Landlord Tenant Ca Real Estate By C.e. Arnold

  • June 2020
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TheRealtu BLe Book of Californiq,

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C. E. AnNor,D

The ReattaBt 2 Booleol Callor a


Landlordand Tenant B? C E ARNoLD

Reauisites oJ o Leosp- AliPns-Verbol

Lcoses- When

dnil o"i- kl'a" of Te ne!-Fo!(lble Detlri"er n" ^i-i- -ei)trv ru't;on -u,paid Sub'LPos'-D"st R"nt-A iil)ifi" Repoir'Pte ii F"i-;u, -bptian to Purahas"-Prol1ct prcpertvis al*,:9Pl"Ii], t^lJ:':: to aleed NY peNoncompetent mar^ v *t'i"t' ian be deededih:':-#;.' ;;;"-il;'op"'r or to..


tor onp.dav

lii:!{-1i1: n"''i"i""n"lg ifri'iJ'i;";;;l;;s.s '"*" :1, 1*:1'; p^3it3tll.:1Y*1r:g c6nsidorea.T. mav-be "*::::'^.1",iilTilf lifiilri'ih' "J#',,,'1"; ,lq lli.iiy-illl",^{::: nftv in thal tacr il'e" -; io 'generallv i" ;,; ru ;i"kl: ih; bv.the lessee conirolledabsolutelv-

i,iir,ii''itt" pti,lr"itv

iTii;g'iii"iid;; ^"di,"n""o-""!l'",T:!9I:iUllI:j-^1T:"""J": -i"a

i:riiiri::.:li.;*""-ry:ir"x**r*':*":tH'i'LT"il: u" no c'onlroloverthe propedv' iiii"i riia" the leaseare carried out.

LESSEENEED No't SICN a leasc,but a It is cusl,omaryfor all parties concemedl'o sign accepta the if-the.lesseF is bindins lessol. ti Dc r"*" li*ii-i.iv

jKx",T'ii,";'ff i3t! 'l"Tffll1lls'3 :"mi:lti*"-inl"s;:"r"l,l recorded.

iDqUISITES OI' A LEASE lt is otrly necessary There is no prescribed forrn of a written lease lhe premises upon pafiv lo occupv f^i t" irl." tie intenlion of one

a.nd sratFd, i."aitions iriJt-"i*i"",i lli"$i"i.:3J"1'l;iilXrT":it"J lesso (b) the. names-or the occupancy;

*iit*:":rl*"*t!:"'iJLi:'T'J-T': *,1:1"*r"',f mersql6[qrsielease-rhis is pq't]f!'-?lY J'ii,''.ii li l"'"'li-;;k'2 of a long-term leasa su'h as for fifty or nrnely-nrne ii"" i" tf," or """" u" *r,"te the properiy may be under lhe same leasefor.two

o'""il:::'"Tlo'T? ifi;Ti!l;':'r*^?"t""11""1;{1 ift:."""Jfiil vtded for.

I,AND TO ALIENS tn California lancl cannot be leased io an alien for agricultural purposes. unless he is eligible lo cii izenship'

Tht Ii.rlttj L]ltt liot'lt t)i ( (lifotit)a


The snm€r€sr|j(:ljor is imposcd l)on colnprrnies,ls-iociations and coryolalionsir rlrich the majodty of issLred(npit:rl stock js oNned by suchaliens,o]. if a nlajolitt'of thr: rrenrbclsatc srclr alicns !F,ITEr\I, I,iIASDS

A lcrs. n]llrlclol m()rf th.rn one rorr musl Lrein \lritinlt. bLrta velballensclor onc Ic:r'or lcss is bindine.'.As .r ple(xutjon:Lsair)st frlurc nisnndclstlndirgs, ho\\cYer'.i1 is good pr:rcli(e in thc (ase ol moDtll-to-nonthtc :rnrifs ro st:rtc tliis conrliiion clexr']) ir1 the first receilt lor lenlal r (i to r.t^i loI thc filcs a calbo r.opr of thc receiPt. ]ilNDS

