Last Chance Chris Dunn

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QO-FIXJNDER/OrnrCron t'{r. Iee W. C,aylord

Atepdloercatiae€n nqy

B. Dunn Christopher JCCLC'8200Fenceline Jefferson city tt{o 65101

TNSTITUTTCD{ALOOORDII\IAIOR Christopher A. Hargrave INSTIT\.EIOD{AL DIRECION Eric C. Wright CCITIRTBUTTNGDIRECTORS Lorna Mitchell Esther S. Grobe K.S. Caprood L. Daniels J. Micheal Elizabeth tvticheal


for your goals it should When striving wi-th nct be done in a way ttnt interferes your natural strnntaneity, ror should being spontaneous and going with the flow of life interfere with living your life and seeing your dreams csne true.


Each person reeds to fintl their balance between striving for their goals and enjoying life. Iets aII save tlre children, hunanity and lets not forget that we have' the ability to needle our creative energry and contribute back to srciety. This nay just

be our last ctrance to do so.

L.A.S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E., Iets A11 Save The Children Hunanity And Needle Cteative Errergy, was created frcrn a thought and a longing &sire to try reaching out to the troubled youths and teens l*ro have been misguided or negatively held imprisoned by their daily influences and surrounding elenrents of sriminal behaviors ttrat nay lead them to the crcnfires of a prison, or r^,orst death prernature death. In the year of 2002 I was introduced to a very good friend wtro later assisted nre in tlre developing of this prognam. I once wrote Mr. Lee C,aylord, expressing my croncern and need to provide a service that I knew and felt would be a crontribution to the youth and society if adopted and useful and beneficial participa.nts practiced by the and roe crcntinued to forrmrlate a plan to nake I strongly believe t},at we aII as a vfiole have this dream beccne a reality. to insure ttrat we extend our hands to the falling and assist a responsibility in our society and those wtro have fallen victim than up from the pitfalls ignoranc'e that may lead or led them to to the ills of their own individr:al prison. I strongly believe that if we continue to allovr our brothers and our sons and daughters, our nieces and neptews, uncles and auntst sisters, go through life without giving them the love, respect, and farnily support then r^e wiII have failed them and they will in turn seek this gift elsevrhere whrich qould lead to regative influences in their lives. must crcne to fully We as a people, a nation, a body of great intelligence one another we are doomed and understand ttrat without each other assisting society will be nothing without hunanity to exist within it. creation I said hr:rnanity because we are a people, a strong and beautiful of Gods roork, and we have been created in Gods inage, the body of the world. We are hunan, a family r:nknown to each other, but wtro strive for the colTrnon reasons and goals in life. vihich L.A.S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E. \.,as founded on 12 fundamental ctnracteristics, if applied to your daily thought and action you will find your worth, value, have to be You as a ird.ividual and understand your purpose in life better. it rm:st start with you and to want to nake a change in your life, willing you first mr:st cone to accept the fact that you are rpt perfect and you too to learn frorn themr you must be willing nake mistakes, but you're willing to a&nit for your indj-vidr:al actions and be willing to take responsibility to your self ttrat you have a problern and need help in order to nake a change. Tkris program wiII not r,sork if to nake it work for you.

you do rpt horestly

put forth

the sincere


I have seen many yowrg nales and fenales faII victim to prenature death of others, and sorne inconsideration a1I because of their pride, selfishress, in prison. prernature later found thenselves death have but they escaped a rnay This just rnay be your last chanc.e to get your life in order, if not you may end up in tioo places you don't ever want to be, prisons and graveyards. Founder/Chairrnan Christopher B. Dunn L.A.S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E. II1


Dear Friends

and all


r think these difficul-t tines of my past have helped ne to understand the nature of my life better and understand better than before how infinitely life is in every lray and that so many things ttat people rich and beautiful gro through the world r,'orrying about are of no importance, becan:se they no faith in thernselves or any higher being, and because they have no faith, have no patience. During the first 3 years of my exccnrnunication with society I sat back and gave thought to what is it that nanwants out of life; vtrat is it that will nake nran tappy, and wtrat is it ttr,at they yearn for and still it arnazes ne that nan is so concerred with satisfying themselves ttrat they trave lost touch with the real conception of life. I have learned to accept ltro I am and vtnt I've beccne, I have learned to crcnsider and respect the needs and opinions of others and I have learned that vrtren one door of happiness closes another door will open. I understand the value of life now, and the mj-stakes of putting my wants in life before my reeds. This is our L.A.S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E. to set a positive example for the youth of tonorrow, we must take the initiative steps for^ward to take against our ov/n igrnorance, stupidity and selfish behavior. Renrenrberthis, vtnt we do today wiII influence them tonxrrrow and the years to crcme. Ilae decision rpw for you to nake is to decide vtrich path w:iII you take in teaching and providing them the lessons needed in order to reach their goals. Fifteen years later still nan has yet gnasp hold the importance of what we did, dore and will do by nct taking full responsibility for our actions, mistakes and influence on our future, CIJRchildren and htunanity and ClJRselves. Christopher

B. Dunn

We must acknowledge the problems, confront the issues, deal to continue with one another and be willing with the situations goals, w€ do and know that we can must so toqether to meet our g r e a t e s t on. The past w e f o c u s a t t e ntion our do anything that i m possible with p e o p l e t h e e v e n accomplish has shown us that a need not worry w € t o s o m e o n e , As I've said before only a little. to destroy n e e d n o about the mountain before us, and therers it's only'a-chalJ-enge & can be overcane, but we must trave the faith and it, the wiII and drive to reach the top.


I wish to take this opportunity to share.with you a story a story that nearly &stroyed nre but sqnehow it took a turn for the better, but nct without claiming a few set backs. I grew up like nrcst of you, in a typical home, crinre infested conununities, vihere drugs, gangs, pimps, fast noney and girls were the order of the day and all that natter at the tirne. I didn't use drug nor drink alcohol but I had friends and family nembers who did and sone who with their lives. I wasn't your typical kid nor thought like the average eleven year old, and most will teII you that for my age I was far to advanc.e then nost kids of my age. Irve spent tine in Saint Louis, l4ississippi and Chicago, the only son of my nrother and the youngest son of my father, r gruess you could say that I had an okay life, but trust me my }ife was far frorn being just okay. I have always been a qrnfident person and strong willed in aII that I believed in, but there were tines that I wasn't sure about a lot of things in my life, I wasn't sure if I would have children, if I would ever be a husband soneday and the saddest of them all is I wasnrt even sure if I would live to see my dreams crcrnetrue or live to see my sisters, nieces and nephews grow into iren and wofien. I didn't grrow up poor but we did live in public housing, there r^,ere tines ttrat we weren't able to afford a lot of the best things and at tines I did have to accept what was handed down to ne, Iike all young kids I rejected it and vuanted better, the rnnre brancl clothes and high priced shoes, but I wasn't paying for them so I didn't have a choic"e or say in the natter, but I did have the deterrnination to get out there and start providing for myself as I found out wasn't a easy thing to do at a yor:ng age. I resorted to shop(boosting) with one of my eldest brotlrers and his nany fenale friends lifting at the local stores, never did I get arrested but at the tinre I wasn't really concerned with if I did because I was a juvenile and I knew the roorst the systern crculd have done to ne was send ne away to a youth facility group honre or place IIE on probation. After aII of this & my disorderly conduct I later fotrnd myself neeting my fate to the system,'but all this would later change how I would start to feel about myself and future. Like nany of you I too felt that I wasnrt appreciated at hone, loved, or wanted, I often felt like I was nrere in the way then being in a farnily at hone, I felt like I was the lone sheep, the insignificant one vtro was just taking up space and thought my nrother and sisters r&ould rather see re gone or be better off without rre, so I resorted to sleeping on tlre streets, staying out late and living in tlre basenents of friends hones, I could Lave lived in the cornpanyof my nother, father and sisters, but at the time I didn't


