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I Hate You! (Completed) But Cant Live Without You?

Chapter 1 - The Stupid Bet

I walked into class knowing that Nathan would be there waiting to ruin my day. But I wasn't going to let him get to me today! When I got in, I saw Nathan and his group sitting right next to mine. I took a deep breathe and walked over there. My bestie; Claire saved a seat for me right behind him. Ugh I thought. "Hey Ella!" My group yelled excitedly. "Heey guys!" I yelled back. I loved everyone of them. There was Noah, Isaac, Melissa, and Aria. They were my besties. We did everything together and we totally dominated! Just as I was about to ask about the party tonight someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and next thing I knew someone spilled water all over me. It was Nathan. His whole group were on the ground laughing as hard as they could while I was here turning beat red. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?" I yelled furiously. "Just wanted to see your reaction .... it was hilarious by the way." Nathan replied. I grabbed the water bottle from his hands and threw the remaining liquid on him. He immediately stopped laughing and that's when I started. "Haha now were even." I said between laughter. The teacher walked in and gave us both detention seeing as we were the only ones wet and yelling. "Ugh but Mrs. Fans he was the one who started it!" I complained. "Noo, she was the one who started it! She was in my way and she wouldn't move." Nathan shot back. "Shut it, both of you! Go grab a detention slip now. Then go change!" I walked all the way to her desk; head down. "Thanks a lot Nathan" I whispered. He just smirked at me and walked out the classroom first. Want to hear something else that's funny? Are lockers are right beside each other. Yay me -_- I stood beside him and opened my lock. Thank god I had an extra wardrobe here. I grabbed some black ripped skinny jeans, a white tank top, and my red varsity jacket. Nathan had already left and walked into the bathroom. I walked in moments later and got into a stall. I stripped my wet clothes off then slid my dry ones on. Then I took my wet clothes and put them in the bag that I had brought along. When I was done that I walked back to my locker and saw Nathan putting his clothes away too. Oh my god ... you can't believe what he was wearing. It was a matching outfit to mine.

Black ripped skinny jeans, high tops, and a blue varsity jacket. Great! He saw me and smiled. "Look who wants to match with me. I know you love me, but seriously hun stop matching with me." He said in that annoying voice of his. Ugh kill me! I walked away from him, but then felt a strong arm wrap around my waist. I turned my head and next thing I know some soft smooth lips were on mine. They were so hypnotizing that I felt like I couldn't do anything. What the hell? This is Nathan were talking about. I pulled my hands up to his chest and was hesitating whether or not I should push him away.

I meant I hated this guy, but he was such a great kisser that I found myself not wanting to push away. I gathered all the energy I had and pushed him away. I was red as hell while he was breathing hard. "Done." He yelled. Huh? Seconds later a group of the guys who I recognized as the other popularizes came out and handed him each $15. I walked back to class all pissed off. How could he kiss me, and just for a fuckin' bet? Ugh I hate him! I heard footsteps behind me and didn't bother looking back. "Heey sunshine wait up." It was Nathan. "Get the hell away from me." I simply replied anger clearly shown in my voice. Thank god he left me alone after. If he didn't I swear I would of punched the shit out of him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: Heey guys its me Lessia. New book here. Anyways as you all may know I base whether I will continue a book on my readers. So if you want me to continue all you simply have to do is heart and/or comment on the book. Depending on how many hearts I get will determine if I will continue to write. I want to get at least 15 though. :)

Chapter 2 - Partners?

I walked back to class knowing that Nathan was just a few steps behind me. But I didn't care. As long as he doesn't talk to me everything is okay. My hand was on the little shinny knob and I was about the turn it when Nathan pulled me to him and pushed me against the wall. "Look i'm sorry about everything but you gotta admit it was funny." He said. I looked into his eyes which were a piercing blue color. It looked like he was actually some-what sorry, but then again this is Nathan were talking about. He's never sorry about anything at all. "Whatever, now move." I replied calmly. He moved away from me and walked into the classroom first then I walked in. "So class, here are the partners for this project; Claire and Noah, Aria and Isaac, Melissa and Terry, Ella and Nathan. Well that's it so you guys can meet up and discuss." "Mrs. Fan! I can't be partners with him. We don't work well together. Its like locking a drugaddict up in a room full of drugs and telling him not to touch it, or like putting a cat and dog in the same house for a long period of time." I yelled. "Yeah ... what she said." Nathan followed. "I'm sorry but both of you will have to learn to cooperate because there will be no partner switching and this is worth at least 50% of your grade." I signed in defeat then glared daggers at both of them. I walked over to Nathans desk and sat on top of it. "Okay listen up, if were gonna be stuck as partners then we have to share the work out equally and seeing as this is worth 50% of are grade I guess i'll have to live with it cause I am not getting a bad mark because of you." I said in a strict tone. "Okay. Same with me. So I was thinking about doing the project on cellphones. Sounds cool to you?" He asked. "Yeah, blackberry's to be exact?" I replied. Just then the bell rang signaling that it was time to go. I walked back to my seat and gathered my stuff then headed for the door. When I walked out someone pulled me aside. It was Nathan. "Are you going to the party tonight?" He asked. "Uhm thats none of your business but yeah I am." Then I walked off leaving him standing there. I realized something just now. He was really nice to me and he didn't try anything. You know the usual; Pouring water on me, pissing me off, picking on me, etc. Weird huh? But I guess it was only because we were partners. Once this project was done everything would go back to the way it once was. Oh well better enjoy my time now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: I felt like this chapter was a bit laggy, sorry 'bout that. Next chapter will be better.

Promise :) Oh and if you would like me to update you when a new chapter comes out please make this easier for both of us and just add me as a friend. I accept all request.

Chapter 3 - Project Week

It only took us two days to finish the project which I thought was amazing seeing as how me and Nathan could never really work together. We were enemies but I guess for these past few days we weren't. I was in-charge of typing out the paragraphs about the features, while Nathan was in-charge of getting all the pictures and writing a page about the blackberry and questions along with it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Two Days Flashback): "The blackberry is one of the world's best phone, next to the Iphone. There are a lot of wonderful features about the blackberry such as; BBM, Social Networking, etc." I typed my last sentence and then clicked print. Four sheets of paper came out of the printer in color. Yay i'm done I thought. I shut down my laptop and then slid it into my bag and took it to school with me. When I got there I saw that Nathan was already in the library waiting for me. "Heey did you print everything out?" I asked. "Yeah, lets start gluing everything on now." He replied without even turning to face me. I walked into the small room that was pained a light pink color. It had white tiles on the ground. The furniture was all made of wood, and in the middle of the room sat a big table with 2 chairs surrounding it. It looked so old fashion but who cares. I opened my bag and took all the paper out. Then I started to cut them while Nathan arranged where everything would go. In the middle there was a big picture of the blackberry bold 9780. It had labels describing where everything was. Then at the side he put my paragraphs going down in a straight column. The other side held the question and answers that he had typed out. I read one and was amazed by his use of words. Then all around the page there were different models of the blackberry like for example; 9300, 9736, etc. *END OF FLASHBACK* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Back To The Present*

In total we spent about 4 hours on it. Two hours each day. We handed it in the following day

and the teacher gave us a 96% on it. Apparently we got the four percent taken off because are fonts were all the same .... stupid teacher. No one else used different fonts and she didn't take any percents off for them ... I think she secretly just hates us. Oh well she can kiss my ... never mind. When class was done I walked over to Nathan's seat and said "Heey are project was a success and we finally learned to cooperate. Let's never do that again by the way!" I then took to cup of water that was on his desk and poured it onto him. "Back to normal." I whispered into his ear while I ran as fast as I could out the classroom. He chased after me all the way to the parking lot and just as I was about to open my car door I felt something cold drip onto me. I looked up and that's when I saw a whole bottle of apple juice get thrown onto me. "Haha, yeah back to normal." He said then I grabbed him and pushed him on the ground. "Yupp." I smiled then got in my car and drove all the way home. I needed to get ready for the party tonight at Isaac's house and i'm sure that Nathan and his group would be there. This should be fun I thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N: Sooo projecty don't ya think? Next chapter gets exciting with the party and a few surprises are about to be let out.

Chapter 4 - Party Time

When I got home, I parked my car in the driveway and then cut the engine. I came out a few seconds later and walked to the door. My key was in my bag so I had to look through to find it. When I found it I stuck it into the key hole and turned. The door opened up instantly and I walked in and shut it. "Mom? Dad?" I yelled waiting to see if they would answer. No reply. So I walked in the kitchen and saw a note left on the little island. I read it and it said "Heey hunny, we wont be home tonight. You can bring a friend over if you want. Foods in the fridge. See you tomorrow - Love mom&dad" I folded the note back up and left it there. Then I walked up to my room and shut the door. This room was the best in the house. It was big, and I also had my own bathroom which rocked. When I got in my room, I threw my stuff on the bed and walked to my walk-in closet. It had golden handles. I pulled the doors open and walked in. Hmmm what screams party? I asked myself. Then I picked out some black booty shorts, a red strapless top, and my red vans. I put them on my bed and then walked to the bathroom. When I got into the bathroom I made sure to lock the door. Then I stripped my clothes and picked them up and threw them into the hamper. I walked over to the stand-up shower and turned the tap all the way to hot. When it was perfect I stepped in and closed the glass door. The crystal clear fluid sprung out of the shinny silver faucet and then onto my body. It felt so warm and relaxing like; When you first step into a heated room on a cold December night. I let it glide down my body drop-by-drop then down into the drain. After what seemed like five minutes I gabbed the soap from its holder and rubbed it onto my body, then I put it back and washed the soap traces off of my body. Next I grabbed the shampoo and squeezed a bit out on my hand. I massaged my scalp until it turned into a foamy substance like; bubbles. Then I rinsed it out. My face cleanser was on the bathroom floor so I decided to use it too. I picked it up and rubbed some of it onto my face it a circle pattern. Then I washed it off. I stood in the shower for a few more minutes then turned the tap off. I then got out and grabbed two cotton towels. One for my body and the other for my head. I wrapped them then walked back to my room. When I got into my room I walked to my little draw that held my bras and panties. I took a matching pair out that was the color of red ruby gems. Then I slid them on. Next I walked to my bed and grabbed my booty shorts. I slid them on then put my top on over my head. Before I walked out the room I sat at my little table the was right beside my bed and

