Learning strategies for distance education students
Many researches were done in the distance education aspect. This research is needed to test experimentally the proposed theoretical framework and specific learning strategies in a distance education environment. Therefore, this paper was aimed to identify a theoretical framework to classify learning strategies and determine the potential usefulness of specific learning tactics for off-campus learners in colleges of agriculture. A library search was used to obtain information for this study and the researchers make questionnaire and interview some distance learner and instructors. Literature searches using the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) and Psychological Abstracts (PsychLit) databases were conducted to determine the most appropriate theoretical framework. This research found that In terms of specific cognitive strategies, note-taking was the only tactic found to distinguish between achievement levels. Metacognitive strategies including planning, monitoring, and selfregulation distinguished between achievement levels of students. Resource management strategies such as learning schedules, quality studying, motivation, and communicating with the instructor also distinguished between achievement levels of students. The study: (2000, Carol Filcher, Greg Miller :"Learning strategies for distance education students", Iowa State University. http://pubs.aged.tamu.edu/jae/pdf/vol41/41-01-60.pdf