Lauren's 5th Grade Story

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,699
  • Pages: 7
I inhaled one last breath of air as Marcy pulled my corset tighter. “There you are dear, “ her voice said sweetly. “Thank you. “ Barely breathing I thought of potential ways to break free of the tight clothing. In walked her majesty. “Bonjour,” her mouth motionless. I've come to the decision to start the ceremony at 6:30 sharp.” A sudden smile covered my face, more time to escape. “I'll take Angelina to give her some review on exceptional behavior,” said the queen. My smile disappeared. My mother reached out for my arm but I jerked away. “ Princess Angelina Rain,” she hissed astonished. I came back to my senses thinking of what would happen to me if I didn't obey and placed my arms back out from my sides. Marcy was quiet in the corner of the small bright room scared to death from looking at my mothers furious porcelain face. The queen and I sped down the long corridor to a door engraved with intricate patterns. My mother still holding my wrist after darting down the corridor, knocked loudly three times. The massive entry to the bizarre sitting room opened quietly as my head was turned, “ahhh.” I was startled by the woman's frighting face. All I could see was her peaking from behind the door and her long fingers gesturing me to approach her. I struggled to free myself from my mothers grasp, but I've got to admit for a queen she's quit pushy and I was suddenly shoved onto a Victorian sofa with a strong fragrance. I then could see the tiny lady's short body. She was wearing a long red dress that poofs out at the waist

and drags on the carpet, probably from of her evil potions. My memory starts to clear up and I remember her from years past. Her bony hand offered me tea. “No,” it didn't take me more than a second to answer. “Drink up,” she demanded as she shoved the ginger tea to my face, nearly spilling it all over my chest. Nervously I took the gilded mug and lifted it to my cold lips. I crossed my fingers not to turn into something squishable like a slug. “Pinky up!” she screeched. I made a sour face at her urging me to drink more of the greenish yellow liquid. I stared blankly at the cracked window looking out to the courtyard and forest beyond, trying to stall. She looked too. She was soon hypnotized by the bird silently cawing outside the glass. This was my chance to sneak out the open doors to the corridor and out of the palace. Quietly, I tip-toed backwards out the doors eying the cruel woman intently. Boom!, the doors closed. I had really done it now. I was on the run now. At the speed of light I sprinted down the grand staircase. “Princess!” Not the queen. When I reached the marble floor it was apparent she had been waiting for this and prepared with guards and a crowding audience to watch me panic. With thousand of eyes upon me I made a run for it. I didn't believe I would make it past the guards and their enormous swords. My heavy breathing wasn't helping my escape. Minutes seemed like hours. I finally chance to look back and it appeared I had lost them. I sat down on a mossy log lying by a fast flowing stream in the forest. I wished nothing but to be

away, far far away from royalty, strict royalty. Something was tickling my back. I slowly looked back and discovered an adorable little mouse crawling up my back. As I reached for it, the light brown mouse with big ears raced up my arm then jumped down. It's small fragile legs kicked up bits of dirt while dashing away from me. It's puny body stopped after a few feet to look back at me, started up again, stopped and looked back again. It must have wanted me to follow. I stood up and dusted the dirt off of me then started to drag my aching feet behind the small creature. As we walked a slow and steady pace, my eyes wandered. I have never been in this foreign world just outside the castle. Little houses sat in the oak trees lining the winding path. A flash of light and a husky body with knotty dreads upon his head past my eyes, then was gone. We continued down the thin strip of dirt to a stone fortress. I stopped in front of the crumbling building looking for an entrance. The mouse saw it first, turned the corner so we were in clear view of a not so stable doorway overgrown with brambles. Cautiously we walked thru, pushing leaves from my eyes and ducking under thorny branches. In the center of what may have once been a ballroom was now a spiraling vortex. In jumped the mouse. I couldn't believe my eyes. This little mouse that stumbled at my feet 2 hours ago couldn't possible expect me to follow after it. Could it? My curiosity took over and next thing I knew a whoosh of cold air blew over my face and I was suddenly transported to somewhere very strange. I appeared to be in a different time. In a land of war. But it was strangely

