Latin - Frosh

  • October 2019
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9th Grade List of Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots LIST ONE Prefixes 1 mono bi, di tri deci centi milli multi poly pan, omnis semi, hemi, demi

one, single two, twice, apart three ten hundred thousand much, many many all half

Suffixes 1 an, ian (adj.) al (adj.) ar, ary (adj.) ial, ical (adj.) eer (n.) ist (n.)

monotone bicycle, dialogue triplets, tripod decade, decimation century, centimeter millennium, millimeter multitude, multicolored polygamy, Polynesia pantheistic, omnidirectional semifinal, hemisphere,     demigod

pertaining to, belonging to pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to one who deals with one who

urban, Christian, Martian spherical, floral, primal molecular, notary, granary official, comical, medical auctioneer, conventioneer communist, violinist

tude (n.) ous, ious, eous (adj.)

the quality of having the quality of

servitude, gratitude, attitude joyous, courteous, poisonous

Roots 1 unus duo

one two

unity, unicycle dual, duality

corpus manus ped/pod derma lingua

body hand foot skin tongue

corporal, corporation, corpse manuscript, manual, manicure pedestrian, centipede, biped hypodermic, pachyderm bilingual, linguistics



lunar, lunatic

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terra, geos astro, stella helio, sol ______________

earth, land star sun

terrestrial, territory, geography astrology, constellation, stellar heliotropism, solar

decimation—when Roman platoons (called “centuries”—90 soldiers, plus 10 support  personnel) showed cowardice in combat, they were punished by “decimation,” in  which every tenth (deca) man was executed. Since then, this has meant a horrible and  total destruction. corporal—this refers to the adjective, as in “corporal punishment.” The military rank,  “corporal,” however, has a different root; it is a diminutive form of “capo,” which  means head. lunatic—refers to the folk belief that exposure to the moon drove people to madness

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LIST TWO Prefixes 2 ab, a anti contra de non

not, away from against against do the opposite of, remove from not

absent, atypical, avert antislavery, antisocial contradict, contraband deflate, dethrone, denote nonreligious, nonconformity


by, thoroughly, make

beguile, belittle, betrothed

mega mini

great, large small, brief

megaphone, megabyte miniature, minimalism

hypo hyper

less, under over, above

hypothermia, hypodermic hyperactive, hyperacidity

Suffixes 2 dom (n.) ia (n.) mony (n.) sis (n.)

fact of being, state, condition state or condition of state or condition of state or condition of

kingdom, wisdom suburbia, minutia, hysteria harmony, matrimony paralysis, analysis, peristalsis

able, ible, ble (adj.) ation (n.) escence (n.), esce (v.)    escent (adj.)

capable of, worthy the act of state of beginning to be (n.)    beginning to be (v., or adj.)

durable, credible, detachable creation, notation, libation adolescence, luminsesce,    effervescent

Roots 2 bios (G), vita, viva (L) life mort (L), necro (G) death

biology, vitality, vivacious immortality, necromancy

physis psyche pathos logos

nature [body] mind, life, spirit feeling, suffering [disease] study of, word, thought

physics, physiology, physical psychology, psychopath sympathy, pathology, empathy geology, biology, logical

chronos tempus annus

time time year

chronological, chronometer temporary, contemporary annual, bicentennial

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menstruation, semester

ethnos, natio genus

nation birth, race, type

ethnic, ethnology, native genetic, geneology, gender

__________ semester—this originally meant “six months.” Thus, two semesters make one school year.

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LIST THREE Prefixes 3 fore pro re pre post ante tele meta

in front, before in front of back, again before behind, after before far change

forearm, foreground progress, projection regress, replay, reanimate predict, prefer, pre­game postscript, posterior antechamber, anterior television, telepathy metabolism, metamorphosis

extra trans inter, enter, intro intra in, en, im, em ex, e, ef, es

beyond across between within in, into out of

extraordinary transcend, transport interchangeable, interpose intramural, intravenous immigrant, enclose, embrace emigrant, exterior, efface

the killing of

homicide, insecticide, 

full of like inflammation of without in a way that is of or belonging to (adj.)    place of (n.)

graceful, beautiful, merciful foolish, greenish bronchitis, tendonitis motionless, graceless slowly, lastly auditory, sensory,    laboratory, crematory

hear sound, tone, voice sight

audible, audiometer, audience telephone, phonic videotape, vision, visor

phobia fortis val

fear brave, strong strength, worth

hydrophobia, arachnophobia fortitude, fortress, fortify valor, valiant, value

cyber dominus

computer lord, master

cyberspace, cyborg dominate, domineer

Suffixes 3 cide (n.) genocide ful (adj.) ish (adj.) itis (n.) less (adj.) ly (adv.) ory (adj. or n.) Roots 3 audire phone vidi, visi

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facere fides, credo libero morphos

make or do faith, trust set free shape, structure

factory, facility confide, incredible liberate, liberty, liberal metamorphosis, ectomorph

__________ immigrant, emigrant—this distinction is often lost in everyday usage. A person who  moves from China to the U.S. is a Chinese emigrant, and an American immigrant, not  a Chinese immigrant. Even well­respected magazines and newspapers make this error. cyber—this has come to refer to anything computer­related, but it comes from the Greek  word, “kybernan,” meaning to pilot or steer. The brain is thought to pilot the body,  and the computer is similar to a brain.

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