 10 :5.6 or e, (0.3 or 9) end $'et Iens 10 inl1nily, Fw ~ l;I p sb o l 5 do.....n 10 5_6 46.31, (Ind fq.:us to lhc m Q $l importent port of the :SlJbjC( I, Fer pcrtre its, ur- full I(:M opr;: rtU'J'43, ~r.d fO!;IJ$ ~~ lJf(l1 ely 00 lho (! )'Cl ~ of IJI ~ person

r ,. The rW IN.E ,(E~ I ECi cornbinc-.s r ~ o!;!lc ·len ~~ of 1n l:' vicwflndL>( end the tonsefinderr IhC' ri ~ h l b ns bein9 Ihe- ... iCVIfindcr e nd Iho l.;of. len:lo rhe rOl)gC'finder. r2,

Th... BUil T-IN VIEWFIN DER i'!. a d i t C'C l- vi~ i or'l r.",d ~. c....d she...... ~ t l~

wbjct l I hro'l,l~ h

:h.c ·left


or,, · I r:n~ 01 I h ~

I..... in-eye plece, two imogc-s (Jrc WC1!, The ·j mc ry i m(]g
c l locu s

fO; \I:; i~ Qbtl;lin (l ~_

whcn the '..... 0 (cr:iidlnd~ 1 imQ9C$ me rgo into on e, Com:cl tXl,I ~

. ., .


F IN:>:~ CGIT-r.lrl

INDEF.: . All '01



I e.. .


VI l fINOfiR


M. ~ "'NG:F[t4 DE,~ Tf;L ESCOr-E ADJUSTlto'G l EVER, In order 10 inereosc occuracy ono (lose of focus.in.g. I h ~ r M$ Cl fi l~ f is fo:ltocf with (J tr;lcs.copc ha",ing 0 mc:nn."irlCclicn of I. S :ilTl c ~ . The ie lescepc is (l d'j U :s.I ~ hy IIJrI'Jill9 lllc smoll fl!'rer ....1lC-Qr 11v.! ( ~... ind knob, Thi-s PClmil$ fO<;rJl tng 0 111 ncc r 'Or di~lo nl o'bjc<J$ 10 the 9 tc olc~~ pessible s h Q ( pl:.o ~~. (:"'(I~;x: n5 0ti ('l9 Icr $liShl clofid cntic:s of IhCl e)'C'.


recticn I~ st!:~ fit ting ever l h ~ I.....in ·~ ~t:! p i~~



lil lofS . w

:rop ""'; 11 ha. oe no di

of lhe

t:t in


"ny ...~~'C~

'f> ~di.,doel .





II is ~ r or11jlr cdviwd - n:)1



o:! :<~ U (e5


b ut else :o r fost shu tte r to ~.ok:I lhc eeren -

'5 pi2"(! d ~ -

ere " ""dy in bc th hood " R ~!t


{OmNOago ~ ns l cncC'k both hand, g." , ping

tile .;o rncro -

th e rtgh t

indOl( flog", ' (la dy o n the rc fif'oso! bOUQn - JnQ Icit ' ndN r.,gc, 00 rhe knob o! fo


Squeeze the relec se butlOtl




Avoid Vlokifl9 t t~ ccmero which ii lM! l'YI oin C OIJ S~ r<>-f

rC\ull[ng in :s.ho ~ in9 the cc rrscm while re!eo'S iDg the shutter is iH1J~ l r(ncd e t the

,ighr, In' '''''d, 10'0 lho hollow of rho igh, he-id und o< the 00..prOle ro

cc uetercc t


do wnw a rd octic n of the !o r~ r.n9tJ'I.


Gi ll" the , om\)000 , uppo" by


pfoC stir,g your elbo....s to

f:o.dy , ono bring tile Jightin51 or

)'D L'I

<:y~ used Icr (<
to the 0)'0'lo!!M of rhe vfCWrlfl dN o r rong. f."""',.

uMh('u p neg otlves, Move rhe fi nger 'Only end n'Of thecmlrc crm.



FOR VERTICAl PICTURES Fin r M cth od r Hgld ccme ro in rigl1 ~ hand f""" ur>dcrnO
w;r.ding kneb, a nd ro~t · ing on ' <1100 50 buuon . TM thumb must 1'\0 1 ro uth . pe.d dia l. Th. righ, e lb ow i' cg a in$' bo dy. O percle rh. fa
C: Ol":"tcr C

cgcil\'Sl 1M

lceebe cd.