feel as if they wanted ne there, so like rnrst of you I decided to live for myself and move on with or without them, but this would later prove fatal to my life and c.onception of life. I always had this influence over people ny ocnmunity and of my age bracket and even sonre older, that I learned in to use this to my advantage, not knowing that it vould later cone back to haunt and alnpst kill ne. I was always a srnall child growing up, I was born prenature and suffered frqn rashes and scars and rejection as a kid by fanily nembers and honestly I didn't as a chitd thirrl< that I belonged or fit in with my fanily so wtren I grew up I bonded rpre with the streets and people of the nigtrt tlnt called the lights npther and the hard concrete father, together these two I felt taught nre the harshest of vrtnt society had to offer rne arld the crcld cnrel and realistic truth that couldn't be disputed with or guestioned. going frorn I later srea.ted a social family of my o\^,n, ran the city streets, frorn state to state with a ntunber of them expanding town to tovrn, traveling and growing my social affiliation range. I Iater got a taste of v*r,at my future may be when my closet brother roas shot in the back and killed all because of jealousy, drugs and false friends wtro actr:ally set him up. Tlris nade ne rethink ard consider my own life and the effects my o!fir death merycause my father, nrrther, nieces and rephews. I couldn't just gp around jtutping sisters, I disband nry group and on the bullies an)nrcre, or extorting drug dealers challenged myself, ctnllenged myself to see if I could live past my 15th birthday, but ttat was alrnost a failed attempt because just into my 15th year I was stabbed twice, once in the cfiest and in the neck, seeing my own Iife fade away and watching the tears frorn my yor:ngest sister eyes fall scared ne, hearing her beg God rpt to take ne, and watching my other sisters rush out the house in pursuit of my father to nake sure te didn't Eo kiII the guy that tried to kill ne I rpw real-ized tlnt they did love rre. I looked upon the countless of faces ttrat stood outside our hore and saw people crying ttrat ttre so called imfanrous King Trap was about to and sone with disbelief ,, hooked up to tubes and needles in die. While lying in the hospita\ both arms, I looked up at my nother and saw the pain in her eyes, I vowed today I wasn't going to die, rpt }ike this, I had to fight to live, and had found my place in life rpw. I nade a cunplete 360 in life, I associated with people that I lsrew in my past but I learned to appreciate life nxrre ard ftark God for each day I am blessed to crontinr:e to live, I grew up in the middle of tvlo worlds, stuck betroeen two types of lives, people, religions and two forms of v*nt I ttrought was life, but I was misinforned, but this is how I got my naIIE, being trapped and confused, feeling the need to be a leader and nct a follower and not allovring others to dictate my life. I later found out tlra! it was my owr fears, fears hidden deep down that I realized that I would I suppressed for years that held ne back frorn living, free myself frcrn the fears forever stay trapped if I didn't change my life, clear of my past and accept God, and face life each day with a realistic, view, stop judging, persecuting and pushing my roeight on others and optimistic for my actions even those of my influences that I had to take responsibility nay have resul-ted in others being harned.

r know rnany of you have felt this way and nany of you nay stirr feel that you have been held r:nder tlre foot of others, be it ramity, a faired relationship or being teased or burried in the past, or being accused of a crirne or arrestedrtreated bad by the police, I krow because I've been there and still I fight to overccrne these problems, but to nre they are simple daily obstacles, hurd"Ies- ttnt \^/e, you and I can overc€ne if we just put our heads togetlrer and finO' a comnon clenorninator in our lives and focus more on ogr negative energy into the ccrnplete sphere, we'Il be able to reach our own individual goals. I know you didn't choose this life, and nrost of you have been forced into this life but now you have the chance to nake a difference and have a say in what and how you will live this life, don't look at it in a pessirnistic view, look at it rike it is, and that is "LrFE cHosE yo{J". I can remember being 13 years old and allowing a guy into my nothers honre and not knowing that this so called friend turned around and stole frorn ttre house as he left, I later asked him to return the iterns, we had security bars on the house and were told not to go outside so he srnpped and called ne names, thinking he was protected because of the bars, but I allowed my enotions to get the best of my logical reasoning, so I exited the house from the side and surprised him and nrademy reguest one last tinre, he refused and that's vrtren I struck him in the face, he returned hone, told his nethers and father, they called the police and he lied and said I assaulted him on his own front, I was arrested and charged with trespassing and second degrree assault, I can recall being 14 years old and standing with a young lady and her family vtrile to our surprise we noticed a guy climbing inside a window, we thougttt it was a burglary but it turned out ttrat the guy raped the wornen, I lived by that same so called street code " No snitching" but-the women saw us standing outside and later asked her son vfiile I walked passed to identify rne so that they could get sone infornation out of nre as to v*ro the vasr r told the guy r wrourd telr him, but not the porice, they got upset 9uy and r was rater arrested for failing to herp the porice catch the gnry. r stayed in jail for eight nonths, still I thought the guy r*culd avenge his notlrer rape, but it didn't happen, but wtnt r am trying to get at is that, this sanre wonEmwho was attacked then actually started to trate ne and years Iater a srine happened at her honre again and she was one of them vfio nade a false statenent against nre, despite my innocence she didnrt care, because of the past. What you get is wtrat you giverreturned to nre. I have now accepted the fact that I nade a nunber of rnistakes in life and I know that in order for nre to free myself frorn the past I first rmrst take responsibility for my actions. I can't allow anger, hatred or any ill will thoughts dictate vfio I've becone. No natter v*rat happens to you you must be willing to be t]:e bigger nnn/wornan and want to changer you have to feel the need to ctrange, if r can do it despite arl that has happened to nerso can you. Thark you for ristening and giving must live to tell yours.


