Laws Affecting Nursing Practice

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,579
  • Pages: 52

REPUBLIC ACTan act passed by the Congress of the Philippines

 RA


Generic name- identification of drugs with scientifically and internationally recognized active ingredients. Brand name- propriety name given by manufacturer Essential drug list- list of drugs prepared by DOH on the basis of health conditions in the Phils as well as internationally accepted criteria.

RA 9165- Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002  

     

Prohibited acts: 1. Sell, administer, deliver or distribution and transport of prohibited drugs 2. Importation of prohibited drugs 3. Den or drive 4. Employees or visitors of dens 5. Manufacture 6. Use and possession 7. Culture of plants


registration and imposition of license on all persons who deal in narcotic drugs and the control of the legal traffic in narcotic drugs. Narcotics- drugs which produces insensibility, stupor, melancholy or dullness of mind, habit forming Prohibited drugs- drugs with opium, coca leaf, heroine, morphine,LSD Regulated drugs- self-inducing sedatives, secobarbitals, hypnotic drugs

RA 6425

-Dangerous Drug Act

provision of S2- code for selected doctors who can prescribe narcotic drugs -

RA 7877- Anti Sexual Harassment Law 

- authority, influence or moral ascendancy over another demands, requests or requires any sexual favors 

a. Work related

b. Education related

c. Training

RA 9262- Anti Violence against Women and their children “ violence against women and children” means: any act or series of acts against a woman    

a. wife or former wife; b sexual relationship or dating relationship c. with whom he has a common child d. against her child, leg or illeg

Types of violence:   

a. physical violence b. sexual violence c. psychological abuse d. economic abuse

Battered wife syndrome 

- pattern of psychological and behavioral symptoms found in women living in battering relationships - cycle:  a.

tension building  b. acute or serious battering  c. honeymoon stage

Duties of Health care provider:  1.

Safeguard records, provide rights and

remedies  2.

Automatically provide medical

certificate free of charge  3.

Document any of victim’s injuries


7610 -

Anti Child Abuse

RA 7658- an act prohibiting the employment of children below 15 years of age

RA 6809-Emancipation law lowered majority age from 21 to 18 years old

RA 8172Salt Iodization Law

RA 3573- an act providing for the prevention and suppression of dangerous communicable diseases

RA 7305- Magna Carta of Public Health Workers has provisions on the benefits, rights and responsibilities of public health workers Entitlement and protection: 1. Discrimination is prohibited 2. Understaffing and overstaffing not allowed

3. Due process observed 4. Normal hours of work, overtime pay, night shift dif, salary scale  5. Payment of salaries in legal tender  6. Hazard allowance 7. Right to self organization

RA 8749- Phil Clean Air Act of 1999 Declaration of policy: 

 

1. Right of people to a balanced and healthful ecology 2. Promote and protect the global environment 3. State recognizes the principle that “ polluters must pay” 4. State recognizes that a clean and healthy environment is for the good and concern of all

RA 6713- Code of conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees

public officials and employees shall at all times be accountable to the people and shall discharge their duties with utmost responsibility, integrity, competence and uphold public interest


8344- An act penalizing the

refusal of Hospitals and medical Clinics to administer appropriate initial treatment and support in emergency cases

7160- Local Government Code - general features include decentralization and local autonomy - the Local chief executive have the power over:

Budgets for health, Implementation of programs Personnel appointment

RA 2644- Philippine Midwifery Act - registered nurses may practice midwifery through passing the midwifery exam and has completed 20 actual deliveries

RA 2382- Practice of medicine by a Nurse -


1. during epidemics or national emergencies, 2. whenever services of duly registered physicians are not available 3. through special authorization given by the DOH and automatically ceases when epidemic is terminated

RA 7600- Rooming in and breastfeeding Act of 1992 Policies include 1. preparation of mothers for breastfeeding, 2. latching on ( baby to suck 30 minutes after delivery), - 3. rooming in 30 minutes after delivery, - 4. breastfeeding for 4-6 months, feed per demand