Socond M Olhod: 'oQ-ld ccmero C'S deS-cllbed e n pago 20. Cha r>g o Oyef to vef'li{o l pos.jtjon, right han d Oil to p. rig ht .ndN: fmgcr on releose buue,n,

a nd

r. h nood

'O ~No

fo ~ , .

iO(',Hin g

Thi" nl1)tllod' i:s. leve red by it DlIo"W'J a ccnvement ar.d ropid' Iron,i. /t':Qlly o s. I ;;~n



h-:>rizcnlel :0 c nd vkc

pk lu ,~


'}n:. l'n('rhod obv iare-1 shD ~, . 9 with u!It'.m,r rer1 cint)' g~ ~

lJorrielJlarl)' ceevcn-

it'n1 when wc·mir.9 6 h

,u Ppoll ing

a nd o pero ring




",.. t

verices teko l; Ometa c:cnl .ol~ bcve beco .,x p~oin(ld. (1 rolttine- o r s.ystem o~ ()p
;-. ,..Ov, r~ 1~1 ( Ill)' rro:'1 th

1~.1 • • • III


0 1t...1'I o;y r,loe-h d.,

Sl ~p ....~ j)



o'/4 ~O






.t ,



, "~~: .. r

IJ*'f'rl .-l inl


0-;: .

-:'QlIf;n il ~ 't ~JlOI""e 1T



S-., rh. 1r nl d ll;lphl(lll"' r~ t.."o!

.:pt,foJr. i • .;i;...;',d t.y In. ot_p.:.ll,llo! ,,--o!ll/ll' 0' »11e,

Sq..e eze tt-e thulln Ic re 7.

' oe"" 'I\e 'trr~ ....~!'f\ ttte

f 0"9f'.o ," O<./Id o .~ ,


!cl h irno=:iC1 lap W Ikt' tI lintJlfl ilT.;Qt



.Eoa4lntj the casneaa;

'1he ~ ~ 01 l.dm. ~. Firm mDnlt,lh:u::h,l rc-f$ VJpply pc rfcretcd 3S mm fil m for tbe l eko co mcra III the followins woy" 1. D/IYlIGHT lOA DING CARTRIDGES. Ihe
1. Cce tcir ers hoY ins 17'1 rel="nofollow"> It. of film - fl YC t e ico ",agali"" load ing•. Each looding - liuff"lticnt ~o r J6. CXPOSI,I1Cs. - is to ngued on or: c end cnd no1l;;hcd' or. 'he olh ., end . , imp litying in..,.;on inlo the leico mogoz ine. pag e 35 3, Conla ", e" o f bulk rlo. hoying SO, 100 or rnol~ feel 01 fi!n,. Th. film ;' a , ing lo I(!nglh without a ny no:chin,g, etc . It is n(!cC'-Ss[Jr )' 10 cui c nd Ir,m tl-.(! Elm ( o ir e..::..l)' pag o ~l

w hnn im .;-rt ing i nto L(!io:::a mosoiin('s,


···· ··l -J1 t-f-l (- \. •' .... . .. .....l; .... L • ....- _...... .. .:



lio~1 .

I",IIW I ,ha It ns .,nd '0;1, ~ I "

~ l, ;ol'l.

1.. .t'b .l-rl ~

\4"'l\'"~ ' - 'l>~:~1 7'-~ " (.1 ,J!.\.L ~' ~ ....... I. ( .·.:.:....Ll ~ 0' ....po

~ " ~)

r'" }-- ,


lo<:d rf-e comora in sobdu ed do ylighl, Fifm Mogczincs a nd Daylight Looding CortfidgC'$ shculd not be C'J(p0:5ed to d ay . li9ht lonso, lhen "" <",,ory.

BEfORE REMOV ING THE BASEPlATE prc-P'Orot<>ry 10 'co ding} mcke j,l,Irc the ~ c m t:! ro , ~ oO"lply or .....01 Pf~ ", io us.' )" expesed mm hes been rewcond, If this p rec:ol,llion is not tcken, e xposed film in .11<: tom~ r o ...... ill be ' l,Iin~, To a<:h;rmirlC' if the LCKO is. leeecd, plecc 11\.0 f (l .....'ind 1 ~1i ~ in A (o d..., .) po ,;l;"n ond I;fll he RE\VIND

KN OB turning it in the direction of iN; arro w. If cam e ra is emp:'Y~ the kno!> will torn freoly; if loode<J a nd lhe film ha s not b.,," lowa .od, Ihe ' nob "'i ll ool lo,n. If Iho c om~ t o ;, loadod o1d ,he mm e x· po'ed. pro<<<)d cIo,(tibcd undo r "Un. locd7flg I~c;: c;arne-to " P09<: 34.



