Lecture Eight-perfrmance Mgt

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  • Words: 599
  • Pages: 9
Performance appraisal

Case •

Jason sat at his desk staring at 25 performance evaluation forms that had to be completed before he could leave work. Human resources reminded him two weeks ago that they would be due on the 15th, but other duties seemed to always prevent him from getting around to doing them. He really didn't know why the company bothered with these forms anyway. After all, everybody got virtually the same amount of raise each year and nothing was done with low performers. Plus, he really liked most of the folks who worked for him. They generally worked hard and got the work done eventually.

Shoot, why not just give everybody an average evaluation and call it a night. Directions on the form stated that the only ratings he had to justify were those that were either above or below average. Besides, how was he supposed to remember what 25 people had done over the past year and how well they did it?

The Process Step1 : Plan the Performance (Identify the Performance Goals, Communicate them & establish an appraisal criteria)

Step 2 : Determine the responsibility for appraisal (Appraisal period, method, software required and role of the appraiser & appraisee). Caution : Anticipate problems

Step 3 : Examine the work performed ( Mgt. support : Coaching, Training & Development)

Step 4 : Determine the responsibility for appraisal Step 5 : Appraise the results Step 6 : Conduct Appraisal Interview

Methods of PA • • • • • • •

TRADITIONAL METHODS Graphic Rating Scales Ranking Paired Comparison Forced Distribution Critical Incident Checklist – Simple – Weighted

• Essay Form • Group Appraisal

• Confidential Reports

Methods of PA • • • • • •

MODERN METHODS BARS Assessment centres Human Assest Accounting Management By Objectives 360 degree

Graphic Rating Scales – Most commonly used : employees rated according to defined factors on a scale having 5-7 categories described by adjectives. A typical appraisal form using graphic rating scale Name

Job Title

Supevisor/ manager


Appraisal period : From


Evaluate the performance in each of the following factors on a scale of 1 to5 where : 5: outstanding 4 : Above expectations 3 : Meets expectations 2 : Below expectations 1 : needs improvement

Part I – TASK OUTCOMES (Weightage – 80%) Appraisee to list the performance related targets and both rate how well they have been achieved Self Supervisor ……………………………………………. ______ ______ ……………………………………………. ______ ______ ……………………………………………. ______ ______ ……………………………………………. ______ ______ Quality of work ______ ______ Quantity of work ______ ______ Total Points ______ ______ Average Score ______ ______ Comments by Supervisor:_______________________________________ Part II – PERSONAL BEHAVIOUR (Weightage – 20%) Self Supervisor Leadership ______ ______ Interpersonal skills ______ ______ Developing others ______ ______ Customer Service ______ ______ Teamwork ______ ______ Total Points ______ ______ Average Score ______ ______ Comments by Supervisor : ______________________________________________

Performance goals for the next appraisal period ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Self Development Activities for this employee ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Employee’s Comments : ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Evaluated By ___________________ Desg. _______ date _______ Approved By ____________________ Desg. _______ date _______ Employee’s Sign (does not necessarily indicate agreement ) ____________ Desg. _______ date _______

RANKING METHOD  The rater simply places all employees from a group in rank order of overall performance.  Feasible when the number of employees is not too large i.e 5-6  Paired Comparison : Performance of each employee is compared with every other employee in the group and ranked.


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Tot. 2


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