Lecture 13 - Organs And Cells Of The Immnue System

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 553
  • Pages: 30

ORGANS OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM LYMPHOCYTE RECIRCULATION (TRAFICKING) CELLS OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Lymphoid Cells (T& B Cells) Mononuclear Phagocytes Polymorphonuclear Cells Mast cells, Dendritic cells

ORGANS OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM (PRIMARY (Site of lymphopoiesis SECONDARY (Site of immune response generation)


lymphoid stem cellmyeloid stem cell

Pre-T cellPre-B cell


mature T cell

Bone marrow fetal liver

mature B cell

CELLS OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM • Are cells involved in the production of the immune response • Known as white blood cells (Leukocytes) • Haematopoiesis: Stem cells in bone marrow develop into RBCs and various types of WBCs • Regulatory role of growth factors and cytokines

Lymphocytes  One of many types of white blood cells  Originally produced in the bone marrow  Reside in lymphoid organs  Responsible for diversity, specificity, memory and self-non self recognition  Makes 20-40% of cells in WBC, circulate in blood, lymph & lymphoid organs

Subdivided according to function & cell membrane markers to T cells B cells Natural killer cells (NK)

T & B Lymphocytes are small, non-phagocytic agranular cells while NK cells are large granular lymphocytes.

At resting state, cells are described to be naive (unprimed)

Following Ag interaction, they differentiate into i. lymphoblasts & then into effector cells ii. memory cells

 Types of Lymphocytes can not be distinguished by morphology but by various specific surface markers or cluster of differentiation (CD)

 Different markers (CD) associate with certain cell population or activation state of lymphocytes

B lymphocytes  Mature in bone marrow and the fetal liver  Express on their surface I. membrane-bound Ig (IgM, IgD) as receptors for Ag ii. CD19, CD20 etc. iii. MHC-II molecules so could act as APC  Once activated, they develop into plasma cells (actively secreting Ab) & memory cells

T lymphocytes Mature in the Thymus Express cell surface antigen receptor (TCR &

-TCR1 on 5-10% TCR2 on 90-95%)

Natural Killer Cells  Large granular lymphocytes  Do not express TCR or Ig (i.e. has no receptor for Ag)  Act non-specifically against tumor cells & virusinfected cells (but no memory cells produced)  Express CD16 & CD56 markers

Antigen Presenting Cells (APC) Include macrophages, B cells and dendritic cells

APC express both MHC-I and MHC-II molecules on their surfaces

Function of APC: Antigen presentation MHC Proliferation

APC T cell

Cytokine production

Ag Cell-to-cell interaction

This leads to the activation of both humoral and cell-mediated Immunity

Mononuclear cells  Develop in bone marrow

 Found in blood as monocytes & in tissues as macrophages (e.g. kupffer cells, alveolar macrophages etc.)

Function: 1 . Phagocytosis a. Ingestion by formation of pseudopodia b. Digestion in phagolysosome 2 . Antigen presentation, in association with MHC molecules 3. Secretion of various cytokines

Dendritic cells  Unknown origin  Function as APC, express high levels of MHC-II molecules  Present in lymphoid & non-lymphoid organs

(Poly-morphonuclear cells (PMN  Develop in bone marrow, short-lived

 Are granulocytes with characteristic cytoplasmic staining & multi-lobed nuclie

Neutrophils Major granulocyte in circulation, Major phagocytic cells, produced massively during infection

Eosinophils Play a major role in defence against parasitic infections by secreting contents of their granules (Degranulation)

Basophils/Mast cells Play a major role in induction of allergic reactions by secretion of various mediators (e.g. histamine)

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