11. 1«



!'O C ~.;o'11' In. F;I""



~·I )" liFt-i\u .::.r. °hti ~ 1I~1 01" "" "r .. a im,

'0 OP~N THE lEICA CI..N.ERA, pick up lhc lod I ~ cr on Ihe- bcneplore e nd tt,lrt) ftom CLOSED :0 OrEN, up to %hI;t sropr .;m d lift l ~(l b !;ls~f.' l o tl) -:;off, SOffi l} bosoP'C' (l~ (lr(l -~ or l: (;!d AU, lor.,,]1l~ e nd ZU [closed


J . .. -~ p ieeel





D•• I



f'Jl ~i liQ r" "


Ho l ~

the nJ11i nlogozill<J or ~Qrtri.;l9 " in the right hr;md, and the 10'«(l.1.1,p spco loft hcnd, ond slide ihe film into ' M 'Slot oll)ng the cc mern boel. .....ith the trinnrru::d side de-...·I\ .....nrds, Cere roost be lok&n 1001no !Qrr;;C" i ~ vse in do i ll~ so, If Ihe m09 0 ~ i n(! 0 : cortridge does nol d rop tig hl do... ·o'n, gi....c s,moll IlNil : 0 t (J .....il1o ~n-oh IS.




9. Pull up the ' ewind knob end M n in the d i,,,,,I;,,n of it> orrow until 0 sJighl tt ns.ion is. felt, the n turn the winding (nob Cfh) full royolvricn 10 its. !.Iop and prcss shutter re/co... bullon. TUIn ' he winding knob a seceed full Icvorution# winding the shutter and advoncing the- fi lm, while 01 IDc some time obsC'rving thct the rewind knob IVlr.') in 0 d irc:

lcad('f of the l e-ita film bri ~i .-.g an vncxpos.od portio n of film into positio n.

bPCH'~IC Ctam'~

fi rm $Pf'fd hod«ll~ \

NOTEI 11 the rowtnd kl\Ob does not lurn cOU'lltc r~( lod:.wwso while the d, the mm i' nol odva ncing. If Ihi' OOPl"''''. ,h. be-teen plol" ' hourd be removed. Ihe ro ,," lak"n ou' end the ccmere releeded,

10. Se! fhe (oll:P<>S\JrC' covn ~l}( clter wlnding the cnmero for ~ h(' W! cond sofc expo~\Iro Q!Jd bclere rripp:ng lhe $h uller lOO second time, Turn the C)l POSI;I


,- ~

Fer bled : e-id v-hi,C' film, turn the ring in the- di rectio n of the a llow until rhe speed e! Ih ~ fil m ooing used is. indicQled in lhe opc ning. either ASA or We$lO I"l, tMn

lower 10 its origirol posil ien . Thi! gi..es 0 fi1m speed .
For color fl lrn, turn the ring in 0 direction op po,ile the crrQVtl until the speed of tl-

The film speed indicotOf may be set before the lCKO is, loa ded or while it jj. wound fct Ihe firs.t 01 second scte c):posvrc. Thr.: indicc tcr serves only os 0 remindei of the film in 1J1l~ ccmcro, Its $QUi ng hos no beo ring 0'" tho cpcrctlcn of the beiee,





11. S.I ' he FILM SPEED INOIC" TOR 20 wilh ihe . hullo< wound. by r.Fting Ihe kn\lrred cu te.. rine of tho wind:n9 knob..


'="" / ".,,-- .~/

tire cameaa:

eJlte aU-metal .EeicG d}.ilm M~..e.