7432- Senior Citizen’s Act= 20%

RA 8423- Established the traditional and alternative health care massage

Memorization Drills RA 8423- Established the traditional and alternative health care  RA 7432- Senior Citizen’s Act  RA 7600- Rooming in and breastfeeding Act of 1992  RA 2382- Practice of medicine by a Nurse  RA 2644- Philippine Midwifery Act  RA 7160- Local Government Code  RA 7610 - Anti Child Abuse Code 

RA 8344- An act penalizing the refusal of Hospitals and medical Clinics to administer appropriate initial treatment and support in emergency cases  RA 6713- Code of conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and employees 

RA 953 – NARCOTIC DRUG ACT  RA 9262- Anti Violence against Women and their children  RA 3573- an act providing for the prevention and suppression of dangerous communicable diseases 

RA 7877- Anti Sexual Harassment Law


RA 9165- Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002  RA 6809- Emancipation law 

RA 7305- Magna Carta of Public Health Workers

PRESIDENTIAL DECREEan order of the president in his capacity to act as legislator.

PRESIDENTIAL DECREES PD 603- CHILD AND YOUTH WELFARE CODE highlights the role of the nurse which include 1. registration of births 2. child’s health 3. freedom of expression 4.child’s inherent right to life 5. basic health services.


it includes the rights and duties of parents over their children 

- parental authority     

- joint - grandparents - eldest brother or sister - nearest next of kin - guardian appointed by the court

 PD


requires immediate registration of birth within 30 days from delivery

PD 996- provided for compulsory basic immunization for infants and children below 8 years old

PD 418promote the concept of family responsible parenthood and family planning  FAMILY CODE

PD 442 – Labor Code of the Philippines -provides for the rights, benefits and privileges of employees in the private sector -

vacation leave, sick leave, nsd- 10%, overtime pay,  - right of women workers  - right to self- organization

PD 626- Employee Compensation and State Insurance Fund injury/ death that is work related is compensable -

 PD

807- Civil Service Law-

provides for recruitment and selection of employees in gov’t service

PD 856- Code of Sanitation PD 825- Garbage Disposal Act

EXECUTIVE ORDERan order issued by the executive department in order to implement a constitutional or a statutory provision.

EO 51- milk code EO 209- Family Code EO 203- list of regular holidays and special days EO 180- Guidelines on the right to organize of government employees


QUESTIONS: 1. Which group are required to be immunized as per PD # 996? a. children with special needs b. children below 8 years old c. out of school youth d. school children

2 Which legislation aims to promote and improve the social and economic wellbeing of health workers in government service? a. RA 7164 b. DOH policies and guidelines c. Alma Ata d. Magna carta

3. The PD that requires all health workers to register all births within 30 days from birth: a. PD 615 b. PD 651 c. PD 561 d. PD 156

4. Which of the following laws refer to the Code of Sanitation? a. PD 825 b. PD 856 c. PD 965 d. PD 791

5. The nurse should know that all prescriptions of the municipal health officer should be in generics. What law provides for this mandate? a. RA 9173 b. RA 6675 c. RA 1080 d. RA 7160

6. Which of the following provisions does not apply to RA 7305? a. promotes and improves the socio-economic well being of public health workers b. develop their skills and abilities to remain in government c. encourage those qualified and with abilities to remain in govt service d. standardized the salaries of nurses working in the govt

7. The delivery of basic services and facilities of the national govt was transferred to the local government units. Which of the following mandated this? a. RA 7305 b. RA 7160 c. RA 4226 d. RA 9173

8. RA 6136 expressly authorizes the giving of intravenous and other injection by a nurse: a. if the registered nurse has been properly trained b. if there is hospital policy c. only under the direction and supervision of a physician d. only when there is a written medical order

9. Under the Narcotic Drug Law, the nurse handling narcotics may be held criminally liable if she: a. has drugs in private possession b. is a patient using duly prescribed drugs c. administer narcotic orders of a licensed physician d. is accounting for the drugs under a licensed employer

10. According to PD 442, a nurse is entitled to a night differential pay. Based on a daily rate of P57.00, which daily rate will she receive whenever she works from 10 pm to 6 pm? a. P62.70 b. P71.25 c. P73.20 d. P108.00

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