applied my make up that consisted of; a little eye shadow, some clear lip gloss, and a little touch of eye liner. First I grabbed the eye shadow and smudged my finger into it and then rubbed it onto my eye, next I smeared some clear gloss onto my lips, and to finish the look I perfected the eye liner. After I did my make up I grabbed the straightening iron and plugged it in. I had to wait a few minutes before it was at the perfect temperature. When it was I split my raven black hair into different sections; left and right and began to move my way threw it. It had taken me 15 minutes and now I was done. I walked all the way downstairs and put my red vans on. Then I walked out of the house and shut the door. Outside waiting for me was Claire, with Noah, Melissa, and Aria. I hopped into the car and then she pulled out of the driveway and to Isaac's house. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was a 25 minutes drive, and there were no parking spaces left so we had to park one block away from the house and walk back. The house looked like some crazy zoo. Entering the house there were red cups scattered all over the floor, and couples banging each other on the wall. I looked around the room and spotted some piercing blue eyes staring at me. Nathan. I smiled and then walked over to Isaac. "Heey killer party man." I said and then hugged him. Everyone else hugged him too. They started to chat about the party and who came with who. I wasn't much the gossip type so I didn't care about it. Walking over to the drink table I got myself some punch. I felt some eyes burning holes into my back so I turned around and faced some guy who I have never seen before. "Heey pretty mama." He said. I felt terrified. He was big and buff. He started moving closer to me until I found myself backed up against the wall. I prayed that someone would save me. Just then I felt some soft lips crash onto mine. I realized that the guy was still there so I acted along. I snaked my arms up to the persons neck while they wrapped an arm around my waist. They bite my bottom lip and I didn't grant them access at first but then they moved a hand down to my ass and grabbed. I gasped and they took that as an advantage. I realized that the big guy had left so I pulled away and was shocked at what I saw. Nathan had saved me. "Heey ugly!" he shouted over the blasting music."Heey man-whore thanks for saving me." I tried to act as nice as I possibly could. "What?" He replied with and I just stared at him like what the hell. "Uhm I said man-whore, and I thanked you." he held a hand to his chest and acted offended. "I am no man-whore." he said. "Are too." "Am not." "Yeah you are! You have probably slept with every single girl at school already except for

me, Melissa, Aria, and Claire." "For your information I haven't slept with any girls from school. Heck I haven't even slept with any girl in my whole life unless you count my little sister." He looked crushed, or was that just my imagination? Well if he actually did he tried to hide it and did a pretty good job at it too. "Okay whatever you say man-whore." I replied simply with and then walked away from him while he called me names like; ugly, stupid, freak. I turned hot on my heel and walked back to him. Then I did something I would never do. I raised my hand and slapped him across the cheek. It was now turning red and I felt bad. "O-oh my g-god i'm s-s-sorry." I stuttered. Then ran away as fast as I could. I ran all the way to Claire and begged her to take me home. It looked like she was wasted. So I ran around the house trying to find Aria who was also wasted. Gheesh I thought. I saw Noah and he looked fine so I asked him if I could borrow his car and bring it back tomorrow. He nodded and threw me to key. I immediately ran out of the house and to the car. I pulled out of the driveway and speed home. I was scared of what Nathan was going to do to me. I mean I've heard that he takes revenge on anyone who does anything to him, and I just slapped him. I think I just asked for my death wish. This would soooo be news around the school tomorrow and everyone would be talking about it. Ughh!

Chapter 5 - Worst Day Ever!

I walked into the school first making sure that Nathan was no where in sight. He wasn't so I proceeded walking in. I walked all the way to my locker and quickly pushed my bag inside and took out the books I would need; my English textbook, my sketch pad, and my gym clothes. I them slammed the locker closed and saw Nathan. He was looking at me with a murderous look and I could still see my hand print on his face. I tried to run away, but before I did he grabbed my wrist and pushed me onto the ground. My books and clothes fell out of my hand and he bended over and whispered into my ear "Bitch prepare for the worst day of your life." He then walked away with an evil grin on his face. I was terrified i've never seen him like this before. Aria saw me on the ground and ran over to me. She helped me pick up my things and asked me what happened but I lied and said "I'm just clumsy, and didn't see that toy on the ground and tripped." She asked me if I was okay and I said yeah. Then I left her and walked to my first period class. The teacher wasn't there yet, and what scared me most was Nathan was along with his group. I walked into the classroom and took a seat at my normal desk. I realized it had stuff written all over it. Like the words "Slut, Bitch, ugly, etc." I felt the waterworks coming but I held them in. I prayed that Claire would hurry up and get here. He (Nathan) looked at me and laughed. Then a small girl from his group came up to me and poured a glass of what seemed to be water and sugar together on me and called me a bitch. I was mad, so I replied to her and said "Look who's talking slut oh and by the way thanks for the compliment. As you may know bitches are dogs, dogs bark, bark is from trees, trees are from nature and nature is beautiful." Her mouth was wide open now. "Hun close your mouth before a fly flies in and dies due to your bad breathe." She looked like she was going to cry but I didn't care they pushed me past my level and I wasn't going to play nice. I then got up from my seat and walked to Nathan. "Okay listen man-whore who the fuck do you think you are? Don't make me have to slap you again. 'Cause next time it wont be pretty and i'll make sure everyone hears about it." I walked out of the classroom and to my locker to get another pair of clothes to wear. I decided on; white booty shorts, and a blue tank top. When I came out the bathroom I saw Nathan by the locker waiting for me. I walked over there ready to slap him at any time if I had to. "Listen little prick don't you dare talk to me again like that or else." he said then walked away. "Or else what? You gonna call the little cops on me?" I replied. He walked back to me and looked like he was going to punch me. He got his hand ready and swung but it didn't hit me. Instead he hit the

wall. After he walked away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was finally gym time so I walked into the change room and saw Aria and Melissa waiting for me. I hurried up and changed and then walked out of the change room with them by my side. Nathan was already outside and looked like he was going to enjoy this class. The teacher said that today we were going to play doge ball. Girls against boys. Oh no. The balls were flying like crazy and mostly at me! I dodged as many as I could and some people covered for me seeing as I was the captain for the girls. Now I was the only one left and I was up against Nathan and two of his group members. They threw the ball at me with great speed and I caught it sending one of the players out. I pretended to throw at Nathan but then aimed at the other played. It hit him behind the leg and now he was out. Phew. Nathan smirked and then threw the ball. I managed to dodge the first time but when he threw it again the second time it hit me hard in the chest and I fell down on the ground. My vision was turning blurry and all I could see now was the color black (Okay its a shade but whatever) Then I don't know what happened next cause I wasn't conscious anymore. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N: Okay that was part one. Part two will be out on Thursday because I wont be home tomorrow so I wont be able to update. What will happen to Ella, and why is Nathan being so rude? Find out in the next chapter coming soon :) - Leesia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PART 2:

When I woke up I didn't know where I was or what happened. "Hello?" I called out but got no answer. I tried again but much louder this time "HELLO?!" I called out once again. The school nurse came rushing to me and asked me if I was okay. She said "Dear, one of your classmates hit you with a ball in gym class and all of a sudden you blacked out." Who hit me? Was what I thought then I remembered it. We were in gym class playing dodge ball. I was up against Nathan and two of his group members. One of them threw the ball with great speed but I caught it sending him out. Then I faked the ball and got one of the other players out. Only me and Nathan were left. He threw the ball at me and I managed to dodge it the first time, but I didn't see it coming the second time and it hit me hard in the chest. I fell to the floor and then I think I blacked out?

The nurse just gave me some pain killers and then told me I could go back to class. I got up and walked to my locker first and grabbed an extra pair of clothes. I walked to the bathroom, changed, and then walked to my last period of the day; study hall. When I got there everyone who was in my previous gym class came up to me and asked me if I was okay. I told them I was. Then I left and sat down on the couch where no one was at. I took out a cup from my bag and spit the pain killers out. "You shouldn't do that." Someone said. I froze and looked up. Sadly it was Nathan. "Just shut up and leave me alone." I said. Instead he walked closer to me and sat down beside me. I just ignored him though. I mean hes the reason why I blacked out in gym class, and hes just been plain rude to me this whole day. No way was I going to forgive him even if he begged. "Look, i'm sorry. The one reason why I was mean to you before was because well I haven't told anyone this so please keep it to yourself. The reason was because back when I was little my dad used to drink. He had just come home from his job in the middle of the night and I was a sleep. He walked into my room and woke me up. I could tell that he had been drinking so I backed far away from him then ran out the door to the neighbors. Before I even got out the house he grabbed me and slapped me hard against the cheek. So when you did that it made me mad and I started to remember him." Okay I got to admit that I was starting to feel bad but that was no excuse. "Whatever. Can you leave me alone now. I don't want to see your face." I said in a polite voice but it actually came out rude. He looked hurt but walked away. I felt bad but ughh. After Claire, Noah, and Isaac came and sat down next to me. "You okay babe?" Noah asked. I just stared at him and laughed "Yeah thanks for asking." "Well that's great to hear. How about all of us do something after school like watch a movie?" He asked. "Okay sounds good to me." The rest of the period was quiet because we were all studying. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N: Whoa, whats up with Noah? Did he just call Ella babe?? What does that mean??? Find out in next chapter that will be out tomorrow hopefully :D Yay I was able to do a quick update for today too :D