Vlhen the C'fId of IhC' fi lm is. rec eeed. the shutter winding knob will nol ,evolve Ofly rr.ore. 00 not leeee it, but rewind Ihe- IiI I'11 beck into ih (:o rllidgc or mag oz: il'\O. B.<-roro doing so. tc ke cor" thot lh<> ' 10..... speed d io' [5J is






not ~C: I to T oltlelw i~ Ihe S.hvl1C'l might be

open, ond the r.!m spoiled. 1. P'.ss down .huttor relee se w llan ond while holding it down, move REW IND l EVER l6 From A to R. P."",ovo hngo< from retee se bUll...n, Thi, d i,eng ag e, the film odvonciDiI and shutter fN:!chor. ism. 2. Pull oul r. ,,·ind knob IS, a nd ,......ind fhe r,lm by ''''ning the knob In rh" d irection of tha Qn ow lIn,i l 0 'Iolight IC'ii1olo f1CC is fe!:; then wif"ld PO$! this. leusto ncc. · I..Iter twc more ~Ufns.. the film is (ompfctcly Ylooo nd bo(~ int' o l he rr-ogozine Or ccr lr'dgc. 3. I um Ie





Ch.," Shll Innto" $.~ .. 1I Cth"t'I" ~ I I t ;; Sk., e4 'tn!c! 1;»c: 1 , :. = .e:" ",I'ofd 1'l eocl 01 Cotf'l' tI' tpool I~ = Slou 01 fil" c~o:m\ttr 8':' = Kl'IeIb rellr ""''';''0 t r .U t v..a "'~M o~"li"9 e-t c l.=o lil'lg , ... Urn .... o~.r i~.. 6 ' = S

,Y-'Jl;Io , :" a

The Lo~ m ogol ino cOfl!ain s. c bolJ1 51/ , fCC I or to 36 C! xposures• 35

3S mm~ r,lm, $u fr",i C':'l r ro make up

Il '

·1, Wi. d fil'" on rho <1. eratefy light, emullrOfl d& inwa rd. Il po..iblc ",e mcC9. 40),


i,"1 tne d erk a nd to prevent the ta pered beginning from $Iipping bo(~ into thQ ma9Ct1in<, h<'O illvst rotion}.


out the b"" t b. g;nni"9 of the mm loboul '1 inches) thro ugh tho open , Iols.

5, Bend 'he beginning ot 'he mm bo,~ lhalply in olde . 10 get tbe film OIl'

6. In!radlXc ' ho ccnrer , pool - i.nurled hood rirst - iflto 1110 inner ehell, the beg inning 01 the film lying in the

Pul both togelher inlo Hie corer shell, two re('! ol'\-~u ro r openings of the magazir:.c slJperimpoS
8, ClOY.! mm magazine by g iving the inner she ll half a : lJfn ccon rer-clcce ""'he unril the safety ~pring
9. Pull aul

,h. be ginning 01 the film

obcut '1 1o 3 inches f,om tho do,ed


film mogoziDO. The ou'o' ,holl ol rho f,lm ehcmber beors on o"1l,ayro curved line neer the '!rlo~ with which the beginning of the cul·awoy por. ticn of thQ film would co:ncido.



SfOO llNC THE FILM IN TH E DARKRO OM. W inding Ihe l'ilm on the cetlter spool af the Mogazir.oO i$ modo ('Iosicr by using our M COlOI"Ji

    The med1ankol film windor iJ ~ st c ue eked to da r ~ ,oom .

    if, fi." wilhd'ow .he hondle of the Wind er 'a it' the ed{J(l of 0 table in Iht!'


    The cUlling o f fi lm may be done wilh 0 pair of $Ciuon. T'he beginner will p'obably rnd it ed.

    viseblo t-o \,1$0 eer Trimming Tem. plcle becc use it gucre ",oes well topered end cO llo
    o .norp lone.


    f" lIe-sl (!)I'enr. then pl.n h back the spring pressvre ro ller. Now in":(lrt the ( cnler spool, with

    the hood of .h • •pool e ppesite the han dle, V/h ctl tbe handle is. cgoin inJ-frt(!d cs for 0 1 poniblc . il cngogCl ill th~ (creet spool, whkh turn wiln it, The beginning of the film is now t.od in rl\O s.lit of the cc n-ee spccl. O n tl,Jrnin9 'hI:! handle. the film winch iUt lf on ro the spool, rhoe fopring pt~ssurC' roller

    'of l"'e U HU sp0031 . ilh G..ft lrtmll'o)

    Cou cetly tc pered for Ihe ,1..

    o l~


    (C ~c:f


    The mm "'" $1 be held by Iho edge only and ony IQI'Jching of the enwhlcn mU30t

    be c voided .

    JAf-:.'hJn Kol filM Wir.1

    t lJI'«" il"Q I ~ .