me an ear to hear about my trnst, no\^ryou


Think before every actions

you react there's a reaction

thought process has been likened to that of The power of the individtrals a rich garden, the soil of vtrich by organized and considerable efforts ntay be converted into a necessary productive product and feed the need of a strong grrowing society, or if neglected it wiII without a dor:bt yield a useless weed entangling harming the value of tlre conrnr:nity. I trave for:nd that the mind is always at work and rever taking a break frcnr building up and tearing down, bringing misery, tuihappiness ard trnverty, or bringing joyrhapBiness pleasure, riches and peace. It is never id1e, the rnind is the great-est of all the assets available to nanlcind, but wtry is it the least used ard the most abused of aII assets? Its abuse crcnsists nainly in its rpn-use. During the passive reading hopefully you wiII cqne to acc-ept the logic in I do not vrtrat you've read and take it with you as you grohT $rrough life. profess to be a scholar rror do I hold a Doctors or Phd in philosophyr but L-A.S-T. c.H.A'N'c'E' was r do trave a understanding of logical/reasoninghere, a simple thought that I felt a reed an idea tfiat I had while sitting to share with ottrers so th,at they crculd c.onreto accept the facts of reality but grow through life. and not simply go through life, I onc.e was a aviil reader and believer of science and during my studies I in the developnent of the hurran mindr what grew more and nore interested things and vtrat caused the what nade us react to particular us think, nrade pondering for years I've come to the wtrile ild of enptions, eternal effects nost profound secrets natures nany of tas revealed that science realization grreatest the po!.ler and abifity of riches, nan's sourc.e of but not the secrets has never been wLrich This secret is one to nct control an emotional thought. probably wiII never be answered, PertraPs because revealed to nrarkind and towards this great divine nrarkind tras shown such r:npardornble indifferences many trave tried to tane and control it but it bened.iction, and foolishly proved fatal to them. The pover of thought is the nxost dangerous or could available to nankind &pending of f. tfre npst berreficial of aII abilities course r4nn how it is used. Through the power of thought nran has crrnstructed to our society, but_ inventions and great ocntributions gr€t civilizations, at the sane time one rm:st' nct forqet ttrat with this sane power man tras destroyed DaVinci raas oire of these great otlrer nen and trampled &wn other-societies, to create such crrntributions to assist nan to minds that had the ability progress but vtro was rather used to sreate weapons to destroy other societies as if tlrey rlrere helpless clay forms I have for.rrd that, every creation of nan, wtrether it be good or badr it created in a thougtrt pattern. A11 ideas are conceived tlrrough thought is first and aII plans, and desires serve a ptrrpose. While we trave been given tlre, privilege of thought we do nct have total cantrol of it, not to undermind tlre fact ttrat we do have crcntrol of vfiat we choose to do from those thoughts, so there is rp excuse as to wtry you or I done a foolish act. Threre is nc justifications for sone of the things that we've done in our lives that have thought process. altered our logical/reasoning I found that there are tr+o nrajor logical Please note tlnt in my evaluations can be reached; ttrat this attainnent fundanentals principles


1, Inductive


Ttre assr:rnption

2, Deductive


Thre known facts

of the unknolrn facts of wtnt

is believed

or hypotheses to be facts.

But I failed to take notice of the essence of the tr,urcand vtren I did I found tlat there is another but can't be placed in the same filed of the two above, so I found that in this evah:ation the theorization of IIGICAL DGTaNATICI:{s. This gave rise to the reasoning/logic theory, dearing with facts, takes these important steps as a neans of naking you think affective. You must sepa.rate facts from fiction or hearsay evidence, wtrich is only an assunption and speculations, and you then must separate into classes, wtat is important and uninxrprtant. Most of us don't think about vfiat we do, we just do it and tlrat is the problem today, most people wouldn't be in sone of the sitr:ations their in if they've sat down and gave careful and considerate thought to vtat it was tlrat they were doing or was about to dor. rf we wourd have then we lrculdn't see so nany in prison, so nany dead, so nany in debt, so many heading down those 12 steps ttat wiII destroy you. l4ost so-call thinking is nothing but an expression of feelings through the enntions and the enxrtions are not dependable. Thre reasonable/Iogic thinker always suLrnits his/her enotional desires and decisions to their head for judiciary review and close exanination before they rely on them as being sound. T'lre nore cornnonly expressed enotions and the nxrre dangerous on that account are: 1, LOVE 2, FEAR 3, ANIGER 4, JEAT{XJSY 5, REVEN@ 6, VAt{rry 7, GREm B, PRE.IUDIG 9, SELETSHNESS 10, INCCNSIDERATE 11, IIATE 12, NO RESPESI These 12 have taken many people down and destroyed their lives, and these should always be controlled and always subjected to constant scrutiny. These 12 have the potential to rob you of your greatness and always they seek and destroy any and all opportunities for achieving your Eoals.



In my short life I have crne to learn that through my very own personal Iife experiences that I am but th,at of a simple man, a struggling spirit that is only trying to liberate rnyself and aid those that I can. I w"ish to help ottrers see ttreir dreams becrcne their reality as rrcIl as see my ovrn dreams come true despite the trenendous pressure that I am under. You are no rcre tlren I am.and if I can overcrcmethe harshness of this life and differen! continue to thrive to reach my gnals so can you, but first you must have iaith in your self and know that there is rothing in this life that is easy. I see you as I have seen myself in tlre past, a tnrd piece of coal lying deep under the surface of the earth just taking on all the pain and frustrations of tlre daily problems, rot knowing vfien you will be able to rise and shine and Iive in the acceptable r,orld above, but wtrat you aontinue to fail to realize is that like all crcal ttrat is held back and set so deep and taking to be on the trenendous anpunts of daily pressures you have the potential greater then you actually realize. You have the ability to trarrsform into a diancnd, and Iike aff pt.e dianronds they too have resisted blows to such an extent that a iron tranunerIrEy split force rnay b displaced. Ttris invincible in tro and even tlre anvil itself which defies two of rnture nxrst violent forces, iron and fire. Iron and Fire can be broken by the spirit of ones soul and wiII to reach their goals. I have krown people wtro profess to want to nake a ctrange in their lives but failed to take the recessary steps to reach their goalsr'some people nade it to the top by overcuning trenendor:s odds s,hile others have simply gave onJ-y to suffer a tragic in to their lack of confidence in tlreir own ability, give set bacl< ttrat forced them to up. V{trile others vrtro faced the sane daily obstacles chose to continue, set new goals and rededicate themselves to neet ore step at a tine. I have saw death row inrnates whro stared each objective, death in the face and Iive to teII about the experience, I trave net nren and woflren vfio abused drugs to the point vtrere they felt they had ncthing in life to live for and I trave seen gang nernbers wtro found a reason to live and gave their lives to a cause for the betternrent of a people and themselves. I soon saw that togetlrer, they provided hope to and for those in sirnilar situations. harsh While separately ttrey are examples of how to keep going despite life's challenges, ttese people rever gave up of gave in, and today they are living with a strong understanding of life ttrat has and should inspire aII. Ttrese people have dore vfiat others said tlrey couldn't do and that was take thrat first step to produce a positive product for the usage of society. You like myself must be sure and willing to follow the path, a1l it takes is faith in your self and a understanding ttrat there wiII be rough tines ahead in your journey. n ^- . -