01' T]'NINCY

A lcrsf nrnr bc.lxss.(t is.r nio th lo-rnonth tenrnr\, x lerrLncJ f o f s o l ] n . o t h c f d . f i r e ( t i c r n r . r 1 e n , 1 ! , ( \ 'a t \ 1 i l l o r : r 1 e , r a n ( ! a i xto\1ll 'fo xtoi\'f

ltrNA^'( \

A n n r | t h L r )r r o f t h L e I n f ( \ o r ( L r ] s \ ' l ' e n f o l c r f ' r ) l 1 e r r . 1 n ( ]r s a ( r ' c e du p o n . r n d t h c l o r t i s f i , l l r ( t c . l n l o n l h l ! . c i l - h c r i n : i d l r r f e o r a i thc erd 01 th! month. 'flt\iNcY,\'l \1:ILt_ A ienrrc)-rl \iil is (ferted \hen 1h. trenlisos t{ie |el(l by r| o c c L r p a l lu f o n t h c r r d . t s l f ' r d i r s lhrl hc Inusl \rc.ll! e1 in! tjrn. u p o Dr ' . f e i t r l o l t ) r ' o | e l r o i i ( e . l lri\]\NCY


SLIl lltAN(lll

A l€nanrt 'Lt suiTrx|cc erists \rh€n poss{issir,rori!.iral,es la:\\' fully,but is hcld o\.cr 1\'ithoLrtthc .onserrtol ihc .\rncf: in this crLse the iena l .an bc rcDrolcd rt :url tirn.. A LOD(iI]R

A lodgeris,r\rto occLrpics tult .,f r bujldir! \yhichis occupie.lor'(onlrollc(l b! rorhcr p€r'slnr l1 a terla t |errts pxd of a room to a lod!.cr fol drl.cll rg tlurlloses thc lodscl. js orltiilcd by larLt., the crltiIc roonr, c\'e)i i1 nr .ls|eerfent to tlre rontrar'\' is NHEN

RI]N'l' 1S ])UE

As the l:r$ pro\ id.,s th:rt rc]rt is rhr€ rt thc cnd of thri triling, rnrlessother$'isc^slerd. it is nell to hr\'c r definitc u delstendirs in the caseof a vclb:rl lc.isc. if lentals nr'.i to bc pri.l i adr^nc.. I:ORCllll,l,lll\'fRI A |.1son is guilt) of forcjble cntlr iI hc tnlilis |osscssioD of !'br ble,rliin:r thr'()ugh doors. \'indoNs or' olhcr parts of the b u i l d i n s , o r i f h l r o b t . l i n s p o s s c - s s i o nb 1 ' t h r e l t s o r \ ' i o l e n c e , o r a f t c r enteli g fc:Lccabb, b1- r'emolir1s the pel.sorl in possession by folc€ or nenaciIrg conduct. tol(-tll-u DIlTAlNlR He is guilty of foi'(lLrle dclcirrel. if he ulrlxwtully holds ]rcssession of Ieal plopertv br tbreals or force, oI jl he holds possession unlaw-


The Realtq Bkte Book of California

fully and refusesto vacatefive daysafter.receivinga proper five days' notice to sun€r'rderpossession. FI\,T DAYS' NOTICE

In cases of forcible det:riner ol for.cible eDtly the law requires that five davs' notice be given befor-esuit is filed_ LEASEBY ACENT A iease of more lhan one yeal nade by an agent for the otvner is not valid unless the owDer has given the agent authority itr writing to make such a lease. An agent can ot delegate his authority t; another unless h€ is autholized to do so by the plilcipal. RENEWAL

A clause may be inselted iD a leas€ giving the lesseethe riqht of |enewal lor a staled tcfiod a||d rhe lpssppmusr eirp nolice of his inrantion 1o rcnew bFfofp the c\pi,.rtiolr of rhe lease. Irr carpsol renewal clauses it is well to provide in the lease that iesseenust sive w r i t t e n r o l i c F t o l a s s o ro f h i s i n t p r l i o r I o r e n p u w i t h j n r , i n e t rd l = e v s prior Lo the e\pitalioir ol rhe lesse. Whefp ther'. is a rpnpwala rew lease should be wlitten. In case the lease provides lot an e*erLsiun no notice is rlecessaly, as th€ l€sseemay shorv his intention by simply remaining in possessjon.rnd paying his rent. TiMD LlMIT


City lots in Califortria cannot be leasedfor a longer period thaD ninety-nineyears,but city property belongingto a municipality or to minors and incompetentpersonscannot bb leasedfor more than ten years,exc€ptingthat submergedor tide tandsor landsadjoining may be leasedby a ciljy fof industdal purposesfor forty years,unlesscontrary to the plovisions of the grant ftom the state. A leaseof agricultural or horticultural land in California cannot be made foi a longer period than fifteen years, excepting such land owned by a municipality and upon which is discharged sewageor waste w,ter may be leasedfor twenty-fiveyea$. I,EASE BY TRUSTEE

