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Leadership is both a research area and a practical skill, regarding the ability of an individual or organization to "lead" or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations I am currently developing a program for effectiveness in group facilitation training, which has much to do with the never-ending subject of influencing managers to adopt a pull approach to leadership What fascinates you? When, as you've learned about leadership in your courses, or during your experience in the workplace, have you had an "I wonder if" moment? What issues or opportunities have you heard others discuss that have a core leadership rlement? Are you

" Leadership and its role in building psychological contract" "Leadership and its impact on Organisational performance" “Leadership style and its impact on employees sensitivity"

Leadership in building of organizational culture

Types of Leadership as the influence of top management on employee's behaviour in the innovation proces

interested in workplace leadership, student leaderdhip, community leadership, political leadership, or what? In small groups or large? Formal or informal leadership? Leadership directly or something on followership? In emergency situations or ongoing? Ask questions like this of yourself and you're more likely to find your topic - one that intrigues you enough, and about which you are passionate enough to sustain you through your program - than by picking something from a list of topics provided by others. There is a concept called Transformational Leadership and Transactional Leadership which is very fascinating and intriguing one.A research can be done

behavioral complexity of leadership and creativity behavior leader's fair treatment and relational identification team leader's behavioral integrating and decision making effectiveness

both qualitatively and quantitatively. Both are having its importance in industry, but we can analyze which type of leadership can be more effective and where? Business is very volatile at occasions one type of leadership may provide the result and the same leadership may not work in some other situation. If that is a case, let us get to know how these leadership functions in industry and how to get to know when to apply which leadership. This would help people who are in Board of Management to take strategic level decisions to choose the right type of leadership.

The link between Leadership and Employee Engagement still has several gaps. This article from the Handbook of

Leadership Traits for organizational success leadership and team building Decision making styles of effective leaders

Employee Engagement (edited by S. Albrecht) could give you some context: Leadership and Engagement: A Brief Review of the Literature, a Proposed Model, and Practical Implications the role of leadership competencies in innovation one of the emerging streams of research in the leadership discipline is focused on the ethical nature of leadership, and ethical decision-making as leaders. Some questions we are currently asking include: What contributes as antecedents to ethical leadership (e.g. authentic, servant, spiritual, servant leadership theories)? What are some of the consequences or outcomes of leadership across multiple theories (e.g. comparing transformational leadership with authentic leadership in terms of their ability to provide good outcomes such as trust)? How can we develop leadership in individuals, teams, and organisations?

Impact of leadership style on employee's job satisfaction Scholastically, it is necessary to find out gaps in the existent literature of leadership (theoretical, empirical, and or methodological gaps) and based on them it is possible to formulate an appropriate topic to be researched. Following topics may be appropriate to you: The relationship between Leader's Assertiveness and Followers' Job Performance: An Empirical Study of ............................. The impact of Leader's Personal Character on Followers' Acceptance of Leadership: a Perceptual Study of .................. The Determinants of Followers' Respect and Acceptance of Leadership: An Empirical Study of ................... An Exploratory Study of Followers' Perceptions of Virtues and Vices of Leaders:

to study ethical leadership from your country's perspective Leadership is a very difficult topic to study, as there are still questions about whether it exists, since there are substitutes for it. The idea by Frew of ethical leadership might be a good way to go. Or you might choose an industry and see how that particular industry defines leadership, as it is different in each industry. LMX or servant leadership are two topics that you may like to explore. The Influence of Visonary Leadership on Change Management: The Mediating Effect of Tacit Knowledge Role of Servant Leadership in Team Development cab be a good topic. Other types may be Spiritual Leadership, Authentic Leadership etc SUCCESS AND FAILURES OF FLUX LEADERS OF 21ST CENTURY" Visionary Leadership In my opinion, the "classics" of leadership theory are necessary at the master level, to give the students a fundamental understanding of what the field is all about. As mentioned above, LMX is definitely something that deserves attention. Apart from that, I would argue for a more critical approach to leadership and leadership reasearch, as suggested by Alvesson and Sveningsson in Human Relations vol 56 no 12, 2003

If you are interested in the health care industry this is a topic that might be of interest. Do hospitals' board structure impact organizational performance?