    TRII.w,ING TH E FILM. When t!>c rcqu wed lenu ln of firm 5S cui ftom Cl r.o rg~ roll, Of ""h(ln lil t" ~)( P 0 5 ed por i of (I !ilm ha s bee e cui oF. end IM r~st is tc be reloaded into the camera, remember Ihot IDc r.lmhas 10 be- rrimmed correctly. Ccrofos:s Itimmir.g leads 10 IrolJble in the fi lm VJding rn ecn.c ni1m. as the pe£foro rions moy boo lCfn and smell pieces of film

    g CI

    $ 0Hte

    CHOOSI NG ,(OU~ FltM, Ihe re or. three g ene rol Iypes 01 film that con be oblo ;nt'd fOf use- with the Ieiee. ThC100 or(t clo'ncx:J as: 1. slow films; 2. rn!!di\.lm speed film', 3. nign speed film,. E.am pfe. of ccch rI pe or. , Slow; DuPo nt Supe, ior 1 Go.o pen 27

    i nto cnd jom I h~ rnl!'cha:'li' m. ;,.,

    the film winding mechanism is covpled wilh Ihe: ShUtlN,

    net to (:1.1 1 th rough {see 0150 pcge 31J.'



    pcr fo rolto~ .




    s.pc(iol COfC'


    •••• •••••••••


    • • • • • I. J U j

    :------ -- /1.5 cm ; 4 V2 inches ~ I

    '_(I dill" ,.·, thl' ' ew lt url'li'l

    e ' p:>'lIlIV' o n I'd

    , ...L jl'" t a nd Itatt-pcu

    dt..... I()pr.'. r t . Th.. ~1'O· r i ~9 Inbl.. a ~ jl1:• • 10 Q"l rrltil ' ty b~t'"


    e ,-:poSlJltj,

    bt:(I r


    mind lhot


    in phoeogropn bright obje'h appe ar •iv"ly bri!JhI"', whir" dar k obic

    powr e-. ln dull lignt mc-':c a duplica1c c:xpo$ure givir>g 3 re 5 limes In" ..ri...cl cd limo, Th" obo'.'. oppl io, le ble ck... nd-wllil. Ce ler mm nOl o.po,u.. 10liruc .



    V !oe



    l ci(a .M.<: tcr

    It wcvld seem rhc t it is bc~ to U$.C 0 high 1pC'Cd film (ont inuolly since if pl;"lmilS picreees to 00 mode undtr 0 wide range of lin" rinO cond itions. from Vi}!y dim to blight Ul>d"r o,dinoly lign ling cendilien. the le ns die phra g m c,,"J ld be u epped dawn ,onsidorobly fOf la rge depth cl riCl d, and fo,' ,nu lte' speeds co ufd be used. HowClicr. high $ p~ d in filn'l1 tt obtained 01 Ihc so,ri~<~ 0 1 rin(l g«:: in. rh o fos.l cr Iho f;lrn. gOf'l(l foll )'. 1ho eeerser the groil'!l J ..... hkh lirnil$ tho aMQUl"It of d" 'o il Ihol COlI be reproduced a nd rhe dogrea of enla rgoment a f th<> n ~el "'e . For OVC'lpagc outdC>Of picruros wo lC

    MODElS Of ritE LIlO CAMERA Ibe brid de scnplio
    Co- P'l .

    j,c. M 1, 11""' .. "

    lo~ d lt ~i

    , " "I


    ' i ~ I . I~ ..




    I,~ )oo.

    'I:' ,.

    m"" and

    h reco fTvncndcd . ~~

    .. i ' " 1 (If.~I OY'W.\

    0pM O~II

    s.a. """' •••_, ~




    I~ -H..


    1 ~ 4~ ~

    1/ 1 ,1111

    l ~ ~ :".

    ' (00'1 " ,"

    " J. )

    I J) - ~~

    1 ~ "II·o , tI


    "'Cf" _ ~ _ 1


    h Iht

    ~) C+ ,

    " u""'"

    o.oi·o ...

    1-pced mcd1oniun.

    9l v lftl


    lo .. ge


    ~~ :;


    % .00

    se(c nd or.d "Bvlb··.

    but dOOi no! hOlie the built-in rcngcfindCf'. Two acccnory clips. ore pro', ided;

    - It:'.


    CURilfNI MODElS Mod. I IHr Leke Camera, The lealurel of Ihi, model ore d.s<,ibcd i. , ni, boo kler. Model Ilf I. ico Camera ha ' .he .om o fro l.r.. 0' In" 1111 .,



    delOCnoble vi"w r,ndor end e "" fe r Ine ",pa rar. ro ng. r",dcr . ShullCf

    ~pccd~ l o nge

    4 ......

