Lecture 1_energy Environment And Development.pdf

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  • Words: 1,342
  • Pages: 38
Semester 20182019/1 Md. Mizanur Rahman CEng (UK), MSc Eng(Sweden), PhD (Finland), Chartered Energy Engineer (EI, UK) School of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 1

Contents Chapter 1

Energy and the environment

Chapter 2

Global energy use and supply

Chapter 3

Thermodynamic principles of energy conversion

Chapter 4

Thermodynamics of fossil, biomass and synthetic fuels

Chapter 5

Electrical energy generation, transmission, and storage

Chapter 6

Fossil-fueled power plants

Chapter 7

Nuclear-fuelled power plants: Energy for the future or relic of the past

Chapter 8

Renewable Energy for the sustainable development: Status, prospects and challenges

Chapter 9

Energy use in transportation

Chapter 10 Environmental effects of fossil fuel use Chapter 11 Global warming, climate change, and ozone layer depletion

Chapter 12 Emerging technologies: Fuel cells, micro-turbines and smart grid Chapter 12 Emerging technologies: Net-zero energy buildings and passive design Chapter 13 Energy economics, trading and policy


• • • • •

Test 1: 20% marks Test 2: 20% marks Final exam: 40% marks Four assignments: 10% marks Project: 10% marks


Energy: Priority area for every country in the 21st century • Main ingredient for economic and human development • Lighting a room, keeping a hospital open, running a factory, driving a car – energy is at the heart of every day life. • A crucial factor for growth, economic competitiveness and employment.


Consequences Causes Energy sector (exploration, transformation and use) Agriculture Deforestation, Land use change, Rice cultivation, Livestock farming Chemical fertilizers Industry Chemical and process industry Building Energy use Commerce Energy use

Emissions (65%)

Global warming

CO2, CH4, N2O, O3, CFC Emissions (35%)

Climate change

Drought, cyclone, tropical storms, biodiversity loss, sea level rise, Landscape changing, sudden floods Water pollution Air pollution Soil pollution Acid rain Noise pollution Sight pollution Land degradation Ocean system collapse-oil spills, Run off chemicals, acid rain Flora and fauna loss Nuclear radioactive pollution Wastes 5

Serving of energy is complex Serving of energy (either as a product or service) is complex, because it: • Involves several forms such as thermal, mechanical, electrical, chemical energy • Interacts with input from human operators and other systems (e.g. networks, fuels, markets) • These inputs are distributed over a wide geographic expanse • Widespread infrastructures and equipment • Connected with several physical and non-physical 6 entities

• Energy technology is a mechanical engineering branch connected with several other disciplines (e.g. electrical, economics, and social science etc.) • Deals with efficient and safe – Extraction – Conversion and – Use of energy

Whilst taking into account environment, economics, and societal issues 7

Reserves running out Coal, oil and natural gas account for over 85% of global TPES. Fossil fuel resources

Reserves (2013) Annual consumption rate

Years to be fully exhausted (y)

Natural Gas

209 trillion cubic 3.5 trillion cubic meter meter/y



1600 billion barrels 1037 billion tonne

30 billion barrels/y


7.5 billion tonne/y



TPES= Total primary energy supply  Fossil fuel reserve will be exhausted (oil 55, gas 56, coal 118 years).  Environmental degradation and climate change.  Growing demand Reference: http://www.worldenergy.org/wpcontent/uploads/2013/10/WEC_Resources_summary-final_180314_TT.pdf 8

Resource footprints  2010: Equivalent to 1.5 earth planet  2030: Equivalent to 2.0 earth planets  2050: >2.5 equivalent earth planets This means, in 2010 the earth needs 1.5 yr. to regenarate the resources what we used in a year.

Main resources are land, water, plants etc. Source: http://www.footprintnetwork.org



Malaysia overtakes its total resource capacity limits in 1994


USA 10

Source: http://www.footprintnetwork.org

Total annual emission = 49 Gt/y N2O 6%

CFC 2%

Non-fossilrelated CO2 16 %

CH4 16%

CO2 76%

Fossil fuelrelated CO2 84 %

Contribution of CO2 of total GHG emissions (38 Gt/y out of total 49 Gt/y).