1. Is leadership style positively and significantly related to job performance? 2. Is leadership practice positively and significantly related to job performance? 3. Do leadership style and leadership practice jointly explain

Authentic Leadership (AL) Shared leadership, leader member exchange, impact of leadership style on relational identification of the followers etc. rom a second "Sylvia" - is there a relationship between sport leadership, eg team captain and subsequent business leadership? 'followership' in leadership or 'leader' (not leadership) development

a significant percentage of variability of job performance? I assume here that job performance is job performance of subordinates/follower s and leadership style and leadership practice are from their superior/leader. after you got information from quantitative and then you should investigate the real answer by the qualitative method such as focus group discussion or indepth interview and bring it to support your information from quantitative data. This subject is very important since many persons are confused about the distinction between leadership & management. With the widespread of the herd's instinct, there is much need for producing some quality leaders.

Examining relationship among leadership style and effect to organization culture

How to Instill Leadership Skills & Qualities in Young Students.

link between leadership styles and employee retention

Leadership dissertation - Research questions? I need some help please. I am doing my dissertation on leadership and created a model. The models consists of two independent variables i.e. Leadership style which includes transformational, autocratic, democratic, charismatic and servant styles; Leadership practices which includes Kouzas and Posner model i.e model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act and encourage the heart. The dependent variable is the Influence of job performance. The methodology I intend to use is quantitative and thus I

Use the items in this (39 items) to measure transformational leadership. It is a shorter version of MLQ. As I know is widely accepted Hinkin99.pdf

require some questions which are connected with the above mentioned topics. Basically the research questions (TQ) in quantitative research are constructed to show the relationship between independent variables (IV) and dependent variable (DV). Hence, in your case, they can be some like this: 1. How does the leadership style affect organization job performance? 2. How does the leadership practice affect organization job performance? You also can have more specific questions according to every style and every practice of leadership you want to test in your study. If you want to create a model (to see the effect by combining all

You can see the following article: "Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles as a Predictor of Individual Outcomes", Azman ISMAIL et al., Theoretical and Applied Economics, Volume XVII (2010), No. 6(547), pp. 89-104. (http://store.ectap.ro/articole/477.pdf). The authors used 15 items, adapted from Bass and Avolio’s (1991)-multi factor leadership questionnaire (MLQ), to measure transformational and transactional leaderships. These items are presented in table 1, p. 95. In the following article, Leadership Behaviour Inventory (LBI) was used to assess transformational leadership: - "Leader Behavior Inventory: A Test of Measure Equivalence in Germany and the United States", Howard Rudd, Tom Kent, Carrie A. Blair, International Journal of Leadership Studies, Vol. 5 Iss. 1, 2009. (http://www.regent.edu/acad/global/publications/ijls/new/vol5iss1/IJLS_Vol5Is1_Rudd_et_al%20(2)R.pd f). The Questionnaire is presented in Appendix, p.35.

IVs), you might ask RQ "what is the most contributing factor to job performance" or "what is the least contributing factor" and so forth. It seems to me, at first, you should clearly formulate the problem. Now it is not visible. Then choose a quantitative measure of your future model: what parameters and variables will you use to? By what parameters will you define the phenomenon of leadership? There are a lot of them. However, you have to use only those that you will be able to mathematically formalize and prove the validity of this formalization. The next step is the justification of the functional relationships between variables. This is

The most used questionnaire in literature to measure transformational and transactional leadership is the multifactor leadership questionnaire (MLQ).

perhaps the most difficult. And finally, I think that in our days it is impossible to investigate the problem of leadership without taking into account the processes of organizational change. Questionnaire may be framed based on the different attributes of transactional and transformational styles of leadership. As everybody knows, transactional style is traditional, involves set of transactions in the management, mechanical in nature and is without any human affiliation. This type of leadership tend to follow the structured positional authority- responsibility relationship. Transformational style, on the other hand, is visionary, inspiring, empowering, creative and promotes adaptability. Variables may be identified based on attributes and questionnaire may be framed. In selecting your attributes/variables to measure that you should be mindful of issues of reliabiliry and validity. I would suggest you take a look at Kirtin's adaption innovation theory. Transactional and transformational leadership may be better study at the individual level. Each person as a preferred style of problem solving rather than using the broad term of leadership. Some leaders do better in the area of transformational leadership because there preferred style is more innovative and others are more transactional in their preferred style because they are more adaptive in their style. Kirstin has a survey tool that is both valid and reliable but it is not free and takes some training but you may find someone at your university who is trained in the area. If you are going to do research you want it to provide the most reliable results. I use KAI to study leadership styles, predict team interactions, and for the study of other human interaction. Transformational Leadership developed by Carless et al.

