Jane and Chris Speedy, September 1959
Jane and Chris Speedy, September 1958
Jane and Chris Speedy, September 1957
References and quotes
‘triple crisis of representation, legitimation and praxis’ Norman Denzin (1997) Interpretive Ethnography, Thousand Oaks, Sage
‘exoticise the domestic’ Pierre Bourdieu (1980) Homo Academicus, Cambridge, Polity Press
‘spoiled idealised and aspired to identity stories’ Celia Lury (1998) Prosthetic Culture: photography, memory and identity, London: Routledge
‘space as a simultaneity of stories’ Doreen Massey (2005) For Space, London: Sage
McAdams, D ( 1997 ) The Stories we live by: personal myths and the making of the self, New York, Guilford Press
‘fluffy zippy [confessional] tales on inconsequential topics’ (p135) Van Maanen, J (1988) Tales of the field: On writing Ethnography, Chicago, CUP
‘small intimate contexts, where some stories have been so easily forgotten and others not yet told’, chapter one,: Speedy, J (2008) Narrative Inquiry and Psychotherapy, hound Mills Palgrave
“auto-ethnography as self indulgence” Mychelovskiy, E (1996) Reconsidering table talk: Critical thoughts on the relationship between sociology, autobiography and self-indulgence , in Qualitative Sociology 19 (1) 131-151
Langford, M (2008) Suspended conversations: the afterlife of memory in family albums, Montreal, McGill-Queens University Press.
Kuhn, A (2002) Family Secrets: Acts of memory and imagination, London, Verso