Chapter 6 - Movies

The bell rang signaling that it was time to go. I gathered my things and walked out of the library with Noah, Isaac, Melissa, Aria, and Matthew. We split up and went to are lockers to put everything back then we got in the cars and began to drive to the movie theater. I was with Noah, Issac was with Aria, and Melissa was with Matthew. We left all together, but I realized that Noah wasn't going to the movie theater he was going in the opposite direction. "Where are we going?" I asked him. "I told the others that we weren't going to the movie theater, and instead I was taking you out somewhere." He said. "Ooh okay then." I stayed quiet for the whole drive and started to think about Noah. Noah was a total hottie. He played a lot of sports (QB in the football team) and he was really smart. He was also in the popular group and had a lot of girls drooling over him. It was weird seeing as he was really sweet, but had that bad boy look to him. He was 6'1 and also had raven black hair like me that was short. His eyes, oh boy. His eyes were a fascinating brown. A perfect blend of caramel brown and black. They always glistened in the light and whenever I looked at him I would melt inside because of how warm they looked. One word to describe them would be; breathtaking. Ooh and his body was another story. He had a 6 pack that made me drool wherever I stared at him. Basically he was the perfect package, and any girl would be lucky enough to have him as a boyfriend. The car then came to a stop, and he came out and walked over to my side and opened the door for me like a true gentlemen. I climbed out and thanked him then linked arms with him. He had brought me to another movie theater. It was called Cinema complex. It was one of my favorite movie theaters because well ... it didn't have bugs. We walked all the way to the front and he ordered 2 tickets to "I Hate You! (But Can't Live Without You?)" We then walked over and bought a big bag of popcorn and two drinks. Mine was Ice Tea, while his was Coke. When we got into the theater it was jam packed. Well obviously it would be, this was the best movie of the year, and it was by the director Aleesia. She always made the best movies :) We found seats in the back and sat down. Then the movie started and everyone was quiet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *25 Minutes Later*

I could see couples holding hands, while some were snuggled together. Awww I thought. I continued to watch the movie until I felt someone burning holes into the side of my head. I turned to that person and it was Noah. He just stared at me and smiled. I winked at him then turned back to watch the movie. A few seconds later I felt Noah lift me up and place me onto his lap. I turned around to look at him but then some smooth lips were pressed against mine. I felt myself turn to jelly because the kiss was heavenly. My arms had somehow managed to snake their self's up to Noah's neck while he wrapped an arm around my waist. He kissed me passionately and I responded. I bit his bottom lip asking for entrance and he gladly granted it. Are tongues meet half way and they danced together like ballerinas in a bam-bam-ba rhythm. He teased my tongue a bit then I did it right back to him. I pulled back to catch my breathe while he sent a trail of kisses down my neck. He stopped at my collar bone and sucked on it. I moaned quietly, and lucky for us no one heard "Shhh Ella, we don't want anyone to hear." He whispered in my ear in the sexy voice of his. I laid my head down on his chest while we continued to kiss me. Then I slid back down in my seat because the movie was coming to an end and the lights would soon turn on. I was red as a tomato. Noah moved his hands down to mine and entwined are fingers. I blushed. Then the lights came on. We got up and left the movie theater. When we were back in his car there was an awkward silence. Then he spoke "Heey Ella, I was wondering ... would you be my girlfriend?" He was a sweet guy, and I did have some sort of attraction pull towards him so I said "Yes, I would love to." He smiled showing his pearly perfect white teeth then pulled me onto his lap again. This time I was the one to start to kiss. I held his neck and pulled him closer to me. Then I kissed him on he lips lightly. He responded not wasting a second. Then after a few minutes he pulled back and whispered in my ear making me shiver "Its official were boyfriend and girlfriend." I nodded my head seeing as I was out of breathe from all the kissing we had just done. He placed me back in my seat and drove me home. We pulled up in my drive way a few minutes later. "I love you Ella." He said before I got out the car. "Love you too babe." I replied and pecked him on the lips. I walked up to the porch and waved goodbye before entering the house. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(A/N: Yayy another chapter!!! Whoa so now Ella, and Noah are dating. What going to happen when the rest of the school finds out?

Chapter 7 - I Actually Love You

*Beep, Beep, Beep.* My alarm clock rang. "Ugh five more minutes." I told it, but then realized it wasn't voice activated. Fuck! I tried to hit the off button aimlessly but my hand kept missing it. I grabbed the alarm clock and pressed every single button I saw but it still wouldn't shut up. I finally found it and hit the off button and crawled back into bed. A few seconds later it started to play Justin Bieber - Baby. Ughhh its so horrible that I grabbed the alarm clocked, glared at it for 2 seconds, then threw it against the wall. (No offense JB fans) Uh oh. It slammed into the wall and crashed into what seemed like one million little pieces. But heey it was off, and no more stupid Justin Bieber was playing. I snuggled back into bed and slept for another 5 minutes. "I threw a wish in the well don't ask me i'll never tell I looked to you as it fell and now your in my way I trade my soul for a wish pennies and dimes for a kiss I wasn't looking for this but now your in my way. Your stare was holding rip jeans skin was showing hot night wind was blowing where you think you going baby? Heey I jus-." My phone rang and I instantly picked it up knowing that it was Noah. "Heey babe. Want a ride?" He asked. "Sure be here in 20?" I replied half a sleep. "Sure, love you." "Love you too." Then I hung up and forced myself awake. I walked into the bathroom, close the door, and stripped my clothes. Then I picked them up and threw them into my hamper. I walked to the bathtub and turned the tap all the way to hot. When the tub was filled I turned it off and got in. I poured some bubble mixture into the water and splashed my arms creating the bubbles. Then I grabbed the bubble soap and cleansed myself. The water felt like a sweater. Wrapping me up and in its embrace and keeping me warm. Ahhh I said out loud feeling relaxed. I stayed in for a few more minutes then drained the tub and got out. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked back into my room. After I dried off and put on my blue romper with my white gladiators. I walked to my little table and decided to just let my hair hang low today. Then I grabbed my make up bag and took out some eye liner and lip gloss. I moved the eye liner on my eye in a steady beat and then put it back. Then I grabbed my light pink gloss and rubbed some onto my full pink lips. Perfect I smiled. Then walked downstairs to get something to eat. I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and sat down on a stool in the kitchen. I ate it in silence while flicking thew a teen magazine. The door bell just rang and I walked to the front and opened the door. The stood Noah. "Heey sexy." He greeted me then kissed me lightly on the lips. "Heey hottie." I replied with.

"You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and then walked out of the house and closed the door behind me. I got into his grey Mercedes Benz and he pulled out of my driveway. Moments later we arrived at school.When I got out I noticed that Noah had parked right beside Nathan, and I could see Nathan eye balling us from the other side of his car. Oh snap I thought. Noah walked around to my side and held my waist. Everyone was staring. The girls smiled in approval and some even whispered in my ear when I passed them "Good Job." Most of the guys looked jealous and some looked happy for Noah. Some even came up and high fived him. "You got your self a keeper." Some whispered to him. I blushed and then we walked to my locker and I gave him a quick peck on the lips before he left to go to his. He didn't want to break away though. Soon after he left to go to his locker. I smiled and then grabbed the books I needed for the first period because we only had one period of class today then we could leave. Some holiday today I thought. It was weird since we hardly got to ditch school right after the first period but thank god. I slammed the locker close and spotted some piercing blue eyes staring at me ... Nathan. It was getting AWKWARD so I looked away first and proceeded to class. When I got to class I walked in and took a seat at my normal desk. Moments later the class was filling up because students were now making there way here. The teacher walked in a few minutes after and proceeded teacher the class. I paid attention for most of it but zoned out a couple of times because I kept catching Nathan staring at me .... awkward moments. The first time he did it was at exactly 9:10am, then 9:20am. I didn't think much of it at first.Maybe I had something on my face? I took out a mirror and looked at my reflection and saw nothing. I put it away and then looked back at Nathan. He was still staring ... stalker much? I noticed that every 10 minutes he stared at me. Why was he staring at me? He never gave me this much attention before. So I wasn't used to it. I was used to everyone else staring at me but not him. Like around 9:30am, 9:40am, 9:50am, and right when the bell rang. Holy shit that was really awkward I thought and tried to rush my way out of class because he was now scaring the living fuck out of me. I ran to my locker and hurried and threw my books in.

I slammed it shut and then jumped in surprise when I saw Nathan right next to me. It was just the two of us in the hallway. Where the hell was everyone? I just stared at him for a few seconds then walked away as calmly as I could. I was pretty sure that I did a terrible job at that by the way. I was walking to Noah's locker when Nathan grabbed me back and pushed me against my locker. He pinned my arms above my head and kissed my passionately. I could feel the sparks erupt inside of me. I didn't respond It looked like he was getting annoyed. I turned my head away from him and

broke the kiss. "Let me the fuck go! I have a boyfriend for crying out loud. Whats your problem?" I yelled. He didn't respond. Instead he held my chin and pulled it back to his face so we were making eye contact. Instead of answering me he kissed me again but this time it was more forceful. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and explored it hungrily. I tried to hold back a moan, but failed to do so. I moaned against his lips and I could see a smile form on his face. He then pulled back and sent a trail of kisses down my neck. "Sto-o-op N-Nathan!." I said between breathes. He didn't listen though. Rude much? He continued to kiss my neck and stopped at my collar bone. He sucked on it and I moaned in pleasure. He then let me go and I slid down the lockers to the floor. I was a deep red now. I looked up at him and then he bended down so we were at the same eye level. "This might sound hard to believe but ... well ... I Love You!." He blurted out and blushed. Awww he looked so cutee when he blushes ... oh my god what did I just say? I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out so I closed it. I tried again and still the same results. I then looked away from him and got up and ran away. I didn't know what to do. I mean I think i'm in love with him too, but how do I know i'm not getting played? I ran all the way to my car and drove home as fast as I could. I think I deserved a ticket cause I went faster then the speed limit. I was home in less then 10 minutes though. When I got there I parked my car in the driveway and ran inside my house and locked the door behind me, or at least tried to when someones hard stopped it. Oh no. Why's he here? I thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N: Wow. So much details. Who was at the door? Oh my god! Next chapter will be out later today :D Ooh and big shout out to gabbygirl1234!!! She helped me with the ideas for this chapter, and without her this chapter wouldn't have been as good as it is. Love you gurl :)