l[tre inportance of a education in any society is of great value and witttout it we will be only shutting ourselves out from the rest of the world and taking advantage of the opportr-urity to growr progress and reach our goals. Learning is developing of grrowth, by learning a saying is if a nan lcrpws not and don't care ,then avoid him, he is a fool, but if a rnan knows rpt desire to lcnow, then teach him. If a man laeorqshe lmow he is wise but still then fo1low him. I have lived trying to figrure out ttnt saying for years and it took nre a wtrile to fully understand but I refused to give up urrtil a strr&nt and proud to e&nit I found the essence of its neaning. I am still ft. In todays ilof,Id it is recegsarlz to understand ttrat to not seek an education and without a considerable education many doors are and wiII be closed to you, job erplol'nent, adwancing in yor:r current job, or simply jttst being able to read to your ctrild. Without the basic skills it is .1mpossible. TLre road is always easy looking back, l
You must understand ttrat an ED(JCATICI{IS TI{E }4ASIffiS KEY to reaching your goals in life just think about it, you rnay have a nice job now, wittput a wlren an tools (KEYS) to utilize education you Iack the necessary skills, job' job your position current paying in or op6nrtunity cones for a higher you will What wiII be chosen. passed with keys you wilt be over and the one your tax year? return you at the end of the nxcnth and have to file do v*ren What wiII you do wtren you have to deposit your rcney in a bank or ptrrchase a house or car, figure out sales ti.xes, the importance of an education beqcmes of gneat value-


I gave considerable thought before constructing this theory of building dwelling a horne, I wanted to employ the needs of a positive and productive peace where and unification could be found. I saw a need to build a purpose positive and need for a and productive tool that will crontribute to our own I found that our everyday lives are very similar societies. to ttnt of creating a hone from a touse, and like in every building there structure must be a fotrndation first that we can build from and ttrat is a sound c!flrlllcn 9@I, need and desire. look at the opposite page you wiII see from my drawing ttrat If you will I have built a honre and came up with eleven personalities thrat is needed purpose to erect such a place. The 11 personalities all serves a individual in order to establish balance and organization as well as narnpny to nrake F0{JNDTATICI!, UNDERSTANDING, a hone. The personalities are as followed: CONSIDRATICN, PATIENCE, DISCIPLINE, RESPESI, REASONABLE,OPTIwISrIC IOGICAL, CALIIICXJS, & WILLINO{ESS TO ACW{I. I chose these 11 for their value in character, balance and organization. that we m:st be I crcne to realize of sound mind and witJ: great deternrination to deal with all the opositions, life and of others, in life and negative influences to find our worth in self, destroy our courage. This house is like that We must rpt allow such iIIs wlpre you find peace and unity, and security, understanding of a body, it's where you are one with self and nature, but a tpuse cannot becqne a it's you are comfortable honre until with your self and harnony is and satisfied established. RESPECT & SECURITY ffiEq UNDERSTANDING

CONSIDERATION organi-zation




< A.-











O E ;

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Each has a say in making a house a home and you should pick 11-12 people, put in place of the above and confront your problem and deal with them as a whole and find a way to help those of the house deal with their problems, by doing so you will learn the importance of unification and what it takes to build a strong impact in your community and self growth. without communication we wirl fair in meeting our goals. 10



oglrrillgIIc VIElil







1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,

For:ndation _1rrr=1 W/ waIl-Understanding n/wall-Oonsideration E/viall-Patience S/vrall-discipline Roof-security & Respect

7, B, 9, 10, 11,

W/window-Reasornble N/window-Optirnist E/window-Iogical S/window-Cautious Door-Willingness to accept

we chose to construct on a realistic principle of rratue and purpose of the daily life in a society. rr.= erected it's structure based on the building of a hone f|om a house, qiving it neaning, giveing it function and purpose for all that attendr'eieven (11) menrbeis are sigrned to a house (GHAT@cuP) to uake it a hone, .rra ast as a FAr:[rLy and conre to build as a constructive unified force as one bodv.

L.A. S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E.


How does tlre house transform into a hcne many has asked, and vtnt purpose building does this hone serves to the crcnmmrnityand wtrat do the individual the honre benefit frorn the labor, and tinre spent in erecting such- I wiII will like to ask you a few tell you, and by the tinre that I have finished'I building one yourself . i_*f even capable able or Vou're Uuestyons_ lt "* must be a qlmron ground to build on in our In building a house there first case tlrere is the need for a foundation which is TRUST, there must be trust in every honre in order for there to be a comnon of knowing that there is solid grround under your feet and we must always Wi.thout it we are unsure, and not be sure that or:r feet aie planted firmly. prepared to build a strong bond with the others wtro will occupy the structure with you. Once we have cone td. being sure about the nxrtives .of one another we can start erecting each of the four walls that are rreeded, UNDERSIAI{DING' ONSIDmATICD{, PATIH\CE, and'DISCIPLfNTE,each serves an important role in crcnsideration for building our hone, wh,at is a hone- wittibut.understanding, you nn:st always b trntience with home, there wiII live in this the others wtro you want it you tine.,that in the lqcrk for nay not out in any hone, things have different you will you all people with in the building to work and with you down and ccne problems sit wtrole can but as,a attitudes and individr:al problem togethert the to tackle to a urrified understanding and agreenent but this can't be done without patience. We need to learn that r,'e're not in our efforts the only ones that share this hone so, vre practice discipline getting along with each other. in The eyes of your bodies are said to be the windows of your soul, just like ttrat of the home .the playS.a very important role aS they are your eyes and bring in the light, ve here at .L.A-S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E. strongly believe that every honre need these four windows, there is the LOGICALWE\^I' the OPENVIE:hl, and the OITMISTIC VIEI^I. We must cone to MINDm Wff, the REASONABLE and others in the honre w"ith all four look at life, our [Ersonal situations of our perceptions, never nrake a determination on nere assr:rnptions or blind fate or speculations, if you fail to use aII four of the windows you are judgemental person, and tlrere is no value in ones life bound to be a bitter, to view life or others one sided or with a closed eye. If you approach life in your home you have opened the door of fears, vtrich carl cause you to doubt' not trust, question, accuse and bring a negative vibe to tlre cwtrole, and others wiII start to view you and your intention and nxrtives. yor:r hone one must not forget tlnt you must provide sone In constructing shelter over your head and this is your roof, under it is respect security, respect for everyone that is a part of your home, without respect there will be confusion, bickering, constant fear from other nembers in your hqne and every nan and liornan deserves to be respected, but you aII must know that in order to get respect you first must 6s willinq to qive -from respect. And last, your r^rorld and there is the door, this door is your threshold td and society, the willingness to accept people in and know $nt everyone is not you must ocne the enemy but be careful to v*ro you let into your hore, still for vtnt they facts tlre you or others if can't accept that to understanding you each of you. use If you for to accept how others can e>
L.A.S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E. 12