Contribution of fossil fuel-related CO2 of total CO2 emissions (32 Gt/y out of 38 Gt/y) 11


World energy use is constantly growing

1 toe = 41.86 GJ



Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Developing Asia India Rest of developing Asia Latin America Middle East OECD World

Population without electricity (millions)

Traditional use of biomass for cooking Share of population %

600 599 615 306 309 24 19 1 1 258

67 79 51 66

15 4 38 14

• Smoke from the exhaust of bus, car, scooter etc. • Smoke billowing from factory chimney • Fly ash generated by power plants etc.


• Effluent outfalls from power generating plants, factories, refineries , waste treatment plants etc. • Residue of human, agriculture particles, fertilizers pesticides etc.


• The primary cause of acid rain is SOx (sulfur dioxide) and NOx (nitrogen oxides). • Most sulfur dioxides cause from power plants that use coal as their fuel. • Power plants that burns fossil fuels emit nitrogen oxides.


• Extraction of coal, oil, and gas from reservoirs • Collapse of underground mines • Pumping of water from underground sources etc.


• • • •

Oil tanker leaks or sinks into the ocean Oil pipe leakage into the water bodies Equipment breaking down into water Oil mine accidents


• Noise pollution are caused due to the vibration of machinery used in industry and power plants ,transport vehicles ,air planes etc.


• For example, nearly 80 mammal species were found in Malaysia's primary forests. • While oil palm plantations have only 11 or 12 species • Similar species reductions occur for insects, birds, reptiles and soil microorganisms. • Use of poisons to eliminate rats within oil palm plantations, which also poison other animals. 21

• Land degradation is a process in which the value of the biophysical environment is affected by a combination of humaninduced processes acting upon the land


• Energy domain faces several major challenges: – Environmental impacts – Depletion of reserves – Increasing demand – Lack of access to modern form of energy


The term ‘sustainability’ has come to the scene as soon as these challenges are recognized.  What is sustainability? Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Bruntland’s report to UN 1987). √Development that cares three pillars (P)- planet (environment), people (society), and profit (economy) √Development that upholds three A’s- resource availability, Resource accessibility and resource acceptability. 24


Major tools • Energy efficiency – efficiency in energy technologies, economics, policy, management, planning etc. • Utilization of renewable resources. – technology, modeling, policy, economics, and systems.


Ref: WEO 2012 p282


450 scenario relative to new policies scenario Ref: Energy Efficiency Technologies: Overview Report World Energy Council 2013 P10


Exploration and production (O&G), mining etc.

Processing/transportation (LNG, GTL, CTL) Transformation Power generation, refinery Transmission and distribution Final use Industry, building, transport 29

Power plant • Global average efficiency of coal fired plant is approximately 34%. • Whereas state-of the art efficiencies for coal power plant is above 46%


 Waste heat recovery  Real time control

 Variable Speed Drivers for pumps and air coolers  Improve thermal insulation  Passive design



• Effective energy management in industry will increase energy efficiency significantly. • Efficient building design can reduce heating/cooling loss by 25 to 50% by Passive design  High-reflectivity building materials  Utilizing thermal mass


Co-generation/ Poly-generation

Integrated cogeneration and district Energy Network


1. The 1st law of thermodynamics: energy can neither be created nor destroyed. – Why worry about the depletion of fossil fuel reserves? 2. Less than 0.1% of solar energy is enough for the world’s total demand – What are the barriers?

3. Germany achieved 74% peak generation (electricity) from renewable sources (wind and solar)


Industry 4.0 The fourth industrial revolution (4IR)

What are the implications of Industry 4.0 for Energy and Environment 36

4IR • Artificial intelligence • Nanotechnology

• Quantum computing • Biotechnology,

• Internet of Things, • Additive manufacturing/3D printing


Conclusions Engineering approaches to tackle 21st Century challenges 20th century:

21st Century:

◘ Scientists discovered

Technology, Society, and environment are the:

◘ Engineers created ◘ Society inhales

◘ Integral part of the solutions ◘ Totally interdependent ◘ Blending together in new ways


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