    ItHU'l' .....1'1 " . " ,tt U 0"'<1 ill . .. " -Ill" ...... ,." .....1';'1, br h·v . tf.o it.tpf ed 11", ..;11 'e(Y4 '111.-, ~(l 1I I....' : _ ,I 'U ......:'icc"t.f. h-:l l ~ - I.d I"tc;II liIel1l '~p~ l c ~ l lh dl 0110 h ~1 • . )eW .... h « .. Ih-:!.. ." c-,pI,. l ~ ,"~ I 't "'~ I Ot. un u . cr,ol , _

    fer Ihe Mcclc l 1111 l "ice eornero. HOW. ' N, 011 Ieieo cc ....eros hove Ine sorne bo.i( d",ign, en d the in' a rmolion in Inis bc:<>~Ie: co n be o p ~6"d re e oy t eieo,

    M<>d,,11f Loico Comoro na , the somo be ' i' be dy d..ign e, . "" obe ve lwo cc ..... ro••

    _ ~ ;.

    t . , .p;h'" ~.~' ,d Dt.... Itlt f
    , • • • • 10 . ... , • • ~ .. . .....

    cnablo ono to d-etGrr!'1ino IhO' m<>C(l1of hh ccmere. Thi, boo~'ot it.w l ,llcn prim arily

    1 »r. I. ~


    \'1ht:1't enimoling

    G eyepon 3J



    Itle. iotJt ..' tMr:"" u . I lcI'I"I 'hI' '." " . fI'IOb

    Eastrr.on Super.XX

    DuPon, Supe , ,« 2 Eestmon PluI·X



    A 9'O'Cd . ... J:"'=..lIn~ I1c-lrt ru::rhr-d11 , in:pM'i h . JPO!~"1r "ro bl• .TI~. b.,il . WfI ... ilkQ.. t 0 ,''' ,,, ' , il i, J
    Fa, ,, AnKe Ultre ·Sp""d Pan DuPe nt Sup... ier 3

    Medit..-rn: AnKO Suprcme:

    Ini, may 0110 be efleet ed, I be da mage con on ly be mm()di('d by 0 (o ,~f u l d e oning at 1hQ COIt':{lrO l'DO( hon ism.

    CorrO<Jly l1immed fef Ihco loke ·up spool.

    aMil4'oHd hud4 .

    from ~~ ~ 10 %(10 j.(:( ond. i",dud.ing ·'Burb: ' EcrJy modc-ls ot tho "f" $-Cries hod high ~ hu Ucr S~OO~ of ~f'(l, VlIlY ~ ~ o, ~~(t o, \:..0. e nd en In" 1111 I,••• second c nd . Icw lPCeds, .....hoc ro eppli,ob1o, of 1, !-f. ~~ . ~~ (I' ~~s~ ~~o ar'.ld ~~{. sccond. DrSCONTINUED MODELS

    IM d file no, Ine , om. fea' ure. 0 ' In. Mcc bu ~t ·in . yn,hro-


    l'I ilOlion olld film ~cd il1'~i I;J;I h:x. The film ~~d indiccrcr con be- PIJ ,(h .;l ~'C d for Ihi:!- model. O.-lt import<:.'1 t diff~ rc n <(; o! l l\C " l" M d " c" senes :!-h o~ l d be n O :~ l it is 1 /. i n ~l\ rO.i gN II"lIJIl ether roodnh . Iherelere, eceesseries w~i~ h euee (lo th ~ bnsepl c te af the cc rnero, in. pla ce of tne l egular b a~ p l o=~, and which a le

    v if!INfirwlcr. howe ve r, m c scporotod 1I 1!~ inch O PO " ~ Ih~ (l ;)g ~ rJlll dN t clll~ope l ~\'(li i$ O D the eyepiece of IlL':! fa l'l g~r.n dcr i r.s t~ d 'O f belo-..... the ic·....ir'O.knob. i o p C
    ~c:!ii9nc~ for the