Why is it that there are so many of us wtro seem to think that the urorld is ours and that all in it belongs to us, wtry is it that so many of us think that life is to hard to live and that it should be nnre easy to live, or better yet EA.SYin all without any life challenges? There are a lot of answers to those guestions but let ne give )nou one you rray rpt have heard before. rt's my understandj-ng that you get vrtrat you give, y.G.w.y.G.u.101. rt's ttre universal understanding of Dawrwj-n's theory. It's a very rational and safe just about anything, there are other forces in way to doing and thinking tlre universe wtrich you will associate to Darwin's theory, such as the logical findings of gravitational pulls, actions and reactions, and the cause and effects of nature. It's impossible to circrmzent the truth in a fact but it is possible to cirsunvent the truth vfien only a lie is all 1ou've known. People have manipulated the truth so nnrch that it is very difficult to teII rtrrich is truth and falsetrood, but this is vtrere logical/reasoning cone in. I have for:nd ttr,at is the principles of accurate thinking it actually ables us to understand the truth behind the fabrications, and gives us a profound tool to reach a higher state of consciousness. If you give love to arptlrer tlren love you will get in return, if you give hate to sorleone then hate is wtrat you wiII get in return. YCU @t WHATYOU 101. GIVE UNTVERSAL (13" MovrNGFORWARD) There is nothing wrong with growing up and nraturing or settling down or moving fcr^ard with pr life in a psitir,e vay, urle.s 1cu tarc ro irfisticn of nakirg a pcd:cLire nrrve for growth. Yorr life must have nreaning and you must be the one who needs to take into full account of the risks that are sure to be nade in order to neet yotrr goals but all risks need not be viewed as trarmful or even nore detrinental to your health, growth or to anyone else. We aII have a duty to take fult restrnnsibility of our actions to becure truly alive. With L.A.S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E. We hope to open your eyes so ttnt you will learn to be nore focused on the great possibility growth and develoSxrent of positive in your life. Start

by following

tlre first

of the six (6) steps you will

need to take:


tearn to take full


Take into


Learn to turn opportunity.


Learn to say yes and stop allowing yor:rself to believe attempts at reaching for your dreams, goals-and living


Never be afriad to ask questions if you're not sure about sonrething, and dspite any failures learn to pick yourself up and nrove on.


Learn to nake each day count of your life,


consideration your snall

for your own actions.

tlrat others nay b fears into




a positive

by yotrr actions.

and pro
give life


in any failing your life.

a chance.


12. 1 1 . 10. 09. 08. 07. 06. 05. 04. 03. 02. 01. 00.









L.A.S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E. has a twelve step comception to reach our persoral goals in life, but in the process of trying 1to attain our goals there are obstacles and a second flight of stirs that we will face, but it is up to you to facre them and it is up to you either accept the truth or deny the truth in neeting each challenge.

A11 stirs read sonewtrere, be they up or down, positive or negative, they a1l lead to sonrewtrere, but you have the decisive choice to chose if you wiII ascend or descend, if you climb or if you will faII. rn the graphic above you will see two sets of arroh?s, one tlrat is & from the top, while the other is parallel but stitl they both are without constructive reasoning and no connection. Renenrber tlnt it is up to you, the individr:al vtro shall chose vhich direction you will take, but always know this, there is rnthing in li-fe ttab easy and there are risksinvolved in our lives that r+e will face to nreet our goals but if you choose to take the descending flight then you ' decided the difficult have route to take and you can see vitere the lead frorn 1-12. r have been there, r have taken these steps before in my life but before I completed my descrent I realized my own personal value, my worth and potential to crcntribute to the vorld, society and sonreones life.


When a person realize how safe and nechanical his or her life has becrcrnet he or she can do one or the other, they can either try to forget about it or they can try to fight it, l4ost people witl continue to go ttrough life the truth in their present life and knowing that a change is reeded fighting in order to prognress on a higher level of positive productive growth. I should I didnrt want to accept the know because I have been there in my ovrn life, fact that I reeded to ctrange if I wanted to live a honest and sincere life' r d,idn't think that there r^ras anything w:ong ne but r was wrong about that too in rfiy own persorral evah:ation of myself . I was a negative, lost, confused and sad excuse of a hr-unan/representor of society. I didn't use drugs or to influence others and at drink alcohol but I knew ttnt I had the ability to force others to do things that I knew was vEonq, the tfue even tle ability I didn't at the tirre consider the fate of my actions. I was misleading still people and destroying their Iives all because I l






I 03. 04.


) 0 1.

I, I

05. 06.






09. 'l 0. 11. 12. once a lErson sees the wisdom of-taking a chance in positive growth and focusing on productive i""r or *,a..=G;i"g they start to see and feel a difference in their rives, but those oto-oo.r't wirl continue to ask how do you go about doing this or reaching that level of serf understading. A good and sure way to reach the top i: ov t"xi.rg ttrat first step, nake a Iogical list, a reasonable and simple li-si oi* categories of your rife and attack them one u" at-iine, rike the above, you have the potentiar to reacir ""1.:* thJ'top, FI bul you **i "tii= r,.,r. the desire, the drive and the wirr to achieve yo'r goar".'u.,a"r"t rro tu" that in arr that you do you must take into acLuntl-rtienos .r,o i.,!in.te rerationships, career sec'rities, r" irv bonds and your own personar f,::riiTriar ""4 "o*."tions once you recognize an area of yo5-life ttrat you feel a need to grow, find a nentor' a friend a productivl inrttre".. orto'...r inspire and herp you reach that rever, be ..,.,rrsl".rt in your efforts ana, give up, because this nay just be your LASI CHANCE. Like everyone erse, r have falren into routines for me to do and 9f_just doing vtnt was easy cr,arrengint myserf, r have ferr into doing wtnt r was 1of r arready knew how to do ana-oone i yr! tto,rght-u.,rrd work, onry to avoid going to other areas and avoiding fairtrr. .rra'r"iection. r arrowed my fears to dictate and stunt my own q.",rbhl R"[itiv*a'iiu . dear friend vtro nrailed me a sheet of paper w_ith, a [.est u]o th"r was a guestion on the sheet that asked ', D6 vou-mrro3f_sone ""it, ro Do rurnbs rItAT you ATREADyKNo^toR Do You rAKE A RrSK AT TRYTNGSO4ETTITNG AI{Evvrr i".t-y.r." ago r'd responded qTr r.a.rregdtknewro ir",'u-'r didn,r fair. Bur *,T tll:3t:n: nowr nave grown to take the risk of learnirrg_=o,,*ttirl ,r"o, not fearing if r wirl fail or if r am not-accepted bv-o$re5s-for *v?"Jp"*e. Fear has the potential poh/er to purr back rike a piec6 of chewing ,*"-;; the bottom of your sh@s, it wiII pull you back frorn ,"..f,ir,q your goals. L.A. S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E.



