Leadership Training Program Report June '06

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 3
Jesus Youth – Changing the face of Youth

Leadership Training Programme – Bangalore 16th -18th June (Hyderabad Perspective) June 17th Onward Journey We (Prasanth, Milinda..) started on June 16th in the evening, reached Bangalore around 3 p.m the next day, after our patience was tested to the max. by the bus driver. The moment we reached B’lore the JY group was there to welcome us, serve lunch & help us get right in time for our first session. Session I – Time Management - (CC Joseph Chetan – Ex. National Coordinator of JY India) Joseph Chetan elicited to us that we should use time effectively by long term planning, always anticipate & prevent problems, empower others around us which would lead to a personal self development. He also stressed that communication with people is imperative, always being prepared, better planning & organizing, taking better care of oneself, seizing new opportunities, personal development, and empowerment. One striking example that mentioned was of a football game happening with out goal posts. Nobody would enjoy such a game. The same way each of us should have a goal in life & work towards it & channelize all of our time and effort in achieving it . This session made us realize that as a leader time is precious & we have to use it wisely & make good use it of every minute. Session II – Understanding the world & its views on religion - ( CC Joseph Chetan) In this session, Joseph Chetan spoke about religion in general and what & how the world reacts to it. He put before us various examples like in Palestine religion meant Relationship, in Greece it was Philosophy, Rome its Institutional, Europe its Culture, Traditional Christian its Programmes, 3rd World its Projects, America its commercialized & in today’s world Religion is Entertainment. Following this, the entire audience was then divided into small groups & we discussed about what religion & God means to today’s youth. We had debated on questions like Is Religion getting dad to worse? Is religion becoming anything of the past? Is today’s youth becoming less religious today? I s God no more?, Is God a creation of man? Do youth think they still need God? Is it difficult to talk about God among youth? Do the youth try God as they want to try something new???. This discussion really helped & gave us time to sit back & think what our friends & others around us thought about religion. We could hear so much of the young blood talk, during this session. It Page 1 of 3

Jesus Youth – Changing the face of Youth was the voice of the youth & the ideas & thoughts, the barriers we face in talking about religion to today’s youth. Finally, we concluded on the note that there is an apparent lack of meaning, permanent conflict, hunger for hope in the modern culture, & there is an undenying religious search in today’s world. Session III – Discipleship - (Fr. Trevor) As the theme suggests, Fr. Trevor spoke to us about leaders and disciples. He explained to us that followers ought to be like the master & follow him in everything. It Oops missed that part …. …. …. Session IV – (Christian Leadership – CC Joseph Chetan) In this session, Joseph Chetans mentioned to us that as a leader we should always remain focused on the following laws in order to bring Jesus to the people.. These include: Law of the Lid

: One has to realize that things can be done ONLY with the help of our Helper the Holy spirit & to put one’s thinking in line with the Lord. Law of Vision : It mentions about how vision gives the power & motivation to march ahead. Law of process : It is about being patient, work on oneself & let God work in you, which is a complete process. Law of Solid Ground : Its about character and the foundation of Leadership (Walk the talk) Law of Magnetism : “Who you are is who you attract?” so keep doing a self check on who you are attracting & if we need to improve ourselves anyway. Law of empowerment : It speaks about a leader’s ability to empower his people. It mentions that the people’s capacity to achieve is the leader’s ability to empower them. Law of Reproduction : It takes a leader to raise up another leader & one should not be threatened as they see other leaders coming up. Law of Priorities : A leader knows what to give importance to & what not too. Law of Sacrifice : It speaks about how a leader should sacrifice certain things to go up. At the culmination of this session we could foresee a lot of young JY members as “leaders” in the making. Camp Fire - (A spirit of Togetherness) A camp fire organized for the group by the JY tribes who welcomed the group with foot tapping music and dance, fire displays & shouts in the tribal language singing praise to the King of Kings and God acknowledged this by sending the rains. The group then joined in for dinner & later dispersed for the night.

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Jesus Youth – Changing the face of Youth June 18th The day began with praise & worship followed by adoration. Later we had Manoj Chettan(JYIT Coordinator) interacting with the group & speaking to them about the JY group. Counseling sessions were happening simultaneously. Following this there was a question/answer session. Riju Chetan(National Cordinator), Manoj Sunny & CC Joseph Chetan were fielding the questions while the audience (young leaders in the making), were the ones throwing at them their queries. All the answers were straight from the hearts of the leaders, were practical and real life time experiences, just showing interest & passion in overcoming the barriers they face every day in becoming better leaders. The day ended with mass offered by the Bishop of Bangalore

June 18th Return Journey Burning with the Love for Christ & To set Hyderabad on Fire we packed ourselves to hit our Mission Field. Conclusion In conclusion, this leadership program was a real inspiration for all the “wannabe leaders” for the sake of Christ’s evangelical work. All thru the program we had enjoyed lotsa games, good entertaining music, informative and encouraging sessions & talks and above all a good fellowship. This leadership program enriched, all its participants, encouraged the young minds, nourished and equipped them with some of the tools they could utilize in accomplishing their “Bigger Goal” for Christ. In Christ, Milinda Perez.

Jesus Youth, Hyderabad.

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