    l.1.(l(iol I1I te ice

    ether mode~ . ccnnot be 1,1re
    t!1He Ld co Cc ,;nera hos the- ~ffi~ fC(ll L' r~ a s l~ ilk , with Ihl: exception 'O f the slc w.spood S.1l1J 1 2~I mo.;h." le L.:!i(a Cemere has 1 11 ~ scrne !oolur(."$ es rhe Jle, wirD lhe excepllon of Ihl: built.in J;Il,11omt1tkoclly <;Q4.Ipled ,c'.:cd ~ h U ltf,: r mcchc nism, Iwe ceeessery ~I ip s ore pr<)vid:::d: <)(IC rQr 0 d'e tc.{~ o b lc viewfinder ond OM [er the sepc rol e ra ngefinder. S!:iul: lY sp(!(!ds. (l.i 9 ~ ff ..m'l ~fH) 10 ~'~O (l se~ nd; ·11.;I IJ.;fl ng " BlJlb:' 'i.oocl l1Jb Ieicc Ca mera [clso kno-....n cs lJowM:xk1 G - InSJ: I1 I1l)s Ihf; rong'C ' fin~j) r ond y}(: wfitl de-l c:y<:picc<:1- close 100(Jthcr [Cl ~ the ....~. :>d e l lllcl, It Clh o h<J $ :....·0 illoll C'r 1/10(0)

    see. and Z (8ulbf. The:


    $"'l::od d io l

    fop (f~ 1

    i:!- {clibtol QC ftom I / ~D 10 fto.."TI 11 0 ] / ~ see. rC'.... ind kneb, TQP o;J nd !:,Ql!om

    h o $ ~ o lib tc tio rU

    The rcngcft:1 dcr telescope is Cll the base or too p!ol ('~ fln i ~ e-d in :!-c.l ~ dlrome. ModoI Hi e t
    . ~ 1/(. (;9

    ~h r orrii.'

    see or re [else ~OWII



    .·o\od ~ 1

    DJ. This model nos.

    o nly o ne

    shelt er :!-pL.-ed diel Oil lop Q; tho cemero , wiln SP(!cd:$ f /O (J1 I (~I) 10 I / ~:tf1 $~I;, end Z (B:t1lb). 1I ..... Q ~ $l,Ipp.' id wiln bOlh bottom ar.d top plote-:5 in cilhl:I sotiD chrcrno or b!C{.~ locqeor jjfli sh, I: does flat na'l(l (l)'qf{l t ~ r for .;arf)'ing .s~ r (:l p on <.l ilnQf eid of Ihe body o:S hcvc 011'Of the mooel:s. d ll'SCfi bcd obove, S:cOOord Mad<:1 l eil;o Comero [o!-so kIlQ....·1I O ~ she ,.'.od!!t £:h Does. not I:c..' c c buih-in IOn9of'ind'cr. A seperole detochob l ~ r ang ~ii n dl!r wa$ ~upp l i~d whid'J filtoo ir'JO Ill c OI:I: I:!-~$ o r i (! $ clip . It lJ a ~ on.o top!- ~ hu l t C' r $pc",d diol pro... jd i~ ~p


    .,Q~ {p4 Bcitl9


    tJ:e. .Eeica- 'e a ffl6lUi,

    Ln i~a ~(Jrr.
    'Ie r$o ri r~ l;ome' Cl.

    l h<: LcicCl has I hi~ :\.il'9u!or prol'c ny ·bi:!COI.l-W there ore 1'I10ny uniq ue e<:::ns1:orie-; c'l'oilco!B for it. If :hcre is $cmC s p ~ io l I YP ~ ' of pictlJrc )' g l,l wail: 10 nJ o ~e IhlllC i l 0 lei ~Q o CC.C'S~.f )' whic:h will permit )'OIJ 10 do so. A few of he more;: :l'O~IJI Q I LlJfW ' J;I';';C'$sa ries a rc dQuribed belowi

    I\Do mONAl lEICA l ENSES·



    6Y llh J.. ~ .



    ,\ iT AO-lMfNi; Imy type 0

    pholoCglOphy i5- ..... ithin 1110 scope of tho B ~l f.ow ~ All o.::hltlll-i'll Gild ' o:l;{:r close-up o no A uxil iery Ft4iprod ud iolll D~. vices ovai lOblc [ er the L(lk o, ThC'y e re

    voluobla in !.(i-cr,tific C1J>d mediee l 1'110tQ9fOpll)' and affo rd e great deol of pt,!;!05-' le in O UI hobby. CQP)'inS book';., sre mps, etc. end Iho phCWgfOphy of oi l kinds a Sflloll ob jects i!l. -c(J:\.i1y o.::~o mp l illX! d

    tho:! l~icCl o.....ner ..... irh Ih C'~C" e cccssorics.