Chapter 8 - Pleasured

Nathan was at my door. He pulled it all way open and walked in. I backed up and then ran all the way up to my room and he followed. FUCK he really is a god damn stalker! I was only a few steps away from the shinny door handle. My hand brushed it and I tried to open it but before I could Nathan turned me around and pushed me against the door. He kissed me on the lips but this time it was a gentle yet passionate kiss. I found myself melting in his arms and hesitating on whether I should kiss him back. (Noah and me had broken up already even though we hadn't dated that long cause he felt like I really didn't love him. He knew that in some way I had loved another more. He thought it was Nathan and I guess he was alright with it. He was such a sweet guy.) Now my arms suddenly snaked up to his neck and I started to play with his hair. His arm wrapped itself around my waist and held me. He glided his tongue across my bottom lip begging for entrance and I granted him access. He slid his tongue into my mouth and they meet halfway. I teased his tongue a bit and then pulled back to breathe while he sent a trail of kisses down my neck. I shivered and I could see a smile on his face. He stopped at my collar bone and sucked on it. I moaned like crazy. I was also screaming out his name which seemed to turn him on seeing as I could feel something hard brush against my leg but I paid no attention to it. "I love you Ella, and I'm sorry for treating you the way I did back then. I'm a guy and its hard to express my feelings so I did it that way." He whispered into my ear. I looked into his eyes and could see the love that was held in them. He really did love me and he wasn't lying. "I ... Love ... You ... Too. I have felt a stronger pull of attraction towards you and I just didn't want to admit it. Seeing as we were enemies and I thought you would just laugh at me." I said and then turned my head so I wasn't making eye contact. I was blushing and I didn't want him to see. He held my chin with one of his hands and turned it so now we were making eye contact. "I'm sorry again." He said and looked into my eyes. I smiled and then he picked me up bridal style and carried me into my room and onto the bed. He placed me down gently and climbed on top of me holding my hands down. I looked into his eyes and smiled. "What do you think your doing Mr?" I asked in a questioning voice. "Just making love to my girlfriend." He replied holding a big smile on his face. Just then the door opened revealing Noah. When I saw him my smile faded. He walked in

with the whole group and they all yelled in excitement. "See are work here is done. Their finally together." Noah said smiling. "What?" I asked in confusion. "Okay so don't get mad. Me and the group sorta planned this out. We knew you like Nathan and so I asked you out in order to get his attention which I did seeing as whats happening right now. I already knew you didn't like me in that type of way but you wouldn't be mean and reject me so everything was okay." He said smiling like he won a car. "Ooh." I said and smiled. "Okay can you guys like ... i don't know maybe leave were busy at the moment." Both me and Nathan said at the same time. We both blushed and then the guys closed the door and walked down stairs. "Now where were we?" Nathan asked. "Hmm I don't know. The part where we make love?" I asked. He had a mischievous grin on his face. He kissed me again lightly on the lips and then pulled off my shirt. I grabbed onto his and also helped his pull his off. He kissed my neck and licked it to causing me to shiver.

I couldn't stop moaning and I could tell that was turning him on. He pulled off my pants and threw them onto the ground and then he got off the bed and took all his clothes off. He hopped back onto the bed and teared the remaining clothes I had on off. He then caressed my nipples with his tongue and then sucked on them. "N-N-Nathan." I moaned. He pulled back and continued to kiss me. I then decided to flip the switches. I was on top of him now. I kissed him and then stopped at his dick. I looked up and he just said "Ella don't." I didn't listen. I opened my mouth and took in his big dick. He was moaning like crazy now. Mostly saying my name. I got so turned on. Then he held my head in his hands and guided me. He pushed a bit and that caused me to take in all of his dick. I decided to have some fun so I took my tongue and traced circles onto his dick. He groaned and moaned a bit. Then I pulled back. He turned us over again so now he was in charge. He kissed my neck and sucked on it. I swear by tomorrow I would have a hickey. He wouldn't get away with it! He then looked at me and I nodded. He slowly entered my fold with his shaft. I moaned in pleasure making him go faster every time I did. At first he entered me slowly and kept thrusting into me then it became faster and faster. I became really wet. It hurt a bit at first, but then I stared to feel pleasured. We reached are climax. He pushed his dick into me one more time and I moved a bit to give him a better angle. He held my hips down and cummed inside of me. Thank the havens we used protection. He then pulled back and we both collapsed onto the bed. Breathing hard. I curled up next to him and laid my head down on his chest. The door burst open and my mom and his walked in. "Oh my goshh!!! Yay you guys are finally together. We need to take pictures omg!!!" This was awkward. I forgot to mention that my mom and Nathans were best friends who wanted us together that they would try anything. Even if that meant calling are boyfriends and girlfriends and telling them that we broke up

with them. They held hands and jumped and screamed in glee together. "Okay, um I don't mean to be rude but can you guys get out pretty please?" I asked. They smiled and walked out the room. "Lol are parents are so weird." Nathan said and I nodded in agreement. Then I kissed his chest and said "Love you." He smiled and said "Love you too." We then fell asleep into each others embraces. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N: Yay their finally together! Lol at the parents reaction. Anyways new chapter will be out maybe later tonight, and if not tonight then tomorrow ;) - Leesia <3

Chapter 9 - Meeting The Group

When I woke up I noticed that Nathan wasn't beside me anymore. I felt a sharp pain inside. I got up and walked to the bathroom. When I got in I closed the door behind me and walked to the stand up shower. I turned the tap on and waited for it to heat up. When it did I stripped my clothes and threw them into the hamper. Then I walked inside and closed the glass door behind me. The water was so hot like the sun we use to tan are bodies with. But it felt good. It soothed my muscles seeing as they were sore from the night before when me and Nathan had sex. I let the rush of water flow body my body wrapping me with its warmth and then stripping me cold down to the drain. Then I grabbed my soap and rubbed it onto my body slowly making sure I didn't miss a spot. When I was done that I washed it off and then turned the tap off. I stood against the wall thinking for a bit then quickly made my way out of the bathroom. I forgot that today I was going to meet Nathans group and I wanted to leave a good impression on them. I walked into my room and grabbed my lacy white bra and underwear that matched along with my black shorts and a blue tank top. Then I grabbed my blue flip flops and slid them on. Next I straightened my hair and applied some eyeshadow with a smudge of lip gloss. When I was done I walked downstairs into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. I decided on eggs and bacon. When I finished frying it I put the pan in the sink and walked to the table. My ipod was sitting on the right so I grabbed it and plugged my ear buds in. "Party & Bullshit by Rita Ora" was playing and I sang along quietly while eating my breakfast. I stumbled up to the window Opened the curtains to blinding light Make up all over the pillow What went on? what went on? What went on last night? You look so sweet while you're dreaming Holding your bottle of tango red It isn't even the weekend Maybe ask, how I know, you're the one for me I wanna party and bullsh-t And party and bullsh-t (with you) And party and bullsh-t And party and bullsh-t

And party, and party I stopped singing when I heard the doorbell ring. I put my dished in the sink, whipped my mouth, and then headed for the door. "Hey babe." Nathan greeted me. "Heey hun." I replied and pulled him in for a quick kiss. It actually was not quick seeing as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck and bit his bottom lip asking for entrance and he gladly granted. I skid my tongue in exploring his mouth and then pulled back for air. After I walked out of the house and locked the door behind me. "Sooo when am I going to meet these friends of your?" I asked in a curious voice. "There at the house right now waiting for us. Lets hurry and go." He said and then walked me to the passenger side and opened the door for me. I got in and he shut the door behind me and made his way to the driver side. He got in and buckled up. Then he pulled out of the driveway. It was a 10 minutes drive to his house. He lived like so close to me seeing as both are parents are best friends and they want us to spend as much time together as possible without any road blocks in the way. When we got there he pulled up in the drive way and cut the engine. I got out and then he did too making sure to lock the car. He came around to my side and wrapped an arm around my waist protectively. I stopped him at the porch and said in a nervous tone "Heey what if they d-d-don't like me?" He smiled at me and kissed me on the lips "Trust me they will. You're so loveable. Why do you think all the girls kiss the ground you walk on?" I laughed and then sighed "I hope your right." We walked into the house and all the guys came running to us from the couch. "Heey there sexy." said a guy who I had to admit was cute as a doll. I just smiled and said "Heey." Nathan growled at them and they backed away to the couch. Then we walked into the living room and sat in the empty couch. "Guys, I would like you to meet the love of my life; Ella." They all smiled a big smile and got up and hugged me. I hugged them all back, but I noticed that this one guy didn't. He looked shy so I didn't say anything. Nathan then introduced me to everyone. He pointed to a boy with light brown hair and hazelnut eyes and said his name was Josh. To me josh was alright looking. I had seen him a lot of times at school, but never really talked to him.

Next he pointed to the guy that I meet at the door that called me sexy ... ya know the one with the doll face. Apparently his name was Devan. He had dark black hair, silver eyes with a speck of red, and had a perfect tanned body. After he pointed to a very handsome guy. His name was Shane. He had dirty blonde hair, with baby blue eyes. He was about the same height as Nathan and was wearing a shirt that showed his muscular body off well. Last Nathan pointed to the quiet guy.