To keep grrowing, you rm:st learn to overcsne the ten&ncy of being influenced by temptations.


By facing your fears in a different way and comfronting them each day, but start by dealing with the samll fears first. You can keep expanding wtro you are and develope into a npre person. and productive *=taive goals, goals that are real and Strive towards neaningful your ranger you can achieve it only if it's reasonably within logicaUy sound. You must renenrlcer ttrat your goals are a facet of becorning a balance. important ( 18' TEgr 12 s'rms oF S{JCCESS) GIVE A CLEAR DEFINITION TO EACH OF THE TWELVE STEPS TO SUCESS AND BRIEFI,Y GIVE AN EXAI4PLE AS TO WHY EACH OF THE 12 ARE OF GREAT IIIPORTANCE FOR POSITIVE DEVELOPMENT:























L.A. S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E. 1 B

.t" r:6?

EHal G,Ettr EE'[EEEreggu E,EqEE Ettrt *,Eea: EFeEEsEE€FEE'E EEE-€F HE*E*gg E,E E€5 E*eperru*IE*EE $er E*E,het gga-irE,ffEacEEEE.JE.T.



EE'* Ea;re'er eEaeeear H{F ,EEes*Ee* FarrH€F E-an*gg, EHEt,Et H€F EEt,t.EatE ItttE ?hirt"nrtl [[E-H3EEETEi' €FnentEEt

rFsEen *Exe1'E:hEeegg EHiE:Ee [H*E,hEerggE


A11 violence consists in peopre, in some they use it to force others r:nder sone form of threat, physical, no natter if it's socially, or financial or even enxctionally. Ttre ability to influence others by such n€ans is still extortion and a cruel act of nental violence. There are a number of tYpes of violence and all need not be physical, the grreatest form of such an act is nental-pyschological nranipulation, people contribute these abusive acts against others vtro they feel.they can fearfully crcntrol. tbst people vito take such actions against others feel that the other is to roeaF. or w-ithout support frorn others vfiich cannot intervene and stop the abusive assortnpnt of assault. I have seen nales take out their frustrations on fenrales, even vfien the fenrale done rro trong to justify his actions, but nct consider taking out his frustrations on the nale that upset him prior honre to the to getting fernale why? Because he feels that he can handle and ocntrol her, and she would be physically to weak to defend herself against him and his evil but who is the weaker of the two ? He is. Still onslaught, she should trave the courage to stand up and defend herself even if it nreans to pack her things She must. be stronger and leave. and say no more and walk away and never look back, she must have faith in herself and rise above his threats, holcl her head up and prove to him that he will miss her when she's gone. No woman deserves to be abused, and if you hit her, you can't say that you love her, becar.rse love does not physically or nentally its need. alter I have krnwn bullies vtro irculd pick on kids that were either handicapped or people that were at a mental, enxrtional or physical disadvantage then they were and out of their own ignorance of inability to socialize and feel they choose to take advantage of anotlrer. acceptable I have seen such first hand which actually was the cause of the GIrI'S being fornred in Saint Louis Missouri. l4ost bullies are suffering from a Iack of positive nrcst attention, are upset with themselves because they feel as they've failed and sqre are bullies because thev crave the attention of beinq accrepted bv others or the popular crovds.

The cause of violence is nct igrnorance, it is self-interest. for hurnan life and the environnrent. Violence is the last refuge of the inc-onpetent.

OnIy reverance

Let ne share sonrething with you fron the late l4artin Luther King Jr. if I riayr t4artin once said " If you succunb to the ternptation of using violence in the struggle, unlcorn generations wiII be the recipients of a long and desolute night of bitterness, and your chief legacy to the future will be an endless reign of neaningless chaos". I now need you all term effects you will


to think and carefully crcnsider the trenren&us longqcntribute to hunanity for your selfish actions.



We here at L.A.S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E. believe that aII actions derived frcm a sirnple thought and that thought sreates a habit, and habits are not sorething ttnt you wish to base your life or daily living on because those habits can prove to be a down sizing elenent of natr:re, a distraction and a hinder to lncur o\^tn personal growth in becoming a positive and productive nenrber of society and your self . t{,abits, cone from ore or the other sources, but both of them Iets take a review of sonething, take physical heredity-now fron hereditary. this sotrrce one interits sonething of nattrre and character of aII the generations of tlre hunan race which have preceded tlrem. Tlris inheritance is fixed by the laws of nature, but much of it can be rilcdified in preparation for you to achieve farther in life. TLere's sleeping habits, snxrking habits, eating habits, drinking alcohol tabits and drug usage habits, ssne have even developed a tnbit in lying for no apparent reason, but they have gnown so use and acsustom to these habits ttlat they are c.qnfortable with them nct knowing ttrat these very habits wiII decide the path that they w.iII journey dor^/n, and for ttpse of you wtro see nothing \^,rong with this then it is you wtro should guestion vrhy is it tlat you continue to neet such a negative response from you life. You get what you give relTernber. Sit back and take this tirre out to discuss w.ith your house and confront your neighbor on the right side habits and r.*rite down tlre habits and at the conclusion of the nreeting let each nenrber give impute on tle habits and roork out a solution to the habit and try not to get upset or fn:strated with their evaluations of you but take in the positive feedback and work your habits. on 2, Social heredity-cronsisting of all envirorrnental influences, education, experiences and impulses of thought and peer pressure. The greater security of thinking is inspired by the influence of social heredityr. Scrre people are so negatively infh:enced that they can't deLermirre which is best for them, th-is is the sane as say that nrcst of our thinking is na& for us by others, but you have the ability to think for yourself, do for yourself, Iive your life, don't a1low yourself to be used again by fear, wanting to you must first cone feel ac-cepted or belonging to sone social establishnent, to recognize your own worth and vah:e and only you krow sthat it grood for you or bad. gnrys with their I can refiEnber entering prison and seeing aII the different with lies and ganes, I l'ould slit personality and their strange ways, filled just because watch them and laugh at them and their stupid"ity, sit back and they just didn't know how to be real or be thernselves, I saw so called guys chapter but they practicre other latro clained be be leaders of a religious to this day they profess to be forbidden acts behind the doors and still despite their &wn Iow betraviors. Most people are only incline, spiritually of others, and many are neurotics whrorrculd rather keep up with imitators the Jones than be tlrenselves. Just observe those vtrom you lcnow best, study and you'll realize that mcst of them are nerely their habits carefully along accepting and of other people. l4ost people triat synthetic irnitations acting upon the thoughts of others and habits.