A trustee may leaseproperty if it is for the best interestsof the beneflciaries,but not for a longer period than the existenceof his trusteeship. ASSIGNMDNTS

A lease may be assigred if no contrary provision is contained in the lease,but an assignment does not relieve the lesseefrom his obligation to the lessor, neither does this fact lclieve the assigneeof equal obligation to the lessor, unless he re-assigns or surrenders the leaseto the.lessee. In the case of long leases, such as fifty or ninety-nine yeaN, it is customary to insert d clause which will relieve the lesseeof his obligation to +he Iessor if the lease is assigred oI subleased to

Ttu Rt ltI l]llu Itt))1,:


someone arceptalrleto the lessor, othc)wisc the lessc€ nright bc actin,r assuretyfor. the assigneefor thc b:rtrrrceot hjs lifc. In nrany lerses it is st:1tedthn1.lhe lesseeca Dot nssigrror- sublet luithout the conscrt oi the lessor.. ltowever, jl assigrrrnint is nrade without lhe l€ssol'sconscnt but thc lessor.lrrepts l.eni 1\!nI th(r assignea, thc assisnmo|tbcc(,rDes bjlldirg. a ,!tru_Llt]\sD A sLrbleaseis vlrcr. A lesscerents ouly:r ltr)r.tiolloI his lcnsed p r p m i s er 4 s .^n-, - -. |..r i. t. , . t . . . . r . n r t r . . r . i s . ;; l',, .,.r,, t c a s p . oNf , i o r ? ,p t p ; r : . . , 1 .",...r,r i n

I o , . . . r . . , , . . ,f r i . t.,t I L,ur ll the aj! ..11l,, - .. r'. ,I.,1 , I r, r,r n r,i. J",,,., r r r s g c n e l r I N I l r s s l r n lr . r j l . _ A.lessccn]at sr)blcase it thefe is rjo1:oIrtIrr\. 1r.0\ision iD his i e a s eb, u t o t h e r r i s . l r e r r L r s t h a \ c t h . \ . r ' i t i e c o r s e n i o f t h c l c s s o r . . srJB-TttNA\1.tlAy lltDVllNT c]\-\cELL,\IrON Or..t,r14St \Vhcle a lerse is h\'futl\' cancclc(l bl- the lessoi. re Lights oI fircup a D c yo f s u b J e l a ] l t s c e a s e. s \ l . c l l a s t h o s e o f t h c l e s s e c A s u b _ l e n a n t , h o l l e l e r ' ,m a r p t e v c t t h r . : l n c c i l . r l j o l l 0 1 l t r e l c a s e L , r r l a h ; , , e . g ( , o ; t i ) t h e l F s s o rh i s L L ] 1f u ] r l ( j l n r n d s n r a d c t o t h e i e s s e c . UNPAID RrJ\I1' r r I"l ' r. .rt, Lr$1, jr".1,.t. .ij,r.r',,.d ,.,: I,ir. j,..r^, l 0 . . 0 F . r , / r . . , r l , j r i J' " r o r ' . " r , . d , , . r . , r l . , l - . . f u , ; i r , , l a d D l r r r sr r ' h ^ l . ' l u t i i r t u \ ^ l l , , , , . t . . . l t i e r . . r r , l r ^ r d, i , . r o t , . e , . u \ i , f o r ] e n t n o t I ' e i d u c . e l e i t t h c t c n . u r t h . r s l r c ( o | r e i n a l r . c a r . so r h a i fofeited his lerse. \,, ,t 1"ta, t L . N t. , k t , t a , \ , In the cascof Drorth-to rorth t(]na c\.thc l.urdlof(t m^v renr)\r lhF u.-.rir. | , r" jr L -i,i, : I r.. rhirr\ d a j s" ,u,n. r^rf l ' , r r , \ i L t | | 1 , , u r , . , ^ r . r . , "i o .:.r b, " . n ,t , . r i I ! . , j r \ r x k p l 'I h , l , I 4 l u 1 l , . i : , , , , , , r .i t , . , , | , . . . . 1 j , . , , ^ t . , , , , , r r r . If a la|d1old 1\'ishesio |erlo\. a L|i(lesi]nble rcllrnl who is , finaft.ialll resporsibla he \\'it1find thjs an ctlecti\. nrcttrodof rinror,i i n g t h e t e n : r n t i l r o t i c c o f a c o r r s i . t c r ' : r L t1e. ] i s ei r r r . (r i j s si|fir. becausc the tenant is liablc to thc lar)ruord JoI thc tcurs siat€.i ill r., noti{,e i f h e c o n t i n u c , si r l D o s s e s s i o n. , f t h c p ] ' e l n r s e s . ]\tltoN 1,1)tiIrNLA\l'FUt, Dltl.,\lNtrR ' , , l.t",, l. | '-lj... r,ui".,r,,t . r , l , t r ru r . . r - . . - d j I u . , F n r e n l r - . 11 l ( r . . : : s . r , i l , , l t o r | , j r . . r , - . , ,| ^ .r II a\\I]t d e t a i r ) e r .b u t i f t h c t c n r l t i s i r r a r l c ; t f s w i i t r t h e I , . ' | 1 r e $ , c e _ a a r l r,ii... i..r r r'.r. DEI,I\DN\ OF NO']I('I] In.r'der that a |otiftr mat,trc cfiectilc (a) it nruft Le deljrcred to the tenanl pelsonallr, or (b) il this is noi possibtc a copy may be