    I.cic;o .;" mOfCi- o f Ill... " ;;oo $erics. IMool;ll$ le, '-OIl'/c rt(!{f to the: ··i~ [if end illH, ..... ill. Sl ACK CQ-rw ~$ion co rmo t Do!! rnc dc

    le en d lHd een be ~C"lj (:~ ~Mo de l s

    if ,

    S:r"Il.;hro-S.;ol(:, e rho " !" series with REO SYDl;hro .Sce lc. So '& SUNSHl,OEs<: l ciCG fi l :~g should be lJ:!.f!d to he... e ~ kies reprodu ce rn Cl with wn h~ cloud s ..le nding o ut . Yello..... !m ~n c re .Ie r genc;:r(l l u s~ . O fCln 9C'-fl?-d (lrH~ red f'i l t or~ <:01,100 ~'::; iCi to roproduco dcr:::: fo r dro motlc ef'i C'a s... Pcnchromolic gr/!(! r'1 f'iltQf:\. o r ~ 900d fci'" ou id eor ~ ~C'Il~ .....ilh !J.l ut' s~i t:\. end g t(l ~1 .... r. ! ~d (]1 io Tt_ T I:~ r L: ere a h o ~j}(l~ i o:l l Lcico r.l lc r ~ for K.~da~ hro rna eelor film. lc i~ [ens sunshcdes gi'''C' fL'lI pro ~r;-c: j ion 09(1ii'J sl stray lighl. There ' ore spt dGl ly desigSlcd lens shc des for the difhlfl;'n.l L.;-i.;" I(tMO~ , d~f1n i tC' lone


    Dyoid I"Ind\ IC

    ne to ieo SN vi{(o

    iug itl


    corn mu;ricole


    DQP{l fim l}"t b cicr c .$I)ndl e k o fe( i r'l~tQlfc~ ioo of built-in

    ~ '(SI ~ hre ni zo ri0 D.



    llw. t.\OD,L [11; f1. f\'5H UNIT i ~ ro: Lcice meelols !f. Ilr ~I)d II H .;Ind i5- powcrC'd by 0 nl!~ volt 6·C unit ier k:r'I~ ooll l?r;t l if ~ o.... d p:>sirivC! "s,yn~'l ond 5o'h olle .....· dl! ~g n , Qo$ w ring e ven illun;ino!km, c-.... Il-;'l ..... i.t,~ wi dc' -Cn91{l lenses, The unit ~ {Iql,lip;.<:d w ilh -Q mid. 'J~ r'btIlb (l-c'c;>ll?r O:1d rh(! : lldl(O ·p1U g p r~ e nl illQ Ope-i l c i r ~ u i ls


    lr'J i S ~ f C'l.

    l h(!- HH vIIi: ~)·fldlr on i~ ....$ .(11 .;Ill ~hu : t(!r ~M cd ; ..... il n tl()sh blJlbs. o no ot ~1X~'l d wilh .:(:ro ctloy <:Ic.;tro ni-c ...nil~ .


    q.G-CGJPd I e ".g~'jt?!t AN IMi'O.'AAfIC


    DESIGNED SP.ECIFKAlLY FOR SMAl l NeGAI IVES• The Pocomat 1~ reproduces <'11 of the fi n~ ~'!;! . tuil end g.:eQa I~"1 i ll I~ego li'fcs made with a p r c;!d ~l!;>n miniO",1r~ I;o m l,.'~o ~ uch os IJlo L~io:;{)~ oCamQro. f.<X IJ~iIt9 i5- O:;Qmp h:~ll!:'y tJulo· fIlc l ic:f'of)} 2'10 10 l i mes m(]~lt'Ii iic<Jtio ll'. AI; Ihe cnb rgc-t h~ 0:,3 i$ (Oised' ,of Io«oroo, =hc- Icn~

    c tllo:na ~io;<:J ily ~l(l Y~ in fo c.,~. G i (JOtQ{ :C l'l! o r9 C"lO c ~ s Ihon 1() l imc ~ o M : b ~ ~ d ~ by monl.l(ll ~o)el,):\.ir.-.g. Di (flJ;;d ili uminotio~ miSlr. rni7. o~9ro in Md o lher jfl1j>il ri.x lr~'15-.. N~ 9 <:1' li\'(!$ e l~ n'!;!td ~ r b: t l y flat lnro lJ!1h -:) ~,?vd ~or,,*·n~~ r, pI'C S$1) rC'p' lol~ .



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