You must take that step forward in3tead of following soneone else, you have to establish that you are not that sheep thnt is trailing along, but breaking away to nake a path in the pasture yoirrself. You tave to be that once in a g6eat while indj-vidual wtro will ccnre along and pull a!,xay frorn ttre srowed. I never felt like I was one of the norms ncr did I accept being apart of we aII have life to live and you must be nan/ such a grouping, but still or rdcr&anto stand up and take back your life and rpt allow anyone else to Iive for you and control you. I was talking to ore of my nephews rot long ago and he said that vtren he got older, that he wanted to be just like re, he thought I was a real and strong nan just because I was conrnitted to the prison system, but there is nothing real and being strong about being in such a place, I sat back and held the pLroneand talked to him about what is being real, sotid and strong, I told him the same thing that a old nran once told ne and that wasr$don't be like nerbe better then ne, don't walk in my foot step walk along side them to see vftere they go and if itrs rpt going into the direction tlnt will nrake you better then ne then you should step in front o; my footprints and continue to strive on and introduce the world to you'1 A LHTIER FRC[4KAREN

I vart. b *EIe with larr sr*hirg aht. my lib ard tr>l I cae so cl-e to dyj-rg c in pi.ur ftr tte rest of life, f an a 14 lear old r.hite gi-rl fi:crn Sc,th Grclira, I guo rp in livirg Iife just. b b livjry it, I res irnol\d with a olfu gqg vto I tlngt ttat lrlred ne krt. I vas sbd to fird cr-t ttat Le d&r't realty lo,e ne. See my nctts died htsr I hn ard my futls vre a jtnlqg vfD pded ne off cn ny garffie, s I realty ddt't tarc a ed, I \^ruld re him fisn tifie to tire, ht fe l€s s sbrrg tlat s,sr vtst I sa^rhim le vegr't abl-e to remgUze Er trV d H a hothe vto r"asr't relty a rrcle, te rrfpeO ne fiun tte tire ttat I vas B trtilL I vm 11, te \^st. to Fi.ul ard tlds relty rpettea my futte, te cal]ej ne a l-iar ard a vtoe ad I t,as tut herarre I di&r't e anyUrirq \"asEl, \^eL[ I U'qgt. I di&r't h-t I lcst my futhe crrptdefy ttsr I ttsr b6re s{-Ef irrrlrhd hy tte tiire I r"re 12 with a guy t^to said te \.ru1d grte ne tte r^mld ild take ne ai^ay fion al1 thjs, I hFlis€d him lile a fcol. this nan $ELS a l

CONTROLLEDUNDERSTANDING In this process of conveying to the brain a clear picttrre of vfiat one into its ptrysical eguivalent there are four very desires to have translated inportant steps that we rm:st challenge, all of wtrich are easily followed c.ontrol in every manner. and are subjected to individr:al

First step ion of definite CYeation of practical of pr:rpose. Third

plan for attai


with others vilro exSnriencerstill Create alliance to the L or infh:encre may be needed, according

of our purpose.

rnnrediate ana .on€?m5l*=Sggion in carrying out the plan which tas been adapted. Thought must be weII supported




and sinc.ere

ernrtiornl feelings. The mest inportant of all our enxctions "FAITTI". The necessary support ntay b given to ttrought by the aprplication of eight principles of this ptrilosophies. THESE ARE THE FOUR PRINCIPLES OF A CONTROLLED UNDERSTANDING IN OUR OWN INDNVIDUAL PURPOSE.



1' DEFINITEOF PURPOSE-Beginwith this principle by the a&pting of a logical objective based on a definite rnotive or desire for attaining-yor:r goai. And stay consistent with your efforts, never give up to the-flars of pee: pressure or persecution by others, know in your heart of failure, that you can and will achieve your objective. 2 , REASON WTTIIYCXJR I'IIND-Through ihe aid of this principler you should aIIy yourself with others who have the necessary skitts and education and the experience to aid you in growth, be it nay, nentarry, enrotionally, sociarry financiarly, spiritr:arry, or physicarly. our roinds is our stronqest toor and we must reason with it at tines to allow ourselves to underltand that you can not reach ttrat point in your Iife where you are without the need of others positive/corrstructive influences. 3 , Pm.soD{ALrNrr-rATrvE-You must appry this principre to your life by taking initiative in carrying out your pransr you must take the first steps ifyou wish to reach yor;r goars, you and onry you Lr,avethe ability to make but if you don't take the first step or nake the firsL move iJnreetinq your goals then you wiII never get anlnvhere. 4 , CREATfVEVISICD{-Youshould practice this principle through the faculty of your inagination' as an aid to reach your goa1s. Renrernbertlnt every creation or great success in life started frorn a thought. Albert Einstein once said that " Any intelligent fool can nake things bigger, more crcmplex, and nxcre violent, but it takes a touch of genius and a roi oi courage to nrcve,in the opposite direction". You have the necessary lools rrow to reach yo-ur goals. SELF DTSCTPLTNE-This principle should be appried in your'daily process to_ilsurp that every thought of your mina oUjective wil-I be orqartized and direbted towards reaching and achieving your goar and serving its intended purpose and to insure you against the possibility of g'rittirrg or giving up on your self'v*ren tines and situations seems to,'be getting difficult for you. 6, APPLID FAITTI-Applied faith in your daily journey has a reans and purpose in everyone's life, it provides the individr:al with the necessary nope and self-reliance to insure continuous action in the pursuit of vour objective 7' PLEASINGPERSONALIW-Thisprinciple must be apptied as a nreans of be able to influence others to cooperate and sell your idea or plans to other people with the minimun of resistance frorn them, but focus on a positive co{Trrrrcn interest of the public.


B, TI{E IABIT OF @ING TI{E DfIRA MILE-Cteating friendly taking the allies, necessar)r risks and devoting your tine and patiencre to sonrething with out giving up to the fears of rejection and failures you will earn the respect and acceptable right to be called a nan/i^acrnanand positive and true friend to your self and hunanity, you wiII be a productive nenrber of our society. The nprnent that you give up on anl.thing because you feel fear or pressured by others if the morcnt that you allow your life to be without substance and wittrout neaning and life without neaning is but a enpty shell sitting by the sea held down by the sand. T?y saying to yourself 12 tines a day that " I allt SCI{ECI{E,I HAVEA LIFE/ I TIAVEA DREAMTO SEE CC[.{EIRUE AND I AI4 ABLE TO DO AI{YITTIING DESPITE TIIAT I WII,L FAG TODAYBECAUSEI HA\/E ME, AND TI{ATTSSC[4mODY TI{E PROBLED{S WHOCARES,"

TCNYIS MESSAGE l4y nalre is Tony, I am on death row here in Texas, I have been on death row for the past 6 years and soon I will be executed for a doubly murder and gang nember rape, I a&nj-tted to my participating in the murder of a rival but I wasn't good for the rape and secrcnd murder of his girlfriend. I started to write brother Christopher a while back, I just wanted son€one to talk to and share my story, l4rs Beth Mictrael of (trristian Pen PaI Connection had nre to him and drile writing introduced him I learned a great deal frorn him understand how he crould be so positive and I couldn't even after all he's faced with, he asked ne to share my story and I agreed. Like I said I was a thug, a real vork in procress, I joired born street the gang dien I was young, drugs used I and stole anything that wasn't nailed dor.rn, I'd stole your shoes, your clothes or if you hung them out to dry on ttre line, tlrat is how bad I was. Well I did a run with one of my people and I thought this was my roaddog but te showed his true qclors whren he got arrested for the sting that ne into, he pulled a robberlr gcne bad and the life of two people ended. I was watching the news vfien I saw the police tlre cuff him and two days later he implicated tttat Iaw was at my door kicking in. I was later inforned ttnt I lias theie and that I was the one who killed and raped her, I didn't tlre girl ]