The ReqlUtBIue Book olCal:i:!9!'N!r1

premises.or handeil Lo a pcrsonbf suitablc age and discretionon lhe him at a mailing bv a;d .iirr" r*ia"l"* of the lenanl ,his a notrce 'annot lound jl be (c) place of his ;; ;;id;r;;, -residence premises and also mus[ be Dlacealin a conspicuous place on the leascd place brrsiness' of u copv mu"t be mailed lo his WITNISS TO DELIVERYOF NCfTICE thp serving Il is a good plan lo ha\e a suitableperson lo $tjlnFss th-al be salisfied mav the coud thar ttio t'tolicesin ordcr uoa .^itlniot be should notices all 'arbon of copv a anal ;".ved, t;;;;;:";;rllv retalneo. UNI,AWFULDETAINER nol vacate A lesseeis guilty ol u-nlawful.detainer(al if he does

ffi; lil"?i"il"'ilii.': il,i'?{":i I *tilli"i*mln."l.::$i"'liS'.f proper a bv Iime allowcd ihe of t*t ati"t';xnjration .iio-air"" lf the leaee if,*"f"" ""ip"v lrom th. landlordto pav rent or-quitpossesslon.lor to ""ii"; lands,however'hc is entitled "ou"o ""eti;utt"""t hJii serv'd with noticero quir wiihin sixtv davs ;;;,;--;;;;:;;i;" the conli:r"eriitdiipiiii;* of rhe term ol ihe lcase: {c) if anvof pcrform them to he fails and neglected ben have lease tt* aiii"." "l atv" after proper notice from the lessor' #thi" iti""u IF LESSEE DEFAULTS

If a Iesseevacatesthe prcmises and r€fuses to carry out the t€rans mav sue for instalments of rental as they be..r tit" i"i"tlit"l"""". ;"-[; mav re-leisethe premises1o the best advanlaseand ;#i;; ih" fi;"ii""i"",n" diffepnceb"tweenlhe total amount ;;;;"i;; of the old lease irt" i"t 1"u"" ^no u'" lot t i'"iiit",ia'"" "onsideration of damag€ he has amount the i"-oifre" *o"a", he can recover only suffered. RICIIT


If a landlo{d wishesthe privilegeof inspecting leas€d,propedy' put in the lease' a ctauJ oroviaing for such inspe'tion should be the


wilhoul r"*fur .igtti to Pnterthe premises

caries oul' lhe provisionsot comentof Lhplessepas Iong as Ihe lPssPe the lease. UNI,AWTUL PUEPOSES

usethe propedy for unlawfulpumosesthp lessor a lessee Shoulal un lne to is lawfuuy eni,itled cancelthe leaseand recoverpossesslon ir vrill be ihat pr"opprl'v knowins iii?. rt"iia. li'" l"t,irorcl leaseshis he furlhermore punished and be p"'doshe mav ,liliil"t "iJ'rii" ro"'o"iaid rent nor enforce the lease' J""oi ""co""t DEPOSIT TO SECURE RENT

payIf a Iessortakes a alepositfrcm the lesseeas security foi the to reimburse only retain a sufficient amount in" .""i tt" tr"ni iiiniior"t toss of .ent l""ancsse ihe lesseefodeits the lease'

