Leader Guide Session 1

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,273
  • Pages: 7

Session One

The Mission of God

Session Overview Purpose of this session

To help the participant understand the work of God in the world, with a particular focus on the mission of God reaching even specifically to him/her. Objectives for this session

• • • • •

Provide an overview of the work of God in the world Allow for personal expressions of worship to God Introduce, build, and deepen relationships Acquaint people with the mission of God for each person and for the church Begin the process of discovering membership at [insert your church name] Session Outline


a) Beginning points b) Why mission friends? c) One-on-one and group introductions

Instruct and Interact

a) God’s mission to you b) God’s mission through you


a) The X-Factor b) Timeline c) Closing

Going Deeper Materials for this session

Participant guides (one per person); Leader’s guide; pens or pencils; dry erase board or chart paper and markers; PowerPoint presentation; appendix materials (optional)


Gather Beginning Points Introduction


■■ Welcome everyone to Mission Friends: The Meaning of Membership. ■■ Introduce yourself. ■■ Pray for God’s blessing as you begin this journey together. ■■ Pass out participant guides. Purpose of this gathering


Explain: The purpose of this gathering is to: • • • • • •

Take an in-depth look at our congregation Underscore our commitment to God’s mission in the world Introduce our denominational family Build and deepen friendships Explore what it means to be a member Outline the process for joining

We have provided you with a participant guide which includes introductory material, places for notes, and additional resources for further exploration. I invite you to turn to page 1. Format of this gathering 1.4

Explain: Our congregation is all about mission. We are committed to purposefully pursuing

the priorities of God. Together we will look at four intersecting dimensions of that mission: the mission of God; the mission of our congregation; the mission of a member of our church; and the mission of the denomination to which we belong, the Evangelical Covenant Church. We will explore these four topics during four one-hour sessions.

Explain: • In “The Mission of God,” we will explore the Evangelical Covenant Church’s understanding of God and God’s mission in the world. • In “The Mission of the Covenant,” we will look at the values, mission, and ministry of our growing denominational family, the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC), which has more than 800 churches in the United States and Canada, and partnerships in over 30 additional countries around the globe. • In “The Mission of Our Church,” we will explore how we are seeking to pursue


God’s priorities. We will also introduce you to our history and give you a “behind the scenes” look at how we are organized. • In “The Mission of a Member,” we will look at our church’s commitment to you, and the expectations we have for those affiliated with our congregation. Objectives for this session


Explain: The objectives for this session are to: • • • • •

Provide an overview of the work of God in the world Allow for personal expressions of worship to God Introduce, build, and deepen relationships Acquaint people with the mission of God for each person and for the church Begin the process of discovering membership at [insert your church name]

Why Mission Friends?


Explain: The term “Mission Friends” was an early nickname given to Covenant people.

Covenanters have from the beginning sought to build a culture of friendship in Christ, pursuing the mission of God together. We hope to embody that same spirit today in this congregation. We are in it together, pulling for each other, as we seek to live faithfully in response to the love and grace God extends to us through Christ. Thank you for investing in this process. We trust that it will be beneficial to deepening your own sense of God’s mission in your life.

One-on-one Introductions 1.7 ■■ Divide the class into groups of two or three. ■■ Ask each group to discuss the following questions: 1) How did you start attending [insert church name here]? 2) What is one question you would like to see answered during our time together?

■■ Give the groups a few minutes to discuss; then, invite them back to share with the larger group the answers that their partner(s) gave. Leader Tip! Write down the questions each person would like answered. Keep the list for future reference to help you remember to answer the questions as the subjects come up.

■■ Assure participants that their questions will be addressed over the course of the four sessions.


Instruct and Interact The Mission of God: God’s Mission to You 1.8 God is now here


Explain: What do these letters spell? Show “Godisnowhere” PowerPoint slide or write this on a board or chart paper. Give the group a chance to respond

Explain: From one perspective, some would say “God is nowhere,” but from a different

perspective, it says “God is now here.” The essential message of the Bible is that God is indeed here with us. You are not alone. In fact, one of the names given to Jesus is “Immanuel.” The name literally means “God with us.” It is the very nature of God to be with us. The ways God is with us

Explain: 1.10 Students of the Bible speak of three ways that God is with us: • Creator— 1.11 In Genesis 1 and 2, we see God creating all that is, bringing it to life, forming the world around us, including you and me. [Have someone read Psalm 139:13-16.] This passage tells us that God knew us before we were born and created us out of love for us. Genesis even tells us that God the Creator walked with humanity in perfect relationship. Thomas a Kempis said of God, “This is the supreme manifestation of your love, that when I had no being, you created me.” • Redeemer— 1.12 Unfortunately there was a breech in the relationship. Sin came in and destroyed that perfect relationship. But God still seeks us out, wanting us to walk together in the way God intends. For this reason, God sent his son, Jesus, into the world and that’s where we get the name Immanuel, ‘God with us.’ Jesus took on human flesh and came into this world. Jesus was literally ‘God with us,’ God among us. Out of God’s love for us, Jesus died on a cross, taking on our sin so that we might be saved or redeemed from sin and made new, enabling us to walk with God once again in relationship. [Have someone read Ephesians 1:7 and 2 Corinthians 5:17.] • Sustainer— 1.13 [Have someone read Philippians 1:6.] Since God is continually seeking us out and since Jesus came to us so that we could be in relationship with God, we need the constant sustaining of God in this relationship. That sustaining comes through the Holy Spirit, who continues the work of helping us understand and walk with Christ. Reflection


Explain: Consider the three ways that Biblical scholars describe God (Creator, Redeemer,


Sustainer) and the corresponding Scripture. To which of the three dimensions do you most relate?

