-leadership Thought Post Pg 8

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 514
  • Pages: 1
Thought Leadership Post

3 Ways to Gain a Massive Following on Instagram By Promoting Your Brand Instagram has become a rising star in the social media world in the last couple of years. In fact, 34% of Instagram users are Millennials, meaning young adults under 25 years old are using Instagram 32 minutes or more a day. When it comes to gaining followers on the social media channel of your choice, in this case, we are focusing on Instagram. There are easy ways to create a following, I have come up with 3 ways you can gain more following by promoting your brand on Instagram. Firstly, post on Instagram frequently, meaning you should probably download an app to your phone or computer that allows you to schedule posts to your Instagram. You can use apps like Hootsuite. Hootsuite is a social media management system. It tracks your social media channels. It also monitors what the public are saying about your brand. It has a scheduling system that allows you to schedule specific posts by time and date. Although you have to pay to get a membership for this resource, it does become worth in the end if you are truly invested in your brand. Secondly, while you're posting frequently on your Instagram, you should be posting relevant posts about what's trending that day, week, month or year. You can do this by checking out what hashtags are trending that day on Instagram. Hashtags are a very important part of posting content. People who are interested in what has to do with your brand will be looking up certain hashtags on Instagram in order to follow you and add your posts to their page. Once these people become aware of your brand they will start posting about it or telling their friends about your brand creating more followers for you. If you are not sure what the top hashtag of the day is, you can use simply websites such as All Hashtag. Lastly interacting with your followers is the most important part of content creation, letting your followers know that you are paying attention to what they are saying and liking makes them feel like you’re invested in what they think or what they have to say. You can do this by commenting on your followers’ photos, or even liking their photos. You can also post Instagram Stories where you are updating them on your life or asking your followers what they would like to see on your page. Make them feel involved, make them feel like they are the reason you are posting certain things on your page, but still make it relevant to your brand. There you have it, 3 easy way you can generate more followers on your Instagram page using, frequent posts, relevant posts and being interactive. These tips are very important when it comes to social media channels, by using these tips you can gain more and more followers daily. Remember to also look up what is trending before you post anything on any social media channels, but especially Instagram.

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