TheReal,tuBl,ueBoohof Co"lifornia LIENS TO SECUREBENT PAYMENTS

pmvides that the pboprietors of hotels, lodging houses, a l furnished apartments have a lien upon the bagpersonalproperty of their ienants for proper charges dations, but in other casesthe householdgoods,wearing othervaluablescannotbe attachedfor unpaid rent. "In lefers to leaseson dwelling houses,store rooms, lands real prcperties, in which casesa chattel moltgage may be ling howehold goods and other personal property, a merof goodsor growing crops. REPAINg

owDerof a building who leasestIe same Jor human occupa-

makeany repairs which afe neccssaryto make the building and after t his is donp he is not liable for dilapida

by the te[ant. If the tenant movesinto a building which a ft condition for human habitation he can, after a reasonafter giving notice to the owner, make necessary repairg the cost ol such repairs from the rent if the expelse does one mooth's r€nt. This applies to the various types of lousesonly analnot to store buildingsand the like. INJURIES CAUSEDBY DEFECTS

lessormay be held responsible for injudes causedby defects dldina but rlot unless he had knowledge of such defects, nor rhere the tenant had failed to notify him of the defects. TENANT,S RESPONSIB1LITY FOR DAMACE

teDantmay be helalresponsible for any damageto the building mrs due to his failure to use ordinary prudence aral cautron' is unlavful for a landlord to build upon a portion of leased without ihe consent of the lessee. TERMINATION OF LEASE

leaseis automatica.lly teninated at the end of the specifi€d or it may be canceledat any time by the mutual consent of all interested. Ihe lessee,however, must vacate the premises in with the terms of the agreement, In case of cancellation t shouldbe endorsedon tle leaseand sigrledby all interparties, or a separate ag?eementin writing should be entered AT END OF TERM NO NOTICE IS NErcESSARY

Wherethe lease is terminated by reason of the expiration of its trotroticeby the lessor of such termination is necessary,nor is it that the lesseegrve notice to tlle landlord of his intention to st such time. If tlo agre€ment for luture occupancyhas been the t€nent must rot hold over one day or he may be held for


Th? Realta BIue Book ol Calilot ia

anotherterm, or he may b€ liable for-damagpsafter lessorhas served him with three days' noticeto vacate. DESTRUCTION OF PREMISES

A leaseis alsogenerallyterminatedby the total destructionof the premisesby the elements,unlessotherwjseagreedin w ting. DEAT1IOF PANTYAO LEASE Upon the death of one of the parties to a lease the obligation and the right to carry out its terms passeson to the e\ecuto$ or administratoN of the deceased,if the lease is for a specified tem, but if the lease is not made for a specifiedterrn it may be canceledby the executor or administrator of the estate of the deceasedby giving notice to the surviving party to the lease. PROPEN REPAIR

A lease may also be terminated by the less€eif the lessor does not put the plemises in proper repair and condition for- occupancy, or if he fails to secur'€possessionof the premises for the lesseeas ag:r'eed. W}TERE LEASED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSE

Where the leasestatesthat the premisesshall be usedfor a specific purposeand the tenant usesthe property for sonreother purpose the iessormay ter"rninatethe leaseor he may hold the lesseeresponif any. s'ble tor damages, UNPAID RENT

The lessol may cancel the leasewhen the rent is not paid according to the tel'n1sof the lease,or. if not paid as provided by law where time of payment is not stated in the lease. Rent is lawfully payable at the termiDation of the hiring unless oth€rwise agreed, providing the term of hidDg does not exceedone year. TREtsLE 8,ENAFORI,IOLDINC OVER Should a tenant conlinu€ to occupy the premises after the expiration of the time limit as contaired in a proper notice to quit, or if he gives the landlord notice of his intention to vacate but fails to do so, he may be compelled to pay treble rent for the time he unla${ully Iemains in possession. OPTTON TO PUECHASD

A clausemay be insert€din a leasegiving the lesseethe option to purchasethe propedy durjDg lhe tel'm ot the lease. If the lessee tende$ the stated pulchaseprice within the agrced time the lessoi ran be compelledto delivera deed.

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