His name was Jesse, he was really handsome but not as handsome as Nathan. He had raven black hair with chocolate brown eyes, and a body that was hard to achieve. Most likely he had a six pact, not that I would know. After he introduced me to the guys we all decided to watch a movie. Jesse and Shane went upstairs and got some pillows and blankets, while Nathan got the popcorn and I helped him and Devan and Josh just sat there picking the movie. Nathan had left to go check up on the guys and see if everything was ready. When the popcorn was done I took it to the living room and over heard the guys talking "Damn, you got yourself a fine girl." I heard Shane whisper. "Shes a keeper." Devan added. The other guys agreed. Then they all said in unison "OMG we already love her." I smiled to myself and then walked in to the living room. When they saw me their eyes grew big. POPCORN they screamed. I walked to the couch and sat in between Nathan and Jesse and handed them the bowl of popcorn. Devan got up and turned the lights off and then the movie began to play. They had picked "The house on the left" to watch. It was an okay movie. When it was done Nathan had left to get something to drink and the guys huddled up next to me. "Lets play a game." Josh said. I agreed and what I heard next made we fall off the couch laughing. "Okay your on!" I said with excitement filled in my voice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N: Okay I was in my lazy state when I wrote this so it isn't that good. Next chapter will be better promise :) - Lessia <3

Chapter 10 - Seduction

Nathan walked back into the living room with a glass of apple juice. He drank some and then offered me a sip. I opened my mouth and sucked on the straw then pulled away. After he sucked on it and drew back. There was a wide smile on his face. Then he said "That was just an indirect kiss .... but I like it better when are lips mold against each others in perfect rhythm." I laughed and then grabbed the cup out of his hands and handed it to Shane. He didn't hesitate and drank the rest. You might be thinking "Ewwww he just drank that when me and Nathan probably had are spit swirling all over in it." but the difference is that were all really close so it doesn't really matter. Were basically like family even though we meet like a few hours ago. When Shane finished the drink I looked at all the guys and nodded. Then I crawled into Nathans lap and straddled him. I had both my legs on either side of him and then I kissed him. He looked shocked but responded after a few seconds. Then he pulled me closer and closer till we couldn't get any closer. He bit my bottom lip and I granted him access. His tongue slid into my mouth and caressed it. Then I pulled back and kissed his neck in a pattern. He moaned while I smirked. When I got to his collar bone I sucked on it and traced circle patterns on it with my tongue. He moaned again, and I could tell that he was trying to suppress the moans. He failed miserable. My hand had trailed down to his pants and he looked at me with an amusing look on his face. I smiled and looked down. There was a little budge in his pants. Just a little more and it would be noticeable. I slid my hand into his pants then into his boxers and grabbed his dick. He moaned in pleasure as I pulled it and kept sliding my hand onto it up and down. Then I pulled back and whispered in his ear in a sexy seducing voice "Thanks babe." He shivered and I got off of him and sat in the rocking chair. I could tell he was confused by the look on his face. So I explained it all to him. "Babe, the guys and I made a bet. It was to see if I could seduce you and give you a Bonner in less then 10 minutes. They thought I couldn't do it and I just proved them wrong. It only took five actually. Now they have do what ever I say for the next hour." Nathan looked a little pissed off, so I walked back up to him and bended over so I could whisper in his ear. "Don't be mad, we can continue when ever you want." He immediately smiled and then I turned to face the guys. "Losers. Told you I would win." I smiled like I won a big gold medal. "Whoa, you prove to be the ultimate girlfriend. You were the only one out

of his 4 other girlfriends that had so much power over him and a great influence." Said Josh. The guys just nodded in agreement. I could still see that they were shocked.

When I heard the girlfriend part a slight pain in my chest hit me. I hated knowing he had other girlfriends, but that was all in the past. I told myself. Then Nathan got up and kissed me. He whispered into my ear in that husky voice of his "Babe that was the past. Its the present and I love you and always will." Then he went upstairs. A few minutes later we heard the shower. "Ooh, hes taking a cold shower to calm down." I said bluntly. They guys all laughed while falling to the floor. Then they left me and went into the kitchen, all except Jesse. He sat there and just stared at me. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. He didn't bother to move which surprised me. "Heey, why do you hate me so much?" I asked my voice low. "I don't hate you, I just hate that your Nathans girlfriend." He replied. "Huh? I don't get you." I said. Then all of a sudden Nathan walked into the room without a shirt exposing his rock hard abs that made me drool. I could hear little sounds beside me so I turned to look at Jesse. Jesse was literally drooling, had a little budge in his pants, and in his eyes I could see they held different emotions such as;love, lust, and I think ... anger? Was that for me? I finally understood why he didn't like me being Nathans girl. He was gay. I wanted to make sure so I whispered and asked him. He nodded his head slightly and I gasped. "Awww." I said a little to loud. Nathan had asked me what happened and I just said "Your wearing the ring I got you." Okay so you might be thinking ... what the fuck? But I got him that ring to represent are love. I also had a matching pair that I was currently wearing. There were only two rings like these in the world so they were precious. He just smiled and wrapped me up in a big bear hug. Jesse cursed under his breathe and then headed to the bathroom. Nathan had released me from the hug and then I told him I would be back. I walked to the bathroom and then I waited outside for Jesse. When he came out I grabbed him by the hand and said "Look I really want to be friends. Please?" He tensed a bit but then pulled me into a hug and said okay. I was officially happy now. I was friends with all the guys in the house and I was sure that none hated my guts ... well maybe Jesse did but he said that we were friends now so I guess he some-what liked me. Me and Jesse walked back to the living room and saw that all the guys had already taken up all the seats. I walked to Nathan and sat on his lap while Jesse had taken a seat on the ground. "Soo when does the hour begin?" asked Devan "Hmm how about .... NOW!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(A/N: Yay new chapter. Whoa can you believe that Jesse was actually gay? What happens next when Ella is nicer to Jesse? Will Nathan get the wrong impression? Tune in next time when the answers are revealed to those questions. - Lessia <3

Chapter 11 - Slaves Josh Go make me a pizza and make sure that it has cheese, mushrooms, sweet green peppers, and pepperoni. Devan would you be a dear and go make me some apple juice and I don't mean the one in the fridge. I mean you have to actually go and use real apples and make them. Shane you can go find me a Robert Munch book to read out of all the 5000 books Nathan has, and last Jesse can you just get me some chewing gum. Josh looked at me like "Why the fuck does Jesse get the easy thing to do?" I just shrugged my shoulders. Devan looked at me like "Apples ... really?" Shane was all like "Please don't make me do this, he actually has 7846 books and trust me none are Robert Munch." I just rolled my eyes and said "Too bad, your gonna have to try your best to find one." Jesse looked actually happy. He smiled at me and I just smiled back. "Look, next time girls don't make a bet that you cant win. Plus look at the bright side you guys just learned a new lesson and you can also learn from your mistakes. You can thank me now." They just glared at me but did what I said. When they left I turn to Nathan. "Why did you make them do impossible things?" He asked. I just smiled and leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. "Soo we can be by are self for the next hour while their not here." He smirked and said "I love how you think. That's why your my girlfriend." I laughed and then straddled him again. He leaned forward and kissed me on the lips lightly. Are mouths molded together in perfect shape. I licked his lower lip and he granted me access. Then I teased his tongue a bit. After he pushed me back lightly and I fell on the couch. He climbed on top of me and kissed my neck then made his way to my collar bone. He sucked and I moaned. He smiled a big smile and the pulled my shirt off and threw it onto the group. "Naughty boy." I said and then helped him with his. We were both half naked when we heard sounds from the kitchen. I immediately held my hands over my boobs trying to cover up. Nathan got off of me and walked to the kitchen. A few seconds later he came back holding Shane and Devan by the ear. They blushed and then turned away while I screamed. I ran off the couch and picked up my top and slid it back on. REVENGE! I screamed then they ran back into the kitchen looking terrified and did what I asked. Nathan was looking pissed. I grabbed him by the hand and pushed him back on to the couch. I kissed his check and then whispered "Wanna help me with revenge?" He grinned and nodded.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N: Wow. I swear Shane and Devan have no manners! They better watch there backs, 'cause when Ella gets revenge it isn't pretty, and oh wait Nathan is also helping .... did you know hes the king of revenge? Their in for a big surprise next chapter. - Lessia <3

Chapter 12 - Sweet Revenge

It was getting late so I decided to pretend to leave the house and when the guys were sleeping I would come back and get revenge. Nathan was having a sleep over and since his parents weren't in town he had invited the boys to stay over. They gladly agreed and now they were basically in Nathans house getting ready to sleep. While I was outside in the backyard up in the tree house that me and Nathan used to play in when we were small. When the guys were sleeping Nathan would come up and get me. While I waited I climbed up the ladder to the tree house and opened the door to get in. Slowly I made my way in. It was an old tree house that's why I wasn't sure if it was stable. When I got in I closed the door and turned on the lights on. It was the same tree house from back in the days when Nathan and me used to play in it. The walls had pictures of us playing together hunged up, and in the corner held the chest where we kept something secret. Well .. I might as well explain everything to you. When I was about 13 years old (3 years ago) I left to go live with my aunt in Florida. My mother said that it would probably be permanent. I was heart broken because that meant I would never see Nathan again. He was my best friend back then. So I decided that we would each get one thing and put it into the chest and if we ever meet again we would open it up and look threw it. I still remember what I put inside. It was the dolly that Nathan had gotten me for my 12th birthday. I would always hug that dolly to sleep and I would never have nightmares. It meant a lot to me. Then 1 and a half years later my mom brought me back to Canada and that's when me and Nathan became enemies. He changed a lot. He used to be loving and sweet but then he was mean, rude, and I just didn't know what happened to him. I guessed that it was probably his girlfriends fault. After all that hating relationship ... it turned into a love relationship. Nathan had explained to me why he acted that way already though; he just missed me and he started to hang with the wrong people. I forgave him though seeing as are currently dating ... (Boyfriend and Girlfriend) While I was looking at the chest still Nathan knocked on the door and I opened it up for him. He came in and sat beside me and that's when he caught me staring at the chest. He smiled and got up and walked to the desk that was in the left corner of the tree house. He opened the draw and then took out what seemed to be the key. I was confused but then he walked to the chest and opened it. Ooh.

I got up and walked towards him and sat down. The chest opened and there revealed the things that we had kept inside. I took out the dolly and hugged it, then I looked back in the chest and saw a photo. It was a photo of me and Nathan. I blushed when I realized what the picture was actually. It was a picture of are first kiss. Yup that's right Nathan was my first kiss, and I was his too. He looked at me and smiled then kissed me lightly. "Wow, that was such a long time ago, and look where are relationship stands now." I smiled and hugged him. Then he closed the chest and held the photo in his hands. "Okay we can go now." He said still holding the photo. I took the dolly and put it in my bag and brought it with me. Inside my bag had the stuff I need to plan the revenge. We got down from the tree house and walked into the house. I set my bag down into the kitchen and opened it up and took out the hair dye and the fake nails, and my make up set (Make up that was hard to come off) I think the person who created this made a mistake and the make-up lasted about 3 days. I smiled evilly and then handed Nathan the make up and the nails. We climbed the stairs and headed to the guest bedroom where Shane and Devan were sharing. I walked over to the right side which was beside Shane while Nathan walked over to the left to Devan. I had already mixed everything together so all I had to do now was put it in his hair wait ten minutes and everything would be good. I slid on my gloves and squirted some dye out in my hand and rubbed it in Shane's dirty blonde hair that he loved so much. I squirted the rest of the dye in my hand and massaged Shane's scalp. Thank god he was a heavy sleeper so it wasn't that hard to get revenge. By tomorrow morning his hair that he cared so much about would be blue with pink highlights in them. I finished feeling; accomplished and then got up and walked over to Devan's side of the bed as quietly as I could. Devan wasn't a heavy sleeper, and the littlest noise could wake him up but I don't think he will wake up because well ... he looked really tired today and he couldn't take him middle day nap because we kept him awake. I also burst out laughing when I saw Nathans best attempt to put make up on someone. It looked like he did it blind folded.