familiar too. The salty air filled my lungs. “This sure is different,” it was like the mouse read my mind and talked! I started to laugh which became a bit awkward. “Whats so funny?” The mouse had a strange southern accent I'd never heard before. “I'm your fairy godmouse, Zoe, “she said. “I would have told you sooner but without this portal I'm just a mouse. I took you 'ere so you could see how much your kingdom really needs you.” “What do you mean?” I was very, very confused. Zoe lifted her funny hand to the direction of the sea. “See dem boats over dere?' “Yeah.” “Dose are pirate boats.” “3, 2, 1” A loud explosion blasted on the horizon leaving the French ship in bits of burnt wood. “Dat's why yur kingdom needs you,” a look of worry on her face. “Dose unkempt men in the trees were pirates. I agree dat your family can be a bit harsh, but you can't run off whenever you're upset.” I was getting irritated now. “If the ceremony had gone on as planned da pirates couldn't have snooped around and realized your weakness. A light drizzle had turned the white sand to brown. “So what exactly am I suppose to do now? I can't change history!” It was becoming weird to me that I had to defend myself to a mouse. “No need to get fiery now. The pirates are quite advance but still stupid. All you need to do is convince them to reverse what they've done. “Great,” I said sarcastically.” They're way out there

and we're here.” In a blink of an eye she she had a wand in her hand mumbling “umada, umada, ee.” Suddenly, Zoe and I were both on the enemy's ship. “Load the cannons!” a booming voice from across the large room ordered. As I looked at the man owning the voice I realized I was about to deal with a total psychopath. He had a crazed look on his patched face and was holding a bottle of rum in one hand and a pistol in the other. “Hide,” Zoe whispered as she ducked into a leather boot. “Uhhg,” I scrambled under a bed in the corner. A moment later Zoe crawled out from the stinky boot into the palm of my hand as I inched my head from under the bed. “That was a close one,” Zoe said relieved. “Close one! We could have been killed and it would have been your fault. Be more careful when you use that wand!” Suddenly footsteps sounded and they were coming our way. Then a boy of about 14 walked into the room “Who are you?” I asked . “Who are you?” he demanded. “I asked you first.” He lifted an eyebrow, “fine,”he said. I'm the Captain's son and I was happily sneaking off to get away from the loon, you?” It's kind of a long story and you wouldn't believe me anyways, but we both have something against your dad, right?” “ I suppose.” “So maybe you would like to help us.” “Us?”

I opened my clenched hand and revealed Zoe. “This is Zoe.” “You gave that thing a name?” “She is my fairy god-mouse. Will you help us?” “ Help with what?” “See your dad, well, we need to convince him to undo this war he's made.” “Oh, what do I have to lose, sure.” I could see Zoe was as happy as I was. “Now, let's go.” The Captain was ordering his crew around on the deck as the boy went up to him. “Hello sir.” “Jack.” The man seemed angry. Jack pulled out a medallion from his pant pocket and swung it in in front of his father's face. “Listen to me and do everything I tell you to do.” The Captain nodded his head as he continued to stare at the medallion. “Now,” said Jack, “you will use your powers to turn back time and undo this war that you started.” “Yes,” the Captain agreed, totally hypnotized and in his son's control. “Boys, turn the boat around!” “Aye Captain,” “Oh, it's just that easy'” I whispered to Zoe. “Yep, I guess so,” Jack said returning. “Hold on to something, this is going to be a wild ride.” I grasped onto the railing of the ship as well as Jack and Zoe, as a whirl of wind captured Zoe and I in the dust. Everything was quiet. The halls were empty and the candles weren't lit. I looked outside and there was my mother and father playing croquet in the courtyard. “Come on out dear, you're missing the game'” they said with pleading eyes.

“Alright.” Why were they so excited to see me? Had it only been a dream? Out from my feet crawled Zoe.

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