Lecture 7 - Loop Structures

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  • Words: 1,290
  • Pages: 20
Lecture 7: Loop Structures

Outline “

In this lecture, we will discuss loop structures… “


Our second class of VB structures for controlling program flow.

We will discuss two broad classes of loops: 1. For…Next Loops “ “

The For…Next Loop The For Each…Next Loop

2. Do…Loop Loops “ “ “ “


The Do While…Loop Loop The Do Until…Loop Loop The Do…Loop While Loop The Do…Loop Until Loop

Combining Loops: “

Nested Loops

Loop Structures “

So far, our programs have been acyclic: “

We have discussed both linear and branched programs… “



With no repeated processes (cycles).

However, real algorithms often use of loops: “

i.e., the programmed (controlled) repetition of a basic process. “



Example: Make a telephone bill for all of your customers (not just one).

The ability to repetitively cycle a process is called iteration.

Blocks of code for looping are called Loop Structures. “

As noted in the outline, VB .NET provides several flavors of loops: “ “


For…Next loops Do…While loops

Each of these provides a means to control program flow… “


In which process paths are executed once or not at all.

Via controlled cycling.

Let’s take a look at the simplest: The For…Next loop.

The For…Next Loop “

The simplest and most popular loop structure is the For…Next loop. “

This allows the repeated execution of a set of statements… “


With loop termination based on a loop index.

The VB syntax for the For…Next loop is: For index=start To End Step step statements Next “

index: is a loop variable which: “ “


End specifies a loop condition , evaluated at each iteration: “ “


Indexes (counts) the number of loop iterations; Is Initialized to the value, start Determines whether statements are executed. If index < start, conditions are executed; otherwise, the loop ends.

Step sets the increment value of the loop (default = 1): “

After each execution of ‘statements’, index is incremented by step; z



In other words: index += step

Note: if step is negative, you can loop backwards.

Next index : tells the running program to loop back to ‘For index’… “

And test the loop condition, based on index, z to see if another cycle is to be executed.

Flow Chart for the For…Next Loop “

Example: ‘Calculate the sum of all integer values from 1 to 10.’ “

We use a For…Next loop “ “


With loop variable, i to both index the 10 integers and control looping. And variable Total to store the sum.

VB code: Dim Total, i As Integer Total = 0 For i=1 To 10 Step 1 Total = Total + i Next …


The For…Next loop’s flow of control is shown clearly using a Flow Chart: “

Our loop is executed 10 times. “ “ “

Starting cycle 1: i = 1; Total = 0; After cycle 10: i= 11; Total = 55. The i=11 value fails the test, which stops the loop.

Program: Simple For…Next Loop “

Let’s create a simple For…Next program…


Program: Simple For…Next Loop

Do…Loop Loops “

A different type of loop structure is a Do…Loop loop: “

Allow repeated execution of a set of statements… “


Can be used to execute a loop an indefinite number of times. “


With loop termination based on a conditional test (True/False). Compare with a For…Next loop (set number of cycles).

There are 4 flavors of Do…Loop loops: “

Made using two keywords: While and Until… “ Loop Condition tested at the start of each loop cycle: z

Do While…Loop loop z


Do Until…Loop loop z



Loops while a condition is true. Loops until a condition becomes true.

Note: loop body statements might be executed 0 times.

Loop Condition tested at the end of each cycle: z

Do…Loop While loop z


Do…Loop Until loop z


Loops while a condition is true Loops until a condition becomes true

Note: loop body statements are executed at least 1 time.

The Do While…Loop Loop “

The Do While…Loop loop: “ “

Keeps looping while a loop condition is True; Tests the condition at the start of each cycle. “


Halts when the condition becomes False.

The VB syntax for the Do While…Loop loop is: Do While condition statements Loop “

Keyword Do says, ‘start the cycle’


Keyword While says ‘test our condition’:



Tested at the start of each loop… z If condition Æ True, statements are executed once;


Example: (sum < 1000)

Keyword Loop then tells control to loop (return to Do)… “

And another cycle begins

The Do Until…Loop Loop “

The Do Until…Loop loop: “ “

Keeps looping while a loop condition is False; Tests the condition at the start of each cycle. “


Halts after the cycle in which the condition becomes True.

The VB syntax for the Do Until…Loop loop is: Do Until condition statements Loop “

Keyword Do says, ‘start the cycle’


Keyword Until says ‘test our condition’:



Tested at the start of each loop… z If condition Æ False, statements are executed once;


Example: (sum >= 1000)

Keyword Loop then tells control to loop (return to Do)…. “

And anther cycle begins.

The Do…Loop While Loop “

The Do …Loop While loop: “ “

Keeps looping while a loop condition is True; Tests the condition at the end of each cycle. “


Halts after the cycle in which the condition becomes False.

The VB syntax for the Do…Loop While loop is: Do statements Loop While condition “

Keyword Do says: “


‘Execute our statements once’.

Keywords Loop While say ‘test our condition’: “

Tested at the bottom of each loop… z If condition Æ True, control returns to Do… z And another cycle begins. z Otherwise, the loop ends.


Example: (sum < 1000)

The Do …Loop Until Loop “

The Do …Loop Until loop: “ “

Keeps looping while a loop condition is False; Tests the condition at the end of each cycle. “


Halts after the cycle in which the condition becomes True.

The VB syntax for the Do …Loop Until loop is: Do statements Loop Until condition “

Keyword Do says: “


‘Execute our statements once’.

Keywords Loop Until say ‘test our condition’: “

Tested at the bottom of each loop… z If condition Æ False, control returns to Do… z And another cycle begins. z Otherwise, the loop ends.


Example: (sum >= 1000)

Nested Loops “

Sometimes it is desirable to place loops inside of loops. “ “


These are referred to as Nested Loops… Multiple loops of all types may be nested in the obvious way…

Example: A simple nested For…Next loop… “

Purpose: Display all pairs of positive integers, each <=10, in a ListBox called lstData. For i=1 To 10 For j=1 To 10 lstData.Items.Add(i & “, ” & j) Next Next

Loops: Quitting Early “

You may quit a loop pre-maturely (early)… “

For instance, you may complete the task early… “


This is done using the statement: “ “


E.g., and If…Then structure.

When quitting early, control is transferred: “ “


Exit For (For…Next Loops) Exit Do (Do Loops)

Usually used in combination with a conditional statement… “


And not need to continue looping.

To the statement after the last control statement of the loop. Thus, for nested loops, the current loop is exited.

Note: There are equivalent Exit statements for other structures: “

Exit Select, Exit If, Exit Function, Exit Sub, etc.

Program to Demonstrate Loops

Program (cont.)

Program (cont.)

Program (cont.)

Program (cont.)

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