The lipstick ran all over his lips even some got on his chin and on top of his upper lip. Then the eye shadow was mixed with 3 different colors; red, green, and orange. It went all the way up to his eye browns. The blush was basically all over his face. Then the eye liner had some how managed the get on the side of his face. I held back my laughter and got the fake nails. I took his right hand and Nathan took his left. We started to glue them on with super glue that we bought at the arts and craft store. It was really expensive but heey it worked! When we finished that we looked at are master pieces and snapped a few pictures. Then we exited the room and walked all the way

downstairs in the kitchen where we burst of into a fits of laughter. "Good job on the make up Nath." I said. He smiled and said "I try my best, and same to you Ell with the hair dye. He looks like a clown." I smiled and said "My amazing master piece." After we finished laughing I realized that it was mid night. Oh my god. "I have to go, moms probably worried sick about me and I swear she might call the cops saying i'm missing." I told Nathan and walked to the door ... or at least tried to before I felt his strong arms wrap them self around my waist. "Your sleeping over. I already called your mom and she said it was okay." He said. "Aww your so sweet, but we better hurry and sleep 'cause me have school tomorrow." I whispered into his ear. He let me go and we made are way up to his bedroom. I notice on his night stand that he had put the picture of us into a frame. Aww he is so sweet I thought. Then he tossed me a long shirt and I stripped right in front of him. He looked at me in wide eyes. "What? You have seen me naked before." I said casually. He smiled and said "Baby you're turning me on." I laughed and then picked my clothes up and folded them into a neat pile. Then I walked to the bed and got underneath the covers with him. He was only wearing some boxers, and his chest was fully exposed. 6 pack visibly showing "OMG you're the one turning me on with your abs." I shot back. He smirked and then pulled me closer. Pressing my back against his front. Wait I forgot to set the alarm clock. I was trying to get back up and set it but he said "I already set the alarm clock cause I knew you would want to wake up early and see the boys reactions." I smiled and said "Wow you so get me." Then I kissed hom and said goodnight while falling a sleep in his warm embrace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {A/N: Wow can't wait till tomorrow morning to see Shane's and Devan's reactions. Their gonna be so shocked. Shane's probably going to be so mad along with Devan. Who knows whats going to happen next. Tune in next time and see what happens. - Leesia <3

Chapter 13 - Reactions

"Ding, Ding, Ding." I heard my alarm clock ring. So I lifted my hand and tried to hit it but failed miserable. Huh? Wheres my alarm clock? I can't feel it. I tried to hit it again but ended up hitting something next to me. I turned to see what I hit and saw Nathan half a sleep. "Ooh sorry baby." I whispered and kissed the spot I hit. Then after I pulled his arm off of me and got out of bed. I walked to the alarm clock and shut it off. Then I turned to walk back to bed. Nathan was already sitting up with a smirk on his face. I tried my best to not look at his toned abs but c'mon there right there and visible. He caught me staring and grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the bed. He was on top of me and he had pinned my arms above my head. "Aww babe take a good look 'cause your going to be in a classroom for the next six hours without this. I smiled and then flipped us over. I slid my top half way off and then whispered in his ear in my seductive voice while sliding my hand down his abs "Well that means you wont be getting this either." Then I pulled off of him and told him that we need to hurry and get ready for school plus see Shane's and Devan's reaction. He smiled and then got off of bed. I got off too and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth first and then washed my face. When I was done that I stripped my clothes and picked them up and folded them into a neat pile. I walked over to the stand up shower and turned the tap all the way to hot. When the temperature was perfect I got in and closed the door behind me. Suddenly I heard the door open. Phew it was just Nathan. He brushed his teeth and then washed his face too. I could see him now moving over to the stand up shower. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I need to take a shower too." He replied with casually. "Okay then wait till i'm done." I said. "But i'm a guy that likes to save water. Can I please join you?" He asked. I blushed as soon as he asked and said "Nope" Popping the -P- "Baby if you don't let me join then i'm going to ignore you for the whole day, and plus you wont get to see my abs that you always tend to drool over." I signed in defeat and I think he heard me because he chuckled and two seconds later he was in the shower with me all naked. I backed up to one side of the shower while he was at the other side. I could come out when ever I wanted to because I already soaped down my skin and washed off. Basically I was done taking a shower. He started to come closer to me. Closer, closer, closer until I was pushed up against the wall. "Can I kiss you?" He asked. "What?" I said. "Can I kiss you?" He asked again. I blushed but nodded my head. Soon after we were fully making out. He kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his

neck playing with his hair. He put both hand at either side of me keeping me still. I bit his bottom lip and he granted me access so I slid my tongue in and played with his. The crystal clear fluid flowed down to are bodies making us wet, and slippery. I pulled back while he kissed my body all over. First my neck, then my chest, and now my stomach. I moaned against his touch. He smirked and then grabbed the soap. "Can I clean you?" He asked. I felt like he was asking so many questions so I said "Baby you can do whatever you want, you don't need to ask." He smiled and then rubbed the soap onto my chest first starting with my boobs, then he went all the way down to my legs. I blushed and then he came back up. "Here you go." He handed me the soap and then I smirked. I rubbed the soap over his chest while literally drooling cause I was touching his six pact. Then I moved lower and lower. After I did that I got back up and we both washed away the traces together. I accidentally dropped the soap and he smirked. "Really Ella?" He asked then he went down and picked it up ... talk about wow. He came back up and kissed me on the lips. I didn't waste a second and kissed him back. Then after when we were both clean I turned the tap off and got out. I grabbed a towel from the draw and wrapped it around my body. Nathan did the exact same. Then we walked into his room to the closet. Well remember how I said we used to be best friends? Yeah were best friends that have a whole wardrobe at each other house. I look through the left and saw my black skinny jeans. I grabbed them along with a white top and a scarf that was black and white with my white heels. Then I grabbed my make up set that I kept here. I put on my clothes and then applied some eye shadow with a thin layer of gloss. Voila! I was done. I walked downstairs and waited for the guys to come down. Nathan had already got his cereal out and was eating while sitting right next to me. I just toasted some bread and rubbed jam all over it. Next to come down was Jesse and Josh. "Morning guys." I said cheerfully. "Why don't you guys hurry and get breakfast and then wait to see my master piece for my revenge plot" I asked. They smiled, got their food, and sat down waiting. "Three, Two, and One." Nathan counted. Right on time too cause Shane came running downstairs wearing only a towel. "What did you do to my hair?! My precise hair. He was literally on the verge of tears." The guys fell out of their chairs laughing while I did too. "That's what you get when you decided to record a video of me and Nathan having sex." I said. He looked like he was about to kill me. "Fine, I'll be nice and help you get rid of it tonight after the football game." I said trying to be nice. "Thanks ... evil" He said. Then ran back up stairs. When he left the guys asked me if the dye was real. "Nah, its fake but lets act like its real." I said. A few seconds later he was back downstairs. Then Devan came in the kitchen and

said "Whats all the noise about?" The guys again fell out of their chairs laughing and Shane did too. "Whoa what happened to you hair bro?" Devan asked. "Evil ... that's what happened." He pointed to me and glared daggers at me. "Haha, thank god nothing happened to me." Devan said and proceeded with his normal morning routine. "Uhm bro, go look at you self in the mirror then talk." Shane said on the ground holding his stomach. Devan went and grabbed a mirror then we heard a loud girly scream. "Ella what did you do to me? This wont come off and the nails are glued on with to much glue!" He yelled from across the hall. "Yeah, you can thank Nathan though. The make up was all him. Promise." He came back and looked at Nathan with a murderous look. "Fine I'll help you get that stuff out after school today." Nathan said. "B-but we have the damn football game today." He yelled. "Oh well. Next time don't ever record me and Nathan having sex." I screamed at him and Nathan wrapped an arm around my waist. "Yeah." He agreed. Devan blushed and looked away then we hurried up and left the house to go to school. I called shot gun while the guys signed and got into the back of the car. It was so quiet so I decided to turn on the radio. The song that was playing was one of my favorites. It was called "Turn Up The Love - Far East Movement." I sang along and by the time the song was done we arrived at the ugly hell hole (aka) school. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N: LOOL, awww their reactions were cuteee. Anyways next chapter will be out soon - Lessia <3

Chapter 14 - The Slut, New Kid, and Teachers

When we got to school I could see all the girls drooling over mah man. I wanted to scream and tell them to back off, but I held back. Then I saw the slut of the school walk up to Nathan. She talked in that high pitched voice of hers while touching his hair, and rubbing her hands all over him. I swear her voice sounded like long nails scratching a chalk board. Ew. She looked so desperate and I was starting to get mad. Nathan saw me and was about to push her away, but instead I gave him that look that said "Lets put on a show." He smiled and that's when I walked over to him and pushed him against the car. I pushed my knee up against his leg and then bend down to kiss him. Are lips molded together yet again in perfect shape like they were made for each other. I decided to spice things up so I snaked my arms up to his neck and played with his hair while he wrapped an arm around my waist. He pulled me closer so that I was all up against him. Then I bit his bottom lip and he granted me access. He slid his tongue into my mouth and then teased my tongue a bit. A smile curved on my lips. I pulled his hair back a bit and he moaned. Then we pulled away to breathe. I sent a trail of kisses down his neck while he moaned underneath my touch. I slid my hand up and down inside his shirt and then pulled away and sat back in his lap. I turned to see a glaring Megan. "Heey Megster, have you meet my boyfriend here?" I asked in an innocent voice. I could legit hear the screams of everyone around us. Some people were screaming saying "Haha Megan" and other things.

