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  • Pages: 5
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 825 - PROVIDING PENALTY FOR IMPROPER DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE AND OTHER FORMS OF UNCLEANLINESS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. SECTION 1. Any provision of existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding, all citizens and residents of Philippines; all universities, colleges and schools and other similar institutions, private as well as public; all commercial and industrial establishments such as hotels, restaurants, hospitals, cinema houses, public markets, department stores, groceries and the like; all public conveyances; all residential houses; and all other establishments of any kind, shall undertake the cleaning of their own surroundings, their yards and gardens, as well as the canals, roads or streets in their immediate premises.

All garbage, filth and other waste matters, shall be placed in the proper receptacles for the disposition thereof by garbage collectors.

SECTION 2. Any person, who shall litter or throw garbage, filth, or other waste matters in public places, such as roads, canals esteros or parks, shall suffer an imprisonment of not less than 5 days nor more than one year or a fine of not less than P100 nor more than P2,000.00 or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Court or tribunal, without prejudice to the imposition of a higher penalty under any other law or decree.

If the violator is a corporation, firm, or other corporate entities, the maximum penalty shall be imposed upon the president, manager, director or persons responsible for its operation.

SECTION 3. Owners of the idle lots in Greater Manila are required to keep their idle lots clean to prevent them from becoming the breeding places of mosquitoes, flies, mice, rats and other scavengers. In the event of their failure or inability to comply with this

obligation, the government shall undertake the cleaning of said lots at the expense of the owners. The government may, through the Barangay Council, further utilize the land for its food production program.

PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1151 - PHILIPPINE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Section 1 Policy It is hereby declared a continuing policy of the State: a. to create, develop, maintain, and improve conditions under which man and nature can thrive in productive and enjoyable harmony with each other; b. to fulfill the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations of Filipino; and c. to insure the attainment of an environmental quality that is conducive to a life of dignity and well-being. Section 2 Goal In pursuing this policy, it shall be the responsibility of the Government, in cooperation with concerned private organizations and entities, to use all practicable means, consistent with other essential considerations of national policy, in promoting the general welfare to the end that the Nation may: a. recognize, discharge and fulfill the responsibilities of each generation as trustee and guardian of the environment for succeeding generations; b. to assure the people of a safe, decent, healthful, productive and aesthetic environment;

c. encourage the widest exploitation of the environment without degrading it, or endangering human life, health and safety or creating conditions adverse to agriculture, commerce and industry; d. preserve important historic and cultural aspects of the Philippine heritage; e. attain a rational and orderly balance between population and resource use; and f. improve the utilization of renewable and non-renewable resources. Section 3 Right to a Healthy Environment In furtherance of these goals and policies, the Government recognizes the right of the people to a healthy environment. It shall be the duty and responsibility of each individual to contribute to the preservation and enhancement of the Philippine environment.

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8749 - PHILIPPINE CLEAN AIR ACT OF 1999 Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1 Basic Air Quality Policies SEC. 2. Declaration of Principles. - The State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.

The State shall promote and protect the global environment to attain sustainable development while

recognizing the primary responsibility of local government units to

deal with environmental problems.

The State recognizes that the responsibility of cleaning the habitat and environment is primarily area-based.

The State also recognizes the principle that “polluters must pay”. Finally, the State recognizes that a clean and healthy environment is for the good of all and should, therefore, be the concern of all.

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9003 ECOLOGICAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 2000 Sec. 12. City and Municipal Solid Waste Management Board. - Each city or municipality shall form a City or Municipal Waste Management Board that shall prepare, submit and implement a plan for the safe and sanitary management of solid waste generated in areas under in geographic and political coverage.

Relevance: People nowadays always choose what is convenient for them specially when it comes to things that is used for everyday needs. Such convenience has negative effects to the environment the citizens doesn’t realize, they just know but doesn’t care at all, instead of bringing eco-bag to public markets or grocery stores the majority still prefers to use plastic bags provided by the market, also food deliveries is common today which is not eco-friendly because establishments still use Styrofoam and plastic containers instead of paper containers. Philippines is one of the largest contributor of Plastic found in Oceans. Philippine waste contains a total amount of 6,237,653 kg (6875.84 tons) of plastic per day, with this Philippines was ranked as the 3 rd country from the top 5 list based from the data of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), meanwhile United States ranks as 15 th from the list which is alarming considering the fact that they have much larger population.

It is the duty of every citizen to maintain the order and cleanliness on their environment and surroundings, but as the years goes by Filipinos tend to be improper and careless with their actions. This insensitivity paved a way to the catastrophic effect to the biodiversity. Philippines is under third-world country and so, as it focus and strive to be industrialized, the environment was neglected. The ineptitude and negligence of the people, bearing in mind the false perception of development. They always want to obtain but doesn't want to help retain and maintain the Sustainability in the Community. Taking into account the City of Manila, the smell and the faltering and flimsy sight of garbage gives you the impression of how haphazard the area is. This is disquieting for the aftermath of those will be diseases like Malaria, Dengue, Cholera and such which causes endangerment, extinction and death. It is even alarming because people doesn't exert an effort to fix and elucidate this environmental problem. This problem cannot be solved by the Government itself, there is also a need for participation and discipline of the citizens.

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