Language Function In Presentation

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 734
  • Pages: 4


Introducing Presenter • • •




Starting the Presentation • • • • • • • • • • •

Are you with me You get it Do you get my point? Do you see the light You see …

Yeah, I got it I see it I’m with you all the way uh-uhuh

Asking Questions Any (other) question? Excuse me, may/could I ask you a question? Could you explain why …? Who/what/where/when/why…? Do/does/did….? Can/will …?

Interrupting • • •


Shall we start this presentation? Ok, let’s start our presentation by praying together Our topic in this presentation today is …. Well, as we know that … As we see, the situation now is … Well, to know further information about … I’d like to give the chance to…

Checking Understanding

• • • • • •


Well, good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen Welcome to this presentation program Today, I’ve great pleasure in introducing our presenter Here is…. He is from…. and he is one of….

Excuse me, may I interrupt you? Sorry for interrupting Sorry, but ….

Giving Addition • • •

Any addition? Can I add here that…? May I add …?

VII. Showing Agree and Disagree • • • • • •

Do you agree with ….? Do you agree/believe that …? I agree/disagree I’m with you I’m behind you I don’t think so

VIII. Asking and Giving Opinion • • • • • • •



What do you think / feel about …? What’s your opinion/ idea on …? I think/feel In my mind / opinion / idea According to … I don’t know exactly I have no idea about that

Conclusion • •

The point of our discussion is …. The conclusion

Closing •

Well, ladies and gentlemen I think that’s all for our presentation. Thanks very much for your kind, attention. Let’s close our presentation by praying together. Give applause to presenter. Thank you and the last I say ….


[email protected]

EXPRESSIONS It makes me uneasy I am in the dog house Why you don’t say something? Just don’t take it hard! Don’t take it ill Keep your cool, man ! What brings you here? There you are! Oh, I’ve had it Don’t I know you from somewhere? There is more than meet the eyes Say no body Busy body We have a wish ! It suits me fine ! It’s news to me ! No wonder ! Do you think because you are rich ! Try lying, I’ll beat you up What’s to be done ! How could it be ! Here goes ! Bet your own risk ! I have learned my lesson You’re telling me! Think of my prestige! Cut the comedy ! Don’t rock the boat ! Enough is enough ! Show them no mercy ! She’s playing hard to get Take it or leave it ! No harm to try ! Don’t push your luck ! I heard that…. Do the proper things It’s too late Oh come on ! Who care ! Don’t take it personal How could you …. I told you so How strange you are smart You’re really something

= jadi gak enak = aku di cuekin = km kok gak bilang2 = gitu aja kok repot = jgn berkecil hati = PD aja lagi = tumben kemari = rupanya km di stu = mati aku = kyknya kenal deh = ada udang di balik batu =jgn blg sapa2 = mau tau aja = ada .. aja.. = gue sich OK2 aj = kok gue baru tau = pantesan/gak aneh = mentang2 kaya = berani coba2 ku bunuh kau = apa boleh buat = kok bisa ya? = ini nich = tanggung sendiri akibatnya = aku sudah kapok = emang = gengsi donk = jgn main2 = jangan cari gara2 = cukup2/cukup sudah = jgn ksh ampun = dia sok jual mahal = jadi gak? = gak ada salahnya mencoba = jgn coba2 = denger2 = yang pasti2 aja dech = hari gini = plis dech = so what gitu loh = jgn diambil hati = teganya kamu = ku bilang juga apa = tumben km pinter = ah , km

[email protected] Wish it was red Don’t try tobe cool Sorry, do I know you

= coba merah = jgn sok keren = sok kenal dech.

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