She looked like she was about to slap me but before she could Nathan grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her back. "Don't even try that or I wont hesitate to kill you even if you are a girl." He whispered into her ear. The tears were flowing down her face now. She ran away as fast as those little legs could carry her. If only she ran like that in gym class I thought. As soon as she left I turned around and said "Good play Nath." He smiled and said "Not so bad yourself. I actually liked what just happened ... you know with me and you and I would be happy if we could continue." I pecked him on the lips and said "Sorry that will have to wait till tonight." Then the bell rang so I started to walk away. I told Nathan that I would see him later. "Their calling you down 10 minutes before your last period class. Come exactly to the change room and wait outside for me." He yelled and then walked away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Periods One, Two, and Three:

I walked all the way to my first period class which was Language. I took a seat in the middle row and sat next to my group. They were piling me up with questions like "What the hell you and Nathan are dating? I thought you guys were enemies." "Where have you been, we need to hang." "I missed you whats with that rumor about you and Nath?" I just shrugged my shoulders and said "I'll explain everything later at the football game. Just shut up before we get in trouble and stop with all the questions." The teacher came in moments later looking mad. Oh no what happened? Apparently a bunch of 10th graders decided to pull a nasty old prank on him and now he wants us to all write down 100 reasons why we should be nice and respect are teachers. Ugh really? I sighed but got out my notepad and started to jot things down. By the end of the class I had already had 85 reasons. Just 15 to go I thought. Yay. He was going to mark this so they had to be great reasons which made me mad. "Ding, Ding, Ding." The bell rang signaling that it was time to go to are next period. When it did everyone in the class cheered and then ran out of the classroom before the teacher could give us another lecture or keep us back ... If you haven't realized yet teachers could do that here, and believe me when I say this; Most teachers do. Next period is ... Hmm I can't remember. I took out my schedule and looked at it oh yeah that's right math. YAY! -_I hated math even thought I was good at it. I was an average solid 90% in math. I walked into the classroom and sat down in the back. When the teacher came in he slammed the door shut causing many of us to jump. "Today class we will be starting a new unit. Algebra to be exact. Can anyone tell me what algebra is? I should see all hands up." I rolled my eyes and then took out my Ipod from my bag and blasted my music. I didn't really need to listen to him because I already knew everything I sat there for about 55 minutes listening to music. Then for the last 5 minutes I actually paid attention. When the bell rang I gathered my things and was about to leave when Mr. Shenks called me. I walked over to the desk and said "You were calling me?" He looked and me and then began talking. "Listen Ella you need to start paying attention in class. I bet you cant even answer these math problems we did in class." Then he handed me a sheet of paper filled with 3 questions. problem solving included so I had to show my work also. Fuck this! This would be easy I thought because I've done these types of questions before ... he just didn't know that. "Okay, it will take me about five minutes for each of these questions so your gonna have to write me a slip for my next class." I said then walked over to a desk and started to work on the sheet. "Okay I will, now start," He said. Fifteen minutes later I walked back to his desk and handed him the sheet of paper. He looked it over and went

wide eyed. "How did you solve these when you clearly didn't pay any attention in my class? There all correct" He asked shocked "Well sir, I have done these questions before so I already know about it and how to solve it. Can I have my slip now?" He nodded his head and said wow well all of these are correct, here's your slip." He handed it to me and just when I was about to walk out the door he called me back .. what the fuck does he want now? "Would you mind joining the math team for this year?" He asked. I fell on the ground laughing while holding my side. "I'll think about it." I said then got up and walked to my last period for the day. I walked to the other side of the building and then ended up at a white door that was slightly opened. I walked in and said "Sorry for being late, I have a good reason though." Then I walked up to Mrs. Teenske and handed her my note. She read it over and said "Very well, you can go to your seat now." I walked all the way over to my row and sat down. I could feel some hot eyes burning holes into the side of my face so I looked in that direction and saw someone who I have never saw before. He was hot. I can't believe I said that. I mentally slapped myself three times. Then he opened his mouth and spoke "Heey cutie names Zach .. and i'm new here. What's you name?" He said. I blushed and looked away. Then I turned back to him and said "Drop it and i'm not gonna tell you." I smiled and then turn back around. "Okay .. but I will find it out eventually." He teased and then grinned. (Teal represents Ella, while Purple represents Zach) "No you wont!" "Yes I will." "No you wont." "Yes ... I will whether you like it or not." I rolled my eyes and then scoffed. "In your dreams." "Yes you are." Just then I heard someone over the little mic that they used in the office to call down people. "Ella Shine please go to the lockers, Ella shine." Then it was shut off. I gathered my things and then before I left I caught Zach staring at me. "Ella ... that's a pretty name." He smirked. Oh snap he just found out. I rolled my eyes and then walked out of the classroom while I felt him staring at me. The feeling was gone as soon as I stepped out of the classroom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N: The beginning was spicy with that little performance Nathan and Ella put on. Soo what are your thoughts on the new kid? He seems so ... hmm I don't know charming. Hes

already got Ella blushing. Just want to let you guys know, he will be appearing a lot more in this book after this chapter so look forward to that. Next chapter will be out shortly. Lessia <3

Chapter 15 - Football Game

I walked outside of the classroom over to my locker where I put my books away. Then I walked all the way to the boys change room and leaned against the wall waiting for Nathan. A few of his team mates came out and saw me. They talked me to me a bit, and told me that Nathan would be out shortly. I continued to wait then Shane, Devan, and Josh came out next. I smiled when I saw them. They all came up and hugged me. Shane whispered into my ear when he hugged me "I think I just might keep the hair, girls have been drooling over me because of it." I laughed and said okay. After they left to go practice on the playing field. Ugh where the hell is Nathan? Right after I said that Nathan came out of the change room. "Ella!" He squealed. "Nathan!" I yelled. He hugged me and kissed me on the lips passionately then pulled away. "Baby, do you mind wearing my jersey today? Since its the championships the guys decided to let their girlfriends where their jersey ... sooo?" He asked. "Of course I would love to wear it." I said. "Okay, when we get to the playing field i'll give it to you." He grabbed my hand and we walked outside to the playing field. The other team was already here and they were practicing. Nathan looked a bit worried. "Babe, don't be worried. You guys are going to win." I said trying to cheer him on. He smiled and said "Thanks." He walked me up to the bleachers in the front row where all the girlfriends were. Surprisingly I saw Claire and Aria there. Whoa they had boyfriends on the football team, cause they were wearing jerseys. I walked over to my seat right in between both of them and then sat down. Nathan took his shirt off and handed it to me. What the hell he was shirtless. "U-Uhm Nath ... I ... don't ... want .... other ... girls looking at you!" I whispered the last part and then looked away. He chuckled and then pulled me into a kiss. "Babe, I don't care about them. I only love you, and your the one wearing my jersey." I felt some what better now. He left to go join them because they were staring the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N: I don't really play football so I cant really write about it so i'm just gonna skip it a bit. Sorry if anything is wrong) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starting:

He left and his team got into position. "Down, Set, Hike!" One of his team members threw the ball to Nathan. Nathan was running to the other players line while he had the football

underneath his arm. His other team members were helping to block the other players from intercepting with the ball. Nathan passed the line and threw the ball hard on the ground. The crown cheered because they got a point. I also did cheer too, but only for Nathan. He came up to me and pecked me on the lips before going back into position. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Near The Ending:

Nathan's team were now behind by 12 points, and it looked like they were getting rusty. Hmm I need to cheer him on better. "Claire, Aria want to help me with a cheer and a plan?" I asked. They nodded and listened. "Okay so to help them better how about we give them a prize. Anything they like." They saw me smirk and agreed. I called over Nathan, Aria called over Shane, and Claire called over Josh. "Yeah babe?" Nathan asked. I smiled then pulled him closer and whispered into his ear in a seductive voice. "Baby I promise if you win we can have sex for how long you want." He immediately smirked and then said "Promise?" I nodded and then kissed him on the lips before he went back. The other guys left looking happy. So I asked Aria and Claire what they promised them. "Sex." They both said at the same time. I laughed and highfived them. We cheered a bit for them for about 10 minutes. Then we started talking about the whole relationship thing. "Soo basically I lied to Terren and told him that I had a boyfriend because I didn't want him any close to me. Then hes all like prove it, and I was all like okay; tomorrow at the park. I ran into Shane and he agreed to help me. So the next day when Terren said to prove it he meant that we needed to kiss. I froze and then Shane was all like okay. He picked me up and kissed me and that's how it all began. We started dating about 2 weeks ago." I laughed and said "Wow" Claire then told me about her new boyfriend Josh and their story. "Well basically he asked me out and I was all like hes hot, smart, athletic, basically perfect and I had a big crush on him so I agreed to go out with him." I thought that was sweet. Next they made me tell them mine and Nathan's story.

I told them everything and they were awwing and teasing me about him. They called are relationship a sweet one, and then they were like I knew it. I knew it!!! I laughed again and said "You caught me." Then we sat back down it are seats and waited for the final outcome. One more point. That's all they needed and they would win. Only 30 seconds left. The crowd counted out the seconds. 10 seconds left. You can do it Nathan! I scream he was only a few steps away from the other sides line. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5," The crown chanted. "3,2," TOUCHDOWN! We screamed in joy then the guys came and lifted us down to the field. They kissed us in front of the whole school while it started to rain. "You better keep your promise." Nathan whispered into my ear before he was pulled away from me to his teammates. They yelled

and jumped in glee. While doing that man chest thingy that they always do. I ran up to Nathan and told him I would meet him in the car. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When I was walking back into the school I caught some Hazel nut eyes staring at me. Zach. What the? He was wearing the football team uniform. I didn't see him playing so that was weird. He walked up to me and pulled me closer to him; making sure that I couldn't move. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I just want a kiss ... remember you agreed that if we won you would kiss me." He said. "What ... No I didn't" I replied. Oh snap. I did promise that but I wasn't paying any attention to him back in class and I probably did it unintentionally.