■■ Give participants a moment to reflect on the questions below and then have them share their thoughts either as a whole group or in pairs. Remind participants that it’s okay to say they do not have thoughts on a particular question. • How have you experienced God as Creator? • Is there someone you can think of who has made God’s redeeming love especially real for you? • How do you experience God’s sustaining presence in your life today?

Explain: This is God’s mission to you. As you hear about this grand truth of the Bible,

perhaps you are aware that you have not really ever opened your heart to God. Nothing would thrill God more than for you to do so in a simple prayer stating to God your desire to embrace and follow him, receiving the new life and forgiveness that comes through Christ.

The Mission of God: God’s Mission through You Explain: 1.15 Living with God is where a spiritually adventurous life begins. Living for God is how it continues in meaningful and significant ways. God’s mission extends to you, but it extends beyond you as well. God’s mission is only fully realized through the church. It is an exciting part of the adventure of faith to join in God’s work in the world with other believers. The Bible tells us that God is love. 1.16 Because God is love, God is also… • A Seeking God—God desires to bring close those who are far away from him. This means that God continually desires to meet people where they are and draw them into his loving embrace and care, helping them to accept and trust in him. • A Reconciling God—God desires to bring close those who are far away from each other. This means that God constantly desires to create communities where people can express the love they experience from God to others. • A Healing God—God desires to bring close the values of the Kingdom of God. This means God continually desires to address and change the hurts in the world and the causes of those hurts. God has given particular gifts, talents, interests, and resources to each of us that we may find our significant contribution to his mission to the lost, the hurting, and the fractured. Reflection


Explain: As you hear about God’s mission, perhaps you have a desire to participate in that


mission, a mission which God works out through the church. Ask yourself the question, what do I see as my role in working out God’s mission in the world?

■■ Give participants time to reflect on the question and if time allows you may wish to have them share their thoughts.

Integrate The X-Factor: Keep this Image in Mind Explain: Here is an image that can help us remember both God’s mission to you and God’s

mission through you. Greek is the language of the New Testament. The Greek letter Chi looks like the English letter “X”. Chi is the first letter for the Greek spelling of Christ, and so it became the one letter abbreviation for Christ. It is also a visual image for the mission of God.

■■ Draw the top half of the letter chi, “V”

Explain: 1.18 The top part, the “V” reminds us that the God of the universe, in all his

power, majesty, and vastness (the vast open portion at the very top) nevertheless pinpoints his love and attention on us.

■■ Draw the bottom half of the letter chi, “ ” to complete the letter.

Explain: 1.19 From this point on, we are reminded by the bottom half of the Chi, that we join God (the center point) in his expansive mission to the world (the lower opening).

1.20 The two halves of the letter chi (“X”) combine to remind us of the rhythm of faith: God has a mission both to us and through us.

Timeline Explain: 1.21 In your participant guide you will find a timeline. We will use this to note significant points on our spiritual journey.

I will give you a few minutes to note the following on your timeline: • Significant events that have shaped your view of God (good or bad). • God’s mission to you: Time when you first remember being aware of God. Times when you have been keenly aware of God’s presence. • God’s mission through you: Times when you have cared for others, reached out to the hurting, acted on injustice, shared the good news of Jesus with others.


Explain: If you sense that you are at a place on your spiritual journey where you desire to

embrace God’s love for you, I encourage you to talk with me as soon as you can, to help you enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Closing Explain: God has a mission in this world, and that mission includes you. God loves you and longs to be in relationship with you. Over the rest of our time together, keep that in mind, wherever you are on your spiritual journey.

■■ Remind your group of the additional questions available in the “Going Deeper” section at the end of this session for those who want to reflect further on their role in the working out of God’s mission.

Going Deeper Life’s Big Questions God has a mission in this world, and that mission includes you. So how do we discern our part in God’s big mission? To begin with, God’s desire is to give you a part that fits who you are and what you desire. So try answering these five questions. They may help you discern God’s leading in your life right now. 1) What do you enjoy doing? 2) Where do you see God most at work in your life? 3) What do you want God to do in your life in the next 6-12 months? 4) If you could do anything for God or others what would you like to do? 5) How might the church help you pursue these things for God? Leader Tip! You may wish to take 5 minutes from the beginning of the next session to explore the Going Deeper questions; alternately, you may suggest that participants pair up and share their reflections on the questions with each other before the next session.


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