There are numerous leadership instruments for various leadership skills. Not sure which specific instrument you need. Following are some instruments / survey questionnaires to measure leadership skills for your consideration: 1) Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) - by Bass & Avolio (1985) 2) Transformational Leadership Questionnaire (TLQ) - by B. M. Bass 3) Transformational Leadership Behavior Inventory (TLI) - by Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Moorman & Fetter (1990) 4) Global Transformational Leadership Scale (GTL) - by Carless, Wearing & Mann, (2000)

5) Student's Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) - by Kouzes & Posner (1998) 6) Leader Attributes Inventory (LAI) - by Warner Burke (1994) 7) CK Scale of Charismatic Leadership - by Conger, Kanungo, Menon & Mathur (1997) 8) Collaborative Leadership Self Assessment Questionnaire - by TurningPoint 9) Leadership Traits Questionnaire (LTQ) - by P. G. Northhouse 10) Path-Goal Leadership Questionnaire - by Indvik (1985, 1988) 11) Team Leadership Survey - by Hill (based on Hill's Team Leadership Model) Note: some of the survey questionnaires required the researcher to buy / buy as a service as scoring / feedback will be provided after the respondents had filled them up. Some of them the researcher needs to get approval from the owner. All the best. Hi. I have recently used something more pragmatic with time-poor, hard-working public sector leaders: Larry Reynolds. 2003. The Four Dimensions of Leadership, in The Twenty-first Century Leader from Fenman Professional Training Resources. It is much more "top-line", draws on Covey, Kouzes & Posner, Rosen and Welch for theoretical dimensions. The leaders loved it and found it useful, individually and organizationally.

As Olivier noted, you can use many approaches to study leadership. In addition to the references the other contributors cited, you can take into account the short transformational leadership scale developed and tested by Carless et al. (2000), which splits the attributes of this type of leadership into seven items related to vision, values, commitment, encouraging personnel, coherence and charisma. Carless, S.; Wearing, A.; Mann, L. (2000): “A short measure of transformational leadership”. Journal of Business and Psychology, vol. 14, n. 3, pp. 389-405. I’m interested in assessing university leadership so if you find some interesting research, please let me know Leadership measurement perhaps is vital because of bottom line benefits! To explain why measuring the bottom line benefits of leadership development has become increasingly important in an unstable economy, a recent research study (Hayward, 2011) highlighted ways in which Human Resource professionals can demonstrate the financial impact of leadership measurement/development programs alongside other relevant measurements, in line with organisational strategy. The author argued widely used evaluation models and also draws on case study material from a leading specialist insurance company, Hiscox, to highlight the importance of selecting appropriate financial measurements alongside other quantitative and qualitative evaluation

methods. The Hiscox case study element of this study demonstrates the importance of selecting appropriate measures and viewing bottom line benefits as a critical element of overall leadership measurement/development evaluation. The author offers practical advice for HR professionals on how to measure effectively the bottom line benefits of leadership development! 

Hayward, S. (2011). Connecting leadership development to bottom line benefits. Strategic HR Review, 10(1), 28-34.

These journals will help develop a list of leadership measurable traits and I have also attached a sample Questionnaire: Personality and Leadership: A Qualitative and Quantitative Review: Judge, T. A., Bono, J. E., Ilies, R., & Gerhardt, M. W. (2002). Personality and leadership: a qualitative and quantitative review. Journal of applied psychology, 87(4), 765. Content, concurrent and construct validity of the leadership skills inventory: Edmunds, A. L. (1998). Content, concurrent and construct validity of the leadership skills inventory. Roeper Review, 20(4), 281-284. Leadership Archetype Questionnaire: Kets de Vries, M. F., Vrignaud, P., Agrawal, A., & Florent-Treacy, E. (2010). Development and application of the leadership archetype questionnaire. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(15), 2848-2863. Leadership Archetype Questionnaire.pdf 646 KB A lot of the surveys provided are self-surveys, or surveys based on 'old' leadership models, such as path goal. If you want to assess skills being present in people, th best way is to look for those skills in simulated settings, either in work simulations or other assessment situations, hence the best way is to set up your own assessment centre. In order to validate this, you can use your definitions of the skills, by people who work closely with (a sample of) the population you are interested in. Finally crossmatch the outcome of the appraisal, with the outcome of the assessment centre, and you can finetune the model. When you look beyond skills, and look for developmental abilities, the answer would be a whole different one. Skills are measurable in behavior, as they are already present, hence is a relative easy setup, where you need to entice

the behavior and measure in comparison to a defined scale..