"I have a boyfriend sorry." I said. It seemed like he didn't care. I struggled against him but it was no use. He was so strong. He leaned down to kiss me and I tried to move but I couldn't. His lips brushed against mine softly. I tried to push him away but still I couldn't. He pulled back and then let me go. I was mad now. I raised my hand and connected it with his cheek. Then I was inside the school and to my locker. I got an extra pair of clothes and walked to the bathroom and changed. Moments later I walked out of the bathroom and caught Nathan waiting for me. He had already changed and had an umbrella in his hands. I smiled and then walked up to him and kissed him against the lips lightly. Should I tell him? I don't know. I love him so i'll have to do it later cause I don't want him to make a scene inside the school. We then walked to his car and got in then he drove us all the way to his house. He shut the car door and we walked all the way to the porch. He took out his key and inserted it into the key hole. Seconds later the door opened up to reveal all the guys and Claire and Aria. "Whoa what I miss." I asked. Claire and Aria were in the middle of making out with their guys. "Get a room you two." I yelled then laughed. They smiled and then Nathan pulled me up to his room and locked the door behind us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {A/N: Sorry again if any of that football stuff I wont was wrong! Anyways back to the story. How dare Zach kiss Ella when he knows she has a boyfriend! How will Nathan take the news? Will Ella even decided to tell him? Tune in next time to find out - Lessia <3

Chapter 16 - Surprise "Nathan we need to talk." We were now on the last step and almost to his room. "Okay about what?" He asked. "Uhm Z-Zach k-k-k-kissed me. I'm sorry." I turned around and the waterworks started. He smiled and wrapped me in a big hug "It's okay. Don't cry. But i'm going to have to punch him cause he touched my girl." I smiled and then we walked to his room. When we got in, he locked the door behind him, I turned around and he lightly pushed me onto the bed. I fell down and then he climbed on top of me and kissed me. It was a passionate kiss. I moaned and I could tell her was getting turned on. Then I snaked my arms up to his neck and wrapped them around while he slid his hands up and down my body. He then pulled off my shirt and threw it to the ground. Then he tugged on my pants pocket until they came down too. I was half naked now only wear my bra and underwear. I tugged onto his shirt and helped him take it off. Then he climbed off the bed, and for one moment I thought that he was leaving me. Instead he just took off his pants leaving on his boxers. He climbed back on top of me and began to lick my neck. I shivered under him and then I could hear him chuckle. After he pulled off my remaining pieces of cloth. After I switched positions so now I was on top of him. I traced the outline of his abs. Then I ran my tongue across it. Now he shivered a little. I laughed and then came all the way down to his boxers. I pulled them off and threw them onto the ground. Then I opened my mouth and started to suck. Nathan was moaning a lot and my guess was because he was feeling pleasured. I then pulled back while he turned us over and held my hands above my head. He asked if he could, and I nodded my head. Then slowly he slid his dick into my folds. "N-Nathan ffaster." I screamed. He listened to me and slowly he started to thrust into me faster and faster. I swayed my hips so that he could have a better angle. The bed was rocking against the wall; hitting it. I could also here Claire's and Aria's cries of pleasure. I smirked and then continued to make love. Nathan thrusted himself into me one more time and then we both finally cummed. After he fell on the bed beside me and I took that as my advantage. I straddled him and then decided to take it to the next step. I slid my tongue over his nipples sucking and biting then. "E-Ella bite h-harder." He screamed. I smiled and did as he said while he screamed my name. Then I collapsed on the bed next to him. He then got up and sticked a finger into my core making me jump. Slowly another one followed, and then another. Three so far. He was making me so wet and crazy. It felt so good. "B-baby s-stick another one i-in." I said and he

did it. He pulled each finger out slowly then when they were all out he inserted it into his mouth and started to suck it. "Yumm." He said. I smiled. Then we laid down side by side exhausted. "That was the best champion sex ever!." Nathan said feeling cheerful. I smiled and then whispered into his ear "Trust me there might be more soon where that came from depending on how you play." He smiled and said "Oh trust me there will." Then he shifted a bit and grabbed what seemed to be a little bowl. He poured whatever was in the bowl all over my body. I realized they were little rose petals. Then I felt something small fall onto me. I picked it up and realized it was a ring. "Listen Ella, right now I don't have enough money to buy you a better ring, but I promise when I do it will replace that one. I love you, and only you. Don't ever forget that." Nathan said and then slid the ring on to my finger. I gasped at its beauty then kissed him. This kiss was filled with many different emotions. Love, lust, and oneness. After I pulled away and said "I love you too, and only you. Don't you ever forget that too." He smiled and hugged me. "G'night Babe." He whispered into my ear. "Goodnight baby." I whispered back. Then we fell into a deep warm slumber. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {A/N: Heey guys. This is the second last chapter until the final chapter ... :( Don't worry though last chapter will be special. Tune in next time to see what happens between Ella and Nathan - Leesia <3

Chapter 17 - Doctor's

I woke up feeling really sick. I don't know what was wrong with me. One minute I was on the bed feeling happy, then the next minute I was running to the bathroom barfing my intestines out. Nathan walked over to the bathroom and held my hair up while rubbing my back. "Honey whats wrong?" Nathan asked sounding really concerned. "I don't know. I just feel really dizzy and Ug-." I got cut off because I was throwing up more. "Shh it's okay baby. I'll take you to the doctor now. Just get cleaned up and meet me downstairs." I nodded my head. He left the bathroom and I closed the door behind him. Then I flushed the toilet and walked over to the sink. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and I had to admit I looked like a died zombie with my hair falling in front of my face. My face was pale as a ghost and my eyes held no excitement in them. I signed and then ran the tap. I gathered some water in my hands and passed it on my face. Then I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth for five minutes making sure that the bad breathe was gone. When I was done that I walked over to the shower and turned the tap on all the way to hot. Then I stripped my clothes, threw them into the hamper, and then walked into the shower. I let the water pour onto my body with its warmth and then down into the drain. Quickly I cleaned myself with the soap and then washed off. When I was done I turned the tap off and walked out. I walked all the way to my closet and stood there. I was feeling dizzy again. I held the wall for support and then when I was okay I walked into my closet and grabbed a baggy t-shirt and some jeans. I hurried and got dressed. Then I walked over to my mirror. My face was finally regaining color. I grabbed my brush and combed my hair out, then I straightened it. Next I grabbed my lip gloss and smeared some onto my perfect pink lips. When I was done all that I walked downstairs and saw that Nathan was done eating and had made me breakfast. "Awww thanks." I said while eating my eggs that he had prepared for me. "No problem baba." He said and then began to do the dishes. By the time I was done eating he was done with the dishes. I put my plate into the sink and washed it out then me and Nathan made are way to the car. I grabbed my red vans and slid them on and then walked over to the passenger side. I opened the door and crawled in. A few minutes later Nathan had got into the car. He started it and then pulled out of the driveway. It less then 20 minutes we were at the doctors. "Mrs. Ella the doctor would like to see you now." Said a lady with short brown hair and green eyes. I listened to her and walked into the doctors office by myself. Nathan was

parking the car and would be up shortly. "Ella, its so nice to see you again. So what's up?" said my close friend Dr. Meena. "Heey Meena, and I don't know I just woke up today and felt so dizzy, then I think I barfed all my intestines out. Do you know whats wrong with me?" I asked. "Have you participated in any sexual activity before?" She asked casually. I kinda felt embarrassed to answer that question but I did honestly. "Yes." I answer quietly. "Okay, I would Like to check you out." She said then handed me a stick and pointed to the bathroom. "Uhm what is this?" I asked feeling confused. "Its a pregnancy stick, it will determine if your pregnant of not." She said then smiled. "But i'm not. Nathan was using a condom." I said shocked. "Sweetheart condoms are not 100% safe. Sometimes the sperm will be to much for it to hold therefore making some enter your Virgina hole." I nearly fainted when she said that part. I nodded telling her that I understood what she was saying then I went in the bathroom and peed on the three sticks that she had given me. I came out moments later and handed them to her. We waited patiently for 10 minutes and them we heard three dings. Meena walked up to the stick and looked at it. "Congrats honey your going to be a mom soon." My face had gone pale now. I mean I wanted kids but not so early but I guess it was okay. What would Nathan think though? As if on time Nathan walked into the room and I immediately froze. How am I going to tell him that he will be a daddy soon? "Do you want me to tell him?" Meena asked. I nodded my head no and then walked over to him. I pulled him to the chairs that were braised against the wall. Then I took a deep breathe and began to speak. "Nathan do you love me?" I asked. He nodded his head yes and then hugged me. "Okay that's good. Uhm ... do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?" I asked. "Yes, Baby I love you and want to spend my entire life with you." He said. "That's better. Now here's the finale question: Do you want kids?" I asked. He immediately smiled and said "I would love to have kids. A boy or a girl is fine." I smiled and then said "Well congrats because your going to be a daddy soon." He grabbed me and twirled me around and said "OMFG you serious? We gotta tell are moms. Their gonna be so happy holy fuck I'm happy." I smiled and kissed him on the lips lightly. "Okay lets go home now." I whispered in to his ear. "Thanks Meena." I said then we walked out of the building hand-in-hand. Before we entered the car to go home where we would soon begin are lives with are new child on the way Nathan bended down and then placed his head on my stomach. "I can't wait to meet you, my little angel." He whispered and then kissed my stomach. I felt a light kick and I said "Nathan, omg I felt a light kick, I think he or she loves you already." He smiled and said "Well I love him or her more. No matter what i'll love this child whether its a boy of girl." (:


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N: Awww that's the end ): But heey that was a great book don't you think? Anyways I want to apologize for this last chapter. I know it took me forever to update and you guys have been crazy because I haven't updated in so long. So sorry again. Also I would like to thank all my readers out there and my supporters. Without you guys who knows if I would of continued this book. So thank you sooooooo much. You guys rock! I'm currently going to take a one week break from writing, so I can try and improve my writing skills so it will be much better in the future and my next book will be out in a weeks time so make sure to keep your eyes open and check it out. Thanksss and I love you guys <3:) - Leesia <3

Text: Leesia All rights reserved. Publication Date: July 16th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-aleesia

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