It is clear that the way to heal society o f its vi-olence and lack of love is to replace the pyramid o f domination with of equality and respect. the circle








years old, my life? ttow did drugs affect It started when I was thirteen in Saint Louis l4issouri during the tinre, I was a runner for I was living a local dealer name Ray Ray, I would transport PCP for him frorn tine to tirc. person to introduce me with him, he was the very first While associating to narijuana, I took my first hit off a joint in 1983 or 1984, I can't really my memory perceptiont remember because frorn the usage of PCP it affected but I do renrenrber I was in the eight grade about to enter high school. I later started to have problems in my life, I would start buying weed, (marijuana) because of great interest and sold it too, but ttrat was a conflict I was snoking more then I sold. grade I got caught with sonre weed and a gun When I entered the eleventh I from school never to return, in my school locker and was later expelled juvenile led got for the charges and eventually out but that then went to to nre not taving nothing to do, c-ouldn't work due to my age, I was kicked I started out of school so aII I had was tine to hang out in the streets. in my with local cats (associates.) hanging out nnre and start drinking nxrre and nxrre weed because I was smoking I had to stop selling conrnunity, so I money, and much nore then r^ftat I could seII and I rnrasn't naking any (Dips, go school. water, \^Iet). I never did back to PCP selling started gane, so they call I go so deep into the street water, PCP regardless of the fact this wasn't my have a hard tinre renrenrbering things frorn the past the drug use destroyed my memory, my eye sight is goals because I was kicked out of my educational

smoking this it. I started choice of drug to use. I now whrich is a result of failing, I failed achieving school for my behavior.

any value. I can't account for anl.thing in my past tlnt would cronstitute 33 years of living, I can't help but sit in crcnrplete think back now after disbelief and shanre for how I allowed nryself to be misled and controlled by drugs to the point r*rere I ended up almost losing my life and influenced I nay have lost 2 cars, a house 3 jobs and nxrst important my freedom totally. now and there is rp excuse for it, I can't blanre my family or girlfriend, because I chose to nake I can't blane poverty or being denied an education, this rnistake, I chose to use and seII drugs, no ore forced me to, but by to crime. my life my drug usage that is vrtren I turned to conrnitting and a&nit that I have a problem Now I have crcnre to accept my responsibilities hand how drugs can bring a person down, nct only a person' because I saw first family as weII. Drugs can bring down but a vfiole conrmrnity and an entire of people if you allow it to enter your the best of us and the strongest I know, life, influence but only you can open ttnt door and give ttnt life, door to c once you allow it to be a hard and difficult and trust ne it's opened. for sonre tine now and I have vowed has been closed in my Iife That fur of my igrrrorance and be taken by the influenc.e to never again allow my life drugs and alcrchof had a hold of me but I learned how to let go stupidity, in yourself. and push hrack. So can you, have faith A former student of L.A.S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E. DAVID




tlo!,r did drrgs affect ny life? It started when I was ttrirteen years oldt I was living in Saint louis t'lissouri during the tilre, 1 nas a nuner for a local dbaler nane Ray Ray, I voulcl transport PCF for him frcm Line to ti$e. person to introftrce ue t{hile associating }rittt- him, tre was the ver'1' first f ioot< my first hit off a joint tn tbgt or 1984, I canrt really to narijuala, rernernber Hause frcnr tte usage of PCB it affected my IrErory trerceptiont but I do renernber I rllas in the eigtrt grade about to enter hi$r school. I I rould start trrying Heedt later started to have problerns in rny life, of g:reat interest because (rnarijuana) andl sold it too, but that r'las'a conflict I sold. I vas snoking ncre tten Wt€n I entered tlre eleventh grade I got caught wittr ssne veed ard a gun r ' in my schocil locker ard was later experled frqn scihool re'irer to- rettrnt Ied that' but out juverrlle ard eventually ctnrges for the Eot tSen-vent to rtork due to my aEe; I was kiclced rot having rnthing to do, ouldntt t"-t* out of school s6 all I had vas tfure to tnng out in the streets. I started hanging out npre and start dririking raittr locat cats (associates) in uqf I hact to stop selling weed because I $as snoking ncre ard trcire c"*r'i.-ity, and muctr-more then whaLI could sell and I wasnrt' rnaking any rpneyr !o I started selling PCP (Dips, 1taten, t^Iet). I never did go back to sch@I. I nn# so fup into tte street ga1tpr so ttrey caII it. I started smoking this *ad"}-, pe regardless of ttre fact ttris wasn't my ctpice of d:ryg to Use' I of have a f6rd tine renernbering ttrings from the pult t*n $thictt is-a reiutt I failed achieving tft" O.,tg use destroyed my mercryr InY eYe:sight is failing, .my educational goaG because f was kicked out of schcol for my behavior. lcan't accourrt for anything inmy past, that would constitute any \ralue..I I canrt help tnrt sit in qcfiplete think back n*r after g3 years of fiving, arrd shane for tpw I allooed unfseff to be misled and controlleq disbelief apd. influenced by dnrgs to ttre point r*rere I ended rp alnost losing mf -Iif9 I rnay have IosL Z carsl a house-3 j-"Uu uoO nrcst lnpoftarrt-ry_tT.dt" iobfly. iro ercuse for it, I cantt blarc nry family or girlfrierdrncw anii tlprJis I canrt blane poverty or being O"ili"O an educatior.r* because I dpse to make this mistake, I ctpse to use init sell drugs, no oIE forcred ne to, but by my life to c'rine. my d6rg r:sage ttrat is $*ErI I turred to comdtting . No1r I have ccne to accept my responsibilities anil achrit tlrat I trave a problemt hard-tpw drug; can bring a person dolrn, roL only a fErson' because I saw first but a wtrole ccnnrunity and an entire family as weII. Dr'ugs can bring dovm tjre best of us ard tne strongest of people if you allolv it to enter lotr r krnw, influence life, but only you can op.n [rr.t doo; a;rd givJthat iii", you allow it to be dmr to close once and tnrst ne it's a hard ary] difficult opened. lltrat door has been closed in my life for sone Line now and I tr,ave v€niled igain allow rny Iife f" t"tofr bV the influence of my igncrance arrd d;".r go and aicobol had a hold of ne but I learned how to let stgpidiby,-do,rg= So can you, have faittr in yourself. andp:str-back. A forner studerrt of L.A.S.T.C.II.A.N.C.E. DAVID




I_t .is clear that the way to. heal , society, o f lts violence and lack of love is to replace the pyramid o f domination with the circle of equality and respect.










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