Define WHAT and WHY? Leadership is about marshaling resources to achieve a goal (one off or repetitious) and its broader impact. Any assessment of leadership must be seen in context of: the task(s), resources (time, funds, people, material) and setting . In a research project on leadership in new ventures, we recently made use of the MLQ to determine entrepreneurs' degrees of transformational, transactional and passive-avoidant leadership (dimensions of the full-range leadership model by Bass & Avolio). I totally agree with what Mark and Oliver said about the context that needs to be taken into consideration when assessing leadership. Maybe the following link to the MLQ and the full-range leadership model can help you a bit: http://www.mlq.com.au/flash_frlm.asp Questionnaire about asking self assessment of leaders attributes and judging the individuals against claims through group tasks activities, role plays. This will justify the questionnaire tool.

ou might find the following useful ... Blackwell, C., Stillwater, O.K., Cummins, R., Townsend, C.D., & Cummings, S. (2007). Assessing perceived student leadership skill development in an academic leadership development program. Journal of Leadership Education, 6(1), 39-59. Burke, V., & Collins, D. (2005). Optimising the effects of leadership development programmes: A framework for analysing the learning and transfer of leadership skills. Management Decision, 43(7/8), 975-987. Rohs, F.R., & Langone, C.A. (1997). Increased accuracy in measuring leadership impacts. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 4(1), 150-158. Wong, A., & Chan, A. (2010). Understanding the leadership perceptions of staff in China's hotel industry: Integrating the macro- and micro-aspects of leadership contexts. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(3), 437-447. Best of luck with your research! http://www.statisticssolutions.com/leadership/ https://www.onlineuniversities.com/20-essential-ted-talks-for-future-leaders

Dear Colleagues We agree with those who have proven that all conventional methods of measuring leadership skills (interviewer rating or self-tests) are producing fundamentally flawed data. INSTEAD we suggest and offer a way to measure leadership skills along 29 dimension by tracking the 150+ decisions during a serious game play (FLIGBY). We welcome researchers to join our new global Leadership and Flow Research Network which focuses on new ways of measuring leadership skills: http://flowleadership.org/what-flow-leadershipskills/ http://flowleadership.org/what-flow-leadership-skills/ Some references: Emotional intelligence, perception, quantification of human value. According to my studies, there can be found 9+ stages of development, which means there are 9 conditions and eventually fundamental styles for leadership. While the ability of risk management, strategic management is all that makes from a leader a successful leader. How efficient is by designing strategy, making choices, engaging into action, thinking and doing out of the box. Here emotional intelligence becomes an important field to measure, regarding individual ability to stand the reality of a situation to be faced, and lead at the same time. There may be found some cultural deficiencies, there for, in a global entrepreneurial platform, cultural background (Corporate culture, family and nation culture, religious culture) is important to know, as it will create or limit leadership skills. The ability to plan and adjust plans to reality, i think is also very important. Method The Matrix 9+ Assessment Visualization Tool The Quantificati... Method The 9 Families - The Art of Primordial Risk Management Research Proposal The Nature of Time and Its relationship with human emotions Research Proposal Development and advancement know how, skills and technology ... Presentation Corporate Stages of Development - Mission Statement Applied ... Research Proposal Study of Cultural deficiencies & its impact in leadership, s... Professor Han Ping Fung has provided a comprehensive list of instruments that measure leadership skills. I may add that face-to-face interviews, direct contacts, and oral exams can reveal a lot about a person who fits as a leader. Long time ago, a young candidate for a job was interviewed by a committee headed by a

company's boss. He was asked by the boss "What is your ultimate ambition that you aspire to achieve in this company?". The young man's answer was "To have your post Sir, after you retire or move to another company". I think that such a person was brave, honest, and polite but he required to be taught how to climb the ladder in a safe reasonable manner. We measure 29 leadership skills during an online leadership gameplay - non-intrusive observation. we have about 7000+ glolbal players in our data base and we are looking for academic research partners to analyse the data set in a co-publication. This is via www.fligby.com the official leadership development program and training of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi inventor of Flow and author of global best sellers such as Flow is Good Business. more via: www.flowleadership .org wishes Zoltan Leadership is about marshaling resources to achieve a goal (one off or repetitious) and its broader impact. Any assessment of leadership must be seen in context of: the task(s), resources (time, funds, people, material) and setting .

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