Language Acquisition

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 427
  • Pages: 2
CITAÇÕES: 1. KRASHEN, Steven. 20/08/2205

"Language acquisition does not require extensive use of conscious grammatical rules, and does not require tedious drill." “A aquisição não requer uso consciente de regras gramaticais” "Acquisition requires meaningful interaction in the target language - natural communication - in which speakers are concerned not with the form of their utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding." Stephen Krashen

“A aquisição requer interação significativa na língua alvo – Comunicação Natural – na qual, os falantes não estão preocupados com a forma oral de se expressar, mas sim com o conteúdo da mensagem.”

“Language and the human spirit are inextricably intertwined. We interpret the world through language. We express ourselves through language. Language is powerful. Language can bring us together or set us apart. It can be used to include—to bridge barriers between cultures, religions, worldviews--at the same time as it can be used to exclude by inflaming xenophobia and racism. Language can establish community and solidarity at the same time as it can be used to erect boundaries and divide communities. More often than not, when we turn on the TV we see language used to occlude—to hide reality—to deceive, to spin, to distract, to disempower, to reinforce us versus them conceptions of humanity. Language is no longer innocent. We can no longer conceptualize language as some kind of neutral code that can be taught in classrooms in splendid isolation from its intersection with issues of power, identity, and spirituality. A linguagem e o ser humano estão totalmente interconectados. Interpretamos o mundo através da linguagem. Nos expressamos através dela. A lingua tem poder. Pode nos unir ou separar. Pode ser usada para incluir, como também pode ser usada para excluir através do preconceito. Hoje, mais do que nunca vemos a linguagem sendo usada para esconder a realidade, decepcionar, distrair, enfraquecer. A língua já não é mais pura nem inocente. Não podemos mais conceituar a língua como algum tipo de código, neutro, que pode ser ensinada nas escolas isolada do poder, de sua identidade e espiritualidade

CLAD = Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development - that's a table of currencies (in spanish) - that's the Real vs. the dollar over the past 2 years and that's the dollar vs. the Euro over the past 2 years And here's the dollar vs the yen a woman in San Diego named Jill Kerper Mora (a professor). She writes about that (bilingual ed Jim Cummins canadian is an expert professor on the subject of bilingual ed.

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